Thread: IRMG - New Versions | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
posted November 04, 2008 02:03 PM |
IRMG - New Version
Changes from last version :
* Some bugs fixed.
* first wood and ore mines are now close to main town.
* Road options : No Roads, Roads To Towns,Roads To Towns And Mines.
* Tweaking to guards on map - Now there is a cap of a little over 100 for every level of unit (except level 7) ,Higher chances to same alignments
* option to give map a name
* Random template - Now you can place several random maps in same directory and RMG will generate randomly from them - This way you get a complete random layout of the map.

posted November 04, 2008 02:22 PM |

posted November 05, 2008 06:25 PM |
never hi again.
i liked it much )) almost everything i wanted. found some bugs :
1) sometimes it places holes in mountain or forest borderof the zone,so hero can move through it ( it's not connection ). rare bug - but i saw it in real game
2)sometimes it can't properly place guards for objects such tombwarrrior etc. but according to h3 OLDEST rule ( if guard of any is "moved" you need to beat it) it's not total problem. just sometimes annoying.
3) it doesn't place abandoned mines)
4) sometimes it doesn't place roads even in starting zones)
small stupid things not obligate to fix. but u need to know about them.
one great option to be added - dwelling aspect in zone. it is rather nice now but it would be really great if you will do something like thi : 1-3 dwellings in zone, 4-6 dwellings in zone, 7 lvl dwellings in zone ,no dwellings. like you did with roads.

Supreme Hero
power of Zamolxis
posted November 05, 2008 09:29 PM |
Quote: THANKS NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooops, i thought : "thx, ill NEVER use it"
but seems i was wrong...
- means you right, nevermindspy.. -
dacian falx behind you
-knowledge itself is power-

Adventuring Hero
Tree of Knowledge
posted November 06, 2008 06:14 PM |
Quick question... I can't seem to figure out how to select more than two starting players? Is it supposed to be like this or am I missing some obvious setting somewhere?

Famous Hero
posted November 06, 2008 11:29 PM |
IRMG currently only generate 2 player maps ..

Adventuring Hero
Tree of Knowledge
posted November 07, 2008 08:10 AM |
Is it possible to generate underground or not yet?

Adventuring Hero
Tree of Knowledge
posted November 08, 2008 03:03 PM |
Oh, something else I've also noticed is that with starting towns, the name is Undefined and the town has no specialty. Is this also still a limitation of the RMG?

posted November 30, 2008 11:23 PM |
Nevermind, i dunno have you recieved my email or not , so i decided to double it here:
1)Now irmg often generates blocked portals ( oneway blocked or even 2 blocked directions) . IT MUST BI FIXED . cause it's often fatal (imagine that you all portals blocked on your start zone)
2) it sometimes does generate different dwellings to players . this must be fixed too.

Famous Hero
posted December 02, 2008 06:16 PM |
Quote: 2 Nevermind
First af all thanks for the IRMG. Its really enjoyable. But there are some annoying things:
- bug with portals (moz has already mentioned)
- military posts imho must be equal for both players. IRMG makes the same sets for military posts but it doesn't work because the option "random" is set for each post
- option "always join" must not be set for creatures. In my last game on IRMG I could have joined 9 rakshasa rajas on the first week or more then 120 chieftains on week 4, that's not normal.
I hope you find some time to improve IRMG. Anyway thanks for the great work you've done 
Hey i'm working on those bugs and they will be fixed when i finish but regarding the always join - there is a very small chance for armies to join (i'll check the exact chance but its something like 1%)
And its ment to make the game more suprising and enjoyable i added it for fun if any can explain what is the problem with this i will consider changing.

posted December 04, 2008 02:05 PM |
BTW nevermind!
one more important thing:
it sometimes generate holes in the walls ( it's not connections) it makes templates worse . Plz make fix. expecially it happens when the wall consists of forest or stones

posted December 10, 2008 04:57 PM |
plz post some news ( good or bad) we miss you

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted January 25, 2009 07:15 PM |
Is this project still alive? Or written in C so I could help a little? 
Anyway, last version works pretty decent for me. Here's my new template Ring. Recommended map size: large.
Also, I really DO believe reducing templates to third part would help a lot.

Famous Hero
posted January 25, 2009 09:40 PM |
Quote: Is this project still alive? Or written in C so I could help a little? 
Anyway, last version works pretty decent for me. Here's my new template Ring. Recommended map size: large.
Also, I really DO believe reducing templates to third part would help a lot.
Hey there , Currently i've stopped any work on the project because of a combination of lack of time and interest..
The project is written in c#.
One thing i do know is i sent the code to some russian community and i know they have updated it a bit (fixed some bugs) i'm not sure if the programmer that did this has any planes on keep working on it but i'll keep you updated if i hear something , In any way when i get the time i see if i can post the updated version (again this update is not done by me).

posted February 20, 2009 01:37 PM |
Yes, we do.
since neverminde told , we got code and keeping updating IRMG for best.Now we fixed many bugs and added some good features like
1) fixed blocking of portals and dwells
2) made "agression" flag to creeps to avoid joining
3) added "different faction" button to avoid mirrors if you generate random races
4) fixed problem with unequal dwells for players( also decreased chance of getting same dwells like 2 dwells of 2nd tier, and decreased chance of getting high lvl dwells) now it can generate 1-4 dwells for each player, they will be equal for each player.
5) changed mixed-armies generating algorythm - to make them really be generated depending on power rating. increased chance of "every creep in mixed would be melee" slightly ,to low machine tactics
6)added town guard for neutral towns.
7) added town specialization.
And we still keep on updating
here u can always dl Latest version of Irmg for sure
these are good balanced templates:
large - for Large map size, and huge for Huge size. i advise you to use any number from 0.105-0.110 for monster aspect. And i also advise you to create 2 different folders for templates to be able to use "random template from folder" button. It owns.
this is template schemes:
Enjoy, thnx Nevermind for great work.

Famous Hero
posted February 21, 2009 05:56 PM |
Awesome job guys.. , I wish i had the energy to keep developing it myself but i don't but it feels good to see it getting more work into it , Just a little more work and it can be one truly awesome tool .
And be sure to keep us updated..

Adventuring Hero
posted February 23, 2009 09:16 PM |
Awesome work really, waited for a very long time for this. Maybe now I'll find new interest in playing Heroes. Thanks to Nevermind and the Russian community.

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 24, 2009 08:38 AM |
Placing objects algorithm has been improved a lot, that's good. However there are still many options to do:
-Linked towns and dwellings in every zone
-Not placing multiple towns on each other
-Improved template edit interface
-Support for more dwellings and NCF creatures
-Wolf Lair is too big to be placed correctly, Manticore lair could be shrinked too.
The templates based on ones for Ubi's RMG are not satisfactory at all for this one.

posted February 24, 2009 05:43 PM |
made 1.21 version
1) allowed scripts for maps made by irmg
2) it generates abandoned mines now ( everything is clear for them, not only gold exists)
3) decreased dwellings quantity to 3 max.
And we still keep on updating
here u can always dl Latest version of Irmg for sure

Tavern Dweller
posted March 07, 2009 06:09 AM |
Many thanks
Thanks for making this for the community, guys. We really appreciate it. =)