Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted March 22, 2007 02:55 PM
Quote:And I also think that if such thing would be introduced (multiple dwelling/balancing between tiers), Heroes would lose majority of it's fans. Really.
Yes of course, I never meant to eliminate the "classical" game mode. But
at least add a mode for multiple dwellings (like the Duel mode for example, which is new)
or make it moddable
I'm requesting this to Nival of course, but hey they only listen to their vodka
I think adding hp to 7lvl won't change much. I think their cost should be reduced. Just compare a bone dragon and wright. Wright is better , bone dragon costs more - it this a joke? . I think making them cost twice as much as lvl 6 at most would be fair. They would be still vulnerable to some things like magic or hero attacks but they wouldn't cost fortune as it is now.