Thread: End of the world 2012 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted July 26, 2007 03:57 PM |
End of the world 2012
Opinions are that end of world has to be in 2012
On certain forum are such proofs:
Proofs to the end of world in 2012 year :
-In 2012 year - end mayas calendar
-In 2012 year - end calendar antique egyptian
-"Orions prophecy on year 2012" a book of prominent astrophysicist P. Geryl
-Thousand prophet says about end in year 2012
-Thousand contact so called Channeling, different people on earth with essences from other worlds and dimension every time, transferred information to people is about 2012 year
-Last time on photos world-wide from other worlds appearing energy ball = essence spiritual which make people believing and have channeling contact with other life it is proven - and by many specialists certified.
-Cheops Project it has confirmed on big scale experiment - certain
woman, contact has from and exact informations from other civilization very now it is prepared for recovery of pharaoh - Cheopsa and will cause connection of electromagnetic earth with other planets opening of pyramid that cheopsa there is mission of saving of earth
-World-wide enhanced observation of thousands UFO ships
-Hundred, huge corn pictograms - emerging world-wide - certified scientifically, that they are not executed human hand.
-Rare anomalies and natural catastrophes in last years
-Code of bible - 2012 year
-And many, many others!
They say also that it will follow about 21.12.2012 hour 11:11
Though that in to Bibli is written , "you do not know day neither hours"
I invite for discussion...


Undefeatable Hero
posted July 26, 2007 04:05 PM |

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted July 26, 2007 04:12 PM |
I am scarred because just the other day I was thinking about 2012... Being the end
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted July 26, 2007 04:47 PM |
OMG there is proof  Except I don't see any. Feel free to panic around I think I'll go get a nap.
Oh and you are entitled to an 'I told you so' if it happens.
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Supreme Hero
posted July 26, 2007 04:59 PM |
Haven't heard this in a while. Millenium supposed to bring end of the world and i think it's being like that 2000 years for now. "End of World is coming!"
Yeah, yeah it didn't come this year perhaps next
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted July 26, 2007 05:19 PM |
Quote: OMG there is proof  Except I don't see any. Feel free to panic around I think I'll go get a nap.
haha great comment 2012? rotfl.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 26, 2007 06:11 PM |
Quote: They say also that it will follow about 21.12.2012 hour 11:11
Which time zone is that?
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted July 26, 2007 06:33 PM |
Conveniently the world will be destroyed one time zone at a time.

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted July 26, 2007 06:44 PM |
so you just have to jump from one timezone to another and voila, no end of the world! x]

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted July 26, 2007 06:44 PM |
That explains it ...
My old Visa from 5 years ago expired 09-2012. My new one from this year expires 06-2012. I wondered why it didn't last longer than the old one, but I get it now: Obviously, they rescheduled world end from 09-2012 to 06-2012.
What will happen now?

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted July 26, 2007 06:48 PM |
Edited by Celfious at 18:57, 26 Jul 2007.
Quote: The next peak in the planetary tidal force, essentially the sum total of the planets’ gravitational pull on the Sun, will come in late 2012, according to [solid state quantum physicist] Burgess’s calculations. The sunspot maximum, coincidentally also due in that year, will compound the situation, subjecting the Sun to maximum stress. The Sun’s magnetic poles, which reverse every twenty-two years, at the peak of every second cycle, are also expected to switch in 2012, adding further volatility to the situation.
The resulting synergy of gravitational and electromagnetic pressure on the Sun cannot help but distort and distend its surface, releasing megabursts of imprisoned radiation, quite possibly ones that are far deadlier than any the Earth has encountered since homo sapiens has been around.
This affects our electronics aswell.. It has the force (or can) of 100s of atom bombs
Just google 2012 sun explosion calander or something like it

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted July 26, 2007 07:03 PM |
this is a ridiculous fake from wannabe "scientists", geez, don't believe in such crap.

Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted July 26, 2007 07:07 PM |
...Maybe some from these proofs is bad , but one is, very reliable - poland will organize world cup 
Edit: Sorry, Euro 2012

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted July 26, 2007 07:30 PM |
hahah yeah that's the only one I'd be willing to believe in 
But it's euro 2012, not world cup..

Famous Hero
Overlord of Tililea
posted July 26, 2007 07:54 PM |
Quote: -In 2012 year - end mayas calendar
So, what mayas did NOT survive until 2012 anyway
Quote: -In 2012 year - end calendar antique egyptian
See above (but about ancient egyptians).
Quote: -"Orions prophecy on year 2012" a book of prominent astrophysicist P. Geryl
So, what - let's panic becouse of someone's lunatic fantasy!
Quote: -Thousand prophet says about end in year 2012
Nothing prooves that any was right
Quote: -Thousand contact so called Channeling, different people on earth with essences from other worlds and dimension every time, transferred information to people is about 2012 year
Have YOU or anyone about ever contacted another world or demention
Quote: -Last time on photos world-wide from other worlds appearing energy ball = essence spiritual which make people believing and have channeling contact with other life it is proven - and by many specialists certified.
Did I read correctly - photos from other worlds and a large spiritual energy ball certified by experts - MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Quote: -Cheops Project it has confirmed on big scale experiment - certain
woman, contact has from and exact informations from other civilization very now it is prepared for recovery of pharaoh - Cheopsa and will cause connection of electromagnetic earth with other planets opening of pyramid that cheopsa there is mission of saving of earth
See above - HAVE YOU RECEIVED CERTAIN INFO FROM CONTACT WITH OTHER CIVILIZATION OMG, I was certain that they've already statrted concidering such people (saying that they've contacted some bulsnowy UFO)MAD[i/]
Quote: -World-wide enhanced observation of thousands UFO ships
UFO = an optical illusion - NOT spaceships.
Quote: -Hundred, huge corn pictograms - emerging world-wide - certified scientifically, that they are not executed human hand.
Quote: -Rare anomalies and natural catastrophes in last years
Ever heard of global warming and the ozone lair holes 
Quote: -Code of bible - 2012 yearQuote:
Is that a reason - besides if we look at the bible - "you do not know day neither hours"
Quote: They say also that it will follow about 21.12.2012 hour 11:11
ConclusionN1: Learn some english pls.
CocnlusionN2: Quote: I'll laugh in 2013.
ConclusionN3: Quote: Feel free to panic around I think I'll go get a nap.
ConclusionN4: I've a musical message for you (listen well to the chorus - like this song's dedicated to YOU)
Forgive my spelling!:<

[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Characte... too long to display...

Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted July 26, 2007 07:54 PM |
If you ever think it's the end of the world, don't worry, it's already tomorrow in Australia.
Now, if you're Australian... Then I dunno what to tell you
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted July 26, 2007 08:08 PM |
Quote: this is a ridiculous fake from wannabe "scientists", geez, don't believe in such crap.
Well, forget all those other peoples similar conclusion then. Like the Sun has 18 magnetic poles, and if we're hit by its radiation when the 11th year comes then our electrical field will be thrown off or something. This particular change in 2012 is more dangerous since the one in the 1800s.
It's all over the net

Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted July 26, 2007 08:35 PM |
You can check your deathdate too. at deathclock. Its all over the net. -_-
"net" ain't any oracle for me, sorry.
plus, the sun theory seems completely absurd to me.

Famous Hero
baking cookies from stardust
posted July 26, 2007 09:29 PM |
Quote: -Thousand contact so called Channeling, different people on earth with essences from other worlds and dimension every time, transferred information to people is about 2012 year
Have YOU or anyone about ever contacted another world or demention
Demention definitely has something to do with the end of the world. I forgot what though...

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted July 26, 2007 09:38 PM |
Edited by TheDeath at 21:39, 26 Jul 2007.
Yep you convinced me, end of world 2012 
Quote: So, what - let's panic becouse of someone's lunatic fantasy!
Why panic? If there's nothing to be done 
Quote: Have YOU or anyone about ever contacted another world or demention
Well obviously, YOU (and me) didn't walk on the moon, didn't discover all those formulas out there... and do a lot of things that others have done 
Quote: Did I read correctly - photos from other worlds and a large spiritual energy ball certified by experts.
Well this is quite funny because, in psychology, if the doctor/expert doesn't know what you have (or doesn't want to believe), he calls you crazy. Pure and simple 
Quote: See above - HAVE YOU RECEIVED CERTAIN INFO FROM CONTACT WITH OTHER CIVILIZATION OMG, I was certain that they've already statrted concidering such people (saying that they've contacted some bulsnowy UFO)MAD
See above with psychology thing
Quote: UFO = an optical illusion - NOT spaceships.
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object.
it speaks for itself 
Quote: OMG - HUGE CORN  
Lemme have a taste 
They must have been abducted by Aliens and their understanding was improved due to some aliens doing something to them... 
yep I know, it's too complicated 
Does it even matter?