
Famous Hero
Otherworldly Ambassador
posted January 07, 2009 02:50 PM |
Edited by executor at 15:08, 07 Jan 2009.
I do not require saving, at least not what you mean by it .
you quoted Thomas Aquinas instead of Augustine 
besides, I retook the test, not much changed , but I think these results are somewhat closer to truth:
1. Kant (100%)
2. Aquinas (98%)
3. St. Augustine (94%)
4. Ockham (91%)
5. Jeremy Bentham (70%)
6. Plato (70%)
7. John Stuart Mill (64%)
8. Prescriptivism (63%)
9. Spinoza (63%)
10. Aristotle (57%)
11. Jean-Paul Sartre (49%)
12. Ayn Rand (44%)
13. David Hume (42%)
14. Stoics (37%)
15. Cynics (34%)
16. Epicureans (34%)
17. Nietzsche (32%)
18. Nel Noddings (27%)
19. Thomas Hobbes (0%)
Understanding is a three-edged sword.