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Heroes Community > Other Games Exist Too > Thread: Disciples III
Thread: Disciples III


posted July 17, 2007 02:20 PM

Disciples III


E3 07: Disciples III Impressions - First Look
We take a look at the third game in the Disciples turn-based fantasy strategy series.
By Andrew Park, GameSpot
Posted Jul 13, 2007 4:30 am GMT

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--One of the many games being shown at this year's E3 is Disciples III, the third game in the turn-based strategy series. Unlike previous games in the series, Disciples III will be a fully 3D game with polygonal graphics to represent its huge monsters and warriors onscreen, though a representative from Akella, the game's developer, assured us that the game won't have particularly demanding system requirements.

Click to enlarge.

Disciples III will feature more than 150 different "characters"--the war heroes, monsters, ghosts, and other beasties that can make up a war party in the game, and like in the previous games, the size of your war party will depend on your leader character's leadership skill. Apparently, some monsters in the game, such as dragons, will be absolutely huge, and will take up to 12 squares on the game's combat map, which has been retouched as a grid-based map divided up into two halves--yours and your opponents'.

We had a chance to see only the demonic legions of the damned faction in action, and they're as scaly and red-skinned as ever. However, the sequel will apparently ship with only three playable factions out of the box: the legions, the human empire, and the noble elves. Apparently, subsequent expansion packs will add additional races at a rate of one race per expansion--with any luck, we'll see the return of the original Disciples factions of the dwarven mountain clans and the undead horde.

Click to enlarge.

The version of the game we saw was an extremely early one, so there was very little in the way of content to see. We did have a chance to see some parts of the overland map, which is now fully 3D, but is still populated by static monster spawns, various structures your parties can visit (or ransack), and still consists of different terrain types, which can be still converted to your faction's land type by using a rod-placing unit. We also had a chance to see the legions' home town, which was essentially a gigantic floating rock formation suspended above rivers of red molten lava. Both the overland view and the town view seem strikingly reminiscent of Heroes of Might and Magic V, though the towns in Disciples will have the familiar interface options to upgrade various portions of your stronghold to strengthen the specific unit types you choose; for instance, like in the previous games, you can choose to upgrade your melee units' barracks, which lets your basic melee units develop into a stronger character class once they gain experience levels. Upgrade options for melee, archery, magic, and miscellaneous classes at strongholds all appear to be intact.

Disciples III is currently being developed as a joint venture between Canadian publisher Strategy First, which is providing much of the game design, and Russian developer Akella, which is providing most of the production work. The game is scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2008.

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posted July 17, 2007 02:21 PM
Edited by elendil at 14:22, 17 Jul 2007.


E3 2007: Disciples III Tech Demo
The return of the popular PC strategy series is a long ways off, but showing promise.
by Hilary Goldstein

July 13, 2007 - It's been five years since the release of Disciples II. The well-received fantasy-themed strategy title was a major improvement over the original, which helped it grow a solid fanbase. Those fans will have to wait at least another year for Disciples III: Renaissance. Akella -- taking over development from series creator Mistland South -- showed off a tech demo of Disciples III at the Barker Hanger at this year's E3.

Disciples III features three different races, each with its own campaign. All three campaigns -- The Empire, The Legions of the Damned, and the Noble Elves -- will be 10-15 missions long. All three races will be playable online as up to eight players can go at it in multiplayer. But it's far too early for Akella to talk about online play. Akella wants a game as close to perfection as possible and is therefore going to spend at least nine months polishing multiplayer once it's up and running.

The most noticeable change in the tech demo is the switch to a full 3D engine. The Disciples series has never been known for it's visuals, and that appears the case even in the limited E3 tech demo. The creatures, of which there's some 150 varieties, have nice designs, but there's no real visual pop to the world yet. An Akella rep told us that part of the reason for a less than eye-popping presentation is that the engine has issues with NVIDIA cards (on which the demo was run) and looks better on an ATI card.

The world itself exists on a grid map. Each unit is assigned a different size, taking up a certain number of squares. It's all pretty simple and easy enough to understand from the get-go. Every unit is also upgradeable. It's possible to boost a unit enough that, by game's end, it can actually take on an entire army on its own.

Battles introduce new strategic features. Terraforming is one of the focuses. Players can form land around their cities, both to offer protection and to gain an advantage on enemies. It sounds as if you'll be able to terraform an area and lead enemy units into advantageous positions. That means you may be able to set up ambushes.

The switch to 3D is taking some time. Disciples III's game engine still is not finished, though it is nearing completion. Mission creation and scripting haven't begun, meaning Disciples III won't be around until late '08. Akella is taking it's time, but promises, "we won't disappoint anyone."

more info on Heroesworld - first Disciples III fansite: [URL]http://d3.heroes-centrum.com[/URL]

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted July 17, 2007 07:07 PM

erm, dude, no pictures!
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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posted August 06, 2007 04:28 PM

new artworks!

Concept arts of Disciples III

[URL=http://d3.heroes-centrum.com/d3/artworky.html]   [/URL]

More infos on my website!!!  

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted August 06, 2007 05:12 PM

Great artwork...
Haven't played the game yet though
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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posted August 07, 2007 10:22 PM

Waterworld in Disciples?

The Founding of the Silver City:

Four hundred years before the first Great War was a time of peace and prosperity for the three greater races. However this doesn’t mean that hardship wasn’t felt in the lands. One such legend of turmoil emerged with the creation of a race called the water elves, or sprites. As with most legends, many see it as a quant tale of love tested and lost. Few know the truth behind the tales and its implications for a race of peoples.

The legend speaks of two individuals, Glaucus, an elf, and Scylla of the merfolk. Glaucus was a simple wander, a man who was bound by the earth and the forest. However one day he stumbled on a mermaid who had been caught by goblin net and pulled deep inland. A small group of goblins were busily arguing how to enjoy their spoils, some wanting the beautiful maid to themselves, while more lascivious beastlings wanted to see what mermaid tasted like, elf or fish. Seeing a daughter of Solonielle on the need of aid and disgusted at the sight of the slavoring goblins, Glaucus attacked the goblins, killing some and driving off the rest.

The mermaid was more that grateful for her rescue and introduced herself as Scylla. As with many such exciting introductions the elf and the mermaid quickly became entranced in each other, drawn in by each other’s differences and the emotions began to spill forth. However as with most tragic legends, elven and mere law at the time forbade intermarriage with other races. So the two stole away from their lives to engage in a hidden love, desperate for each others attention and respite from their illegal affection. In time both races became aware of the two lover’s transgressions and the two were cursed for their perceived evils. The elven Queen Circielle called upon the will of Gallean and legend says that she transformed Scylla into a foul monster with an insatiable hunger that devoured Glaucus. Horror struck by what she had done, Scylla turned to the merfolk for aid and was cut down by the Atlantean guard.

It is a legend that is told to account for the perils of forbidden love and the pitfalls of turning away from race and family, however as is the case with most legends, it is based on half truths. The story of Glaucus and Scylla’s meeting is true, however bound by love they were, they also contained a spark of life that belittled their races’ desires to quell their forbidden affair. Wishing to find sanctuary from the harsh edicts of the elven and mere people, the two turned for divine guidance, first asking for Gallean and Solonielle’s intervention on their behalf, hoping that the divine lovers would step in for the assistance of true emotion. However the two deities remained silent to Glaucus and Scylla’s pleas. Disheartened the two turned to lesser gods. They prayed to Nereus, the god of the seas, a prophet god who could change the waves to rage against the shore. They prayed to Nethuns, the god of running water, who gave swift movement to those he aided and was adept at hiding his resources. And they prayed to Atargatis, the goddess of the sea creatures and giver of fertility and fierce strength, the singer in the wind. In congress the three deities heard the lover’s plight and chose to aid them in their need. Together the gods concocted a plan to protect the two from their respective races.

It was Nereus who first changed Scylla into the form of a sea trow, a creature that was part troll part water dragon. Meanwhile Nethuns spirited away Glaucus so that all would perceive him dead. When Scylla turned to face Atlantis, it was Atargatis that gave her the strength to withstand their assault and revive after the merfolk believed her dead. With the elves and merfolk convinced of their deaths, Glaucus and Scylla were again returned to each other to be anointed by their love. In unison the three gods gifted the two with their own tributes to aid in their new lives. First Nereus changed the two lovers, joining them in one form. That of the water elves, able to find purchase on both the land and the sea. Nethuns gifted them with swift magic that allowed them to avoid detection and charm those that would seek to destroy their bond. And Atargatis gifted them with silver armor, shields, and tridents to fight off assaults and beautiful voices that could beguile and deceive. Finally, as a tribute to their love, the gods raised up the Silver Isle to house them, partially protected from the sea, partially protected from the land.

Being united together as their own race, Glaucus and Scylla never forgot what the deities had done for them. They began the race of sprites on the protection of the Silver Isle and founded the Silver City. The water elves continued to raise up the three divine figures as their gods and their peoples flourished under their protection. They founded an army centered around the protection of their people, schools for the study of magic and science, and a steadfast faith on the will of their watchful deities. Though Glaucus and Scylla died long ago from the ills of old age, their descendants flourish and have begun to expand past their city borders. They cannot challenge the mights of Nevendaar, but they can begin their existence in less anonymity, confident in their own strength of will.

Source: « History of Nevendaar » -  [URL=http://nevendaar.proboards76.com/index.cgi?board=info&action=display&thread=1174676086]The Lands of Nevendaar[/URL]

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posted August 07, 2007 10:52 PM

Silver City Info

Hidden among the many isles of the Merchant Sea is the forgotten city of the water elves. A reclusive race, the water elves are shunned by both societies that spawned them, the elves and the merfolk. As such the Silver City was built to partially guard themselves from both races. At low tide, a magority of the city can be seen cresting above the thrashing waves of the seas, though at high tide only the highest pillars of the acropolis peak from the waves. Build of shimmering silver and coral, the Silver City is breathless to behold though very few can give account of its appearance or it whereabouts.

The Silver City can only be traveled to by Denizen characters or characters that have conquered a Denizen city. Since Denizen characters are not available, that leaves only one option. It take two real time days to travel, and the Silver City can not be entered and exited in the same real-time day.

The Silver City

- Sea Acropolis
- Temple
- Inner Temple
- Bank
- Sand, Rock, Coral Bed
- Pearl Beacon
- Marine Node
- Monument of Oceans
- Nereus' Tribute
Troop Buildings:
--Public House
---Hidden Reef
-----Temple of Atargatis
--Spell College


Available Troops:
Shield Bearer - 80 gold
Lyrist - 100 gold
Sprite - 80 gold
Postulant - 80 gold
Sea Trow - 800 gold

Hoplite - 300 gold
Centurian - 1000 gold
Coral Myrmidon - 1500 gold
Bard - 400 gold
Maestro - 1000 gold
Oceanid - 400 gold
Siren - 1000 gold
Great Sprite - 1800 gold
Grande Matriarch - 3500 gold
Magician - 300 gold

Hippocampus - 2000 gold

Marine Spells are not currently available for purchase.

*Please not prices are for Denizen characters only. Empire, and Legion characters add 50% cost, Alliance and Undead characters add 100% cost, Clans characters add 150% cost.

Consol Dorillai
- Silver Myrmidon
- Leader
Lord Triton
- Ocean Guardian
Nethun's Guard
Nethun's Guard
Daughter of Nereus
Grand Matriarch
Blue Wizard
Noble Sage

Author:  [URL=http://nevendaar.proboards76.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=admin]Blitz[/URL]

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posted August 08, 2007 07:55 AM

Map of Nevendaar (first proposition)

Solonielle's Sea will possible in the Norther Sea

Author of Map: [URL=http://nevendaar.proboards76.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=marko]Marko[/URL]

The Legend:

The Holy Empire
Since the war with the Elven Alliance, the Holy Empire lands have been practically cut in half. However the people of the lands remain stalwart in their goals and their observance of the Highfather.

Wotan's Spine
The snowcapped mountains of the north, and home of the venerable dwarves. The Mountain Clans rule the cliffs and peaks with fierce loyalty to any that would threaten their people.

The Tainted Lands
Once controlled by the elves and dwarves, the Tainted Lands now spew forth brimstone with the intent of overrunning all of Nevendaar, fueled by the power of the demons, and Bethrezen's rage.

The Forests of Night
Risen in the fetid forest on the southern peninsula of the continent, the Undead Hordes wait with eternal patience. Whether bidden by the will of Mortis or for more personal gains, the Hordes move in and out of the dead trees with purpose.

The Eternal Glade
The home of the noble and wild elves, trees cover the vibrant landscape. In reflection of the dualed personality of the Alliance, the glade is both beautiful and untamed.

Contested Lands
Here are the lands of Nevendaar that see the most conflict. Battles between races clash across expansive plains and over rushing rivers. Each battle is a contest that will better serve each race, or destroy another.

The Barrens
Far to the west, past the Imperial lands lies the Barrens. An unwelcoming land of dirt and scrubs, home of the race of greenskins.

More info here:
 [URL=http://nevendaar.proboards76.com/index.cgi?board=rpgen&action=display&thread=1181462077]Map of Nevendaar[/URL]

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Supreme Hero
posted March 21, 2008 12:13 PM


- Does anyone have any info on a possible implementation of sim turns for this game ? Are there sim-turn MoD's out and if so, where ?

- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?

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Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted March 26, 2008 08:40 PM

I have never played Disciples, but it seems very tempting to play. Not to demanding system requirements, which is a +, especially when it comes to RAM demands.

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Famous Hero
posted April 01, 2008 06:24 PM

I've been waiting this game for too long.

So, any info on release date?

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