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Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted September 11, 2008 11:35 PM |
bonus applied by pandora on 02 Oct 2008. |
Hall Of Villains
Ok, I know we're all heroes as the name would imply what occupies this community, but, frankly, I never cared about them. I never cared about the main protagonists in the story, especially because they never are flawed, except maybe for some naiveness, overburdening guilty conscience and/ or perfectionism. I always liked villains in stories. They're cool, flawed, sometimes funny and/ or complex(like Jason X) (funny, not complex). They also suffer LESS from the I-have-no-brains syndrome, which plagues most characters in fiction stories *cough* Isabel *cough*. So I'd like to honor these wacky, insane and morally unburdened fiends and list those which I remember. Be careful, since nostalgia hangs thick in the air, along with SPOILERS.
Be careful, I'll list whenever there's a spoiler hanging in the air. (in green and big letters, so you won't be able to fault me for missing it)
Anyways, I also would like YOU (That's right, YOU, Boris!) *hopes there are many, many, many borises in HC* I would like you people to contribute in this thread as well. I want to see as many malicious and dark characters in this thread. They can come from everywhere, like FF 7 or an anime or some TV show I never heard of, because I'll definitely be posting guys you don't know.
I'm also open for correction and improvement of description of the villains that are already listed. (thread also open for anti-heroes)
#1 (their numbering has no value whatsoever, but it's more orderly)
Sideshow bob
Real name: Robert Underdunk Terwilliger
Source: The Simpsons
Job: Clown assistant
description: This is one of those villains that comes up with and executes his plans by himself. Bob is a nice character who has a strange connection with a hark. He's usually defeated by two children, sadly enough. He went from armed robbery to murder rather easily and has become an insane character with tendencies towards drama, theatre and song. Note how highly cultured this character is. He's a great start-off for this galery.
#2 Lex Luthor
Real name: Lex Luthor (Alexei in an alternate universe
Job: Millionaire (gained funds with an insurance policy and started a company with it)
description: I never liked this character. He's rich, apparently, and did little for it. Lex is evil for no apparent reason and I have no idea why he quarrels with superman or would rob banks, since he is insanely rich. He also fights him in the strangest way: He thinks. During the entire movie, the character does nothing but thinking of a plan to kill off the protagonist. Anyways, this proves that a character preferrably has brains AND something extra, otherwise he bores or confuses you.
SPOILER: hints towards the plot of warcraft 3
#3 Arthas
Real name: Arthas menethil
Job: undead king
Description: Arthas is a very passionate character who is very devoted and courageous, btw his looks aren't that bad either. Admittedly, this goes off for a bad start, since the only bad thing he shows in the beginning is too much bloodlust in killing orcs and disobedience towards his mentor. He also has an interesting relation towards the female support character which could've been worked out better, especially with the revealling of Kael'thas' involvement near the end.
Arthas soon shows that he's spoilt and power hungry. He sacrifices one of his best friends to claim a weapon strong enough to defeat the enemy. Luckily, he gets corrupted and grows hungry for more power. He kills his own father in a moment of madness and gets labeled for traitor of the human empire. Surprisingly enough, the human empire falls apart in a matter of days, which makes me wonder how brittle it was. Arthas meets a dead spirit who assumes the role of mentor and an ally of the scourge of undead. Arthas usually questions the commands of his superiors, even then, making his character at the very least, consistent. For the rest of the story, Arthas is guided by his mentor and the soul of his sword, which will lead him to become the leader of the undead empire.
Small spolier: If you ever plan on finishing on Morrowind and every tiny bit of the story needs to remain hidden, then skip this one.
#4 Dagoth Gares
Real name: Unknown
Job: Dark Priest of the 6th house
Description: I obviously like this character, otherwise I wouldn't've picked this guy as a nickname. Dagoth Gares is an undeniably evil foe. He and his demonic minions prey on travellers on the road, even empirial troops. The protagonist in the story gets to investigate and hears scary rumors of mutants and sick people rambling about the plague and such and such. Then, he meets Dagoth Gares in a cave after killing all his other minions. The protagonist receives an offer to team up with the villain and prophecies great doom upon him. The character gets killed, sadly enough, and curses the protagonist with an incurable disease. The next quest to cure your illnes is very long and lets the story kick in, making him a memorable opponent.
There's not much else to say about this character, except that he's very eloquent and skilled in the dark arts.
#5 jyggalag
Real name: Sheogorath
Job: madgod
Description: I like this character a lot, despite the fact that he speaks in riddles. Because a) they're funny and b) they show hints of insanity. Sheogorath is the most powerful daedra and, one could even say that he's the smartest one as well. this is the base of the plot of the shivering isles, but let's not talk about it. Sheogorath is the only character that flings that many death threats around in such a normal tone of voice. He also has a colourful vocabulary and is worth quoting. Like: "Perhaps I shall rip out your intestines and skip rope with them." Thanks to him, I also know why noone in Oblivion has a beard. (Hint: death penalty towards it)
Sheogorath also trails off in conversation. In fact, he usually starts rhyming with the last word in his sentence or making crazy analogies or telling about his last experience with his subject for no apparent reason. He also knows how to hire his staff. He has a cynical butler who's grown accustomed to his master's antics and replies with the voice of the most bored and serious man in the world.
#6 The Witch-king of Angmar
Real name: unknown
Job: witch-king
Description: Apart from the fact that he's responsible for the longest video game title I know (LOTRBFMETROTWK c'mon! thirteen letters!!!), the witch-king is the commander of the dark armies and can't be beaten by any mortal man. If you can't figure what killed him, then you're probably not big enough to get dressed on your own. Anyways, he's a skilled fighter and magic user. Thankfully, Tolkien obscures all magic, since it's supposed to be incomprehensible to the eyes of the average mortal. The witch-king's magic is sronger than gandalf's and with his mount he succeeds in killing dozens of men and commanders. Sadly enough, he doesn't have a lot of lines in the movie. I can think of one: "Noone comes between the nazgûl and his prey." This, sadly enough, makes some people think that fell beasts are nazgûl. Anyway, this man was once a great king and got corrupted, making him a powerful agent, capable of burning, pillaging and slaughtering most of his enemies and villages.
#7 Dr. Nefarious
Real name: unknown
job: mad doctor
Description: He's a mad, bitter scientist. Nefarious has an ironic name as he might be a parody to the streotype villain (just look at his name, he might as well be name dr. Evil.) Anyways, he's usually screaming and angry, like a small, spoiled child that doesn't get what he want. To confirm this, he has a robot butler, called Lawrence who is the father character, reassuring him and taking careof his problems. Nefarious is also a robot and has a fault in his program that causes him to crash/ freeze in the middle of a loud scream, while he's stressed. He can be reawakened with a big hit on the back of his head (usually executed by his butler.) Funny thing is, he usually broadcasts a soap program while he's frozen and he also doesn't seem to know he was frozen, since he continues his scream. He also has a slight nazi tone, since he wants to do his own kind of ethnic purification by turning all "squishies" in robots. If you didn't know he eventually failed in this, then you should try and move station C: in the bin, it makes your PC at least 5 times faster, since it will have turned to hard drive zero.
#8 The Scarecrow
Real name: Dr. jonathan crane
Job: Psychiatrist
Description: This is a sadistic, insane character who uses illusion and psychology to defeat his enemy, the protagonist. While this immasculated the hero in his debut movie, it makes the villain way cooler. He develops chemicals that realise your worst fear (illusion), which off course fits perfectly with the antagonist's fear of bats. I feel that this villain was added just to fit with the hero. he even has to make way for a worse villain in the end, sadly enough, but he also lets the protagonist play in my favourite background, a mental hospital. Luckily, everything is alright, since he has an original motive, namely his sick fascination for the human psyche and his research. He also suffers from paranoia, caused by his own drugs.
#9 Agrael
Real name: Raelag?
Job: Demon cultist
Description: Agrael is a rebel demon, making him more of an anti-hero than a villain, but he still ruthlesly murdered the king of the griffin empire and kidnapped his beloved isabel, taking the first steps in the guide of "how not to make a girl fall in love with you" anyways, it matters little, because Isabel manages to fall in love with him which makes me suspect that she suffers from anmesia and has an IQ of 40. I'll stop ripping on Isabel, since this is about Agrael. Agrael has one of the most interesting lieutenants, namely Biara, and rules his servants through fear. Agrael openly defies Kha-Beleth, his former boss and is an intelligent and swift fighter as he defeats Veyer.
"I always obey order, unless I don't want to."
#10 Markal
Real name: Markal
Job: lord of the undead
Description: Markal is one of the best necromancers, educated by his master Sandro (easter egg, I know). markal is insane, proving it from the very first time you see him talking to a corpse. He tricks Isabel and claims the griffin the griffin through careful planning, showing that he's one of the few heroes in the series with an actual brain. Markal has a very cryptic sense of humor and he's very eloquent. He also takes revenge on the wizard cities by turning them into dead cities. I have little to note since he's one of the best characters IMHO and was saddened by his demise. Come to think of it, he better suits the role of mentor character than arantir (since arantir is more a crusader and he sacrifices his own students.) He has also ripped off the wings of angels and used them for flying purposes and, along with this unbriddled cruelty, he became one of my favourites.
#11 Agent Smith
Real name: Programme.exe?
Job: virtual programm that slaughters alien influences in the matrix.
Description: Agent Smith (Or just: Smith) is the primary antagonist in The Matrix. He's numerous, cold, stiff and knows fighting like the best. He is played by Elrond from lotr, so I liked him right from the start. Smith has an interesting philosophy, regarding humans as viruses and is very effective. He belongs in this list, since he died many times and is incapable of human emotion. He is also responsible of making the movie interesting, while it's plot is still as twisted and impenetrable as a granite octopus. Smith is proficient in all weapons and the martial arts and has the strength of dozens of men, allowing him to walk through walls and move fast enough to dodge bullets, despite the fact that bullets normally hit you before you can hear the shot (just an interesting fact).
#12 Dr. Evil and mini Me
Real Name: Douglas powers
Job: parody villain/ millionaire
Description: Dr. Evil is the parody of a lot of James bond villains and shows in what stupid way they are usually flawed. Btw, anyone is free to post James Bond villains, since I never followed the series of movies. Dr. Evil's father is belgian, showing the glory of our nation. His mother is fench, showing how flawed he is. [/political incorrectness] Anyway, Dr. Evil is funny and has a tendency to hire James bond-like viallains as henchmen. He has a duplicate of himself, called Mini Me, who turns good  . I could continue about it, but there are 5 words that sum him up: "sexual innuendo and James Bond".
#13 Terminator
Real name: T-800 Series, Model T-101
Job: terminator
Description: The terminator is a tank-like, human-looking assassin from the future. He's as strong as an ox, virtually immune to anything and is skilled in most weapons and melee combat. He has one mission: kill the girl. Which is extremely hard, apparently, because of that git who's ordered to save the girl. The terminator has above average verbal skills, like using profanity in moderation and responding accordingly to certain questions. e's incapable of human emotions as far as I know. Disclaimer: I haven't seen the sequels, but people are allowed to enlighten us in this, if they desire so.
#14 nazgûl
Name: unknown, except for Khamûl the easterling
Job: Generals of darkness and hunters for the ring.
Description: In total there are 8 of these fiends. They are strong, skilled, fast and have the nose of a blood hound. they have a close affinity to the rings, since they were corrupted by rings of power in the past. They are all immortal shadows who's fates are bound to the Ring. They have little personality and can ride dragon-like creatures, called fell beasts. There are few creatures that have the strength of the nazgûl. Though, their only weapon is actually fear which neutralise most opponents. They also know poison (think about that dagger the witch-king used).
#15 Mr. Burns
Real Name: Charles Montgomery Burns
Job: owner of a nuclear power plant/ millionaire
description: Mr. Burn is an intelligent bad guy, but he was born in wealth rather than gaining it. He has a bastard son and an assistant with peculiar habits. Mr. Burns has many other story lines, which make the character more likeable and reveal more of his past, like how he was similar to Schindler since they both had plants and served nazi germany at the time. Mr. Burns is overall greedy and Yale student. Two evil characteristics which steer every action made by him. Mr. burns is immensely old and keeps himself alive through rejuvenation. He is also very sick... Anyways, he's more of a jerk, because he's a greedy sadist, than an actual evil villain, despite his plot to take away the sun in springfield, but then I remeber that he claimed that killing is part of his religion ^^
#16 Veyer
Real Name: Veyer?
Job: general of demon armies/ bounty hunter?
description: i like this villain, simply because it's a weak, stupid coward who has to prove the contrast between Agrael's awesomeness and normal demon generals. Veyer will prove to be a genuine threat in the end though, when he attacks Isabel and Raelag blows him up, using his implosion. Isabel, off course ignores this event and continues her journey to bring the empire towards the brink of destruction. But I promised myself to stop ripping on that cow and concentrate on the big baddies who inexplicably fail to harm her. Veyer is a big brute, what's more to say?
SPOILER ahead, like most other untagged ones ^^
#17 jigsaw
*SPOILER* Real name: Jonathan kramer
Job: you tell me... I think he has some money on him, but he's just really really smart.
Description: Jigsaw is one of the deeper, more intelligent villains in this gallery. He has an own well-thought out philosophy of justification of what he does. He looks at this like a game and lays out rules. In fact, he plays games with everyone, which will lead to his demise, but he still keeps to the rules and has that brilliant "hmmm... Maybe he's right" appeal to me. Even though, he's undeniably cruel and wicked. He's a bit tailored to be liked by everyone, though, since he normally doesn't kill someone who doesn't deserve it, which almost makes him a good guy  . But that's a small detail that I forget when he sentences the good doctor to death with his "live or die" comments.
#18 Sylar
Real name: Gabriel gray (just look at that undeniably evil name.
Job: watch repair man
description: Sylar is an undeniably evil character in "Heroes". Primarily, because he has the power to claim other powers, but he has to kill his victim sadly enough to do this. Frankly, my personal theory is that he understands the work of everything perfectly, like with his watches. He probably takes over a power by studying the brains more closely, but enough with the technicalities, people, it's time for story telling. Sylar hated it being normal. He likes to believe that he's special and chosen for certain things. He uses his abilities to remove those unworthy of their gifts. He's also completely unaware of him being in a TV show with quotes like: Quote: "This is usually the part where people start screaming."
or (this was legendary in context): Quote: "Boom!"
But I'll stop with this, because favoritism hangs thick in the air. In his heart he's a cold killer and power hungry. When he uses his power, he becomes mad and is capable of anything, which he should be, considering how he gains power.
#19 Shishio
Real name: Shishio Makoto
Job: warlord
description: Okay, this is where nostalgia hangs thick in the air. He learned me that the average japanese guy has 40 gallons of blood in his veins. He also is a great and intelligent fighter who doesn't despise backstabbing and evil tactics (by using, say for example a woman as a distraction, while he impales the protagonist AND the woman in question.) (While still holding some sort of class in doing so.) Off course, he shouts once in a while, he's in a samurai series, DUH, but he's relatively cold-blooded and calm, which is a trait I like in most villains. He does lack flaws though, but the series is amazingly well drawn and the story stands on it's own (despite the fact that every major character in the story can easily dispose of the entire population of China with a mere sword and some time.)
#20 Xardas the necromancer
Real name: Xardas
Job: Dark Wizard (has been cast out of the order of fire wizards, because he dabbled too much in dark magic)
Description: Xardas is a tricky villain, because he begins with saving the protagonist at the start of the game. He sends out the protagonist and helps him with advise and equipment right from the start. The forever nameless character sees Xardas as his only all, for a very long time, no matter what path he heads. ater he mysteriously vanishes and in the end it turns out he had a major skeem running underneath the story to claim all power and become close to the god of darkness, ending gothic 2 in a cliffhanger. Xardas is a mentor character. He is caring, kind and seems misunderstood, while he works out his evil plans beind your back. He's a weak old man who comes to power thanks to his brain, but becomes a worthy opponent of the protagonist at the end of the story. Overall, he's more behind the scenes and picked him out of a feeling of nostalgia.
#21 Mephistopheles, the Lord of the Eight Hell
Real name: Mephistopheles
Job: Arch-Devil
Description: One nasty villain that wants to transform the entire Material Plane into the tenth Hell, Mephistopheles' powers are unmatched. In NWN:HotU's plot, he first appears as Valsharess' slave, but in fact he is tricking her. After the protagonist defeats Valsharess' armies, Mephistopheles' powers teleport the hero to the Drow Matron's chamber using one of the hero's artifacts, the "Relic of the Reaper", which is a piece of Mephisto's flesh (the protagonist doesn't know this, of course). The Valsharess orders Mephisto to kill our hero, but he betrays her and kills all her Elite Guards , knowing that the protagonist has the power to kill her, and therefore "release" Mephistopheles from the "slavery". And it is true. Once you kill the Valsharess, Mephisto is free to bring suffering to the entire Material Plane, and his first action is to kill you and send you to Cania, the Eight Hell and former home of Mephistopheles. After you manage to get out of Hell (it's a long story ), you find out that Mephistopheles has made his way up to the surface (from the Underdark) and has an army of tortured spirits (ghosts) which he raised all by himself. You are the last hope of the entire Material Plane, and have to fight Mephistopheles. Eventually you are able to defeat him, though it's extremely hard and even impossible with some Character Builds/Parties
by Asheera
#22you can also find the ultimate villain of zelda below the masterpost by azagal.
#23 Joker
Real name: Many
Job: Bringing a fatal smile to all of Gothem
Description: Though absolutely off his rocker, he also has a devious side. He is ALWAYS trying to bring a smile to the caped crusader, Batman, even if doing so will kill ol 'Batsy'. Pale white skin, green hair, and a purple jump suit is his main appearence. He will kill you and laugh while doing it, and always has a plan. Most of the time his sick sense of humor defeats his plans more then 'Batsy' does.
By mytical
#24 Darth Vadar
Real Name: Anakin Skywalker
Job: Crushing all that opposes the Empire.
Description: He is more machine then man. Wearing all black armor, with a menacing and evil voice. Though he sees the error of his ways eventually, he is willing to destroy his own flesh and blood. That is evil. Worse, he has 'powers' given to him by the force. Not somebody you want to meet in anywhere, let alone a dark ally.
By mytical
Real Name: Donkey Kong
Job: Professional princess stealer, barrel stacker and just general badass.
Donkey Kong is a giant ape with a penchant for stealing Princess Peach and pissing off Mario. No one really knows why he steals Princess Peach all the time and puts her at the top of a scaffolding (because no one really likes Princess, too high maintenance) but his nemesis, the hero Mario, is always there to save her (for some reason). Just to make it hard for Mario, Donkey periodically rolls barrels down at him, to his peril.
Not many people recognise Donkey as a villain. Some think he is a distant relative of the imfamous 'King Kong', while others just think he is a cute, lovable hero with a banana fetish. This is, in fact, a fallacy, because shortly after his barrel throwing days were over Donkey Kong put on a cute red tie to cover his monkey nuts and set off on an adventure with a smaller ape to do a bunch of random things, resulting in a whole barrel of hi-jinks and excitement.
This, however, is just a front, as Donkey Kong is one of the original villains from whom all modern day villains (Lex Luthor, Darth Vader, Severus Snape, Osama bin Laden, Sarah Palin etc.) learn from.
Nice try, Donkey. 
#26 Grisnàkh
real name: Grisnàkh
job: Orc hunter/ scavenger
fescrîption: This guy is a blood thirsty raider, a monster. he wants to eat the hobbits who were going to be taken to Isengard. he also works under Sauron and was sent as some spy for Saruman to see what is done with the ring or the search for it. his role is small, but we can see the horror of a true orc inside him and that's alway a nice feel 
#27 The Strangers
Real names: unknown
Job: unknown
Description: These guys are scary. They are like ghosts, fast and elusive. They are smart, prepared and ruthless. I did not really like them, since I hardly believe them. the movie they were in was pretty atmospherical and the masks kinda enhanced that. They are also inhumanly fast, which is stragen, given the fact that they are just serial killers in the end, not monsters or anything. Their faces are never shown and the motivation for their crimes is unoriginal and boring. I would judge them average, but in this movie, I liked the protagonist more, but I suppose that's what the movie was about, BUT I always think that deepening out a character is always a good thing to do. In moderation, off course.
Ok, I spent criminal amounts of times writing these first 5 (and I'm holding back some others as well, so I'll end with what I love.
#1 lucjplatenaude
Real name: unknown, but prolly luc
Job: cashier
Description: this is a misunderstood villain who has little social skills to make up for misunderstandings, causing him to threaten the average hero at HC. He was slain by Elvin at a very peculiar off-topic onslaught. Lucj tried to make the people see that Heroes might be happening in the distant future, where there are laser beams and photon torpedo's. He's also a fan of the 7331 tactic of sacrificing your imps Only he sees the true brilliance inside this tactic.
#2 Zan
Real name: fortress fan
Job: Priest? unknown...
Description: zan is one of the major recurring villains in HC. He has many many many forms and there is yet effective means to get rid of him. He has the boring tendency of not dying in battles against the heroes of HC. the interesting part is hat he usually appears in the form a friendly catholic, but, then, he loses his temper and transforms in zealzilla. Be careful for his other aliases, especially scarlet shield.
#3 Namus
Real name: Satan
Job: god
Description: namus is the crazy, funny HC running gag. He's an old overused joke, especially used by noobies. He's worshipped in his own turf, called the VW by people like Darkshadow Bob and his minions. Namus himself has been known to be an actual spreader of the faith, rather than actually being the actual god, Namus. People have failed to contact Namus for as long as I can remember. Namus has been killed by a modsword while he lay dormant, never to awaken again. This villain is actually quite unknown and has little personality, except a known sense of humor and fascination of black dragons, who, undoubtedly, reflect his greatness.
#4 KD
real name: KnightDougal or Tlosz, apparently...
Job: spammer
description: KD is one of the lesser villains who has had the nasty habit of reappearing and disappearing. He has certain ideas about homosexuals, black people and goths that can charitably be described as controversial and at it's best totally schizophrenic. He appears evolved in the eyes of forgiving mods and has almost not made this list, if not from heavy slander coming out of the hands of other HC members. KD's fate is currently in the hands of the infinitely wiser moderators and heroes of order and chaos.
#5 Darkshadow
Real name: Darks or DS, if Dragonslayer isn't around
job: revolutionary and VW general
description: DarkShadow has lead the revolution against the mods with the assistance of several spammers and even two serious posters. One poster took this too seriously though and lack of mod attention made the revolution fail, especially when there was no advance towards establishing an HQ on tavern grounds. DarkShadow is a twisted, undead individual who is very cold, but has a grasp of tactics and is rather intelligent. darkshadow has inspired zeal in members as carcity, resulting in dismemberment. His last known action is beating a warlock in the Despute Ring.
#6 Death
Real name: SIRIOUS, ex-wise ethereal voice guiding the revolution
Job: Programmer
description: yes, it seems that death, the harvester of souls is a programmer and a villain as well. he's known for trying to walk the line bewteen serious posts and spam, which usually resuts in conflict from some sides. Death is stubborn and has been renowned for engaging in Mvassive quote wars with a never-tiring opponent, called Mvass. He's also reported to harvest souls and having ulterior motives. Death sometimes seems like a sympathetic character, but don't believe it, since he's bad to the bone.
#7 asheera
real name: Ash... Or is it?
Job: assassin and ex-A.S.S.A.S.S.I.N. (which are two entirely different jobs, let me tell you.)
Description: Let me start by quoting Gootch's wise advice: Quote: And Asheera isn't innocent. Don't believe that ruse for a second.
Asheera is an extremely fast assassin who remains a bit in obscurity. not much is known about her, except the fact that she knocked out Azagal by taking his innocence... With a kiss? Who writes... uhmmm, nevermind, people, all I can say is that she's also very stubborn and has been sighted for smuggling weapons to aid in the quote wars.
I don’t know many reputable glade villains or their proper history, so I’ll just take what I know. (Remember, I’m counting on contributions)
#1 Lord Mvass of The Inferno
Real name: Mvassilev? I remember there was this complicated stuff about names, one was mvass, other was mvassilev...
Job: ruler of inferno, I guess (before H5’s time, so away with kha-beleth
Description: this started of as an okay villain. Now, I am probably flooded with viruses, junk and hate mail, I suppose, but listen people, lord mvass didn’t suck at the first page of his appearance.
He was strong and fast etc etc, but it was just a bit of noobiness, then, I suddenly began to not like him. He became ten times, stronger, faster and more destructive than anyone. He could “burn water” and summon many minions from the inferno. So this was sadly enough a brilliant example of a bad villain, a "Marty Stu", a godmoder. All-powerful villains aren’t fun, especially if his only flaw is rage and cold-bloodedness, that kind of personality is only reserved for hitmen. But I’ll just be kind towards it’s maker and say nothing more about it.
#2 Shadowcaster
real name: Let’s see... I forgot 
Job: commander of the forces of darkness and later... a vampire apprentice?
Description: Okay, I loved this character. First of all, it had a brain and feelings, that gave him bonus points right from the start. Then, it turns out he actually was the opposite of mvass. He was slow-paced, not strong at all and he had an obvious weakness, which was everywhere. He has a dark past with (what I consider) the protagonist of the first part of the story. He loses his best friend and gets tricked and cheated upo by forces of order. I’m happy that this character is a villain, since he’s bordering to heroism, luckily, he finds a great sword of darkness and gets even more corrupted than he was after he met the protagonist, lost his friend and his love (SPOILER: which he murdered).
#3 Deimos
Real name: Deimos
Job: warrior of the inferno, powerful magog
Description: A very nice hero. He isn’t all that deep emotional and thinking stuff, which provided relief at certain points in the thread. He sometimes became exceptionally strong or knew certain things he shouldn’t, but overall, he kept in line. He even joined the forces of good at a certain point, but only to defeat an ultimate evil, BUT he remained undeniably malicious and aggressive, which keeps him in this villains list. I hope he lasted long in the thread, since I actually haven’t finished it, yet. Anyway, i’ll just say that noone can deny a big imp with razor-like claws that can also shoot ice. 
#4 snot nosed orc
Real name: Goober
Job: scout, underling
Description: This is a fun, quirky bad guy who's job is more to annoy than to pose a genuine. He immediately starts in the story by shooting an arrow in the bum ofour poor dear milena Luckily he apologised afterwards  He also works for dark elves apparently, despite the fact he's an orc. He als has a greater master, indicating that all evil DOES work together. He also heightens the quality of that RP, since t gets a bit... not fun...
Remember: I love any type of baddy. Give em, pls
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted September 12, 2008 12:00 AM |
Where is MM?

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted September 12, 2008 12:04 AM |
Programmer is fine, although I'm more like a haxxor and specialized in more stuff (and even philosophy). But heck, programmer is the best word to put it 
Put my vid there for Quote Wars

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 12, 2008 01:46 AM |

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted September 12, 2008 02:13 AM |
yay i am not a villian!!
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 12, 2008 02:21 AM |
Maybe right after Phobos had that nice meteor which is why it has a nice crater now

Legendary Hero
posted September 12, 2008 04:14 AM |
Quote: Where is MM? 
Yeah, where am I?
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage. For he is all I could ever
want to be! - OhforfSake

Legendary Hero
posted September 12, 2008 04:36 AM |
I like the villain from "Soon I will be invincible".

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 12, 2008 07:25 AM |
Edited by william at 07:30, 12 Sep 2008.
What about:
The Thing From the Movie: The Thing From Another World
Pinhead From Hellraiser Series
The Chatterer From Hellraiser Series
Jason Vorhees From Friday the 13th Series
Freddy Krueger From Nightmare on Elm Street Series
Michael Myers from Halloween Series
Chucky from Childs Play
Isaac from Children of the Corn
etc etc

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 12, 2008 07:27 AM |
William from Pee-Wee's Play House

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted September 12, 2008 09:08 AM |
Good Work Dagoth . I vote for a QP.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Legendary Hero
posted September 12, 2008 10:22 AM |
lol very nice  
Maybe in future some of the villains from the major HC RPs could be included in the 'glade villains'
Oh and I'm sure you could sneak in a Richard III reference in The Death's description  
John says to live above hell.

Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted September 12, 2008 12:03 PM |
Good job, Daghoth. But you forgot one villain:
When he shows, the children scream metalic,
Fot they have saw the king so skeletalic.
Skeleton_King, the Sly One, the Ruler of Skellies.
5 Times TV

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 12, 2008 01:50 PM |
Very nice Dagoth

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted September 12, 2008 03:09 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 15:19, 12 Sep 2008.
Villian list... how can you miss the supreme master of all evil! The one guy that sent a chill the size of a blizzard down millions of children spines ?! The guy that has one of the most epic build up and exciting boss battles in gameing history oO?!
Of course I'm takeing about the one and only Antagonist that can hold a candle to Link
The King of the Gerudos, Wielder of the Triforce of Might and King of all Evil: Ganondorf

Every 100 years a male leader is born in the Garudo clan (a clan of hot female thieves!). Ganondorf became King but it wasn't enough for him! He would contact the King of Hyrule and form a allience with him to perceive him while Link goes off to find the sacred stones.

When you finally open the Gate to the Master Sword and thus to the Sacred releam Ganondorf sizes his chance to steal the powerful artefact of the gods that created Hyrule. The legendary Triforce. But because of his evil intentions the Triforce splittered into it's fragments: Power, Courgage and Wisdom. While you are tramped from space and time in the Citadel of Light for 7 years (?) Ganondorf enslaves all of Hyrule and becomes the supreme ruler through the power given him by the Triforce of Power, ever searching for the remaining parts of the Triforce (which you and Zelda are the wielders off).
Triforce of Might

Ganondorf as pure evil incarnate: The Demon Ganon

Anyways after epic adventures of unmatch proportions you face Ganondorf the ultimate badass... He has everything a villian needs: A really evil laughter, awesome minions, HE PLAYS THE ORGANON!!! which is supreme evil incarnate, he has a baaaaaaadass cape and he is extremely powerful. And you get to banish him! But Ganondorf will never die!!
Ganondorf playing the Organon
The Legend of Zelda is by far one of the best games in human history and is a piece of art. I don't care how much I sound like a geek but every moment of every second of every dialog and boss battle is burned into my brain. This game simply took you in and it was awesome . I love you Zelda series (especially Orcarina of Time of course!!)!
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 12, 2008 03:13 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted September 12, 2008 03:18 PM |
He doesn't hold a candle to Ganondorf... I mean the guy doesn't even have a Organon... AND A CAPE!!
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 12, 2008 03:26 PM |
Yeah but he still pwns everyone and whole worlds
If you played NWN1:HotU, you'll see that Mephistopheles, who is weaker than Asmodeus, devastates the entire Material Plane

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted September 12, 2008 03:28 PM |
Quote: Yeah but he still pwns everyone and whole worlds
Gah, he doesn't even pwn Superman geesh

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 12, 2008 03:28 PM |
Actually, Superman is very vulnerable to magic, so he gets pwned badly