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Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted November 30, 2016 09:59 AM |
bloodsucker said:
Define "many", some threads here (like "DL for the newbies") were created with an even smaller number of users in mind but I don't believe a "Let's play HommIV" will ever get more then a few dozens clicks per month.
Well of course I am saying Lets play Homm4 because I play it for years with a small group of my league friends
But this is a different thing: making videos requires a lot of work and time. I spend my free time on playing so just recording its not a problem. The issue is to put together the substance, cut black screen time of waiting for turns (you dont want to watch what I am doing meantime ;P), add music, subtitles and do the rest things that video won't last all day

Legendary Hero
posted November 30, 2016 01:08 PM |
I'm guessing you didn't understood what I was saying, I was reffering to this kind of videos on YouTube. They get views (as you can see) but they're not exactly trending...

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted November 30, 2016 01:28 PM |
Yes I didnt understand your point. I thought we are talking about decent online game not some "basics" - how to move each creature 
If I commented such videos I would get probably another warning for being rude here 
All I can say that these videos are nice but dont show proper way to fight decent human players.

Legendary Hero
posted November 30, 2016 04:13 PM |
Just saying these balls... is what you get from searching, so there is a space for a good introdution to online game (and Equilibris) and their views show how many views you can expect to get.
For instance:
GammaDragon uses a Paladin to clear the Half-Dead campaign in a second and gennerally bets on heavy development of Combat quite early in game, from what I saw neither of you does that.
Against AI I never choose Combat early and always try to the last get the top classes even if I have to wait but then I tend to divide the development betwen the two skills but it looked to me like you try to get one Magic skill (always Order?) and Tactics to the max even if the hero has basicly nothing else.
I always tought multiplayer guys would go only for Tactics and full Combat and kill enemy armies mostly with Combat based heroes maybe with some Life Magic for healing, yet this wasn't what I saw in those final battles.
Your toughts on this may be priceless.

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted December 02, 2016 08:08 AM |
bloodsucker said:
Against AI I never choose Combat early
Last time when I post something about playing vs AI they called me rude and "bad mannered". 

Adventuring Hero
posted August 28, 2019 10:57 AM |
la bienvenu ))
come all play H4 ONLINE on GameRanger, I and some others play ther everyday
AND my Hamachi: la reine pedauque pass: 88

Tavern Dweller
posted July 11, 2022 11:58 AM |
thank you