Thread: Heroes III Wog(script57update) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Known Hero
posted February 02, 2008 05:07 AM |
Edited by BAD at 16:14, 05 Feb 2008.
Extended spell info in spell book
This is the sptraits addapted from 3.59 to 3.58f with extra info for spells...Nothing is changed, just add extra information(Extended spell info in spell book). 
Update on 1st page too 
Here is a preview(Extended spell info in spell book) :

Give some feedback if something isn't right
P.S I posted here, because is a part from "Starting Hero Boost" and this script is for script57 as well. 

Famous Hero
posted February 09, 2008 09:26 PM |
BAD you are awesome! You make so cool scripts and that stuff, keep doing it!

Known Hero
posted February 11, 2008 12:01 AM |
Thank you...Doing what I can in my free time and will do more improvements overtime 

Famous Hero
posted February 12, 2008 03:28 PM |
Your links are broken and just tell me that ''does you pc have pornography?''stuff... Is it possible to make a caravan system for wog, so that you can buy from external dwellings if you have resource silo... lol, I hope it's possible...

Known Hero
posted February 12, 2008 03:46 PM |
Edited by BAD at 15:47, 12 Feb 2008.
Checked the links and are ok.
There is a sort of "caravan" in Wog and is called " Summoning Stones" (script 32 by Timothy Pulver).

Famous Hero
posted February 13, 2008 05:30 PM |
But to buy sthraight from your town?

Known Hero
posted February 15, 2008 05:48 AM |
Not yet from town so far 

Known Hero
posted February 24, 2008 02:50 PM |
Quote: @BAD
This script transfer to 3.58f so much hard ? So dont waste u time any more for this , instead forward on 3.59 may be better .
i agree!

Known Hero
posted February 25, 2008 03:04 AM |
Indeed, is better because is for 3.59, but still will addapt a part for 3.58f

Known Hero
posted March 02, 2008 11:31 AM |
I addapted a part from 3.59 of Starting Hero Boost for 3.58f
** STARTING HERO BOOST v1.0 Beta addapted for 3.58f by BAD aka Archangel **
Starting Hero Boost
This script doesn't have a check or option for 3.58f, just install it in Data/s and if want to remove it, just delete it from Data/s
- This script is made to help the players that use Neutral Units script(script 57) and Neutral stack Size;
- This script have a check before map will be created to see if script57 is active or incompatilities. For addapted 3.58f version, will turn off automatically script 121(Heroes have double movement).
- If script Neutral Units Bonuses(script 57) and Neutral Stack Growt(script 57 with option 232) aren't enabled, you can't get extra experience from bonuses and casters can't do additional damage with spells against neutral units. This is because will be overpowered and requires both options.
For now, Starting Hero Boost has been addapted for following code:
** New Formula for movement is based on hero's level including AI (22 movement from start +1 movement at every 3 levels);
** All Heroes with spell book have magic arrow from start;
** Extra Experience from Bonuses(using original formula from script 57 and just for level 5,6,7 and 8 creatures for now);
doesnt work for Dragon Utopia, Creature Banks, Crypt, Creature Generators and so on...
-10% extra experience from bonuses for level 5 creatures;
-20% extra experience from bonuses for level 6 creatures;
-100% extra experience from bonuses for level 7 and 8 creatures;
For instance:
============ =
An archangel in month 3 has 280 extra health from bonuses and we will get extra 280 experience per creature.
** Unique Spells Boost is special for casters (cleric, druid and so on...) when do battles against neutral units and give them all more spell damage using number of days and hero's level by using the following formula:
Number of Days x Base Spell damage : 100 (1%) x hero's lvl : 5(5% for ice bolt...), 10(10% for magic arrow...) or 20 (5% implosion... )
** Unique Spells Boost is addapted for now just for the following spells: * magic arrow *, * ice bolt *, * Lightning Bolt *,
implosion *, * Chain Lightning *, * frost ring *, * fireball *, * inferno *, * meteor shower *, * death ripple *,
destroy undead *, * armageddon *, * Titan's Lightning Bolt *.

Famous Hero
posted March 02, 2008 12:39 PM |
COOOLL!!! I am going to try it out!

Known Hero
posted March 07, 2008 03:41 PM |
Edited by BAD at 23:54, 16 Mar 2008.
If are problems or if are some requests, post here. 
My plans for future are:
1. Bonuses and Stack Growth will be addapted for map size;
2. New formula for bonuses for the units with fire shield, death stare, ignore defense and Lycanthropy;
3. Starting Hero Boost will have a boost for native towns(for instance: tower won't have penalities on snow and increased movement on that surface using hero's level and army on that surface).
These are plans for near future and will be done when I have time. 

Known Hero
posted May 01, 2008 02:11 AM |
Edited by BAD at 06:34, 07 May 2008.
A new update for Starting Hero Boost addapted for 3.58f.
Starting Hero Boost addapted for 3.58f
Corrected a few bugs, if are more, please report in this topic. The bugs corrected are: neutral towns no longer will give extra experience, crypts and creature banks won't give errors, units with absorb damage won't get extra damage from unique spells boosts, heroes with resistance won't get extra spell damage from unique spell boost.
In future updates, I have in mind to make neutral towns to have a construction build every 4 days, so neutral units in neutral towns to have Castle after month 2 and even Level 8 after month 5. Units that will defend neutral town will have increased bonuses and if the town will be conquered it, all buildings will remain

Known Hero
posted May 22, 2008 10:12 PM |
Quote: Extended spell info in spell book
This is the sptraits addapted from 3.59 to 3.58f with extra info for spells...Nothing is changed, just add extra information(Extended spell info in spell book). 
Update on 1st page too 
Here is a preview(Extended spell info in spell book) :

Give some feedback if something isn't right
P.S I posted here, because is a part from "Starting Hero Boost" and this script is for script57 as well. 
srry to say but i can't download the link. the url can't be retrieved. can u put it on like megafileupload?

Known Hero
posted May 23, 2008 11:44 AM |

Known Hero
posted May 24, 2008 05:49 PM |
srry to say but still it's not working. For both websites, the browser says can't open the webpage and can't locate the link or url.

Known Hero
posted May 25, 2008 12:30 AM |
Give me your email using HC Messenger and I'll send to you 

Known Hero
posted May 26, 2008 10:00 PM |
here's the e-mail

Known Hero
posted May 27, 2008 12:16 AM |
Edited by BAD at 08:33, 13 Jun 2008.
I sent you, enjoy 

Known Hero
posted June 18, 2008 09:29 PM |
Are u sure? I didn't see a mail coming for weeks.