Thread: New Random Map Generator..! | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
posted June 09, 2008 09:16 PM |
New Random Map Generator..!
Hello everyone after alot of hard work the first version of my project - a new random map generator for heroes of might and magic 5 named IRMG is ready for first release ,Hopefully it will mark a new better future for random maps :
For more info and explanation of how it works and how to use it check out the IRMG WIKI
(Current Version 1.0 beta).
And especially important before playing to understand the New Content
First thing i wanna emphasize is the first version only support 1on1 players in the future and based on demand i might expand to more (and ofcourse teams option ) Also maps are ONLY FOR TOTE.
The program contains a map generator that is template based and a nice interface to edit templates , This rmg has nothing to do with the ubi rmg and don't share anything with it , Its not a mod its a standalone program that generates random maps.
Download Link
To install simply download the file , Extract the zip content and run setup.exe.
Future Plans
These are the changes i plan to include in the future versions by my prioritization : (So keep looking for program updates)
1) Integrate different terrain ( currently only grass ) and roads.
2) Adding dwelling options to template and map.
3) Change mines algorithem to add first wood and ore mines close to the starting town.
4) Add Disable instant travel/fly functionality.
5) Add new dwelling + units based on the new units in the NCF project
(First unit i want back is enchanter..! )
6) Change the object spreading algorithem - currently the algorithem is completly random based on object fitting in the zone , The idea is to change algorithem like h3 rmg to add objects based on distance from each other ( every new object will be farest from other objects as possible to create a more even far wise spread)
7) Create stacked objects ( monsters will guard more then 1 object (objects that are not resources ) ).
8) fix any bugs you may find - Those will be prioritize based on severity.
Any feedback that can help improve the future version is welcomed

Legendary Hero
posted June 09, 2008 11:08 PM |
Awesome, no problems installing and I'm trying it out. Can't wait to buy some phoenixes!

Famous Hero
posted June 09, 2008 11:27 PM |
Amazing and labour intensive project has finally come to the finish line! Also, seems that all the expectations are met Congrats and gratitude to you, Never

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 09, 2008 11:36 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 23:36, 09 Jun 2008.
Works perfectly I like that the towns start on advanced level but as a tradeoff you face powerful neutrals. What might need some tweaking is the strength of neutrals according to what they guard, I'll play some more and post my impressions.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Famous Hero
posted June 10, 2008 06:50 AM |
Quote: Works perfectly I like that the towns start on advanced level but as a tradeoff you face powerful neutrals. What might need some tweaking is the strength of neutrals according to what they guard, I'll play some more and post my impressions.
Yes actually the entire template could use tweaking time which i didn't have in my rush to release..
Also thats why its important new templates are created with other people making them and tweaking them properly new good templates can create even better maps..

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted June 10, 2008 09:44 AM |
I have 18 hour flights coming up, so I'll be fooling around with it a lot. Any integration with the hall of fame section at all?

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted June 10, 2008 09:48 AM |
So far it looks and works in a truly bizarre way, but gives a very pleasant experience. I'd hold on with using it for any tournament games till the next few patches

Famous Hero
posted June 10, 2008 12:39 PM |
Quote: I have 18 hour flights coming up, so I'll be fooling around with it a lot. Any integration with the hall of fame section at all?
Hmmz not sure what kind of integration can i do with the hall of fame (it goes automatic in the hall of fame no?) Anyway if there are things i don't know about the hall of fame (since i mostly play multiplayer) and can easily be done i'll consider adding them.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 10, 2008 12:52 PM |
A few things. I tried it with Vangelis and we both got an error when enabling chaos weeks.
Also a concern that he voiced, with 2 extra towns and necro's undead transformer it may be too powerful a combination. That's at least triple skelie growth not to mention necromancy.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Legendary Hero
posted June 10, 2008 04:13 PM |
Elvin you can change the number of towns in the zones section, second tab on the top bar.
Edit: how long does it usually take, my medium map generated quickly no problem...I try a small and it seems to hang (stop when placing map objects) without giving a bug message.
Edit 2: weird...i finally got a map to generate after choosing only one town in the main zones...and it gave me a secondary neutral town?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 10, 2008 08:25 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 20:26, 10 Jun 2008.
I'll try. Meanwhile take a look at this. That's some variety in neutrals
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted June 11, 2008 01:08 AM |
Red and blue were connected in the map I played. Well, it was supposed to be a border of trees I guess, but it was a very porous border. I took the comp out in 3 weeks. Is this by design or are they supposed to be separated by the neutral territory?
Hmmm, let me echo that sawmills and ore pits should be right next to the starting towns.
My ability to disable instant travel/fly was greyed out.
And omg, week of conjunction 2nd week is crrazy!
edit: Let me also echo the need for neutrals to be of at least the same alignment. Bad morale makes these fights a lot less challenging.
edit*2: I got an error when I tried to add a gold mine to zones 1 and 2. It wasn't an immediate error...instead one of those that happens midway through map creation.

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted June 11, 2008 02:13 AM |
Do both players need the rmg installed to be able to play maps?

Famous Hero
posted June 11, 2008 04:58 AM |
Quote: Question
Do both players need the rmg installed to be able to play maps?
But hey its free its no reason why not

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted June 11, 2008 10:56 AM |
My friend downloaded the rmg and he's still getting a checksum error 0.2.0.
Edit: Before anyone asks, neither of us have any UserMODs installed.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted June 11, 2008 04:45 PM |
chaos weeks rockzz
also 'messed up neutrals' feature is fun for a change 
yea, may need bit more time to organize a good map through toggling, yet im sure will make a map worthwhile.. being in it
Quote: Random mood : a compltly random mood is set to the monster out of the possible values (Friendly,Aggresive,Hostile,Wild)
is this applied when guard is 1 stack only? or diplo can be done in multiple stack as well?

Legendary Hero
posted June 11, 2008 11:14 PM |
Quote: is this applied when guard is 1 stack only? or diplo can be done in multiple stack as well?
Not sure this answers your question but I did have a mixed stack join me...
When I had room all the creatures entered my army. Not enough room and you get the choose window like with DE points.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 19, 2008 07:32 PM |
Quote: I already got all terrain working for as of now and in a few days i will release the next version with terrains and other stuff.
The Next version should be just about ready for general use and will no longer be a beta stage
Quote from Neverminndspy two weeks ago on the Ubi board. Any news on this?

Famous Hero
posted July 19, 2008 08:03 PM |
Quote: I already got all terrain working for as of now and in a few days i will release the next version with terrains and other stuff.
The Next version should be just about ready for general use and will no longer be a beta stage
Quote from Neverminndspy two weeks ago on the Ubi board. Any news on this?
Unfortunetly Last week i had no time at all to work on it, But on the good side i got time cleared almost totally so i can go back on working on it this week.
So the status is all terrains are ready and now you can select races or do a random race with proper terrain according to the town that will be selected..
Now i'm working on roads algorithem after i finish it i'm gonna release the next version hopefully it wouldn't take long (couple of days maybe).
After that i plan to add dwellings to template(and maps) and release that as another version .
Once the dwelling feature is ready i hope to see everyone working on new interesting templates that will make some awesome random maps..
You all need to consider the template jebus was with as minimal invesment as possible ,If other people will put the work into it they can create some awesome templates(And maps)..

Known Hero
posted July 20, 2008 12:44 PM |
Great news ! Looking forward to it.