Thread: Answers for the riddles in heroes 2! | |

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 18, 2007 08:03 PM |
Answers for the riddles in heroes 2!
well i make this topic in order to put here your answers to the riddles that sphinx asks in some scenarios in homm2 please put the questions and the correct answers of the riddles!

Legendary Hero
posted March 18, 2007 09:25 PM |
Heroes 2 LOL.... Heroes 2 disc should be used as a coaster now...

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted March 18, 2007 10:37 PM |
Man...Heroes2...i remember my "whitest" nights in the hot seat...
I'd love to see one more time that intro in the game...and the music!
Does anyone still have Heroes 2 music...I'd love to have it! pls!
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Supreme Hero
posted March 19, 2007 05:04 AM |
Heroes 2 > all other HOMM games.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted March 19, 2007 07:30 PM |
1 know 2 riddles
correct answers in bold
Question: What year is it?
Answers: 1)1984 2)2007 3)-5 4)how shouild i know!
Question: Which is the most recent Heroes of Might and MAgic title?
Answers: 1)Heroes III 2)Heroes I 3)what is heroes? 4)Heroes II
..on latest news, i just hear that vietnam war is over!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Legendary Hero
posted March 20, 2007 02:58 PM |
I am having trouble with this new game I got.....
Its called PONG
Does anyone know the best strategy to keep the little white dot from getting past my paddle?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 23, 2007 12:33 PM |
I sense much sarcasm in him
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 23, 2007 07:19 PM |
Completed Search
Well as none of u that write in this tread satisfy me with their answers i made a complete search of the riddles that sphinx asks in some scenarios in HoMM2.
Here are my results:
First the riddles in the standard mode.
-Q: What does move everything around but doesn't move?
-A: Mirror
-Q: What goes up and down but never moves?
-A: Stairs
Seven lakes (4 riddles in this map!)
-Q: What cannot be seen but only heard and wil not speak util spoken to?
-A: Echo
-Q: The more there is, the less you see?
-A: Darkness
-Q: What is always coming but never arrives?
-A: Tommorow (thanks to elvin and Vlaad for the help in this riddle)
-Q: What walks in the morning on four legs,two in the afternoon and three in the evening?
-A: Man
Now the riddles in the campaign mode.(2 riddles only in Roland's campaign in the last map)
-Q: Who is the true King
-A: Archibald (it's a bit unfair but that's the answer )
-Q: A Dragon, A Cyclops,or An Undead.King of the centaurs.His name is...?
-A: U tell me what is the correct answer in this riddle..
That's ALL the riddles in HoMM2.
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

Tavern Dweller
posted February 03, 2012 06:02 AM |
-Q: A Dragon, A Cyclops,or An Undead.King of the centaurs.His name is...?
-A: U tell me what is the correct answer in this riddle..
That's ALL the riddles in HoMM2.
-A: Mr Ed
Also from the Campaign mode:
-Q: What is time poorly spent?
-A: waste
Some others from The Price of Loyalty Expansion:
Great War II
-Q: With this thing alone, you will have defeated the strongest foe
-A: victory
-Q: Buckets, barrels, caskets, cans, what must you fill with empty hands?
-A: gloves
-Q: Like dogs shouting at the moon, Or armor worn by the trees, Like a sharply spoken command, Or a tiny vessel upon the seas
–A: bark
Ghost Planet
-Q: The man who made it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who used it didn’t know it.
-A: coffin.
-Q: I am a box with no corner or side. I hold a golden treasure. What am I?
-A: egg
Dead Dragons:
-Q: Yellow inside of black. Green, red, black, and white inside again. What am I?
-A: pearl (I believe this is correct, not sure)
Pirate Utopia
-Q: If three heroes could dig six holes in three days, how long would it take six heroes to dig twelve holes?
-A: three days
-Q: What’s another name for pirate treasure?
-A: booty
-Q: What is the sum of all numbers from 1 to 200?
-A: 20100
-Q: What famous mathematician and philosopher said, “I think, therefore I am.”?
-A: Descartes
-Q: Who killed Cleopatra?
-A: Cleopatra
-Q: Who wrote the music that plays on the main page of the Astral Wizard Heroes of Might and Magic II website?
-A: (This site doesn't exist anymore, so I don't know the answer)
Last Hope
-Q: To begin with I am made of paper. And then at five I become solid wood. At eight I am metallic (a dull bronze) and at eleven I am steel. If I live long enough, I become a diamond, but what was I at the age of ten?
-A: tin (these are anniversary gifts)
-Q: I only creep. I never run. I love the cold, and I hate the sun. I always hide in hollow trees. Cut them down, and see me flee. Under water, over sky. I’m always there, I never die. What am I?
-A: shade (or shadow)
Sudden Siege
-Q: What did the Mime say when the goblin poured salsa on him and stuck a hot pepper in his mouth?
-A: nothing

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted February 03, 2012 08:47 PM |
good bye! 2many words 2read ...
Just play on it!
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Famous Hero
posted February 24, 2012 08:26 AM |
homam YOU ROCK!!! you totally rock man.
ive never been so impressed with a post on this board as i have with yours.
your HOMM expertise is stunning. i thought HOMM2 died with windows95

Adventuring Hero
posted February 28, 2012 07:36 PM |
Hating on Heroes 2, Jinxer? I'm ashamed of you. I love that game with every fiber of my being. Was it balanced? Not exactly. But has there ever been so much charm in a game?

Tavern Dweller
posted September 27, 2012 01:44 AM |
Hey thanks for that, you just helped me solve a riddle in my current H2 game.

Tavern Dweller
posted October 09, 2012 10:10 AM |
Edited by dalgo at 02:33, 21 Oct 2012.
Quote: ZelaznyQuote:
-Q: Who wrote the music that plays on the main page of the Astral Wizard Heroes of Might and Magic II website?
-A: (This site doesn't exist anymore, so I don't know the answer)
The answer is Richard or Wagner
Here are some riddles from Colossal Cavern:
Q: Knights of Light and Knights of Shadow, cast their lots for good and bad, so their fortunes intertwine in mysteries encased in rhyme.
If you know, just tell me so, where did they find their El Dorado?
A: Jerusalem
Q: A King of Old, a King with Gold. His riches taken by Knights so bold. A Templar true (is that you?) will speak his name and have treasures untold.
A: Soloman
Q: Now I am living, but once I was dead. Like Saint John the Baptist I must surely have bled. I've followed the Temple wherever it's led and it's Chivalrous Order I now proudly head. Who Am I?
A: Baphomet
Q: What is the secret word of the Templars?
A: wisdom

Tavern Dweller
posted January 09, 2017 03:30 AM |
I realize this is an ancient post, but I feel it needs an update as I have used it several times over the past few months. The following answers were previously unavailable.
Sphinx Riddles: Plains of Aekon
The weapon I guard was once wielded by the Master of Weapons from the Age of Heroes. Name for me this mighty warrior?
- Kraile
Who was the greatest mage during the Age of Heroes?
- Edagimo
During the Age of Heroes, who was the leader of the armies which fought in the demon wars?
- Beaswyn
The above answers are found on signs on the various islands of the map and in the tavern hints.

Supreme Hero
posted January 09, 2017 05:48 PM |
LOL, people must have never heard that Sphinxes can be viewed in the map editor.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 10, 2017 08:52 PM |
orzie said: LOL, people must have never heard that Sphinxes can be viewed in the map editor.
Nope, never heard that.

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted January 10, 2017 11:16 PM |
diegis said: Man...Heroes2...i remember my "whitest" nights in the hot seat...
I'd love to see one more time that intro in the game...and the music!
Does anyone still have Heroes 2 music...I'd love to have it! pls!
I've got the full h3 soundtrack (tempted to upload them since Shyranis' account's been banned), you can easily get H2 soundtrack from GoG.com.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Legendary Hero
posted January 10, 2017 11:36 PM |
tSar-Ivor said: Shyranis' account's been banned