Thread: Images - Heroes 5 creature appearances | |

Famous Hero
posted April 23, 2007 08:30 PM |
Images - Heroes 5 creature appearances
How do u find images of unites in HommV:HoF? What would u change in 'em?
Maybe, if wee would collect some quite similar opinions wee would be able to send it to ubi, and we will find better looking creatures in ToTE...
I would change imagez of:
- Gargoyles- more like in Homm III. More agressive less beggar-like...
- Golems- as in Jewish legends (which they are originated from)- much more massive etc.
- Angels and Archangels- more mighty, now to delicate... They look as if they were males, but they have females' headz... Gayz? O_O
- Assasin- bleeeh- Manga dude with Down Syndrom! Yuck!
- Shadow Witch/Matriarch- as Assasin bleeeh X 2
- Familiar- he's appearnace is too funny. I don't know what chngez to ask 4, but, IMHO , it should be changed...
- Succubi- more sexy! Succubi were female demons who were seducing men ...
- Wight/Wraith- delete that stupid head inside the hood and it's perfect!
- Treant/Anicent Treant- more woody! They look like some sticks not like a dangerous, moving tree!!!
- Emerald Dragon- his head looks like Wyvern's head it should be more massive and with more additions, skiny ears ( which look like small wings sticked to head? )...
That's all...
Fortress creatures, in my opinion, are great made...

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted April 24, 2007 04:19 AM |
Quote: - Gargoyles- more like in Homm III. More agressive less beggar-like...
I think they're better this way. They're low level, so they shouldn't look very intimidating.
Quote: - Angels and Archangels- more mighty, now to delicate... They look as if they were males, but they have females' headz... Gayz? O_O
They're supposed to be androgynous, so there is no way for them to be gay because they have no gender anyway.
Quote: - Assasin- bleeeh- Manga dude with Down Syndrom! Yuck!
Looks fine to me. Where is the down syndrome coming from?
Quote: - Shadow Witch/Matriarch- as Assasin bleeeh X 2
They look fine, but they need more clothing.
Quote: - Familiar- he's appearnace is too funny. I don't know what chngez to ask 4, but, IMHO , it should be changed...
They look great! very imp like. I hope the makers of Bartimaeus: The Movie have played this game!
Quote: - Succubi- more sexy! Succubi were female demons who were seducing men ...
No, we have Shadow Witches for that. Besides, why would Ashan's demons want to seduce Humans? They look like they're built for seducing demons.
Quote: - Wight/Wraith- delete that stupid head inside the hood and it's perfect!
I think the face inside makes it feel much less impartial, and thus better.
Quote: - Treant/Anicent Treant- more woody! They look like some sticks not like a dangerous, moving tree!!!
I agree. Download the mod.
Quote: - Emerald Dragon- his head looks like Wyvern's head it should be more massive and with more additions, skiny ears ( which look like small wings sticked to head? )...
Good Idea.
How exactly is luck a skill?

Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted April 24, 2007 09:52 AM |
Quote: - Treant/Anicent Treant- more woody! They look like some sticks not like a dangerous, moving tree!!!
I agree. Download the mod.
I also agree with this, however the mod doesn't work anymore after patch 2.1/1.5. So, a modelchange remains the only option for those who updated their game.
Quote: - Wight/Wraith- delete that stupid head inside the hood and it's perfect!
I agree that the current head is imperfect, however I disagree with deleting it completely. I would say that either they should make the head look les vague or replace the head with a skull.
Quote: - Emerald Dragon- his head looks like Wyvern's head it should be more massive and with more additions, skiny ears ( which look like small wings sticked to head? )...
I disagree greatly here. If one would make the head larger, it would be out of proportion with the rest of the body. Also why is this only a problem with the Emerald Dragons, the other dragons have smaller or equal sized heads, but there you have no problem.
On all other 'issues' I agree with Daystar.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted April 24, 2007 10:20 AM |
I like the creatures as they are. My only complaint was with the Inquisitor helmet and the Emerald Dragon colouring, and I have two wonderful Mods to solve that issue. 
As for the Mods not working in 2.1, War Overlord, there is some issue with where you place the Mod: It has to go to the Map folder, and the Mod file has to be renamed .h5m - I think it should be unpacked before renaming, but I'm not positive on this - Sfidanza can probably enlighten us on that. That might be the reason why it doesn't work for you.
What will happen now?


Hired Hero
posted April 24, 2007 01:24 PM |
As alcibiades said, one of the first complains was the inquisitor helmet, but there is a mod for that....
Aside from that, I agree that gargoyles are just pathetic, and I can't imagine what they thought when they designed them...and their animations, the way they die(they just fall on one side),it's silly.
The imps/familiars are not that bad, they are a bit 'pokemonish', but not that bad...they could use a bit touching......I would prefer more the classical demonic appearance...
Another unit I do not like is the hell hound/cerberus...the h4-like appearance would have done better,I think....
The wraith's inner face isn't quit appealing,but again,there is a mod for that and this goes for the treant,too.
The rest of the units are fine.
And that's about all I think...

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted April 24, 2007 01:46 PM |
Inquisitors, gargoyles, treants and emerald colour for me The rest are fine.
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Famous Hero
that wants your brainz...
posted April 24, 2007 02:18 PM |
Exactly what Elvin said + the Wraith's appearance (not just the head)

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 24, 2007 02:21 PM |
I think Nival should swap the Wight with Wraiths appereance.. and give the upgrade (Wight appereance) some cool Reaper soul-take abilities (I posted some ideas in Ashrah's creature special abilities thread )
yeah, I know, it's cause I'm Death