Thread: Who fights who in Heroes 5 story? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Known Hero
I Dance on the Lava
posted December 08, 2007 09:20 PM |
Who fights who in Heroes 5 story?
ok....these are the factions
dungeon (w00t)
stronghold (w00t)
fortress (w00t)
and last is academy
so who is versus who?
for example, heaven VS inferno
im not really good with understanding the story of HOMM
so can someone tell me who "hates" who?
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted December 08, 2007 09:34 PM |
Sylvan vs dungeon, the battle of surface and dark elves.
Necropolis vs academy, good vs evil wizards.
Actually demons fight everyone
Fortress fights dark elves and demons.
Orcs fight demons, then wizards and knights.
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Famous Hero
posted December 08, 2007 09:57 PM |
Knights vs Necro and Demons
Academy vs Demons
Necropolis vs Knights
And in the Sylvan's puzzles you can see Gremlins O_O so Sylvan fight Academy...
Supreme Hero
posted December 08, 2007 10:07 PM |
Edited by Homer171 at 22:10, 08 Dec 2007.
Not 100% sure of these but i think every race have one enemy what they hate and one secondary race what they disrespect. Pattern (i think) goes like this:
inferno fights against haven dislikes sylvan
sylvan fights against dungeon and dislikes inferno
haven fights against inferno and dislikes necropolis
necropolis fights against academy and dislikes haven
dungeon fights against sylvan and dislikes academy
stronghold fights against inferno and dislikes haven
academy fights against necropolis and dislikes dungeon
fortress fights against necropolis and dislikes inferno
All pretty clear imo good guys hates bad guys and vice versa. Fortress was only race what i couldn't find an enemy but as Dungeon doesn't fit as good enemy we are left whit Necropolis and Inferno. Most of the duelist are quite easy to figure out. Haven vs Inferno (Good vs Evil), Sylvan vs Dungeon (Elf's vs Dark Elf's), Academy vs Necropolis ("White Mage" vs "Black Mage"), Stronghold hates both Inferno and Haven thats pretty basic stuff if you have played the TotE campaigns. So Stronghold is neutral it has opponents on "both" sides but same could be said whit Fortress Dwarfs as well. In many fantasy stories (LotR for instance) Dwarfs hates Orc's and Elf's but that doesn't seem to be case in Heroes world. In earlier games Dwarfs and Elf's fought under the same flag and there is no connection between Orc's and Dwarfs that they could be others nemeses.
Please correct me if aim wrong but this is how i see it anyway
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted December 08, 2007 10:16 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 22:17, 08 Dec 2007.
Well the Fortress definitely has Dark Elves as their primary enemy, as you'll see if you play the "Hate Breeds Hate" mission. Instead of Sylvan disliking Inferno, I would say Necropolis because of the huge invasion in the original Elven campaign. Strange as it may seem I'd also replace "Necropolis dislikes Sylvan" with "Necropolis dislikes Haven", since they do have an alliance in Markal's campaign and don't particularly seem like proper enemies like in the old universe. I'd say Stronghold dislikes Academy instead of Haven, mainly because of the enslavement. Vice versa for Academy. Otherwise all is fine
Known Hero
I Dance on the Lava
posted December 08, 2007 10:19 PM |
homer, this was really nice to learn all of this
i thought that stronghold are bad but they hate the bad and the good so they are neuteral
and i thought that dungeon is VS academy because in heroes 3 intro the black dragon killed the titan and people are saying that titan should kill BD and such
and btw soon i am going to jerusalem (capital city of israel) so maybe i will buy gold edition if it will be there! DDDD
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted December 08, 2007 10:21 PM |
Quote: and i thought that dungeon is VS academy because in heroes 3 intro the black dragon killed the titan and people are saying that titan should kill BD and such
You just forget about Heroes III. This is a completely different universe we're talking about, the Heroes III Dungeon doesn't translate as the one in Heroes V.
Known Hero
I Dance on the Lava
posted December 08, 2007 10:24 PM |
oh XD
i dont know the story of anything T_T
where can i learn the story of each HOMM? im confused of it :X
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted December 08, 2007 10:26 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 22:27, 08 Dec 2007.
Nowhere in particular, to be honest. I'm half-working on something, but I don't have time to finish it. Anyway, Heroes I-IV and Might and Magic 1-9 all take place in the same universe. Heroes V and Dark Messiah are set in a new one. The best way to learn the stories right now is to play the games. If you're confused about something in particular, you can just ask.
Supreme Hero
posted December 08, 2007 10:44 PM |
Good points Cepheus. The two expansions little changed things up. Necropolis and Haven has always felt like enemies but it's true this is different game than the earlier versions. I still think the "alliance" was unholy and Godric never accepted it but this was part of the "new wave" i suppose. Inferno disliking a Sylvan must come to me from Agrael campaign where he said the magic words "flower sniffers" But Agrael was really Raelag the Warlock and that could explains the insult (if it not been allied whit Tieru). I agree on the Academy disliking the Stronghold as they never where enemies whit the Dungeon in Heroes V.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Famous Hero
posted December 09, 2007 12:12 AM |
my list
Haven fights Inferno and dislikes Necropolis
Inferno fights Haven and dislikes Sylvan and Academy and Orcs
Necropolis fights Academy and dislikes all living
Dungeon fights Sylvan and Fortress and dislikes Haven
Sylvan fights Dungeon and dislikes Inferno
Academy fights Necropolis and dislikes Orcs and Demons
Fortress fights Dungeon and dislikes Inferno and Renagade Haven
Stronghold fights Haven and dislikes Inferno and Academy
Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted December 09, 2007 10:34 AM |
Quote: Nowhere in particular, to be honest. I'm half-working on something, but I don't have time to finish it. Anyway, Heroes I-IV and Might and Magic 1-9 all take place in the same universe. Heroes V and Dark Messiah are set in a new one. The best way to learn the stories right now is to play the games. If you're confused about something in particular, you can just ask.
It's not *entirely* true. There are carry-overs from Heroes 3; there is Sandro's cloak, Zehir once mentions Solmyr and how they're short of legendary Djinns to solve some of their problems, Isabel (or Freyda?) once mentions to ride like if the horde of Crag Hack himself is on their tail and in the bio of Lucretia we find this snippet of information: "Seduced and turned to the Necromancer ideals by Sandro himself...".
So there is a connection, albeit a very weak one.
Supreme Hero
posted December 09, 2007 11:22 AM |
i'f i don't remember wrong, Sandro was Markals master, until Cyrus killed him. And Isabel said: "we must be quick, as we had Crag Hack in our heel himself" i think
Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted December 09, 2007 11:23 AM |
My version of who hates/dislikes who.
Haven : Hates Inferno and Necropolipse and Haven (confused? good).
Dislikes Stronghold and Dungeon
Neutral to Academy
On semi good terms with Sylvan and Fortress.
Since some Haven end up fighting other Haven, had to put them in the hating themselves category..
Sylvan : Hates Inferno, Necropolipse, and Dungeon
Dislikes Some Haven.
Neutral to Academy and Stronghold
On semi good terms with Fortress and Haven (or some of them)
Stronghold: Hates Inferno
Dislikes Necropolipse, Haven, and at first..academy
Neutral to Sylvan and Fortress (and later) Haven and dungeon
On semi good terms (later) with Academy
Fortress : Hates Inferno
Dislikes Necropolipse
Neutral to just about everybody else except
semi good terms with haven and sylvan
Dungeon : Hates Sylvan
Dislikes almost everybody else (at first)
Neutral to..nobody
Semi good terms (later) with at first Inferno, then Haven.
Will change sides on a whim, and stab 'friends' in back quickly that is why they rule!
Inferno : Hates Everybody
Dislikes Everybody
Neutral to Dungeon (at first)
Semi good terms with nobody.
Necropolipse : Hates everybody (but will use them if they can)
Dislikes : Everybody (see above)
Neutral toward : Stronghold (but will turn them into undead when they can)
Academy : Hates Necropolipse
Dislikes Inferno
Neutral to: Sylvan, Stronghold (despite Strongholds opinon of them), Fortress, ect.
Good terms : Nobody in particular
Now some heroes will think differently then the main consensus. They are individuals however, and abstract from the norm.
Message received.
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted December 09, 2007 11:38 AM |
Quote: oh XD
i dont know the story of anything T_T
where can i learn the story of each HOMM? im confused of it :X
Most information about the Heroes 5 story is on Age Of Heroes and can be read in threads like this one.
What will happen now?
Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted December 09, 2007 12:00 PM |
Fortress : Hates Inferno
Dislikes Necropolipse
Neutral to just about everybody else except
semi good terms with haven and sylvan
I'm quite surprised that you don't metion Dungeon at all... Dungeon is in fact the Nemisis of Fortress not Inferno (they actually have things in common with Inferno). So basically it's Hates: Dungeon Dislikes:Necro / Inferno but lol who doesn't dislike them anyway...
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord
Known Hero
I Dance on the Lava
posted December 09, 2007 02:20 PM |
what the...so everyone hates everyone or what?
no one likes any other faction? X_X
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted December 09, 2007 02:26 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 14:59, 09 Dec 2007.
Quote: It's not *entirely* true. There are carry-overs from Heroes 3; there is Sandro's cloak, Zehir once mentions Solmyr and how they're short of legendary Djinns to solve some of their problems, Isabel (or Freyda?) once mentions to ride like if the horde of Crag Hack himself is on their tail and in the bio of Lucretia we find this snippet of information: "Seduced and turned to the Necromancer ideals by Sandro himself...".
So there is a connection, albeit a very weak one.
And note that those names (apart from Sandro who seems to be a background storyline character) haven't resurfaced at all in HoF or TotE. This weak connection is nothing more than unoriginal naming and a poor attempt from Nival at creating some sort of familiarity between their universe and the old one they threw in the bin.
One could argue that Nicolai (Ironfist), Grok and Nymus are carryovers too.
Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted December 09, 2007 03:07 PM |
Quote: what the...so everyone hates everyone or what?
no one likes any other faction? X_X
yes, everyone dislikes everyone... Sadly enough. You could expect Haven to like Sylvan as the humans are most often the "honorable" race. Haven has been misled, they're not evil but stupid enough to be lured into evil doings by inferno. The only factions who seems to have kept their honour as a good race is Sylvan and fortress I think. (I never played through the whole original H5 campaign so i don't know all the story)
Famous Hero
posted December 09, 2007 04:53 PM |
so basically everyone fights everyone and it's all a random, bad motivated pretext for a story about war