Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Haven Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Tavern Dweller
posted December 25, 2007 08:45 AM |
Edited by bleak at 08:52, 25 Dec 2007.
Quote: Why not make a big army and crush tham all. i think it is a bug with 1.6 patch
Because this is the very first time I am playing the full game. I just want to do it "by the book". Also, I hate the mere possibility of a colossal bug gnawing the script. Later, if/when I have managed to complete all missions, I could try something more creative...
It would be really nice to know if the problem is indeed with the patch 1.6.

Supreme Hero
posted December 25, 2007 08:52 AM |
Okay, thats good enough for me

Tavern Dweller
posted December 29, 2007 02:14 PM |
Edited by bleak at 14:15, 29 Dec 2007.
Like I said in the previous posting, I re-installed HoMM V. Originally my intention was to try the version 1.41 first, but because there was quite many postings around stating suspicions about a possible bug in the patch version 1.60, I decided to try version 1.50 - even if it would mean yet another re-install... Well, luckily, everything seems to go well with this mission right now. Due to "Christmas activities" and other nothing-to-do-with-gaming issues, I haven't yet played this campaign through, but the script looks okay; the way it was in the demo version, I mean. Agrael showed up and attacked Dunmoor, and two other AI controlled enemy heroes did the same. Jolly good... 
I am not sure if any members of this forum really care about the "problems" a novice like myself has had, but it seems that there REALLY is something wrong with the latest patch for the main game (I haven't purchased HoF or ToTE yet). Anyway, I will try to finish the fifth mission tomorrow or the day after, and if everything goes well I won't pester you guys anymore...

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted January 15, 2008 01:41 AM |
Do not be impatient, maybe the people that are here atm do not know the answer. Multiple posting is considered spamming and I'd rather you did not. You have to dig once you get there.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Tavern Dweller
posted January 26, 2008 10:44 AM |
Quote: I've checked the script of this mission, and see nothing odd with it. As soon as you've captured Dunmoor and rescued Isabel, Agrael should charge in an attempt to capture Dunmoor.
However, to reach Dunmoor, the "MoveHero" command is issued to Agrael. This command is also giving problems in the first mission of the Sylvan campaign, so it could be that it does so here, too.
It may be; my friend is playing Sylvan campaign at the moment. It started in the mission 1 when "certain hero" (won't spoil it's name) didn't attack through the garrison. Neither did previous necromancers. I told him how to open the console and I executed a MoveHero command so that "certain hero" would attack, worked well. However later on, in the mission 3 (Where necromancers keep spawning and attacking the town), they didn't attack either! Even though their variety of ways wasn't huge (One path, completely clear), they omitted the capital city, and took a boat, started to wander aimlessly. None of the spawning heroes attacked, seems like entire "MoveHero" command didn't work when executed by a script, even where there were no garrisons on the way. I had to do trial-and-error method to get the command working, seems like they changes something in there.
It was at patch 1.6 of regular HoMM5

Supreme Hero
posted January 29, 2008 05:49 PM |
Wait a day. You must have full movement to dig

Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2008 04:06 AM |
1. AI controlled heroes should attack Dunmoor pretty soon, during the second week, right? ... He just roams the countryside and/or flags the mines etc. If I want to finish him, I'll have to attack him myself.
...Because of the time (nearly two months) it takes for the first AI hero to appear, I manage to get lot of resources and gather lots of troops, and then... Then I decide if I *want* to fight the enemy heroes (just to regain the control of the mines they capture) - or do I just keep on building the city and my army.
So if anyone could help me with this one, I would be very grateful. I hate to think that I should re-install the whole game...
I'm having this same problem. The first time I tried the campaign I'd used Isabelle as primary hero, but after building a ridiculous army and conquering the world I got bored doing nothing... Goderic's taking the SE garrison did nothing. I read the forums, reloaded a save file, left Isabelle to guard the city and took Goderick as main hero, but my quests aren't even updated beyond the first three (nothing ever *told* me to find the tear of asha, for example, although I'd done it anyways); and no demons attack the city, but rather wander around the south reflagging the gold mine and ore pit occassionally.
Help? What is supposed to trigger the quests beyond freeing Isa (done) and keeping the two heroes alive?

Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2008 11:10 PM |
Help? What is supposed to trigger the quests beyond freeing Isa (done) and keeping the two heroes alive?
For any who are interested, I figured out the answer: the trigger for the cut scene, the fourth quest, and the gate-hopping demons to attack the city is killing Agrael.
So for any with the same troubles: send a fair-sized army down to the southeast and look up a bit northwest of the demon city for Agrael, who -- in my buggy scenario -- lurks there; attack him, and the rest of the Stuff That Is Supposed To Happen will happen.
It's actually rather amusing to spark the sequence in the third month -- the little baby demonses take one look at the archangels waiting in your city and run for the hills.
Note: the follow-up quest to "go find Nicolai" won't be triggered until the second demon attack on your haven city.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 06, 2008 12:00 AM |

Tavern Dweller
posted February 07, 2008 12:17 PM |
Tip: If you don't want to break through the garrison before Agrael's Inferno town, use Instant Travel spell if you have acquired it already.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 10, 2008 09:41 PM |
Quote: WHAA!
This doesn't help.
I got the tear of asha and put it into the town but I never finished the defend the town quest. And even when I brought godric to the SE I still didn't finish the map. HElp. Is this some sort of bug or glitch?
Did you have the quest for the tear of asha, or did you just get it before the quest? And did you defeat Agrael?
If Agrael didn't attack your town, then you have a fixable glitch: you need to go find him and kill him, and everything else will fall into place. (He should be near the demon town in the southeast, a little behind and west of it.)

Tavern Dweller
posted February 11, 2008 06:49 AM |
done both
Hm, so after you killed agrael did armies attack your town?
If so, the quest to defend should complete on the second attack after Agrael... which takes perhaps a week?
And that's what triggers the quest to send Godric through that gate to the se, and to the end of the road beyond the gate. (If you send him there before you have the quest for it, you'll get nothing at all, and it sounds like that's where you are.)
If you killed Agrael and the armies don't attack within a week or two, I'd revert to a savefile.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 09, 2008 05:33 PM |
For some reason the final scene of the campaing is not working for me X_X it looks like the sciene is about to begin but then it doesn't show, and it says that I've won the campaing.
Does anyone have a link to what happens when Nicolai fights the demon guy?

Tavern Dweller
posted April 09, 2008 05:52 PM |
Edited by SoD at 17:53, 09 Apr 2008.

Supreme Hero
posted April 09, 2008 05:53 PM |
at main menu: Options, so replay and then dialog scenes or something like that. I think it shall be there

Tavern Dweller
posted April 09, 2008 06:03 PM |
Thanks. It still doesn't work X_X
I am playing the campaings in ToE, so it should be the reason. Is there any place in the internet to watch it?

Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted April 09, 2008 09:04 PM |
Quote: This IS imposible..i killed first enemy but when i made strong team and went to find tear of asha , enemy was keep attacking castle.. what to do? Or does everyone know where tear of asha is? i know just that it's somewhere near purple portal.. 
you can collect 15 cavalier's from south of godric's starting location and 35 squire's little east from the portal.

Supreme Hero
posted April 09, 2008 10:27 PM |

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted April 10, 2008 03:18 AM |
Quote: This IS imposible..i killed first enemy but when i made strong team and went to find tear of asha , enemy was keep attacking castle.. what to do? Or does everyone know where tear of asha is? i know just that it's somewhere near purple portal.. 
It helps to pick up Tear of Asha Vision on the way (you can find it with just one Puzzle Piece!)

Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted April 10, 2008 06:03 PM |
But...You really going to let godric defend the castle?