Thread: The Battle of Nightglade | |

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted November 19, 2007 07:51 AM |
Edited by Mytical at 11:06, 20 Nov 2007.
The Battle of Nightglade
This is going to be my submission for one of the contests, but I am 'perfecting' it here. Will be edited a few times before submission. It is about the battle for a Haven Town called Nightglade. Hope you enjoy.
Duke Wolfhouse looked over the battlefield from one of the towers. The infernal legions stretched for miles. The walls of Nightglade easily withstood the assult of their seige engines, however. Though vastly outnumbered the army he commanded was one of the most experienced of the Griffin Empire. In fact, towns from all over sent their soldiers to be trained here.
Reinforcements were days away, they had to hold the town at all costs. They had managed to dispatch the legions that had been gated in by the enemy, but had paid a terrible price. They were training the peasants to use bows as fast as they could, but the training went slowly.
"Sir! Breach on the left wall! One of our towers is down!" came a report from one of the soldiers.
"Close that breach! Don't let them get in! Every man to the hole. Hold it at all costs." he barked. "Call in the Imperial Griffins. Dive on any creature that even thinks of approaching it!"
The soldier rushed to spread his order. What he would not do for somebody who could cast some magic on his troops. The few Arch Angels he had started the day with were one of the first to fall at the hands of the Demon army. They knew not to leave them standing for too long. The Paladins had been next. In fact he was down to a hand full of griffens, way too many peasants, but at least he still had a great many crossbow men. Things were getting desperate. If rescue didn't come soon, it would be too late.
Be'Keth could smell victory. He had sent about a third of his legion against the frail humans and their town, and already the town was suffering greatly. Soon it would burn. The general leading the initial charge would probably be lost, but it was of no concern. That is what underlings were for, to sacrifice.
He waited just out of sight of the enemy's tower. With twice as many creatures as he had sent with his general, his conquest would be easy. The glory would go to him alone. The 'mighty' Nightglade castle would burn this night.
As he reveled in his vision of the castle in flames, a horned demon hesitantly approached. "Master Be'Keth..forgive. Scouts say more umans arrive. They charge, many die. Wait for orders."
"Bah! Must I do everything for myself!? Gather the rest, we march!" Be'Keth was not about to be denied his victory. Especially not by some humans.
The men on the walls cheered when the cavaliers ran down the last remaining imps. Not a moment too soon either. Only a handful of soldiers remained alive, most of them bleeding and exhusted. The Duke went to greet their wouldbe rescuers. The one leading them was an imposing figure. Dressed in head to foot armor, riding a large armored horse.
After getting the rescuing army inside, the Duke approached the leader of the army. "Thank the gods you have arrived. We thought that the castle would fall. To whom do we owe our gratitude?" asked the Duke.
"I am known only by the name Dunham. Do not thank us yet. Our scouts report that there is another army twice the size of the last headed our way. Can you and your men still fight?"
"As long as we draw breath we can fight M'Lord. I hope more reinforcements are arriving soon, however. Though your help is greatly appreciated, fifty Cavaliers are hardly going to make a difference against so many creatures." After hearing that what they had faced had only been a fraction of the whole, the Duke was disheartened. There was no way this castle could withstand another assault.
"Good thing we are not alone then Duke. At dawn, the main army will arrive. We raced ahead to help you withstand until then." came the reply from Dunham.
A cheer went up from the soldiers hearing this, and even the Duke's heart was a bit lighter. Still, dawn was a long way away. "Alright you layabouts. Start working on the repairs. Captain, start training the peasants to shoot straight. Everybody, listen up. Dunham is in charge now, and I don't want to hear any complaints. If he says to throw yourself over the wall, do it. By all the gods these walls shall not fall!" Though elated, they immediately started following his command. There was hope.
Be'Keth and his army reached the castle just as night fell. Immediately they launched the assault. First, he ordered his troops to gate in fresh troops. He would let them deal with the ones held up in the walls, along with his Succubi. The others headed straight for the wall that had been breached earlier. They were met by a moat and by cavalier, and suffered a heavy blow. Be'Keth cursed as he noticed a human sitting on a stallion invoking a spell of light. No matter, they could not withstand the assault for long.
The Caveliers charged out of the hole, assaulting everything in their path. Inside the remaining humans had split into small units clearing up the freshly gated troops. This left their archers and ballista free to concentrate on his Succubi. They were being dwindled down to nothing. He would have to do something to turn this around quickly.
Dunham led the charge with the Cavaliers. They were suffering heavy blows, but they had to concentrate on the main army. The freshly gated troops would exact a toll from the remaining protectors of the town, but the real danger was outside of the castle. Soon they had gotten the enemy to retreat, but only temporarily. Just enough time. That is all they needed. Enough time for the main army to flank the demons. It would be a slaughter.
Dunham doubted there was enough time, however. There were just too many of them.
The fight rejoined with savage intensity. Whoever was leading this army was holding nothing in reserve. They wanted this castle, and wanted it bad. Light started to creep accross the sky as the Cavaliers were finally surrounded. Dunham looked at the dawn, knowing that there would be no more dawns for them. Turning slightly back toward the town, Dunham lifted the face of his helmet, and saluted the castle. It would be safe. The army would be apon them in moments. His father, and the castle would survive the day. That was all that mattered. Raising a salute, he saw recognition in the Duke's eyes, who then cried out to the heavens.
Turning to face the dawn, he saluted again, then he led the final charge. It would be the greatest victory the Haven army would ever have, and tales would be told about it for generations. Some parts would change, like who the mighty savior of Nightglade was, how many the enemy was, and various other details. The one thing that remained throught all the versions was the glint off the steel off the sword as they charged the Inferno Horde...
The end....
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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted November 19, 2007 08:13 AM |
Dreaming of a Better World

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted November 19, 2007 08:27 AM |
Edited by Mytical at 09:49, 19 Nov 2007.
Updated, still not sure about it though. Seems a bit long for a single battle hehe. There are some twists ahead, but should be wrapping up shortly. Honest opinons are welcome.
Edited : Pretty much done, besides grammer and such. Yes, it is based on H5.
Message received.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted November 19, 2007 02:22 PM |
Thumbs up!
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Famous Hero
livin' in a bottle of vodka
posted November 19, 2007 02:31 PM |
It's really good. Not at all long for a single battle. Just the right lenght, I might say. Keep it up.
What can you expect from a world where everybody lives because they're too afraid to commit suicide?

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted November 19, 2007 11:10 PM |
Thanks for the encouragement. Corrected some typos (thanks Elvin ). If anybody notices any other spelling or other mistakes please don't hesitate to tell me.
Message received.

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted November 20, 2007 05:55 AM |
Castle of Nightglade
Yes, it is true, the Castle of Nightglade is not going to fade into obscurity. Asking a little help from a friend to ensure I don't have to post 3 posts in a row, I am going to be putting some history and character development into this town. I may need somebody who is familar with the game history of the Griffin Empire to help me however. Anybody want to volunteer? Keeping in mind I have a terrible memory, and you may hear the same question 50 times.
Message received.

Supreme Hero
Chocolate ice cream zealot
posted November 20, 2007 05:58 AM |
There isnt much history. You can really only assume. But if you have some questions i guess i can try to answer.
"Am i a demon? No im a priest of the light! THE BLOODY RED LIGHT"

Supreme Hero
and sweetness
posted November 20, 2007 08:01 AM |
Great Mysty! As always.
And when the stars fall, I
will lie awake. You're my
shooting star.

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted November 20, 2007 10:17 AM |
Edited by Mytical at 11:04, 20 Nov 2007.
The founding of Nightglade (this post will be edited over the next couple days, when I get creative enough to do so ). Not encluding the year yet, as I want it to be 10 years before the most recent Inferno invasion. I have no clue when that is.
In the year Baron Wolfhouse was given the duty of building a small training facility nestled in the hills. It was to be hidden from view, and not many were to know about it..yet. The Baron and his lovely family first moved into the tents that were set up while the castle was being constructed.
His wife Patricia, his two daughters, and a son. The two girls, Samantha and Iris, were very young at the time. Gregory, his only son, was already 15. Gregory was already training to become a Paladin, despite his fathers objections. Still the Baron loved his family, and doted on his daughters like most fathers do.
During the construction the Baron was very busy, spending long hours overseeing the construction. Despite this, his wife and family were proud of him, and tried to ease his burdens when he would come in exhusted at night.
One night he came home, and his wife and children did not meet him at the door. Worried, he checked on them, and found his wife caring for Samantha and Iris. Both had come down with some illness. He called for healers, but they could not do anything. They passed away. It was exactly 2 years after they first moved to the area of Nightglade. A vigil was held in their honor, and his men covered for him while he grieved.
Gregory took up the slack while his father grieved, throwing himself into work and training. However, he no longer wanted to become a Paladin. He wanted nothing to do with gods that would, in his mind, take such young people who had done nothing to deserve it.
A few years later, and the castle was built. Gregory and his father fought endlessly. His father wanted him to take over the castle when he got ready to retire, but Gregory had grown to hate the area. He was still bitter over the loss of his sisters, and blamed the Griffin Empire for sending them out here. He thought that the illness would not have happened if they had not. Finally, since he was old enough, Gregory departed. He and his father parted on bitter terms.
Once the castle was finally ready, they started sending troops in secret to be trained there. Each group was better then the last apon graduation. The top students were asked to remain on as instructors, thus ensuring that each new group recieved the absolute best training.
Three years before the Infernal assult on the Castle, the Baron was named Duke, and his wife was pregnant again. With twins. Nine months later Gracie and Hope were born into the world. The whole Castle threw a celebration that some say the like of which was never seen before, or since.
When they learned of the Infernal invasion, he sent his wife and daughters deep into the Griffin Empire where he hoped it would be safe. Then he prepaired for battle.
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