
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 03, 2008 09:23 PM |
bonus applied by VokialBG on 04 Sep 2008. |
Edited by VOKIALBG at 14:51, 15 Sep 2012.
[NCF Project] Updated New Creatures Framework thread

Since the NCF Project page does not get updated at all as well as its old topic on this forum, I'm starting a new thread which will be kept up to date for sure.
First of all, NCF 3.1 from our tallented friend SimonaK
New Creatures Framework 3.1. Description included.
NCF Mega pack with 188 working creatures
Avaliable Creatures:
180-187 - Thunderbird, Suzaku, Plague Treant, Apocalypse Knight, Undead Cyclops, Ballista, Winterwolf, Worg aka. Nelgirith Creatures Pack
188 ----- Arcane Blades by Radar
189-193 - Elemental Giants by Shadow of Death
194-199 - creatures by Psatkha
200-203 - Elementals Upgrades(2) by Samigina
204-207 - Elemental upgrades by Dark Crystal
208 ----- Satyr by Psatkha
209-211 - Dark Angels by Morrock
212 ----- Enchanter 2.0 by Radar
213 ----- Sun Warrior by Gnoll Mage
214-216 - Basilisk, Greater Basilisk and Salamander by Cepheus
217 ----- Pikeman by Psatkha
218-219 - Magic Daggers & Runic Axes by Shadow of Death
220-249 - creatures by Psatkha
250-272 - Tales of Karador - Nexus faction by Kronos
273-275 - Shadow Daughters by Morrock
276 ----- Templar and Evil Sorceress by Radar
277 ----- Challenger by Psatkha
278 ----- Heretic by Nelgirith
279-281 - Souls by Morrock
282 ----- Planeswalker by Gnoll Mage
283 ----- Runelord by Radar
284 ----- Dark Champion by Radar
285-287 - Guardians by Morrock
288 ----- Animist by Psatkha and Nelgirith
289 ----- Vala by Psatkha and Dyrman
290 ----- Sylvan healer by Nelgirith (in the mega pack)
291 ----- Crystal Dragon 1.01 by Radar
292-293 - creatures by Cepheus
294-295 - Mummy Upgrades by Disturbed-Gnu
296 ----- creature by Nelgirith
297 ----- Azure Dragon (doubling creature?) - by Wulfstan8182
298 ----- Skeleton Mage by Radar
299-301 - Crusaders - by 2ndHero
302 ----- Illusionist - by Radar
303 ----- Elven Cavalry - by Radar
304 ----- Rakshasa Vetala by Shadow of Death
305 ----- Catapult - by Softmama
306 ----- ??? by Softmama
307 ----- ??? by Shadow of Death
308-310 - ??? by Kartan
311 ----- Royal Basilisk by Fauch
312 ----- Ghost Knight by Fauch
313 ----- Guardian Idol by Fauch
314-324 - Sharpshooter, Enchanter, Ice Demon, Venom Spawn, Azure/Rust/Faerie Dragon, Battle/Earth/Fire/Ice Titan - by E-Lysander
325 ----- Magog by Eugen Cosmarul
326 ----- Warlord by Fauch (doubling original game creature)
327-341 - New Alternative Upgrades by Fauch & others
342 ----- Genie by Fauch (doubling original game creature)
343-362 - New Alternative Upgrades by Fauch & others
363 ----- Manes by Fauch (doubling original game creature)
364-381 - New Alternative Upgrades by Fauch & others
382 ----- Chimera (download link) by Fauch
383 ----- MystoDragon by Fauch
384 ----- Ninja by Fauch
385 ----- Omega Dragon(!?) by Fauch
386 ----- Power Mage (two versions) by Fauch
387 ----- Centaur Captain by Fauch
388 ----- Abyss Angel 1.1 by Fiur
389 ----- Balrog 1.1 by Fiur
390 ----- Abyss Princess 1.1 by Fiur
391 ----- Royal Guard by VokialBG
392 ----- Naga by Eugen Cosmarul
393-394 - Wisp and Wisp Elder by Shadow of Death
395 ----- Medusa by Fauch
396 ----- Plague Wisp by Shadow of Death
397-398 - Walkyries by Shadow of Death
399 ----- Mistress of The Dead by Shadow of Death
400 ----- Ghost Charger by Fauch
401 ----- Blood Hound by Fauch
402 ----- Samurai by Drh3ll
403 ----- Magma Giant (Pyromancer upgrade) by The Shadow of Death
404 ----- Stone Demon by Fauch
405 ----- Sea Golem by Shadow of Death
406 ----- Dopelganger by Fauch
407 ----- Aquamancer by Drh3ll
408 ----- Ice Dragon by Fauch
409 ----- Spiritual Cherub by The Shadow of Death
410 ----- Moloch by Eugen Cosmarul
411 ----- Kirin by Drh3ll
412 ----- Death Angel by Dark Crystal
413 ----- Grunt by The Shadow of Death
414 ----- Spirit Elemental by The Shadow of Death
415 ----- Garuda by Fauch
416 ----- Night Elf Archer by The Shadow of Death
417 ----- Rakshasa Shiva by The Shadow of Death
418 ----- High Lich by Fauch
419 ----- Night Elf Huntress by The Shadow of Death
420 ----- Mimic Crystal by Fauch
423 ----- Wizard King by Fauch
424 ----- Bean Sith by The Shadow of Death
425 ----- Granite Golem by The Shadow of Death (check the mega pack)
426 ----- Sylvan Golem : Mother Nature's Protector 1st upgrade
427 ----- Snowflake Golem : Atlante 2nd upgrade ^all by The Shadow of Death
428 ----- Centaur Defender by ArchWarlock
429 ----- Zombie Warrior by Psatkha and ArchWarlock
430 ----- Feral Griffin by Psatkha and ArchWarlock
431 ----- Tracker by Psatkha and ArchWarlock
432 ----- Incubus by Psatkha and ArchWarlock
433 ----- Elven Feeler by Psatkha and mDance
434 ----- Maykongr by Psatkha
435 ----- Nulstag by Psatkha and Sandro400
436 ----- Condottier by Psatkha and Lord05A
437 ----- Revenger by Psatkha and Halfer
438 ----- Axeman by Psatkha and Stetnoel
439 ----- Tirailleur by Psatkha and Stetnoel
440 ----- Banneret by Psatkha and Stetnoel
441 ----- Adamant Golem by Psatkha and Sandro400
442 ----- Lazurite Gargoyle by Psatkha and Sandro400
443 ----- Maenad by Psatkha
444 ----- Pontianak by Psatkha
445 ----- Troglodyte by Psatkha
446 ----- Peri by Psatkha and Stetnoel
447 ----- Trollop by Psatkha
448 ----- Erinya by Psatkha
449 ----- Ulem by Psatkha and Stetnoel
450 ----- Scorpicore by unknown author (find in the mega pack)
451 ----- Supreme by unknown author (find in the mega pack)
452 ----- Ancient by unknown author (find in the mega pack)
453 ----- Burned by unknown author (find in the mega pack)
454 ----- Summoner by Psatkha and Shazar
455 ----- High Summoner by Psatkha and Shazar
456 ----- Battle Summoner by Psatkha and Shazar
457 ----- Asker by Psatkha and Shazar
458 ----- Turgak by Psatkha and Shazar
459 ----- Gaplan by Psatkha and Shazar
460-462 - Lost mages by drh3ll
463 ----- Hell Knight by drh3ll
464 ----- Diamond golem by drh3ll
465 ----- creature by drh3ll
467 ----- Crusader (download link) by Fauch
468 ----- Radiant Glory (download link) by Fauch
469 ----- Ghost ship by Fauch
470 ----- Ogre mage by Fauch
471 ----- Arcane bow
472 ----- Wind warrior by Fauch
496 ----- Lycanthrope 1.1 by SimonaK
497-498 - Zenithales 1.1 by SimonaK
499 ----- creature by SimonaK
500 - 501 Ballista upgrades by SimonaK & The Shadow of Death
502 ----- Lucky Charm by SimonaK
666 ----- creature by SimonaK
697 ----- Earthen by Vojthus
698 ----- ???
699 ----- Raven mocker by Vojthus
700 - 755 Fourth alternative upgrades (?!)
978 - 998 - Wintrial Faction by Trashid
999 ----- Memory Mentor by SimonaK
999 ----- current NCF capacity
All creatures available in random stacks by SimonaK
Fast Levels for NCF 3.1 MOD by BAD
NCF Editor links
Creature power calculator by The Shadow of Death
New skin for Thunderbird by Disturbed - Gnu
NCF Wiki
Archangel Castle (french)
NCF Bank
Random Template Map Generator by SimonaK
Every help and links are welcome.
MODERATOR'S NOTE: Only a moderator can update this master post, and the NCF's list, if you know about any changes or adds to the list here, please send an instant message (HCM) to the moderator VokialBG.

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 03, 2008 09:53 PM |
new alternative upgrades : 326 to 382
omega dragon : 385
ninja : 384

Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2008 10:06 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 22:15, 03 Sep 2008.

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted September 03, 2008 10:09 PM |
Great idea! I was wondering why there wasn't any NCF 3,1 lists yet!


Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 03, 2008 10:14 PM |
Ok, everything fixed. I put both finished and planned mods on one list to have clarity which slots are occupied and which appear wasted

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2008 09:03 AM |
Hello Warmonger,
Here some infos:
188 not free, these creatures exist:
Magic Daggers (218) has its upgrades
Arcane Blades (188) and Runic Axes (219)
204-207 - Elementals Upgrades (?) by Samigina
Not 204-207 but 200-203 ..and not free..
fire and earth upgrades don't exist yet
Is not in list:
283 RuneLord by Radar
304 is not free, this creature exists.
311 is Royal Basilisk and not Basilisk
some creatures can be downloaded from NCF bank
apart, the list seems good.
are you interested by the idea to create 2 fire elemental upgrades and 2 earth elemental upgrades to complete NCF elementals group?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted September 04, 2008 04:56 PM |
I say QP for Warmonger.

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted September 04, 2008 05:37 PM |
Edited by VokialBG at 17:39, 04 Sep 2008.
Quote: I say QP for Warmonger.
I agree. After everything was fixed it deserve it 
Please keep this list updated, or send me HCM when it needs update.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted September 04, 2008 05:44 PM |
Nice list, however I think you've overlooked the Salamander at 216.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 04, 2008 05:53 PM |
Ohh, thank you so much! It's my first QP, I'm glad someone appreciates it.
Now Cepheus, you could give me some link as well.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted September 04, 2008 06:03 PM |
Umm? What should I link to?
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 04, 2008 06:07 PM |
I meant Salamander, but just found them on a board. The previous link led to another source I think.

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted September 04, 2008 06:31 PM |
Edited by radar at 18:44, 04 Sep 2008.
Oh great I can find there my Enchanter with description written even when I haven't invented one 
Just sheesh
I just noticed some noobish guy added an completely unnecessary abilities text files
Don't you French people have a grain of honour
to prevent some misunderstandings original radar's ncfs only in his threads on HeroesCommunity.com
have a nice day

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2008 07:10 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 19:37, 04 Sep 2008.
VokialBG, please, do something!

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted September 04, 2008 07:29 PM |
Don't start this here please, keep it on HCM's...

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2008 10:40 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 23:22, 04 Sep 2008.
I know that few slots are reserved for nothing,
because NCF creator will not work anymore the creature.
I suggest to remove reserved slots from list and to attribute
in real time the ID slot at creators.
no more reserved slot, just real used slots.
While creature developping, the creator uses the ID he wants and he can for his tests.
While the creature is ready to be released, the creator must asked available ID slots, here
or take a new if he knows it is free.
Several creators can work in same time and each of them, when he is ready to release,
will modify the « CREATURE_ID » to the real one, before.
So, no slots will be reserved for nothing.
reserved become exactly used ones

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted September 04, 2008 11:24 PM |
Quote: I suggest to remove reserved slot from list and attribute
in real time the ID slot at creators.
no more reserved slot, just real used slots.
I don't agree with this. Reserving slots is the best and fairest way - especially for bulk mods where multiple NCFs are being made (example; how would you like it if you had 19 out of 20 new creatures to release, then someone comes along and takes one of the nineteen IDs you've already assigned to the finished ones? madness) and it's not like there's a shortage of IDs or anything. Also, if you're referring to my two unused slots, they are going to be occupied by ToK. 
Anyway, if you're going to enforce this regardless, please ask the modders who have already reserved slots. Perhaps they've forgotten or can't be bothered, but at least you'll get an answer. Most of them are still active on their respective forums.

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2008 11:28 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 23:39, 04 Sep 2008.
OK, you're also right.
I know that few slots are really reserved for nothing.
anyway, last creatures which was created didn't need to reserve a slot. It just took it on the hit.

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted September 05, 2008 08:32 AM |
Edited by VokialBG at 11:36, 05 Sep 2008.
I agree with Cepheus, we don't even need this, lets first full all slots to 499, before thinking for this... (Were the Mummy upgrades by Nelgirith - 294-296 - released?)

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted September 05, 2008 10:50 AM |
I'm afraid most of the older projects got dead, but don't talk about what does not exist. If I see the creature, I'll add it to the list - how simple.
For example, I added Abyss(al) Angel and Balrog to the list as they're ready and just waiting for their NCF version which will show up when Radar finds some time.
Now somebody (me?) could update the mod list thread as well, it's just a terrible mess in there It's discouraging both for players and creators.