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Known Hero
posted September 05, 2007 12:49 PM |
The Antipode
In this topic are two possible "mod":
-The 10 Dark Elves portraits (That i want to make with the Help of Cepheus)
-The Antipode Town (I am searching a project manager for this town)
I announce that i am making a little "mod" that changes 10 heroe portraits of the Dungeon to Dark Elves. I decided to change the heroe portraits i dislike the most, that's why i only changed 10 of them.
I will tell you who is going to replace who.
Arachna replaces Shakti
Grispin Niakkra replaces Dace
Kirikiel replaces Arlach
Malkiela replaces Synca
Morok replaces Damacon
Hekathe replaces Deemer
Kastore replaces Alamar
Nocturnal replaces Malekith
Raven Darkside replaces Geon
Tarentulus Vile replaces Jaegar
The portraits and biographies:
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
As a high priestess in the Cult of the Black Widow, Arachna has been accused of bringing about division among the Dark Elves of Nighon. Indeed, the shady deals she has made with the Necromancers of Deyja (and some with Sandro in Jadame) have moulded her into a sworn foe of most Dark Elves, particularly among the most fervent members of the Order of the Storm.
Gran sacerdotisa del culto de la viuda negra, la acusan de provocar la escisión de los elfos oscuros de Nighon. Los contactos que tiene con los nigromantes de Deyja y que ha tenido con Sandro en Jadame le han causado el desprecio de ciertas matronas; especialmente la aversión de los más fervientes miembros de la Orden de las Tormentas.
Grande prêtresse du culte de la veuve noire, on l’accuse d’inspirer la scission au sein des elfes de Nighon. En effet, les contacts qu’elle a avec les nécromanciens de Deyja et qu’elle a eu avec Sandro à Jadame lui ont souvent value d’être rejetée au sein des matronnes, notamment par les plus fervantes membres de l’Ordre des Tempêtes.
Grispin Niakkra:
(First version resized by Magister and somewhat modified)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Grispin Niakkra is a newcomer in the tunnels of Nighon. Fleeing the wrath of her Jadamean sisters, she has found a safe haven in Nighon, quickly resolving to become a member of the Order of the Storm, a powerful Warlock Guild, which watches over the peaks of Thunderfist Mountain. Rumour has it that Grispin is involved with the Cult of the Black Widow.
Grispin Niakkra es una recién llegada en Nighon. Huyendo las persecuciones de sus hermanas de Jadame, ha encontrado asilo en Nighon dónde ha fundado la poderosa Orden de las Tormentas en el más alto pico de Nighon: el monte Thunderfist.
Se cuenta que tiene relaciones con el culto de la viuda negra.
Grispin Niakkra est une nouvelle arrivée à Nighon. Fuyant les persécutions de ses soeurs de Jadame, elle a trouvé asile à Nighon où elle a fondé le très puissant Ordre des Tempêtes au plus haut sommet de Nighon: le mont Thunderfist. On raconte qu’elle a des relations avec le culte de la veuve noire.
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
An elder Warlock of Nighon, Hekathe is believed to have had a hand in the creation of the subterranean tunnels connecting Nighon and Antagarich. It is widely understood that the tunnels' creation would not have been possible without the experience and wisdom she has accumulated throughout her years in the Order of the Storm.
Antigua bruja de Nighon, se ha hecho ilustre creando túneles subterráneos que conectan Nighon y Antagarich. Es evidente que ello no hubiera sido posible sin la experiencia y la sabiduría que ha acumulado como eminente miembro de la Orden de las Tormentas.
Ancienne sorcière de Nighon, elle s’est illustrée par la création des tunnels souterrains reliant Nighon et Antagarich. L’expérience et le savoir qu’elle a accumulé au sein de l’Ordre des Tempêtes en est sans doute pour quelques chose.
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Kastore's history is almost as mysterious as the intricate magics he wields. Some say he is involved with the very Ancients themselves. Others believe that he has come to this planet from a distant world, and that he is now plotting with Archibald Ironfist in order to create new, apocalyptic weapons. Regardless of hearsay, it is undeniable that Kastore, paradoxically, is one of the most feared and respected beings in all of Antagarich.
El pasado de Kastore es misterioso. Algunos cuentan que tiene relaciones con antiguas leyendas conectándolo con los antiguos, que ha aterrizado en este planeta y que se ha aliado con Archibald Ironfist con el objetivo de crear nuevas armas. Sea como sea, Kastore es paradójicamente uno de los seres más temidos y a su vez respetados de todo Antagarich.
Le passé de Kastore est rempli de mystères. Certains racontent qu’il a avoir avec d’anciennes légendes le reliant aux anciens, qu’il a attéri sur cette planète et qu’il s’est allié avec Archibald Ironfist dans le but de créer de nouvelles armes. Quoi qu’il en soit, Kastore est paradoxalement l’un des êtres les plus craints et à la fois respetés de tout Antagarich.
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Trained in the arts of war by none other than Lord Corlagon of Enroth himself, Kirikiel is among the world's finest assassins. All of his battlefield tactics involve the use of poison and acid. These ideas have become so popular among Dark Elf armies that, nowadays, almost all of their foot soldiers use similar weapons. The stratagems that Kirikel has devised are famous throughout all of Jadame.
Kirikiel fue el primero en aconsejar a sus elfos oscuros disparar primero una flecha envenenada para debilitar las tropas enemigas y luego una flecha de ácido para acabarlos. Su idea logró tomar tanta importancia, que casi todas las tropas de elfos oscuros utilizan esta técnica hoy en día. Los manuscritos que ha escrito sobre la mejor estrategia a emplear en cada batalla son famosos en Jadame.
Kirikiel fût le premier à conseiller à ses archers elfes noirs d’utiliser pour le premier tir du poison pour affaiblir l’ennemi et ensuite de l’acide pour l’achever. Son idée prit une telle ampleur, que de nos jours, presque toutes les troupes d’elfes noirs utilisent cette technique. Les manuscrits qu’il a écrit sur la meilleure strategie à suivre durant la bataille sont connus à travers Jadame.
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Malkiela has come to Nighon from a distant land, seeking adventure. In the past months, she has made a name for herself simply by carrying out her sisters' plots against the feral creatures that roam Nighon's dark lands. Certain people say that the control she possesses over powerful creatures is the key to her success.
Venida a buscar la aventura en Nighon, se ha distinguido en los complots de sus hermanas en contra los desorganizados habitantes de esta comarca. Algunos cuentan que el control que ejerce sobre poderosas criaturas venidas de la oscuridad haya sido la clave de su victoria.
Venue chercher l’aventure à Nighon, elle s’est particulièrement illustrée dans les complots de ses soeurs envers les habitants desorganisés de cette contrée. Certains racontent que le contrôle qu’elle exerce sur de puissantes créatures venues de l’ombre aurait été la clef de leur victoire.
(made by Cepheus)
Well known for his love of war, Morok has led the Dark Elves of Nighon and Jadame to innumerable victories throughout his career. The feats he has accomplished have made him famous throughout Nighon, where his reputation precedes him.
Morok se destaca por su amor de la guerra, no dudando en luchar solo contra un ejército entero. Las azañas que ha llevado a cabo lo han vuelto famoso en Nighon donde su reputación lo precede.
Morok est bien connu pour son amour de la guerre, n’hésitant pas à lutter seul contre toute une armée. Les quêtes qu’il a achevé l’ont rendu célèbre à travers Nighon, où sa réputation le précède.
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Nocturnal has an enormous thirst for power, and an ego to match. As one of the most powerful members of the Order of the Storm, she reins over other spellcasters whose powers pale in comparison to hers. With her grim talents and dark aspirations, she has easily managed to ascend to the highest levels of Nighon hierarchy.
Nocturnal tiene una gran sed de poder. Se cree que es uno de los más poderosos miembros de la Orden de las Tormentas. Gracias a su personalidad oscura y a sus complots consigue sobrevivir en los más altos niveles de la jerarquía de Nighon.
Nocturnal a une grande soif de pouvoir. Elle est reconnue comme l’un des plus puissants membres de l’Ordre des Tempêtes. Grâce à sa personnalité sombre et à ses complots elle réussi à survivre aux plus hauts niveaux de l’échelle hiérarchique de Nighon.
Raven Darkside:
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
Raven Darkside
The few remaining people that know anything of Raven Darkside's background will tell you that he has lived long enough to witness the arrival of the first Dark Elves, as well as the foundation of the city of Alvar in Jadame. It is even possible that he has lived long enough to see the Silence of the Ancients as well. This fearsome spellcaster has thus been regarded as one of the first of his kind to wield Dark Elven magic. Some people say that he has predicted the end of the world.
Las raras personas que conocen el pasado de Raven le dirán que ha asistido a la llegada de los primeros elfos oscuros, así como a la fundación de Alvar. Es por consecuente uno de los más antiguos utilizadores de la magia de los elfos oscuros. Dicen que predijo el fin del mundo.
Les rares personnes qui connaissent l’histoire de Raven Darkside vous diront qu’il a assisté à l’arrivée des premiers elfes noirs ainsi qu’à la fondation de la ville de Alvar de Jadame. Il est l’un des plus anciens utilisateurs de la magie des elfes noirs. On dit qu’il aurait prédit la fin du monde.
Tarantulus Vile:
(First version resized by Magister)
(second and final version made by Cepheus)
As the son of an infamous Jadamean sorceress, Tarantulus Vile is one of the rare male Dark Elves to be commonly accepted as a magician. The proficiency he possesses with the manipulation of acids and poisons permits him to create terrific new spells and weapons through the use of his craft.
Hijo de una poderosa casa de Jadame, Tarentulus es uno de los raros elfos oscuros machos que haya sido aceptado como mago. La capacidad que tiene en controlar ácidos y venenos le ha permitido crear nuevos hechizos y armas terroríficos.
Fils d’une importante maison de Jadame, Tarentulus est l’un des rares elfes noirs mâles à être acceptés comme magicien. La capacité qu’il a à contrôler les acides et les poisons lui ont permi de créer de nouveaux sorts que seul lui connaît.
The 10 portraits made:
Assideo replaces Gunnar
Breniac replaces Jeddite
Domina replaces Grispin Niakkra
Memoria replaces Ajit
Nina replaces Sephinroth
Obsidius replaces Darkstorn
Zaknafin replaces Lorelei
Assideo Machinatrix
Assideo Machinatrix has always been fascinated by machines. He has harboured his passion as a craft, excelling most importantly in the use of war machinery. Through his proficiency in this ‘craft’, he has won many battles. He revels in ambushing, attacking and destroying every neighbouring or distant castle that stands in his way, with every onslaught not a burden to his army, because of his extensive use of war machines. This ruthlessness in battle as well as his natural aggressive and deadly personality have made him a powerful leader and feared foe.
Due to his harsh and often cruel background, Breniac has a dark, merciless and corrupted soul. Never ceasing to breed hatred in those around him, he utilises his very advanced powers of telepathy and telekinesis to get all he desires. Moreover, as a mighty magician, he boosts the ranks of his armies with slaves acquired through the use of his crafts, corrupted by the terror implanted in their minds. An intimidating warrior, Breniac is a terrible enemy to face.
Domina Flagellum
Domina Flagellum is famous for her cruelty against the elves of Karigor, which she considers as the most pitiful and unforgivable mistakes ever created. As the daughter of a matriarch of Alvar, she had been granted high status until the Armageddon, and has inherited the slaves of her mother. She is currently a member of the Order of Storm.
Memoria Rampage
Rarely do Mind Flayers of Memoria’s calibre fight alongside their armies. Yet she defies all odds, fighting as fiercely and bravely as any warrior she commands. For her heroism, Memoria Rampage and her race have become one of the few races to be trusted by the ever-suspicious Dark Elves. This has allowed Memoria to steadily work her way up to positions of power over the Dark Elves. An impressive wielder of telepathic powers, Memoria has often made excellent use of her gift to aid her armies and to ruin her enemies.
Nina Metacid
Nina Metacid, an inhabitant of the sewers beneath Alvar, has shown a rare capacity for magic that is uncharacteristic of her race. This has made her both revered and feared amongst warriors. Her life in that damp environment has made it easier to develop her mighty skills. Now, the vision of this little kobold freezes the blood of her enemies figuratively as well as literally.
Obsidius Transprime
In ages past, Obsidius Transprime was the leader of the guild of the earth during Nighon’s heyday. After the Armageddon, unable to leave the land of his birth, Obsidius has managed to survive by joining the legions of the underground tunnels and their inhabitants. Some say he may be immortal, as he is one of the few remaining humans alive.
Zaknafin Tenebrae
Having been raised as a disciple of the Jadamean court, Zaknafin Tenebrae has learned to focus his dark soul and anger against his foes. It is believed that he was connected with the murder of Mutare with Dracon, the infamous Dragon Queen of Nighon, during a raid. Although he is a very secretive and enigmatic warrior, as a member of the Order of Storm, he is largely respected and praised in Jadame.
I don't know when it will be finished. The portrait "mod" will be finished soon, i hope. I don't want to say a date.
The mod in English can be downloaded:
Dark Elf portraits in English
The updated MOD without mistakes (last and best version):
10 Dark Elf Portraits MOD
Even though there is a readme file in the "mod",
Dark Elves Mod
Readme File
This mod will work with most versions of Heroes III. It's designed to replace most of the Dungeon heroes with Dark Elves. All heroes will retain their original primary skills, secondary skills and specialties. Biographies, names and portraits will be changed.
Extract all of the .pcx and .txt files (other than this readme) into your Heroes III Data directory (the one with H3bitmap, H3sprite and others) and play.
Delete all of the hero portraits and text files, or move them out of your Data directory. Simple as that.
If you have any comments or questions, post them at this link:
I have thought of some possible creatures in the case somebody would be interested in making this "mod" (i speak about the dark elf town: Antipode)
The Antipode (in English)
La Antípoda(in Spanish)
L'Antipode (In French)
Sheensher was kind enough to do those "userbars":
(Spanish version)
(English version)
The Dark Elf town, Antipodia town shall have These creatures (perhaps):
Level 1 Spider
Level 1 Upgrade Black Widow
Level 2 Ooze:
Level 2 upgrade Puddle(?)
Level 3 Dark Archer(shall be a dark elfish version of the wood elf)
Level 3 upgrade Thaumarturge(shall be a dark elfish version of the wood elf)
Capacities: First shoot poisoned, second shoot acid
Level 4 executionner:
Level 4 Upgrade Grand executionner (ridind the "basilisk")
Level 5 Black Widow Servant (Actually it's the necromancer of MM 7)
Level 5 Upgrade (it's the necromancer of MM8)
Level 6 Venom Spawn(From H4):
Level 6 Upgrade ¿ ?:
Level 7 Spiderwoman/Spiderprincess (Sheensher made it)
Level 7 Upgrade Spiderqueen (Sheensher made it)
I would also appreciate if you could tell me whether i made any mistake in the biographies.
I have planed to make a French and Spanich version.
Spanish version:
Biographies in Spanish
French version:
Antipode French
I have made some things, i wouldn't like to make the Antipodia town alone; i will begin school soon. So i will have to look for a "Project Manager/Director" for this town. If somebody will like.
I also announce for the people that want to make a "mod" (perhaps), that i have found a website with 97 animations of creatures of MM7 and MM8. (Some of them are full-face though):
Animation gallery
Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted September 05, 2007 12:54 PM |
The name rings a bell..
types in obscure english
Supreme Hero
posted September 05, 2007 01:21 PM |
Too much spider , may be we add spider man at lv8
Good news , hope this mod can finish soon
Known Hero
posted September 05, 2007 01:27 PM |
I don't want to make this mod. I want to make the mod of the 10 portraits only.
I would like somebody else to do it, if there is a possible project manager that is not busy with an other mod here.
Supreme Hero
posted September 05, 2007 01:37 PM |
portraits ??? We can make it in just one days no more
Known Hero
posted September 05, 2007 01:38 PM |
I cannot resize some of them, i am waiting Cepheus' work.
I have made the biographies in English, French, and Spanish. I still need to check the correctness of the biographies.
Adventuring Hero
absent mind
posted September 05, 2007 02:25 PM |
Wow a dungeon mod.
Name sounds good, some dark elves ... good, spider as a lvl. 1 ... Ok, hmmm spider servant not so good, lvl. 7 spider? better not. Conclusion: The concept idea is pretty, but i as fighter for original Dungeon preservation must disagree with taht spiderstuff. OK lvl. 1 creature is suitable but thats enough. Dark elves are ok too (proof is in HoMMV) but i prefer the dragon worshiping to some insects.Lvl. 7 a definitely must BE a dragon(i know, its anoying how many dragons there already are in the game but dungeon without dragons?). Executioneer alright and when riding nothing better. As a new separate castle from dungeon acceptable, but i dont want want to see it as a dungeon replacement(im sorry).
To those portraits: The are good. Did you make them yourself? I would try to add some more color. They look almost as black and white.
Famous Hero
posted September 05, 2007 04:54 PM |
nice try
but i will never install this mod since i like the original Dungeon heroes that you dislike.
about the town:
grove town also has the 'dark elf'-theme. don't you think you'd have two of a kind then?
Known Hero
posted September 05, 2007 05:15 PM |
Yes, i try to make a little mod to change 10 portraits that i didn't like much (for example the troglodith's portraits).
I resized images i found on the internet, i had the "copyright" for the portrait of Kirikiel.
If somebody will like to continue the mod, that would be up to her/him.
I am just waiting for Cepheus for the latests portraits (Katore and Morok).
Famous Hero
WoG Team artist
posted September 05, 2007 07:03 PM |
about the town:
grove town also has the 'dark elf'-theme. don't you think you'd have two of a kind then?
Wrong. Grove town based on the NIGHT elves conception.
Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted September 05, 2007 07:49 PM |
You should change 6 lvl. Ooze and Venom spawns should be on 2 lvl. On 6 lvl can be shadow beast and shadow ruler, but the rest is baiki
The Nothingness
posted September 06, 2007 03:04 PM |
- The person riding the basilisk is extremely similar to the Grove one I think.
- Why not english version?
- The spider prinsess thingy is pretty... weird
Known Hero
posted September 06, 2007 05:05 PM |
You can read the last post of Darkloke in this page:
Grove town
"The spider princess is weird":
Don't worry about that, there is few probability for the "Antipode town" to be released if i don't find any project manager for this town. I will begin to be busy soon, i don't want to much responsability, i don't know how to make technical things, only heroe portraits and write in English, Spanich and French.
The Nothingness
posted September 06, 2007 05:14 PM |
Ok, then I wish you good luck with this
Known Hero
posted September 06, 2007 05:17 PM |
I don't know if you have understood:
I am only going to make the 10 portraits mod, wich is almost finished i only need Cepheus help now.(If you still haven't undertood please notify it to me)
Cepheus say it will be perhaps made today.
But i prefer to be pessimistic, in the case it won't be released today.
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted September 06, 2007 05:21 PM |
Don't be pessimistic, I promise that everything will be done and ready today. Just give me an hour or two.
The Nothingness
posted September 06, 2007 05:30 PM |
Well, good luck with the portraits then
Known Hero
posted September 06, 2007 08:01 PM |
Thanks to Cepheus work the 10 portraits mod in English version can be downloaded. You can see it on the first post of the topic in red.
The biographies have been somewhat modified by Cepheus.
I also thank Sheensher for his help.
Have a good game.
Famous Hero
posted September 07, 2007 04:58 PM |
i'm checking it out right now
Known Hero
and Slipknot FAn
posted September 12, 2007 03:21 PM |
I like the apperance of heroes before Ceph remade that