Thread: Dragon Hunters - OOC | |

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted October 16, 2005 07:35 AM |
Dragon Hunters - OOC
This is a new RP
to start off lets throw around ideas and see where we go and then when we have something that sounds good and fun, i will start the real thread
so far we (me, RSF and 2X) have put these ideas forth.
the RPers all all meet in a town, for what ever reason u want, and we see this notice. the notice is for adventurers. basically it is about a group that the king, or someone in a high position, is hiring to kill a dragon. this dragon has been terrorizing the town, and other areas for countless years.
we all gather in the kings hall and we go and kill the dragon. there is also another reason for killing the dragon. that is that the dragons heart is the only known cure for a certain disease that is sweeping the land. so the good guys want to get the dargons heart and cure land
there is also another group that is evil. they want to kill the dragon first. this is because dragon scales fetch a pretty price and the dragons heart can be used to create a powerful artifact. so now it is a race to get to, and slay, the dragon first
that is all that has been gathered so far.
i was also thinking that the bad guys should not only just be an evil group but an evil organisation. like they arent just trying to kill the dragon for personal profit but to increase the power of thier society. they want to increase thier power by constructing the powerful artifact using the dragon hearts and by also selling the scales to be able to buy power.
ok. now time to throw around ideas
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 16, 2005 07:40 AM |
Well count me in. I'll start thinking about a character.
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
posted October 16, 2005 08:05 AM |
Count me in, TOO 
Maybe there should be a sort of naturalists team which try to protect the dragon and let mother nature take her rightful path, taking and giving life as she sees fit and all that noise. Although too many teams would spread out players which is obviously what you're trying not to do in this thread.
But more plot needs to be evolved, right now it's too linear for a good RP to come out.
I think my MMX character creation ideas would fit here... for people deciding new Rp characters 
John says to live above hell.

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted October 16, 2005 10:29 AM |
do keep in mind that u can throw around ideas. the plot isnt very thick yet and i would like to expand a bit but not too much. i dont want this RP to have too many things going on that someone new cant join after a few weeks of RPing
about the naturalists. as i said in another thread, i wouldnt want too many groups. this is because i dont want the 3 groups to have only 2 or 3 members. but if we get many RPers than another group, whatever it may be, is totally feasible
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Legendary Hero
posted October 17, 2005 02:37 PM |
What kind of races are we looking at here?
I think a large variety would add some more roleplaying value, rather than just humans or elves where you only have the personalities to mess around with.
John says to live above hell.

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted October 17, 2005 02:54 PM |
Quote: What kind of races are we looking at here?
basically anything that has atleast 1 eye and can bash a sitting duck
anything really. i have no real preference on what u can or cannot be. but be sure that Reb Forr, the dwarvern wizard, will be there
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 20, 2005 08:59 AM |
Name: David
Class: Bounty Hunter / Warrior
This man is perhaps the most surprisingly useful member to have in a party. Although rather shy and quiet, the man is still charming in his own way.
He can wield any weapon with seemingly more than proficiency, however his weapons of choice are a bit unorthodox.
He has four weapons of choice. The first is a morning star. His second weapon of choice, his main-hand throws darts quite accurately. His third and final weapon of choice is a set of round shields, armed with large poisoned spikes. To picture him in combat. He wields the morning star in his left arm and throws darts with his right. Both forearms hold the large shields, the centers being just above the elbow. His only true vulnerability is when someone hits him with very large two handed axe or mace or a very good marksmen. However for the most part, those are slow weapons leaving him with plenty of time to hit his opponent.
His fourth weapon of choice is dual wielding a nice set of triple-bladed fist weapons. He can parry or dodge nearly any attack and then tear you to shreds before you can take another swing.
Go Red Sox!

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted October 20, 2005 09:50 AM |
name: Reb Forr
Class: Dwarven Wizard
Reb Forr, was found in the mountains by an female elf, Adiur, skilled in the magical arts and her pet raven, Adier. she tought Forr these arts of spellcasting and he became a powerful wizard. so powerful a wizard that Forr could cast spells solely with the power of his mind. Forr learned a great deal from his elvish mother. being a quick learner Reb learned to walk silently in the shadows, take what he needed from whoever had it and assassinate with great stealth, much like that of a thief.
Adiur also taught Forr to wield axes which came naturally to him and throw daggers with extreme force and deadly precision.
before Adiur passed away she gave Forr a staff with a blue orb at its tip. she said it increased the magical ability of the dwarf who held it. she also gave Forr an amulet to wear that belonged to her father then herself. she said she didnt know what it did but it was something special to her.
edit: i changed around some names. Adier is the raven and Adiur is the elf
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted October 20, 2005 06:50 PM |
Alright I was thinking about making some more specific context on this setting as to who is offering bounties etc.
I was thinking that the king has offered a bounty on the head of this dragon for 1000 gold. As well as a choice of several other rare artifacts, trinkets, etc.
However rumor has it that the heart of the dragon has vast magical powers and can be used to make artifacts. Then the scales can of course be made into really strong armor.
Magi will buy these at an extremely high price.
Lately dragons have been terrorizing a few villages on the outskirts of the villages. Recently they have been getting closer and closer to the capitol. Hence the reason for the bounty.
So I was thinking that my character could be one of these hunters out for the bounty.
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
posted October 21, 2005 12:22 PM |
Ok i'll join the good guys. Maybe a group where they roleplay the dragons, eliminating the humans for their heresy or something like that?
Name: Hunter.
Race: Unknown. He has elfish blood but his stamina seems unnatural for their kind.
Weapon: Bow.
Background: Hunter is a technically a knight, he works for the king, has been knighted and lives in the castle. Although anyone who knows anything about him knows that he is nothing like the kind in shining armour. He grew up in the wild, and it seems as though nature has become a part of him. A skilled tracker, when he is in his element he is aware of everything. He weilds only a bow as he believes that is all you need to give and take life. Obviously most people think he is very strange. He does not use his bow like a weapon, more like an extension of himself, which he will send out to "touch" something and hit it every time with deadly precision. The king trusts him more than anyone, they say, and he has been appointed to eliminate the dragon threat and put a stop to the madness.
The rest will be revealed in the story. See the behind the characters thread to see what he looks like
John says to live above hell.

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted October 22, 2005 06:23 AM |
RSF, thats sounds good for the story
Reb Forr is going to be part of the good group which the king sends out
now we need a few more RPers
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Supreme Hero
posted October 22, 2005 10:49 PM |
Name: Mithril
Race: Human
Class: Hunter
Mithril is part of neither good nor bad, but has a personal vendetta against the dragon. In the village he used to reside in, Human sacrifices were often made to appease the dragon. One of those sacrifices was his wife and son, taken from them while he slept, and never to be seen again. He seeks no gold nor any sort of reward except revenge.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

Legendary Hero
posted November 30, 2005 02:14 PM |
One word:
Post, fools!!
John says to live above hell.

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted November 30, 2005 07:47 PM |
I'm not interested in this RP anymore. I didn't want another RP where everyone has their own side-plot as the main focus of the RP. I wanted something with one or two big parties and more direct interaction between characters. And that's what I thought it was going to be. I don't have any inspiration for where this thread is going right now.
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
posted December 03, 2005 09:21 AM |
My character follows the plot, I just put in his own reason for doing so. We cant have 10 people fighting for fame and fortune..
John says to live above hell.