Thread: Trying for demon herding... boy do I feel stupid | |

Adventuring Hero
posted January 01, 2006 02:17 PM |
Trying for demon herding... boy do I feel stupid
Read about some inferno strat here involving getting lots of demons, so I decide to try it out myself
I got my ug. hole in week 2 day 3, so I pull the lords and start trying to herd some demons, except because I got quite a large army already, there aren't much to creep, the problem is because my army is large enough the monsters either join me or flee, my stacks of weak monsters (my fodders) decide to be turned into demons is able to singlehandedly murdered the monsters that I was attacking so I keep getting units lose without a dead stack. I split them into two but then the monsters I attack now get one stack plus some casualties in the other stack and the numbers growing is so small. And the most stupid thing is that I have to have my units waiting (which can kill them with 1 shot anyway) so that my huge stacks of weak units themselves solo the monsters... the fact that I am waiting for nothing and the thinking that I am intentionally killing off my own units (which I can use anyway) is irritating me, let alone the costs itself. It is not worth it especially for lvl 1 and 2 inferno units, trading a 450 imps for 250 demons sound like a rip off. Is demon herdings really a game winner for inferno like mass skellies for necro??

Supreme Hero
Jebus maker
posted January 01, 2006 07:33 PM |
It's good once you learn how to do it.. 
You cn use spells like fireball to help take your stack out, and try not to lose other troops.

Adventuring Hero
posted January 02, 2006 03:47 PM |
The safest herding is probably to blind the opponent and kill your own troops by area effect spells or berserk. If you have some water magic, don't forget that cloned pitlords are as good as original ones in demon rising.

Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted January 02, 2006 10:23 PM |
Edited by Consis on 2 Jan 2006
Use Your Spells
Don't wait to be attacked. Use Fireball, Meteor Shower, Armageddon, etcetra to kill your own weaker potential demon stack outright. You can also use clone spell on the pitlords.
You can use the raise-demons ability as many times as you are able to use the clone spell. This means you can raise demons more than once in a battle if you have enough spell points. If you (for experiment purposes) went into battle with one stack of pitlords and 6 stacks of 300 imps/familiars then you could play around with how many times you could raise demons from weaker slain units.
Waiting to be attacked is usually a poor idea. Most of the time this strategy is used to block a single ranged attack for an entire round. That only matters in the matches with other human players who are relatively the same strength.
You can also aggravate an attack and cost your opponent's target stack their single retaliation for one round (depending on the type of unit being attacked). This strategy is good to kill off your weakest unit (such as quick little sprites and centaur captains) and sacrifice them for the cost of a single retaliation from something much stronger such as Archangels.
Edit: It should also be noted that Xarfax111 has created an excellent guide to "demon farming".
Roses Are Red And So Am I

Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted January 02, 2006 11:36 PM |
This is one of my favourite tactic but is a hard, and efficient tactic... you need a lot practice and a little of luck finding some external dwelings, and have a good SP and MANA to kill your own units but is possible to do...

Supreme Hero
The last hero standing
posted January 03, 2006 01:12 AM |
If u do have large amount of creature forget the damage spells ...do berserk on your archdevils.

Adventuring Hero
posted January 03, 2006 06:13 PM |
This strat is such a fuss
Especially when Pit Lord doesn't come in til at least week2 i think, i there is enough resources for one upgraded hell hole anyway....