Thread: HOMM Not Sponsor Enough | |

Tavern Dweller
posted February 01, 2006 09:13 PM |
HOMM Not Sponsor Enough
I been a heroes fan since HOMM 3 and I found out about the game from my cousin. At first I was rebellious to try it but after awhile I found out how great the game was and the expansion also. Then Heroes 4 came out which I thought to be a decent one. Now that I see Heroes V coming out,like many I'm excited and simply can't wait. Now i'll get to my point. I know that heroes has the potential to become a great game very much like others but the company is not sponsoring it enough and I also believe it could match up to many popular
on-line games such as
Blizzard - wc,sc,diablo
Sierra - CS & Halflife
Softnyx - Gunbound & Rakion
Does anyone agree with me ? Please give me your opinion.

Known Hero
posted February 02, 2006 04:39 AM |
I believe you are trying to say that Heroes of Might and Magic has the potential to be a great franchise if Ubi wills it.
The thing is, Heroes already is a great franchise.

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted February 02, 2006 04:46 AM |
Engilish obviously isn't your first laguage. Also, I always think HoMM could use more sponsorship, but really it doesn't need it. What it needs is for Ubi to stop aiming to get a little money now instead of a lot of money later. Patience, Ubi!
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

Adventuring Hero
posted February 02, 2006 07:33 AM |
and btw Ubi and Nival are pretty popular companies...for example ubi also created far cry which is a nice game (first person shooter) and nival I believe created ranbo 6 :S or was it ubi as well...I keep forgeting... and HoMM does have a good name...it is popular it's just maybe not advertised enuf?? well I'm odne here enways have fun!!!
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.