Thread: [NCF] ToK's Nexus | |

Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted October 04, 2008 10:05 PM |

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted October 04, 2008 11:26 PM |
Oh yeah! Thats what i'm talkin about!
I've been whaiting for theese to get NCF ;p

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 05, 2008 12:48 AM |
hem... you forgot to fix some glitches before releasing them.

Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2008 01:35 AM |
Edited by SimonaK at 01:43, 05 Oct 2008.
I'll look and test your NCFs and will check if bugs exist.
but already I discourage the « Flying Saucer » model as NCF 
I know there are special models in data.pak as planecrash or dino, etc..and flying saucer as heroes too...
but it's not a reason to have the need to use it.
Really, this model has not a place as Heroes Creature 

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted October 05, 2008 06:58 AM |

Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted October 05, 2008 08:14 AM |
@Fauch: Did I? No that's impossbile I checked it.
@SimonK: Well I had som doubts about it at first, but since (according to the story) they were not created in Ashan, there shouldn't be a problem. Oh and I've seen NCF Creatures of which I thought "Are they really needed?"
@Warmonger: Thanks!

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted October 05, 2008 10:35 AM |
There is a lot of bugs!
The pictures isn't the right one on allmost any of them..
And 171+172 isn't a TOK model! It's just 2 wolfes!

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted October 05, 2008 02:15 PM |
Yes, there are quite a few bugs and dodgy cameras we need to fix. I didn't know you'd be releasing this so soon, Kronos...
Quote: Really, this model has not a place as Heroes Creature 
Hey buddy, relax there for once wouldya?

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 05, 2008 05:56 PM |
Quote: @Fauch: Did I? No that's impossbile I checked it.
I suppose you uploaded the wrong file.

Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted October 05, 2008 06:06 PM |
@Disturbed-Gnu: Unused NCF slots apear as Wolves those were reserved for the Ancient Ones, but I decided not to release them they are WAY TOO OVERPOWERED! And I still don't have icons for most Nexus Creatures.
@Cepheus: Yes, but I don't know how to fix them. Well I had to release it someday, didn't I?
@Fauch: No there's only one file 
Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa? - 'The Wanderer'

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted October 05, 2008 06:26 PM |
Well, no big deal... it's not so hard to fix. Actually I had created working camera files for all of them, but accidentally deleted them a while ago 
Also, happy birthday
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2008 11:39 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 02:45, 07 Oct 2008.
My first tests and impressions are on this picture:

Quote: Well I had som doubts about it at first, but since (according to the story) they were not created in Ashan, there shouldn't be a problem. Oh and I've seen NCF Creatures of which I thought "Are they really needed?"
Nah I just said my modest opinion.
Now there are 3 NCF with this model.
I go on to think UFO and fantastic medieval world isn't the best mix and is exaggerated a little.
But perhaps my mind is too closed... 
Anyway let's fix bugs

Perhaps some bugs on this picture I didn't see
Another bug's side:


Supreme Hero
posted October 07, 2008 10:57 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 03:43, 09 Oct 2008.
Why release creatures while knowing very well that the majority doesn't even have an icon?
Is Your MOD a beta?
Now if I play with your NCF, their icon in the game really sucks.
Ex: 3 NCF have the mentoring ability icon as icon (Radar's avatar)
Ugly no? 
What is the aim to release a MOD with bugs and really not finished?
It seems we provide all icons as acceptable in a beta.
So your MOD has not even the beta status. 
however I must say the nexus pack has a very good potential 
EDIT: I fixed for my-self the « Shifted IDs » bug
I have just finished my own 128x128 icons for the 21 Nexus creatures.
Here a screen shot of their thumbs

That is better than anything while waiting for the official ones.
I also noticed that a lot of sound are missing on different creatures's animations.
And some animations for some creatures are missing as well.

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 10, 2008 05:41 PM |
important : this mod makes the poisonous wyverns have no texture.

Supreme Hero
posted November 10, 2008 11:03 PM |
super, Fauch. 
Now, I remember that I removed Nexus pack after one of my games...it's why I wasn't able anymore to recreate this bug.

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted November 11, 2008 08:57 AM |
Now we've found the suspect! 
Have no idea what ToK has to do with the Wivern, but please fix it asap.