Thread: medieval guitar-music | |

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted April 11, 2005 03:28 PM |
Edited By: Daddy on 11 Apr 2005
medieval guitar-music
Does anybody here know where to get notes (tabs, whatever) for medieval guitar-music? You know e.g. like the tune that is played in the pC-game "Baphomet's Curse" when the protagonists study a scroll about the Templars. Such music.
Would be cool if you could help me with this! 
sth like this (or more^^)

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2005 04:56 PM |
From my limited knowledge, I'd guess they'd rarely put up tablature based on computer game music. Sometimes just finding an mp3 for the tunes can be hard enough. Maybe you can try looking up the name listed under the game credits for music and see if the person has a website. Maybe there'll be information over there, but I highly doubt they'd leave tabs open for free. Alternately, you could try posting on guitar tab forums and check for people familiar with the game, asking for assistance with the music. It'll probably be hard, though, in my opinion.
Of course, there's the hard way of tabbing the stuff yourself. Find out the key it's in and write down all the chords you can pick up. Easier said than done, I'm afraid. You can always ask me for assistance though. 

Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted April 11, 2005 05:34 PM |
Other sources of mediaevil guitar music are actually just books you buy in a music store.
Some of them might even be titled 'Mediaevil Guitar Music', some might contain a few pieces from all eras of music.
Of course, it requires that you read music, not just TAB

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted April 11, 2005 06:15 PM |
@ guitarfuy: thx for your replie, allthough I wasn't only going after game-m,ausic, I will trie to find a forum where I can ask about this stuff, thx 
@ Asmo: I can read music, no problem Actually, I am more used to my music in notes that tabs 
Hmm, I think, I will check the local library/boockstore and music-store
Thank you.
Of course, I anyone knows a page where I can download medieval tabs/notes, he or she is most welcome to share it 