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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Castle Walls
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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 05, 2001 12:55 AM

Castle Walls

I have always been discouraged about the castle walls in seige combat.
Number One: During a seige, there can only be up to 3 arrow towers. Real castles had about twenty (Of course, that would be too many for HOMM, so there should be 5).

Number Two: After a seige, if the catapult fired and hit a wall, on the town screen, there is no visible damage. If the castle wall is damaged in combat, you should have to rebuild them, so that if another seige occurs, you don't have damaged walls.

Number Three: If an AI opponent attacks your castle, and then either another AI opponent attacks it or another hero from the same AI opponent, the damage that was done should be visible (Unless your workers rebuild in 5 seconds, as it seems in all the HOMM games) And, lastly,

Number Four: The catapult and ballista of the Attacking hero should go before anything else, because in real seiges, several hundred years ago, only after the attacking general fired one of his seige weapons did the seige actually begin. Before that time, the defending lord (Or general, or monster) could surrender his or her castle, without the shame of losing, but with the shame of surrendering.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
Vice-God for Marketing
posted September 05, 2001 01:05 AM

Excellent idea.  This should be cross-posted to the 3DO messaging boards by somebody with an account there.  (Although it's hard to get there theses days; their site is pretty much just an online catalogue at this point.)
"All the punks are gonna scream, 'yippee!'/ 'Cuz it's the thing that only eats hippies."
-The Dead Milkmen

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 05, 2001 01:45 AM

Glad to see someone appreciates my oppinion

Thanks for sharing my idea Coldfyrius! In my previous "Castle Walls" when I made a mistake putting a "Thumbs Up" instead of a "Thumbs Down" I only got one reply from TitanLord and ended up having to delete it to fix it (I changed it to a )

P.S. How do you create a custom avatar (I'm new to this)?
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 07, 2001 03:00 AM


I have to say this agian? oh great! Oh well I think thats a great idia but what if they where magic walls that rebild them selvs?
Spaek the Titan

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Famous Hero
posted September 07, 2001 04:33 AM

Ya, Saruman, a good idea to make the game more realistic. Though someone has mentioned it before (not me).

I could only see one problem for it:
How about if I use my magic hero with 7 stack of fast creatures and use expert earthquakes to take down the wall before my main hero to finish the siege ?
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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 08, 2001 12:55 AM

Me no likes old castles... but me likes New castle from  Saruman!
Spaek the Titan

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 09, 2001 03:09 PM

Great idea.

Yeha I think that a great idea, Saruman. I've think about it alot while playing HoMM3. In lots of cases it helped me to win the AI, but still I think it must be changed.

<<--IceWind Group-->>

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Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted September 21, 2001 06:01 PM

i wonder if i remember mistakenly, sth like not having arrow towers and catapults in homm4, but creatures standing on the wall getting a bonus. anyone else has seen that kind of info or did i see it in my dreams?
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Adventuring Hero
of Tatalia
posted September 21, 2001 06:14 PM

You weren't dreaming, Gerdash

Sha_Men posted this long time ago (he had got the info from a Gamespot article):

No More Catapults
That's right, there will no longer be siege engines in Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Not as such, anyway--a powerful ballista manned by a little halfling will be available for recruitment, for example. But in the previous games, when you attacked an enemy town, your hero would all of a sudden be armed with a catapult that would automatically fire on the town's walls as your opponent's archers rained deadly fire down on your forces from the parapets. That's all gone in Heroes IV. Now, defending players will be able to position their forces in fortified areas and will otherwise receive defensive bonuses while attacking from within their town. Meanwhile, attacking players will have to break through the city gate before getting inside the enemy town. This promises to make siege combat rather more balanced than in the previous games, wherein a deeply entrenched player stood little chance of losing his or her castle to the enemy. Otherwise, it's worth noting that New World hasn't finalized the details of siege combat as yet, so we weren't able to see it in action.

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Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted September 21, 2001 08:24 PM

hmm.. one thing i would really like to see is creatures standing on the wall and getting some bonus doing so, and the opponents trying to attack them climbing the wall or sth. everybody would have to get their hands dirty, not like with the ballista and arrow towers.. i have always been dreaming about that.. one reason why i thought that it was probably just another of those dreams..
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Adventuring Hero
A Wise Warrior
posted September 22, 2001 03:13 PM


Anyway I think we all agree that the siege combat should get more interesting and make it harder for the attacking hero and the defending hero (even with less troops) to have better chances of winning...


Mik a'El

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Adventuring Hero
Anybody got a Band-aid
posted September 22, 2001 03:17 PM

I have always been discouraged about the castle walls in seige combat.
Number One: During a seige, there can only be up to 3 arrow towers. Real castles had about twenty (Of course, that would be too many for HOMM, so there should be 5).

Number Two: After a seige, if the catapult fired and hit a wall, on the town screen, there is no visible damage. If the castle wall is damaged in combat, you should have to rebuild them, so that if another seige occurs, you don't have damaged walls.

Number Three: If an AI opponent attacks your castle, and then either another AI opponent attacks it or another hero from the same AI opponent, the damage that was done should be visible (Unless your workers rebuild in 5 seconds, as it seems in all the HOMM games) And, lastly,

Number Four: The catapult and ballista of the Attacking hero should go before anything else, because in real seiges, several hundred years ago, only after the attacking general fired one of his seige weapons did the seige actually begin. Before that time, the defending lord (Or general, or monster) could surrender his or her castle, without the shame of losing, but with the shame of surrendering.

I was certain that they were going to do that in H3. After a siege combat it would take time to rebuild the walls, although this would not cost anything it would just take X number of turns depending on the amount of damage.

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Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 22, 2001 05:49 PM

mae govannen dragonhunter

yep, i agree with the new ideas
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"  

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Known Hero
Psychedelic Knight
posted September 22, 2001 10:18 PM


Absolutely agreed with you!

________ _ _

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Adventuring Hero
Anybody got a Band-aid
posted September 23, 2001 03:40 AM

yep, i agree with the new ideas

Ai na vedui Ash-NIR! Mae Govannen!

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 26, 2001 07:28 PM

Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 29, 2001 12:41 AM

TOP once more.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 29, 2001 07:04 PM


I have always been discouraged about the castle walls in seige combat.
Number One: During a seige, there can only be up to 3 arrow towers. Real castles had about twenty (Of course, that would be too many for HOMM, so there should be 5).

Number Two: After a seige, if the catapult fired and hit a wall, on the town screen, there is no visible damage. If the castle wall is damaged in combat, you should have to rebuild them, so that if another seige occurs, you don't have damaged walls.

Number Three: If an AI opponent attacks your castle, and then either another AI opponent attacks it or another hero from the same AI opponent, the damage that was done should be visible (Unless your workers rebuild in 5 seconds, as it seems in all the HOMM games) And, lastly,

Number Four: The catapult and ballista of the Attacking hero should go before anything else, because in real seiges, several hundred years ago, only after the attacking general fired one of his seige weapons did the seige actually begin. Before that time, the defending lord (Or general, or monster) could surrender his or her castle, without the shame of losing, but with the shame of surrendering.

Indeed, it's a missing detail in HoMM.
Also, there should be something like fortifications like in HoMM II in a knights castle. I was often frustrated that walls aren't really counting during a siege, mostly after two turns, the walls are broken and the enemy comes in.
I would prefer to have... welll. I don't know how you like it, but what about two walls like some town had?
It's just my opinion, ther could be also something else, but castles schould be a stronghold, and not be taken over in one minute.

Walls should be thicker than thei are in HoMM III.
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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted September 29, 2001 09:17 PM

About the walls...

It may be a bit annoying that the walls are built up again immediately, but on the other hand I don't think they were torn down completley either. The wall normally surrounded the full city. A siege would just make a breach in the wall for say 5% of the length of the wall. The cost and effort to make repairs would therefore have been cheap and fairly quick.

I didn't see any consideration that the winner must pay for the repair of the walls if he wins the fight. Clearly, if the defender has to pay if he wins then the winner must pay if he wins.

I believe the discussion on repairing walls will be irrelevant for Heroes 4. With no catapults in the game, the walls are likely to remain intact. There's of course Cyclops and the Earthquake spell, but then again these could very well be changed to fit the new siege rules.

The unrealistic part may not be that the walls didn't need repair, it could very well be the fact that they were destroyed to begin with.

Perhaps we should be discussing what special attacks and defences we should have with the new system for sieges, and what role the walls should have in Heroes 4. Rather than whether or not they needed repairs, which probably no longer applies.

"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted October 01, 2001 02:59 AM

No catapult! I liked the catapult! Oh, well, there goes the repairing walls thing (Darn!). And I had just gotten an idea FOR the catapult! The catapult and other war machines slow down your hero, must be purchased in a Haven (Along with the Trebuchet; see below), and miss more often. It should also take about 5 turns to completely destroy the wall of a castle. Also, if your hero is a Preserve, Academy or Haven hero, they can carry up to 2 cataputs and one Trebuchet. Oh, and you should be able to shoot flaming things into the castle. Catapult miss chance: 40%

Trebuchet: A larger and more powerful version of the catapult. Takes 3 turns to completly destroy castle wall, miss chance 60%.
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