Thread: MM7 chapter one(emerald isle.) | |

Adventuring Hero
Paladin of Light
posted March 16, 2005 06:15 AM |
MM7 chapter one(emerald isle.)
(as in every rp I do) my character is named lionharte and he is a 16 year old paladin. in his left hand is his sword and in his right is a large shield. now that is known, I have some personal rules.
-every person must choose a class.(knight, paladin, thief, monk, cleric, sorcerer, archer, ranger, druid.)
-every group can only have up to 4 people.
-every person must choose a race.(goblin, human, elf, dwarf.)
-you can decide to choose a leader or split the responsibilities equally.

Legendary Hero
posted March 28, 2005 12:45 PM |
Might and Magic Seven.
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted March 29, 2005 08:12 AM |
i think he means "why did you tell us this info about MM7?"

Legendary Hero
posted May 22, 2005 04:37 AM |
Its not info, its a role play.
btw Might and Magic 8 is better.
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted May 22, 2005 05:22 AM |
no no no, 7 is better. the fact that u can drop players in 8 made it worse for me. u spend all this time making a strong mage and then u find one more powerful and u lose an hour of ur life. starting and finishing with the same guys is better to me
'Tis better to rely on the the wit of your brain rather than the speed of your hands and mouse -me
Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
It's Gortex!!!

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted May 22, 2005 06:13 AM |
Whats this i see. A game that is based on one of my all time favourite RPG,s. Have all the characters been decided yet?
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted May 22, 2005 06:33 AM |
i, ahhh... dont think so
'Tis better to rely on the the wit of your brain rather than the speed of your hands and mouse -me
Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
It's Gortex!!!

Legendary Hero
posted May 31, 2005 09:55 AM |
I thought 8 was better because of the vast environments, and all the little quests which made exploring the unimportant areas worthwhile. Also the inventory screen was better how you see what you would look like with the weapon/armour. Also, the collecting of artefacts was my favourite thing about the game.
Besides, you don't have to drop your character for a new one. The grand master characters aren't perfect, and if you really like your starting characters you can keep them and work a bit harder to make them better. I didn't think of this as a bad point because the only character I grew attached to was my original one, the others were just NPCs recruited along the way.
The only thing I didn't like, was the EXP awarded to whoever killed the monster. I would want this for my main character, and this makes it more technical and when you're trying to get him killed by your main character it takes away from the atmosphere.
BTW, you spelled heart wrong in lionheart
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted May 31, 2005 10:01 AM |
i think that if u started with 4 characters who couldnt be traded and u were allowed 1 mercanary which u can trade it wouldve been better. the mercanary is the guy that u need to do the main quest and if u want u can pick up only 1 other character lich that super lich at the end. but this iis going too much into making a game so i'll stop here

Legendary Hero
posted June 02, 2005 08:54 AM |
No but then you can just create the super party and have them for the rest of the game. A main aspect of M&M is gaining and hiring party members.
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted June 02, 2005 10:09 AM |
how can u create a super party? if my suggestion allows u to make a super party then isnt there super parties in all other M&M games?
'Tis better to rely on the the wit of your brain rather than the speed of your hands and mouse -me
Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
It's Gortex!!!

Legendary Hero
posted June 02, 2005 10:14 AM |
No I mean then you would be able to create your party exactly how you want it at the start instead of having to recruit them.
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
with rebirthing power
posted June 13, 2005 11:29 AM |
'Tis better to rely on the the wit of your brain rather than the speed of your hands and mouse -me
Being happy isn't just an emotion, it's a choice!-Leo_Lion
It's Gortex!!!