
Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 11, 2001 12:03 AM |
Sea Town
I have spent some time designing a Sea Town. This is the first prototype. What do you think?
Level 1: Sahuagain (Aquatic reptilian humaniod)(Hates Land Creatures)(Underater Walker)
Level 1: Aquatic Elf (Shooter[Harpoons])(Shoots Twice)
Level 2: Kapoacinth (Aquatic Gargoyle)(Underwater Flyer) (First Strike[Underwater only])
Level 2: Skum (Golem-like composition of gunk)(Underwater walker)(Disease)
Level 3: Triton (Swimmer)(Can damage enemy creatures with unique spell)
Level 3: Mermaid (Shooter) (Can heal allied creatures with song)
Level 4: Sea-Lion (Scaly lion with long fish tail)(First Strike)(35% chance to do double damage)
Level 4: Dragon Turtle (Giant Turtle with Green Dragon's head that breathes a cloud of super-heated steam)(Area Attack[4x5])(Immune to spells level 1-4)
All comments are welcome!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
Elemental Druid
posted September 11, 2001 12:17 AM |
Looks great!
I like the Aquatic Elf very much. A shame it isn't level 2...
If you want something to compare your town with, I'll post Night_Stalkers Sea Town:
Level 1: Mermaid (Swimmer) (Heal Song) (Hates Aqaloi)
Level 1: Siren (Flyer) (Sleep Song) (hates Harpy)
Level 2: Triton (Walker) (Water Shot) (Triton Weapon)
Level 2: Lamprey (Swimmer) (Like champion the more swimming the more damage this creature does)
Level 3: Demon Shark (Swimmer) (Bloodlusty Second Attack) (second attack is more damage then first) (When in bloodlust mode this creature kills with only one bite..tought only ogre can do this)
Level 3: Kraken (Crawler) (Blinding Ink) (Eight Arm) (Hates Sea Serpent)
Level 4: Leviathan (Swimmer) (Enemy can't defence) (Npc Ship Destroyer) (hates Behemoth)
Level 4: Scylla (Flyer) (Attack All Surroundings) (No Revilitate)
(Name) means that's the enemy of that creature.

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 11, 2001 12:25 AM |
I considered making them Level 2, but that would mean making the aquatic gargoyle Level 1. Okay, here's a brand new sea town:
Level 1: Ocean Nomad
Level 1: Pirate
Level 2: Swashbuckler
Level 2: Lacedon (Aquatic Ghoul)
Level 3: Dark Mermaid (Same as Mermaid, except that Dark Mermaids Hate Mermaids)
Level 3: Dark Triton (Same as Triton, except hates Tritons)
Level 4: Kraken
Level 4: Sea Serpant
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
Elemental Druid
posted September 11, 2001 12:50 AM |
What about some abilities?

Known Hero
who eats Titans for Lunch
posted September 11, 2001 03:01 AM |
I liked the first sea town better. The Dragon Turtle and Sea Lion sound really cool.
The Druid among dragons.

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 12, 2001 12:47 AM |
Okay, here are the Abilities for the first town:
Level 1:
Sahuagain (Aquatic reptilian humaniod):
Attack: 3
Speed: 24 (Swim); 16 (Walk)
HP: 10
Damage: 3-6
Spec. Ab.: Hates Land Creatures
Kapoacinth (Aquatic Gargoyle):
Attack: 4
Defence: 12 (Underwater); 6 (Land)
Speed: 45 (Underwater flight); 24 (Land flight)
HP: 15
Damage: 4-7
Spec. Ab.: Flyer, First Strike (Underwater only)
Level 2:
Skum (Golem-like composition of gunk):
Attack: 7
Defence: 14
Speed: 14 (Underwater); 10 (Land)
HP: 22
Damage: 8-12
Spec. Ab.: Disease
Aquatic Elf (Grey-blue skinned elf with semi-webbed hands and feet):
Attack: 12
Defence: 10
Shots: 12 (Harpoon bow)
Speed: 20 (Swim); 15 (Walk)
HP: 25
Damage: 10-14
Spec. Ab.: Shoots twice
Level 3:
Mermaid (Beautiful Maiden with fish tail):
Attack: 12
Defence: 14
Shots: 24 (Underwater Crossbow)
Speed: 40 (Swim)
HP: 33
Damage: 15-20
Spec. Ab: Hates Dark Tritons/ Dark Mermaids, No enemy retaliation against male units, can cast expert ‘Cure’ once every 3 rounds
Triton (Male counterpart to Mermaid):
Attack: 14
Defence: 12
Speed: 40 (Swim)
HP: 35
Damage: 15-25
Spec. Ab.: Hates Dark Tritons/Dark Mermaids, No enemy retaliation, Can damage enemy creatures with unique spell
Level 4:
Sea-Lion (Scaly lion with long fish tail):
Attack: 18
Defence: 16
Speed: 40 (Swim)
HP: 75
Damage: 25-35
Spec. Ab.: First Strike, 35% chance to do double damage, 35% natural magic resistance
Dragon Turtle (Giant Turtle with head of Green Dragon):
Attack: 20
Defence: 25
Speed: 60 (Swim); 45 (Walk)
HP: 610
Damage: 135-145
Spec. Ab.: Area Attack (Cloud of super-heated steam)(5x6), immune to spells levels 1-4, First Strike
Thank god I'm an atheist.


Hired Hero
posted September 12, 2001 01:30 AM |
If I were you I'll put "Leviathan" as the stronger level 4 unit....

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 12, 2001 01:52 AM |
Give me a description of the "Leviathan" and I'll consider it.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Known Hero
the Black Warlock
posted September 12, 2001 02:15 AM |
I've seen two or more versions (sea serpent, whale made out of water, etc...)of Leviathan so I'm not sure about it's looks... all versions however agree in one thing: it's a very strong s.o.b. and it's BIG!!!
"ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve"


Hired Hero
posted September 12, 2001 02:29 AM |
Okay...the leviathan looked like a combination of many sea creatures. It has a bipedal body with a large barracuda head and a sea monter's lightbulb thingy. Even better if it has a large wing like tail.

Known Hero
posted September 12, 2001 02:31 AM |
According to legend, the Leviathan was a firebreathing creature of such immense size that the sea boils when it swims on the surface. It ruthlessly and fearlessly rules over all the creatures of the sea. The Leviathan's skin is like a double coat of mail, with overlapping scales as large as shields on its back, and as sharp and hard as broken pottery on its underparts. Swords and harpoons will simply bounce off such protection. It breathes smoke from its nostrils and flames from its mouth which is rimmed with teeth. Its fins radiate a brilliant light and its eyes are like the glimmerings of dawn.
If we ever will time travel in the future . Why haven't people from the future visited us yet

Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 13, 2001 01:26 AM |
I like the old sea town.
Spaek the Titan

Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted September 15, 2001 07:38 PM |
maybe the mermaid would charm monsters with song instead somehow? they lured sailors to traps, didn't they? havn't heard of mermaids healing with their song..

Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted September 15, 2001 10:08 PM |
hmm.. interesting.. someone sent me an IM saying that the mermaids help ppl who are overboard.. somehow i don't seem to be able to answer the im on this computer..
wasn't lorelei some mermaid who helped sailors to fall over a cliff and i think i have read several tales where the mermaids lured sailors off their course and to their peril. they have done sth good to ppl in other tales, but often those tales don't have a happy end. maybe it depends on the sailor acting like some kind of macho who is lured by a song of a virgin.. lol.
what is the safest way to pass your time? heroes community -- your posts won't affect almost anything

Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 16, 2001 12:16 AM |
Hey Saruman why am I making your little sea town and your just telling me what to do? Et?
P.S. do you like my new pick? (see below).
Spaek the Titan

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 16, 2001 12:30 AM |
I am NOT telling you what to do! I am just telling you what changes to make! Those new creatures and the new Sea Town pic are BOTH my ideas and yours!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted September 16, 2001 10:11 AM |
It was Sirens not Mermaids...
It was Sirens who lured people at sea, often with wrecked ships as results. Odysseus (Ulyssus) was for instance snared by Sirens on his travels, and Lorelei was also a Siren. Sirens lure people by a hypnotic sound.
You have them already in HoMM III as a location, if you want to turn creature Hitpoints into Experience.
Mermaids are also known to be stunning/charming, but they are usually not malign as the Sirens.
I found a book on Greek mythology it says (loosely translated): Sirens are sea-demons with the body of a bird and the head of a woman, with their song they lure sailors into ruin.
Hmmm... wouldn't these look similar to Harpies, although perhaps a bit more presentable...
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted September 16, 2001 11:15 AM |
yeah, could be that my description of mermaids, based on what i had heard about them, fits the dark mermaids rather. quite similar to sirens and harpies.
what is the safest way to pass your time? heroes community -- your posts won't affect almost anything

Known Hero
Shadow Ruler
posted September 17, 2001 12:35 AM |
The mermaids are often called Syrens because of error translating old greek storys. Ppl that translated often adapt things to their times and the powers of mermaids are very similar to syrens o they sometimes use syren and mermaids to describe the same creatures. There are also adapted versions of the ulisses story that he encounters mermaids not syrens and even a painting that shows "Ulisses and the mermaids". This shows the translation error/adaptation that was made.
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth.