Thread: Another lame Heroes 6 poll | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted October 12, 2007 10:49 PM |
Poll Question: Another lame Heroes 6 poll
No I did not put lame like that for an acciden
so anyway I fixed this
heroes 6

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted October 13, 2007 12:28 AM |
* = new

Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted October 13, 2007 01:29 AM |
Edited by Moonlith at 01:31, 13 Oct 2007.
Hmmm lets see...
Haven - Humans (Grass)
Inferno - Demons (Ashland / Lava)
Sylvan - Woodelves (Grass)
Academy - Wizards (Snow / Clouds)
Necropolis - Undead (Dirt)
Stronghold - Barbarians / Orcs (Rough / Desert)
Fortress - Reptiles / Amfibians / Nagas (Swamp)
*1 Dungeon - Overlords and Warlocks (Underground)
*2 Wasteland - Dark Elves (Wasteland)
*1 I'd rather see Minotaurs back in control and Dungeon as a Monster faction lead by strategic Overlords and Warlocks concentrating on Destructive Magic and mind control. Hydra does fit, but I rather see it in a reptile faction. The underground has enough monstrosities to choose from.
*2 The Dark elves I'd rather see controlling a faction concentrating more on Dark Magic and some Destructive Magic, with wizard counterparts (Also on Power and Knowledge) as their leaders, perhaps. Click here for more info More than likely a faction with assassin like strategies, hit n run.
I think a new arabic styled faction could be cool, with nomads, feline anthros (like current Academy's tier 6), such kind of stuff. But Stronghold orcs seem fair in it as well.
That's it, really. Werewolves, meh, I find it pointless to make a whole faction out of it, same with Dwarves.
Sooo that brings me to 9, which unfortunately isn't an option in the poll.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 03:54 AM |
From my H6 proposals:
Dark Elves
So, 12.
Eccentric Opinion

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted October 13, 2007 06:35 AM |
I like cheese.
Nomads (Ex Haven troops who are hunted and forced to keep on the move, not the old Nomads). Everybody blames them because Isabelle is a twit. Grass.
Dungeon : Becomes a more might oriented faction after the minotaurs get fed up and revolt. They then force the Dark Elves to be their 'slaves'. Underground/wasteland
Arcanum : With the Necromancers pretty much defeated and decimated the Mages are able to focus on more powerful magics. Forgoing the mechanical aspects they ally themselves with beings from different planes. Some do not like this and they split off to form the forge town. Highways and plains.
Forge : Abandoning most magic they start focusing on animating constructs and machines. No penalties or bonuses for terrain.
Inferno : Still at it, trying new troops out though. The old ones obviously couldn't get the job done. Ash/ect
Sylvan : A little more wild and viscious though. They ditch Avenger for Wild Strike : Reduces Enemy Morale, Increases units Init, and Causes extra damage (with some sort of trade off to balance) Forest.
Werewolf : Necros had managed to keep their numbers down, now they have grown in numbers. Enemy to Necro, but not friendly to any other town either. Forest/Grass
Fortress : Dwarves are back, hopefully with a few more imaginative troops. Hills/ect
The Hidden : The few Dark Elves that escaped from the revolt of the Minotaurs and the Few remaining Necromancers ally to form what may be the most dangerous dark faction ever.
Message received.

Famous Hero
Evil lolcat
posted October 13, 2007 07:55 AM |
I like cheese!

Supreme Hero
Chocolate ice cream zealot
posted October 13, 2007 08:30 AM |
all 8 factions and a cheese faction!
"Am i a demon? No im a priest of the light! THE BLOODY RED LIGHT"

Famous Hero
Evil lolcat
posted October 13, 2007 10:06 AM |
Cheese faction ;P:
1.Cheese Cheese Cheese
2.Cheese Cheese Cheese
3.Cheese Cheese Cheese
4.Cheese Cheese Cheese
5.Cheese Cheese Cheese
6.Cheese Cheese Cheese
7.Royel Cheese Royel Cheese Royel Cheese

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2007 10:14 AM |
Edited by Homer171 at 10:15, 13 Oct 2007.
Well six is a must but there will be more but i think they will go whit original heroes and towns.
Knight - It's sure enough that dull humans and their Angels and Cavalry are there.
Sorceress - Ranger, Druid, Elf what ever. Sylvan\Nature\Rampart theme will be there.
Warlock- They are in it whit their Black Dragons! Perhaps not Dark Elfs tough.
Wizard - Mages, Titans and Golems are there but not sure about those elephants 
Necromancer - Liches and Vampires are there along whit some crappy lv7. Sandro will return. Not 
Barbarian - Now that TotE is out and Barbs are quite popular they must use this fanction in next game as well.
Demon Lord - If some of the existing races would disappear i would say Infernals but as they are counter parts of Haven and bad guys of the story they will likely be in the next game as well.
- Many wishes that there will be new race/s but i think there will be one new race if any.
Swamp town whit some Lizards creatures. Little same as H3 Fortress.
Ocean/Naga town whit Medusas perhaps some Mermaids
Nature neutral town creatures such as Satyrs, Nomands, Rogues, Centaurs. I just hope it wouldn't remind H4 Nature too much 
"Renegades" I hate this idea but they might just do alternative fanction like Elfs and Dark Elfs. It would not be very interesting to have 2 Human towns but perhaps 2 neutral/nature/wild life towns could work Stronghold and Deserters or something like that.
I guess we will get 8 towns in H6 but probably new town in expansion as well. Over 10 towns seems wishful thinking to me but i wouldn't mind.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Adventuring Hero
Dragon Lord
posted October 13, 2007 10:20 AM |
i don't know why people like cheese so much but I voted for 14 factions because bigger is better....the problem is finding all those creatures and all sort of ideas for this kind of a project .

Famous Hero
Evil lolcat
posted October 13, 2007 10:41 AM |
you said it man! why people like cheese so much?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 13, 2007 10:58 AM |
I like cheese. Besides having more than 6-8 factions works against the balance even if ubival has all the time in the world. Let's be realistic.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 12:01 PM |
I hate cheese.
10 factions would be okey, and it would not be über hard to find those.
They would be:
Old H3 Dungeon controlled by the Faceless.
Academy, but move them to the snow again please.
Fortress, i dont know about this one but i couldnt find any better one.
Pirate/Outlaws/Renegade/Free Cities
Naga working with Lizardmen in a swamp town.

Famous Hero
I just love being elemental
posted October 13, 2007 12:33 PM |
Edited by kraken at 12:33, 13 Oct 2007.
I would chose these factions in heroes 6
so I guess that means twelve
oh,heroes three had a total of 9 factions. If the starting number of factions was greater than 9, then heroes 6 would be the game with the most factions

Famous Hero
Evil lolcat
posted October 13, 2007 01:37 PM |
Quote: I hate cheese.
HOW DERE YOU! in the name of the evil cheese i will curse you for 10 years watching commercials .

Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2007 01:56 PM |
13 overall.

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted October 13, 2007 03:02 PM |
Edited by Ted at 15:03, 13 Oct 2007.
I agree with Xerox
Quote: Haven -
Inferno -
Sylvan -
Old H3 Dungeon controlled by the Faceless. - yeah, faceless and some troglodytes
Academy, but move them to the snow again please. - like academy as they are, but perhaps 2 types of acacdemy
Bastion -
Necropolis -
Fortress, i dont know about this one but i couldnt find any better one. -i rather like fortress, they're they different and defenceive faction everyone loves to play
Pirate/Outlaws/Renegade/Free Cities -a pirate town would be really weird, and an outlaw town isn't too popular, renegades are something for every faction anyway and free cities, see academy
Naga working with Lizardmen in a swamp town. -you could make them two seperate towns, i think lizardmen are often put under the class of one creature, a bit like fortress
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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 14, 2007 10:15 AM |
i personally think that Twelve factions is good, as it makes it easier to think of a storyline. in my proposal (see sig) i have twelve factions in a sandbox campaign, taking territories from each other in order to conquer a continent. they pretty much have the same units and have an additional mercenary unit to use as well. (i think that alternative upgrades are a nice idea, but best leave it to another expansion)
they are:
all the factions from heroes 5, so haven, Sylvan, Dungeon, Inferno with not much change. all of them have a unique campaign hero, and additional mercenary creatures.
new factions include the Palace (naga, themed around far east, with Medusa and giant turtles) the Ziggurat (Patheran, feline beastmen themed on Aztecs, with feathered serpents, and huge warriors called Chimera) the Confederation (free cities of the east, an evil capitalist bunch of engineers who want to make a lot of money) and the Hive (incestiods, kinda like the Tyranids from Warhammer 40K).
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

Supreme Hero
Chocolate ice cream zealot
posted October 14, 2007 09:02 PM |
Personally ill stick with 8 Highly specialized factions. Maybe to be made 10 with expansions
You think the storyline is bad now? imagien how bad it will be with a campaign for 14 factions. You might get 2 missions per faction if you dont want to get extremely bored while theyre using "filler" scenario material because it would take so damn long.
Think 6 times 5 = 30(as it was with original realease) 14 times 5= 72 maps. That would be very hard.
"Am i a demon? No im a priest of the light! THE BLOODY RED LIGHT"

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 14, 2007 10:44 PM |
Better with a very long campaign than an super short i say ;P
Maybe a bit off-topic but... Any ideas for a faction that would replace the pirate one and fit it to a storyline were all races go to a new continent and have a part in the Dark Messih storyline in the end?