Hired Hero
posted September 01, 2005 08:51 PM |
When will the FAQ be posted?
I asked some of my questions already in emails, but I'm just wondering about things I might have missed or corrections that I didn't see. For one, if I didn't try to get someone to demo the game to me at GenCon I would have played that you must cycle to your adventure deck. (I see that it's also a thread here)
Adventuring Hero
posted September 01, 2005 11:34 PM |
Quote: When will the FAQ be posted?
It is posted now on the website.
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Hired Hero
posted September 02, 2005 03:01 AM |
You guys are good!!
Hired Hero
posted September 02, 2005 07:04 PM |
Wow, that was fast.
Three things:
1. Artifact cost isn't in the FAQ. I don't think this is in the rules at all, but in an email you said it was 1 card to buy the artifact.
2. Cycle-out to discard pile isn't in the FAQ and makes a big difference in the game.
3. Clarification on when the hero recovers mana. (Beginning of turn, right?)
Adventuring Hero
posted September 02, 2005 08:43 PM |
The artifact cost is in the "Arsenal Equipment" question, but I have now made it bold and italic. The other two questions are now in the FAQ. Good work guys, keep thoes questions coming!
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Hired Hero
posted September 03, 2005 05:06 PM |
Oh, sorry. You can now undo the bold and italics. I actually skipped over the stuff that looked the same as the back of the rules because I thought it was just copy and paste.
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 04, 2005 04:12 AM |
Is it just me, or is this confusing to others and perhaps FAQ worthy:
If I have a unit on the melee line that has a ranged attack, I can choose to use it's ranged attack instead of it's melee attack and thus avoid a retaliation from an enemy unit who has a ranged atack of 0, even if that enemy is on his melee line and could otherwise use his melee attack to retaliate. Example: Halflings on the melee line can choose to use ranged attack against Squires who are on their melee line and the Squires don't get a retaliation. Right?
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 04, 2005 06:05 PM |
What happens next?
2 Tigers & 3 Sprites sac to a single Unicorn who is attacking a Dragon Golem. Dragon Golem uses ultra first strike on the Unicorn (since it is the attacking unit that's the only choice anyway right?) and kills it.
What happens next?
Re-define attack so Sprites are now attacking?
Attack fails all together?
2-Oops, 8 stacks:
If I enter combat and discover I shouldn't have bought that lone Dwarf just because I could afford him because now I have 8 creature stacks, what happens next?
We chose to back up, split off a stack as it's own army, and reattack with the proper 7 stacks.
This brings up another question though.
Can you choose to have more than 7 different stacks in an army, then just split them off before battle and choose which ones to take in?
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 04, 2005 10:08 PM |
Blur and Mass Blur have the same effect:
Cast this spell in a battle. For the rest of the battle, all friendly stacks add 3 to their defense scores against ranged attacks.
I imagine that's the wording for Mass Blur, and Blur should be only one stack.
Adventuring Hero
posted September 05, 2005 11:12 PM |
I imagine that's the wording for Mass Blur, and Blur should be only one stack.
You're right. I will errata that effect ASAP.
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Adventuring Hero
posted September 05, 2005 11:20 PM |
Example: Halflings on the melee line can choose to use ranged attack against Squires who are on their melee line and the Squires don't get a retaliation. Right?
That's right. You've got it.
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Adventuring Hero
posted September 05, 2005 11:32 PM |
Quote: What happens next?
2 Tigers & 3 Sprites sac to a single Unicorn who is attacking a Dragon Golem. Dragon Golem uses ultra first strike on the Unicorn (since it is the attacking unit that's the only choice anyway right?) and kills it.
What happens next?
Re-define attack so Sprites are now attacking?
Attack fails all together?
The attack fails altogether because the trigger man is dead. The sprites and tigers all wasted their attack opportunities.
2-Oops, 8 stacks:
If I enter combat and discover I shouldn't have bought that lone Dwarf just because I could afford him because now I have 8 creature stacks, what happens next?
We chose to back up, split off a stack as it's own army, and reattack with the proper 7 stacks.
In a casual game this is fine. In a tournament, YOUR OPPONENT WILL GET TO CHOSE WHICH STACK TO SEPARATE! The stack will be allowed to have travelled in the other stack with the rest of the army, but the opponent will also get to pick which of the two armies attacked it first, the single stack, or the whole army. This means that the opponent may get to level up right before the battle. In other words, don't do it in a competitive tournament. This is already in the tournament instructions we are prepping to send the tournament coordinators around the country.
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 11, 2005 07:20 PM |
For the purpose of the spell Slayer and the Halfling's ability of the same name, do heroes who are level 4 count?
Adventuring Hero
posted September 12, 2005 03:24 PM |
Quote: For the purpose of the spell Slayer and the Halfling's ability of the same name, do heroes who are level 4 count?
Good Question...the answer for now is, "Why Not!" But only Level 4, once you get to Level 5, the slayer effect will not harm you.
This may change, but lets see how it plays.
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 13, 2005 07:22 PM |
What should the Death spell Vampiric touch do? It's worded the same as the Death spell Death Call:
Cast this spell in battle to temporarily bring a number of slain units of the same type back to life under the contol of the caster. The number of creatures the spell animates cannont be more than 3 creatures greater than the level of the caster. When the battle is over, discard all creatures animated by this spell.
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 15, 2005 11:12 PM |
What happens to the card Pandora's Box after it is won? Do you get to send it to the discard pile to perhaps use again, or does the hero have to carry it around with him?
Known Hero
posted September 15, 2005 11:48 PM |
Quote: What happens to the card Pandora's Box after it is won? Do you get to send it to the discard pile to perhaps use again, or does the hero have to carry it around with him?
It's a Location and not a Treasure, so I think it would stay where its at and just not be useable anymore. But this may need to be in the FAQ just so its clear.
Adventuring Hero
posted September 15, 2005 11:53 PM |
Yes, once used, it is discarded. I will have to FAQ that it seems!
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Known Hero
posted September 15, 2005 11:57 PM |
Quote: Yes, once used, it is discarded. I will have to FAQ that it seems!
Even better!!!
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 16, 2005 12:04 AM |