Thread: World Championship 2016 Heroes 4 online | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Adventuring Hero
posted August 01, 2016 08:22 PM |
Edited by CTPAHHuK at 20:24, 01 Aug 2016.
World Championship 2016 Heroes 4 online
Dear players, registration for the World Championship 2016 of Heroes of Might and Magic 4 opens!
• Dmitry “mr.Oxygen” Shirokov
• Denis “mr. Shnurov” Paul
CTPAHHuK (e-mail: krs.83[dog]mail.ru)
Game version — Heroes IV Equilibris 3.51. Any other game modifications are prohibited.
You can be registered via e-mail to Coordinator or post in this theme. Type your info:
Country/Time zone (UTC):
Time for game:
August 1: opening of registration for the tournament and publication the "Regulations and rules" on
platforms of information sponsors.
August 2: beginning of reception of any offers on the "Regulations and rules" from the registered players.
September 1 (18h00 Moscow time UTC+3): end of reception of offers on the "Regulations and rules"
from the registered players.
September 2: approval of the list of judges from among the initial candidates and candidates offered by
the registered players taking into account a play experience and reputation of candidates.
September 3-4: consideration of offers on the "Regulations and rules" declared from the registered
September 5: statement working "Regulations and rules" and
placement of the accepted changes on platforms of infromation sponsors.
September 8 (18h00 Moscow time UTC+3): closing of registration for a tournament.
September 9: draw, the publication of results of draw on platforms of information sponsors and mailing
of the corresponding mails to participants of the tournament.
September 10: start of a tournament.
Each tour of playoff must be playing during 14 days (2 weekends).
Tournament maps list (recommended game difficult and turn limit):
- Bizarro (Expert, 10 min);
- Circle of life ( Expert, 8 min);
- Eldorado (Expert, 6 min);
- Heart of Winter (Expert, 6 min);
- Iron Man (Expert, 8 min);
- Lezkandra (Expert, 6 min);
- Plains of Despair (Expert, 8 min);
- Power Spot (Expert, 10 min);
- Spleen (Expert, 8 min);
- ZmineZ (Expert, 8 min).
Software, Tournamnet Maps, Regulations and Rules you can download from the Site of World Championship.
The theme isn't intended for the decision of disputable situations
The theme is created for the decision of current questions and the reference to the Coordinator and Judges with offers or appeals, in case of long absence of their answers to personal messages and e-mail.
WC Team
Oxygen, Shnurov, CTPAHHuK, Duranix94, Mordaunt, VIP.ru, Alexander13
of might and magic 4 on-line
World Championships

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted August 27, 2016 09:47 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted September 05, 2016 09:10 PM |
Edited by CTPAHHuK at 19:39, 06 Sep 2016.

Adventuring Hero
posted September 09, 2016 07:53 PM |

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted September 11, 2016 10:29 PM |
The big 4 will be group of friends: Shnurov, HUK, Mordaunt and Alexander. You ask why? Because the ladder is made that the rest will be offline or they are fake nicks.
Why to continue this farce every year?
<Edited 09/10/2016> Am I prophet?

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted October 02, 2016 05:21 PM |
if i got original homm4 do i need to install only patch 3.51, or do i need to do other files as well?...
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted October 03, 2016 05:55 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted October 03, 2016 07:08 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted December 10, 2016 01:42 PM |

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted December 11, 2016 02:57 PM |
The challenge between 4 Russian players on their own fixed maps will never be "world championship".

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 11, 2016 03:06 PM |

Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted December 11, 2016 03:19 PM |
BrennusWhiskey said: The challenge between 4 Russian players on their own fixed maps will never be "world championship".
why to **** up this thread with chronic ranting mate, whatever your beef is you don't seem to be having any impact on those guys, just leave them to their harmless business lol

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted December 11, 2016 03:30 PM |
verriker said:
why to **** up this thread with chronic ranting mate, whatever your beef is you don't seem to be having any impact on those guys, just leave them to their harmless business lol
Just because the topic from the beginning is based on false thesis.
Maybe also that because I do not accept lies and bending reality...

Famous Hero
Rush the rush
posted December 11, 2016 03:39 PM |
Heroes 4 got so many absurd tactics and exploits that it is impossible to prevent them all, so if anyone has any sort of knowledge of it then the entire game will come down to the terrains around your town/area and the 1st Morale swing order in the end battle - is that truly something to celebrate let alone get upset over Bren?
Just let em go on with it. If it brings them some joy then that's good for them, it's nothing you need to waste time getting upset about.

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted December 11, 2016 03:46 PM |
Ebonheart said: Heroes 4 got so many absurd tactics and exploits that it is impossible to prevent them all, so if anyone has any sort of knowledge of it then the entire game will come down to the terrains around your town/area and the 1st Morale swing order in the end battle - is that truly something to celebrate let alone get upset over Bren?
Just let em go on with it. If it brings them some joy then that's good for them, it's nothing you need to waste time getting upset about.
I cant agree with you.
Heroes 4 is beautiful game with deep strategic potential. Maybe it is too hard for many to understand how to play it properly.
Also H4 still has many online players (like me). So if someone plays it online and after few games with friends; he calls somebody "world champion" I just must react.

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 11, 2016 03:49 PM |
So based on your personal experience, you're saying that these guys right here are a bunch of frauds that falsely advertise their championship and rig the games, is that correct?
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted December 11, 2016 03:50 PM |
BrennusWhiskey said: Just because the topic from the beginning is based on false thesis.
Maybe also that because I do not accept lies and bending reality...
but what is the false lies, false thesis and bending reality mate, the topic is just a topic for a championship of Heroes 4 and it certainly looks like a championship of Heroes 4 lol
it looks to me that you are running your own rival championship and are here to discredit this one by saying they have rigged it and thus a fraud, but what is the proof of that, surely one can check a map in editor if rigged no, even if so why to get involved in dispute if you didn't take part, does anyone back that up lol

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted December 11, 2016 04:11 PM |
Stevie said: So based on your personal experience, you're saying that these guys right here are a bunch of frauds that falsely advertise their championship and rig the games, is that correct?
Yes. I pointed the final four at the beginning.
I am in this business for many many years. I know every active H4 player (Equilibris) in the world; and played the games with 99% of them including toh, ac and every active leagues, also Russian. And I am saying relying on my best knowledge: this is not any WC for h4 but just some 4 active players meeting.So this is first basic lie.
Iam not running any rival championship but just H4 league - democratic and open to everyone, which has currently over 40 members. The question is which event is more real: 40 players playing the league or 4 players playing "world champion"?
I am not here to increase my posts statistics like you. And I am not posting about things which I dont know like you. So please just think a little before you post something like that.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 11, 2016 04:21 PM |
And congrats to both of you. This is the kind of fans the game needs, taking responsibilities as running and organizing tourneys, designing web sites for hosting fans works, this is what will live for ever -at least until the game's final death.
And accessory badgering each other, concurrence is inevitable when so much work-time is spent.

Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted December 11, 2016 04:47 PM |
BrennusWhiskey said: I am in this business for many many years. I know every active H4 player (Equilibris) in the world; and played the games with 99% of them including toh, ac and every active leagues, also Russian. And I am saying relying on my best knowledge: this is not any WC for h4 but just some 4 active players meeting.So this is first basic lie.
that may well be but I am just wondering if you are backed up by others in your criticism of that championship or have a bit of proof because with all the respect, what you are doing here is just trash talking their one while posting links to promote your own, doesn't come across very objective personally lol
BrennusWhiskey said: Iam not running any rival championship but just H4 Â league - democratic and open to everyone, which has currently over 40 members. The question is which event is more real: 40 players playing the league or 4 players playing "world champion"?
it sounds like are caring very much about their World Championship branding here, you realize there can more than one world championship of a sport or game though, it is not like this has high stakes or exclusive rights, nothing would stop you to call your thing The Kings World Championship for instance lol
with a very tiny number of people interested in a game I see no real problem with saying World Championship even if it is just 2 blokes playing in their mother's basement lol
BrennusWhiskey said: I am not here to increase my posts statistics like you.
**** *** lol
BrennusWhiskey said: And I am not posting about things which I dont know like you. So please just think a little before you post something like that.
launching into angry personal attack telling me I don't know and need to go and think a little when questioned is not useful or compelling though in any way to help me sympathise with your position as an outside observer, it just makes me sympathise with the other guys a bit more for successfully ignoring those unconstructive posts lol