Thread: The HoMMunity Launches SaveHeroes.org ! | |
Supreme Hero
posted January 26, 2006 05:48 PM |
The HoMMunity Launches SaveHeroes.org !
Heroes of Might and Magic Community Sites Launch SaveHeroes.org
Dedicated Fans and Players Want to Delay Game for Higher Quality Release
Worldwide, Jan. 26, 2006. A group of Heroes of Might and Magic community Websites today launched a collaborative effort to persuade Ubisoft executives to delay the launch of their highly anticipated title Heroes of Might and Magic 5. SaveHeroes.org is a concerted community effort to further that cause.
This effort, and the reasons behind it, started largely because of the open beta test, which started on GameSpy on Monday, January 23rd. With Heroes of Might and Magic 4 having received poor sales in comparison to its predecessor, Heroes 5 is seen by most as a make or break game. If it fails, so will the entire Might and Magic franchise. If it succeeds, then the product line would gain the support it needs for a long term at Ubisoft.
With these facts in mind, community websites, including Celestial Heavens, The Oracle League, Age of Heroes, Heroes Community, The Genies Lamp, Guardians Grove, and many others started posting petitions and banners to "Save Heroes 5". Not long after, these same leaders gathered to try and organize a collaborative effort to attempt to show Ubisoft that releasing an unfinished game would not go over well at all.
After the rough start and continued issues of the Open Beta, and some investigation, these leaders realized that there was little time to act. Ubisoft's fiscal year ends on March 31, coinciding with the release date. Ubisoft was also the target of a takeover bid in December of 2004, something they are not likely to forget easily. Wanting to hit or exceed their yearly targets could be a reason for the March 31 release date.
However, such short-term plans are exactly what doomed Heroes 4, New World Computing and The 3DO Company. SaveHeroes.Org is now open to try and prevent such a thing from happening.
Sign your vote HERE !
Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted January 28, 2006 09:55 PM |
Letter to Ubisoft - French Translation
Hi Lich_King. Hi all.
Not 100% sure if this post fits best in this thread or some other (or even if it's ok or not to post in this thread). Please feel free to move this elsewhere, or even delete it if it's not acceptable.
This here is a copy of a mail I just sent to saveheroes.org's admin in hope it'll help saving Homm5.
If there are other french-natives here, I'd be thankful if they could provide a comment about the accuracy of my translation. It would probably make its verification by the people at the site easier / faster.
Tia. Legend. (Just this once, I won't use any BBcode or smilies, because I feel it's a serious subject).
During the past couple of days, I've been scratching my head trying to figure out how I could help the cause as much as possible. I've of course signed the petition as soon as I heard about it (thanks to Lich_King for
linking to your site at Heroes Community, where I noticed it). I replaced my usual signature at HC forum with a short but efficient sentence supporting your efforts, including a direct link to saveheroes.org. I've told any and all of my friends and contacts interessed in Heroes about the petition and encouraged them to sign it. But I feel it's still only a few water drops in the ocean. Then again, if we eventually gather enough water drops, I hope we can make it.
So, since Fabrice "MuadDib" Cambounet and most of his staff are french, I've come up with this idea to further help the cause. Being a french-native professionnal writer myself, I thought translating your "mail to Ubisoft" text into french was the least I could do. I think it might be even more impressive if they received the letters in french, even though most of the posters can't speak french at all. Hope you'll like my idea.
It's not a "word for word" translation, I made a few slight arrangements to provide a text in typical french language. However, I've done my best to keep as true to the spirit of your original english text as possible. It's the exact same content, only translated into french. Of course, if you want another french-native to proof-read it before you give it out for people to
send, I'll understand.
Anyway, here it is :
Madame / Monsieur, (choose the fittest)
La présente missive est le fruit d'un effort associatif lancé par l'ensemble des sites de fans de Heroes of Might and Magic. Comme membre de cette communauté, j'attends de Heroes 5 qu'il ne soit rien moins qu'un grand jeu qui redonnera vie à cette série. A cette fin, je vous saurais gré de prendre tout le temps nécessaire pour le peaufiner et l'ajuster, pour lui permettre
de devenir une vraie référence dans le genre des jeux de stratégie tour par tour.
I sincerely hope it will be of any help.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the fantastic work !
Gamespy's / HC's LegendMaker.
Supreme Hero
posted January 28, 2006 11:53 PM |
Thank you for your post, I believe that in unity we will achieve something, which will benefit our favourite game
Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted January 30, 2006 11:58 AM |
They Made it Official... But NOT the Way We Hoped !
Hi again Lich_King. Hi all.
It's monday and I just checked Ubi's official site to see if they had made the announcement we all hoped for.
Very bad news, folks.
The date of release is now officially March 2006. No further statement from Ubi yet.
Check here to see for yourselves, and just in case you couldn't understand french to save your lives, a quick translation :
Release date :
March 2006
I'm sad, of course. I'll quote Manowar like the other LichKing did there (only from a different song) : Quote: On the blood of all our fathers, on their weapons we now swear... to avenge, not lament...
Give the false ones death !
It's a relief to see that the sigs keep piling up pretty fast. 2200+ in just a few days is really impressive.
March on, Heroes' Warriors. Now is certainly not the time to give up !
Regards. Legend.
Supreme Hero
posted January 30, 2006 06:04 PM |
I think the opposite... today fabrice announced the news:
Link here
Quote: Hi everyone
The last week was quite rough ! We had to reach a valid version for the open beta and make it available, and also prepare for the flood of feedback. We are now closing on 70.000 downloads of the version in less than a week, this is about twice as planned. So we encountered quite a lot of connection and server problems, which got added on top of the version bugs - sorry for that... We ran into a key shortage too, this is being solved.
Right after that we reached the top position on Gamespot, which is an honor and a recognition of the expectations put on Heroes 5.
And finally we've had a rising of the community ! That was quite impressive to see, and the message from the fans was heard loud and clear - it couldnt be escaped really This was clearly useful and I'm extending a thanks to you.
We care about the project and the brand, we've been working for more than two years on the game now, and any feedback is valued. On this project the feedback from fans is especially important, as this is YOU who ultimately decide if a Heroes game is good or not.
The decision has now been taken to delay the release, in order to polish the game, and increase the quality as much as possible. We all need a great Heroes 5 to start the series over ! A new publishing date will be set soon.
On a personal level, I am quite proud to see the level of commitment from the community. It is a reward in itself to be working on a game that is being watched so carefully !
So I believe we won... at least some time to finish Heroes V.
Look here for more information.
Famous Hero
The Metal Specialist
posted January 31, 2006 12:54 AM |
Thanks a Great Deal
Wow !
I was busy all day (real life commitments) and all evening (writing this), so I've only just read your reply (and hence learned about our glorious victory) !
Well, the release date is still stated as March at the official site that I pointed out this morning, but like I've always said eversince I saw the beta : Quote: I'll be happy only when Fabrice "MuadDib" Cambounet says "We delay the game"
So I am happy now !
Thanks a whole darn lot to you Lich_King, and thanks to any and all of you fellow Heroes fans who contributed to this fantastic Hommunity effort !
Oh, and Congrats ! ! ! (almost forgot)
Open up the Champagne bottles, guys !
Legendary cheers to you all !
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.