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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 26, 2001 06:33 PM |
New Ideas combat/Monsters
I just got several new ideas:
A. In combat, monsters should have turns, just like heroes when they move around the map. During their turn, they can: 1. Move as far as their movement allows; 2. Shoot a ranged attack; 3. Move for some of their movement, cast a spell/attack (Ranged or Hand-to-hand), move again for either all or a bit more of their movement, cast a spell/attack again, and then move as far as their remaining movement allows; 4. Move/cast spell/attack/combination of these three and THEN defend; 5. Charge (Hold out a specific weapon [Like a pike, a Dwarven Urgosh (See bellow), a Halberdier, ect.], move twice as far, do double damage to the creature they attacked, and lose their next turn and be unable to retaliate. Once their turn is over, you press an hourglass button like when ending your colour's turn.
B. You should be able to purchase new armor (Chainmail, half-plate, full-plate, Elvenchainmail, Dwarven PLate Mail, ect.), and new weapons (Axe, Dwarven Waraxe, Dwarven Urgosh [A pike with a normal pike head on one end (Used for charging), and an axe head on the other], Shortsword, Longsword, Greatsword, Mace, Shortbow, Longbow, Composite short/longbow, Elven Composite Longbow ect.) for your units.
C. There should be more special victory conditions, like 'Defeat Garrison' or 'Enter specific Area'.
D. Certain players should have differant victory conditions/loss conditions Example: Red's special victory condition is 'Defeat Blue's hero', and Red's special loss condition is 'Run out of Time'; and Blue's special victory condition is 'Accumulate Resources (300,000 gold)', and Blue's special loss condition is 'Lose the hero Red has to defeat'
Thank god I'm an atheist.
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Famous Hero
Elemental Druid
posted September 26, 2001 09:01 PM |
Many creative ideas, but then it wouldn't be heroes anymore... I think... (I like D though)
- The only alert the invaders had was the rustling of leaves on a day without wind -
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Famous Hero
Archmage of Thunder
posted September 26, 2001 10:50 PM |
Mixed reviews
D is good. C is okay, but it's already possible (just put an artifact in there, disable it in the map specs, and set the VC to "acquire artifact"). I don't particularly like A and B, they're too D&D-like (nothing against D&D, but I'd like the two to be separate games ).
The calm before the storm is about to end.
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Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted September 26, 2001 11:56 PM |
...hmm, maybe not that that extent, but about B, I don't see how it could hurt to give some armor choices at least...perhaps grant specific powerful units an option to purchase inexpensive relatively weak armor...just to add onto the defense or something...
This space for rent.
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Adventuring Hero
Enemy of the Efreet
posted September 27, 2001 04:12 AM |
I like the armor idea.
"If you fight a battle and you flee,
Another day you'll live to see,
but if you gain the victory,
a mighty hero you shall be."
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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted September 27, 2001 01:45 PM |
This is a bit odd...
Spaek the Titan
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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted September 27, 2001 05:05 PM |
A. This could be implemented by adding movement points (MP)
You could split up movement with other actions, so that you can move some distance and then do another action. Using an artifact may also be a part action. The rest of the actions: Attack, Guard, Cast spell should automatically expend all the creature's MP, no matter how many MP are left for the creature.
Some creatures (with a special ability to this effect), artifacts or spells may allow multiple actions of the type Attack, Cast spell etc. In this case the creature will do the first action and then regain initiative, when all other creatures have had the chance to act. (This would work similar to the Wait button, although Wait should probably also cost MP.) This solution imples that Attack and Cast Spell also MP.
The cons for doing this is that it may slow down combat and takes a bit longer to learn, the pros is that it gives you more options.
B. Only Heroes should have the ability to buy and use armour/weapons. If you want to buy something for troops, then I'd insist that you pay the price for the goods per unit. This in turn gives you problems when you mix troops (similar to the ones you get if you have creature XP). Overall, the added complexity is not worth this for creatures.
Specialized weapons for town defences and similar might be a good idea. This could be done in the form of town upgrades.
C. I don't really see the need for "Enter Specific Area".
I'd rather have "Visit Specific Location". Overall more victory conditions would be a good thing.
D. Ok.
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Famous Hero
Archmage of Thunder
posted September 27, 2001 10:14 PM |
It'd be neat if there was some creature (cavalry archer?) that had the ability to shoot on the run - they can move (maybe half their movement?) and fire in the same turn just like a typical creature can move and attack. It'd be pretty powerful unless you restrict it to firing in the general direction that they're moving (running away and firing at them seems kind of odd).
The calm before the storm is about to end.
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Tavern Dweller
posted September 27, 2001 10:31 PM |
Good ideas, but
B. too Diabloesque
The rest are good and about the new events they should have 'wandering events' where you enter the radius it can be placed (i.e. Grail). Because if you have made a map and you want to play it its no fun when you already know where an event is its better if it just pops up and slams you into the ground
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Adventuring Hero
Enemy of the Efreet
posted September 27, 2001 11:34 PM |
A is also good. I have often wondered why they did not do that before.
"If you fight a battle and you flee,
Another day you'll live to see,
but if you gain the victory,
a mighty hero you shall be."
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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 28, 2001 02:27 AM |
Thank you for agreeing with me (For the most part).
Thank god I'm an atheist.
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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted September 28, 2001 02:38 AM |
Oboy! New idea!
Okay, when you are under seige, you should be able to send a small number of your troops to send for reinforcements if you are loosing (Like say from another hero, another town, ect.), or if you are just loosing the game you should be able to summon reinforcements from other parts of your kingdom (Assuming that one map isn't the WHOLE world, as it has been in all the HOMM's [Or at least it seems to be], exept in campaigns, but even then, if there is an Ultimate Artifact/Grail, it says: Quote: "The Ultimate Artifact/Grail may be found in the central regions of the WORLD"
Oh, and there shouldn't be JUST the Grail. I liked the Ultimate Artifacts in HOMM 1 and 2, they can be used in a number of ways.
One more thing: THe grail is supposed to be a golden CUP. The Grail from HOMM 3 doesn't look a thing like a cup!
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth.
Thank god I'm an atheist.