Thread: again "no h/r" rule | |

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 04:00 AM |
again "no h/r" rule
I have a question to community:
I played a game with one player with rule "no hit and run". I attacked him and cast mass slow, he casts mass haste: after it I surrender. he didnt kick me, I didnt attack me. no "hits" where did from my side or his... Is it broking rule?

Famous Hero
posted November 23, 2001 05:57 AM |
In my opinion, of course not. I mean hit n run is when u attack a hero with a faster troop, cast a spell and then flee be4 he had a chance to do anything.

Known Hero
posted November 23, 2001 06:26 AM |
Um.... TOH has no game play rules about H/R
I know you are the King of TOH so far in TOH season #4 Flamingo ( if thats the name you are choosing for Season 4?)
And being the #1 guy You should be more than aware that TOH enforces no rules such as no Hit and Run. are you? if not... its true, yes its true..
So. did you break the H/R rule, no.. because there is none. IF you and your opponent agreed upon no H/R then you need to deal with him and from what i can deicpher from your msg you did not do a H/R

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted November 23, 2001 09:21 AM |
do we REALLY need another hit/run thread??
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models. Well ... the ones his age (18-26)

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted November 23, 2001 09:29 AM |
LOL ok take this... i have 25 archangels... my goldressources are big... my hero are monster attacker Craig Hack... i split 24 archangels in first group and after them 1 single arch... i hit with my 24 arch... get the morale hit again and all his level 7 creatures are down then i surrender at cost of 20000 gold... is that hit and run??
Remark no spells used here. 

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 10:07 AM |
to Titan: of course, its hit and run, as most players knows that there are 2 types of hit/run: might and magic, you shows us might hit/run.
to all others: my best rules are "no rules" and i really neednt it. but most players need them. when they asked for any rules, i agree. so when people trying to threat me with such stupid rules, i become angry.
but in this situation i'm sure i'm right(anyway i never break rules!), but this guy report to HC and dont want to hear voices of masses(and even HC)...dont like such conflicts 
and really dont know how is it possible to play after such disputes...
with best regards, Flamingo

Tavern Dweller
posted November 23, 2001 10:18 AM |
First off I would like to say as a former member of honor council, that if you break rules agreed on by both players it is punishable. Usually, however this will not happen on first offence since most player agreed upon rules are hazy.You can ask any member of honor council though, if one player is constantly being reported for breaking agreed upon rules, that player will be dealt with.
Flamingo, you did not hit and run in that situation, if you had cast mass haste and left before the other player had a chance to do a spell that is different.
To me, it is nearly impossible to come up with a 'one size fits all' description of what is hit and run.Some people say, "if you attack you must stay x number of rounds" which i think is crap. For example, I attack and do mass haste cuz I have a good might hero vs your magic hero, and you counter with a chianlightning with air orb that kills many, many creatures....If i stay 2 or 3 rounds, my whole army is done, However if i surrender and put on my pendant of negativity, the battle becomes even again.
In my opinion, it is all about intent, if you force a battle(by giving your opponent no choice but to attack) or attack with the intent of doing 1 or 2 spells and surrendering, then it is hit and run. So there

Known Hero
posted November 23, 2001 10:22 AM |
I would consider that hit and run too. Cause ya hit then ran. No more explaining necessary 
It is hard to continue a game after dispute, I have learned to just walk away.
Btw I dont think most of us want to hear or see your guy's dirty laundry.
*cough* Delete this thread

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted November 23, 2001 10:32 AM |
hehe im out of this thread... nothing good comes out of it... play the ones you think is honorable and thats it.

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 10:34 AM |
2 Jex
what are you talking about? how did i hit him, if i even didnt any damage to him? he also didnt attack my hero(he waited by most of his units). so, how can u say that it is hit/run?!
if he had magic hero and I have might hero and he attacked my troops and receive from me some damage....even in this case we can think about hit/run, but in situation, when both sides didnt kick at all, we cant even talk about hit/ run...
with best regards, Flamingo

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted November 23, 2001 10:40 AM |
to flamingo:
I think jex was replyin to me!!

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 10:40 AM |
2 Titan
sorry, misunderstood (
with best regards, Flamingo

Known Hero
posted November 23, 2001 10:58 AM |
Ya I was replying to Titan
you 2 making me laugh tho - damn funny/good posts today

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 11:01 AM |
2 Jex
thanks...just wasnt here for long time, and some of threats are very funny for me too
with best regards, Flamingo


Hired Hero
posted November 23, 2001 12:44 PM |