Thread: What is your favorite ToH map to play? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
butt-loving salad tosser
posted December 09, 2001 11:45 AM |
What is your favorite ToH map to play?
for me, I like dw. 
Besides, it's made by Alex Killer, who is the only guy who has 3 azure dragon awards on his ToH handle. 
hg is cool too, because there's lots of gold and artifacts to get ... plus 2 BIG artifacts on an island 
So anyway, what is your favorite ToH map (or other multiplayer map) and why?
PS - vote for dw. DW RULES!

Famous Hero
posted December 09, 2001 12:19 PM |
Battlemania is my favourite.
No need to think about strategy. Relax yourself and hope for good arties. I tend to get sucky arties, which is even better. I hate that pressure of winning.
How can anyone seriously prefer DW or HG over BM? tsk, tsk..

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 09, 2001 01:04 PM |
Random XL without timelimit or fire war campaign on 200%


Hired Hero
butt-loving salad tosser
posted December 10, 2001 06:53 AM |
ya, battlemania is really fun too.
But I don't know, I still like dw more. Because dw is a routine map. You follow a routine: you get this first, then this, etc.
I really like routine maps, because they are easy to play, and they are also easy to kill newbies on ... because newbies don't know the map. 
Also, in routine maps, you never worry about having to change your strategy ... I HATE it when I have to change my strategy, or when opponent does something that they're not supposed to do ... because then ... well, it's just not fair! 
What I HATE is when I play a map like Hourglass, and my opponent breaks through in my territory on week 2, when I havn't got my dragon utopia. 
It's not fair! You're not supposed to do that so soon! 
So I give them dishonorable
I blub, u blub, we all
blub ... for our mascot

Known Hero
Master of Reptiles.
posted December 10, 2001 07:36 AM |
Well i like hourglass the best... but if their is one thing i hate most is the two relics... I mean that changes the fate of a win or a loss... i've once gotten angelic alliance... i think i'm going to win there... and once i got the largest gold arty whatever its called... that game i lost... so i think their should maybe be 1 standard relic and one random... would make hg maybe just a little more balanced...

Famous Hero
posted December 10, 2001 10:39 AM |
attention, posting something serious ;)
just a side node (I guess it has been said several times before):
if you have SoD or Heroes Complete (and your opponent too), take yourself 1 minute time and do the following:
Open map in mapeditor, check Shadow of Death option (somewhere in a submenu), save the map under a different name and play this map instead. So you won't find any combo arties on the hg islands (for example), cause Combo arties don't count as relics any more. But you still can put them together.

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 10, 2001 11:38 AM |
dw is not routine map , I m serious . Its just unbalanced stupid map done by mapmaker who did not know how to remove artefacts btw wiggy aka blub lover do you know that on dw there are many ways to achieve victory :
1 island->quest->utopia->2nd utopia ->siege
2 attack while main army of opponent went for quest
3 use 1st day rush as red on day 8 if your main hero is fast or you are tower 
4 attack in any time after you got good spell from guild 
Hg 2 contains much less ways to win
1 build 2 towns and attack
2 build only 1 city and attack faster

Known Hero
posted December 10, 2001 12:41 PM |
Whats your favorite map, Wiggy? Seriousily curious here
Seven Lakes? Interesting map, Looks poorly made tho. Only 2 monsters wont join your hero. Looks like whoever gets dip can just walk over and kill the other guy. Not to mention the Dragon Cave. Whats up with that??

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 10, 2001 12:47 PM |
7 lakes is good because there are almost unlimited number of ways to achieve victory, but I dont like relics and dragon cave and not savage monsters too. I think that fire war campaign is the best map, try it on 200%

Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted December 10, 2001 02:10 PM |
Fire War Campaign
I like this map but even it has problems. First time I played it we went rndm castles/heroes. I ended up with Rampart, my opponent had dungeon. I got 3 elf dwellings week 1. By the time are mains finally fought each other I had soooo many elves it was a joke of a fight.
Do I think I played better then my opponent, not really. Just starting as rampart with all the matching dwellings was too big of andantage for the other guy to overcome.
In my mind starting castle in this map is too big of a factor in who wins. It's a good map, but it certainly needs some work to be great, imo.
jiels (1 win and 1 loss on FWC)

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 10, 2001 03:05 PM |
I guess you're right. There ARE a few ways to break the routine and win on dw.
The theory of dw being a "routine" map was not mine. It was presented to me by another ... a player who's played it back in the beginnings of ToH. As I've looked back on the times I've played it, and also how my opponents have played, and it has been that routine, with only a few variants as undead_knight has mentioned.
As for hg, I find it to be a race. A relic race.
And yes Jex, 7 lakes is my favorite. I do not presume it to be the BEST map, but I go so far to say it is the most strategic I have played (out of 41).
Lots of the old veterans from season 1 find it to be the most stategic also.
Anyway, these are my observations

Known Hero
Young Warrior
posted December 10, 2001 03:37 PM |
I like.... in no certian order
Giant war
HourGlass 3 (unless oppenet gets earth tomb) 
The challenge ( not if i play mad_unicorn tho) 
Most 2vs2 maps
i hate dw, bfh, and RANDOMS
¤¤¤ Attila ¤¤¤

Famous Hero
posted December 10, 2001 06:53 PM |
Damn it, this thread has got some serious posts... how I hate that 
Hmm.. what do I like.. let's take a look at my profile 
Looks like I prefer open maps, lol.
BfH - good fun and not too long. Effectiveness helps a lot here (I guess it does on any map, tho). No relics - nice. Not so nice about it: A pair of boots (for ex.) in front of your door usually decides the game.
Boomerang - again, not too long. Interesting scout wars. I simply like it. Well, relics are possible. The worst about it is that it is sorta unbalanced. Time for a update, imo.
Outer Limits, Insanity - very good maps. take a bit long, but everything else on them is nice.
Even HG is fun somehow, but I hate it when turns take 10+ minutes and game lasts 6+ hours, including 5+ hours of non-interaction with opponent.
Ok, I guess I've taken enough space now - have a nice day! 

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 10, 2001 07:28 PM |
to jiels
I played fire war with expert difficulty.I had rampart and my opponent had inferno, Comps resisted so much time that my elf advantage didnot help, btw there were only 1 rampart on map and I started to build towers, while my opponent captured 3 infernos and castle gates helped him much more than my dwellings, I went away and a couple of comps captured all my cites that terminates my week production, and also I lost many gold, then he captured both shackles and I surrendered btw its easy to remove all dwellings from map, or change it so infernos will be the only unbalanced part of the map

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 10, 2001 07:59 PM |
BfH - good fun and not too long. Effectiveness helps a lot here (I guess it does on any map, tho). No relics - nice. Not so nice about it: A pair of boots (for ex.) in front of your door usually decides the game.
Boomerang - again, not too long. Interesting scout wars. I simply like it. Well, relics are possible. The worst about it is that it is sorta unbalanced. Time for a update, imo.
Outer Limits, Insanity - very good maps. take a bit long, but everything else on them is nice.
Even HG is fun somehow, but I hate it when turns take 10+ minutes and game lasts 6+ hours, including 5+ hours of non-interaction with opponent.
100% agreed. I also prefer open maps.
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models. Well ... the ones his age (18-26)

Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted December 11, 2001 03:56 AM |
Undead Knight:
If you have to remove dwellings, change castles, or make rules to make a map better then it's a bad map. Seems simple to me. I'm not saying FWC is a bad map, just that it's not as balanced as others. It's still fun to play. I'll have to try it on 200 sometime.
BFH: This one ranks up there with dw and Bm for me. In that I just don't have fun. Is a well designed map? Well, again, I think starting castle/hero is too powerful on this map, as it is on most open maps, imo. I don't like playing a game where I know who has won or lost day 1. *shrug*
7 Lakes: Ok, I finally played it. Got tower and Dessa!! Hit 2nd learning stone and got dip offered, considering the other choice was something I didn't want, I took it. Imagine my surprise when all the monsters I attacked wanted to join for a chance at glory! 16 pit lords joined me week 2 day 1!! It didn't cost me a cent either. With all the joiners, I could have easily walked over and crushed my opponent(I had dragon flies and a nice Lightning bolt, no h/r for him ), instead I fought some computer heroes, hit the library mid week 2 with exp dip, and then went and took the relic week 3. Now with very nice stats (relic was sword of Judge)and a big army I went and crushed my opponent. This is a good map? Seems like a newbie killer to me. All I would have to do is pick Ryland or Adela for an easy week 1 game. Maybe with 4 human opponents this would be better. *shrug*
These are my opinions, and that's all they are, opinions based on my experiences on these maps. It seems like we have really different experiences on these maps....
jiels (What?)

Famous Hero
posted December 11, 2001 09:55 AM |
No problem, Jiels, we still have Encounters

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted December 11, 2001 10:31 AM |
you're right jiels, diplo is way too powerful for 7 lakes ... it's even worse with a map i recently tried called "mineral wars"
I got ryland, and lvl 7's were joining me on week 2!.
ok, back to 7 lakes ... diplo is not always unstoppable, and I provide a counter-example.
I played mocara on the map, his starting hero randomly chosen = cyra.
we're both tower.
moc is red, I'm blue.
after a short while, moc takes purple (fully developed inferno), while I take out tan (moderately developed fortress).
Meanwhile, I get 2 ramparts and build them both to 'corns, and have Tarosar (one of my mains) take those troops, and head clockwise north to capture towns and eventually hit moc's towns ... while giving Solmyr (my other main) the fortress troops to assault his primary base (cpu's inferno town), Solmyr travelling along the southern beltway, counter-clockwise.
As this goes on, cyra takes a journey to capture towns in the northeastern region, and get some lvl 3 and lvl 5 joiners ... getting those level 3 artifacts, while other heroes do all the mundane work of hanging around the towns on the eastern beltway.
While Cyra was away getting joiners, Tarosar took the northern beltway towns with ease, and Solmyr took the southeast beltway town, travelled southeast and sieged his main inferno town, and barely won.
While Cyra was returning from the northeast, Tarosar captured his last beltway town (on the east). And Rampart reinforcements came up to meet him.
When Cyra met Tarosar, the battle was something like (estimated):
Cyra: ----------------- Tarosar:
3 devils -------------- 10 unicorns
8 efreet sultans ------ 33 silver pegasi
30 hell hounds -------- 16 crusaders
32 mighty gorgons! ---- 41 grand elves
----------------------- 99 centaur captains
Cyra also had a bunch of other troops that I cannot recall
a very tough battle, but Tarosar won, which won me that game. 
and yes, I do agree that the monsters joining should be adjusted for the map ... lvl4's set to hostile ... and lvl5's set to hostile or savage.
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models. Well ... the ones his age (18-26)

Famous Hero
I am 16 now....
posted January 03, 2002 03:57 PM |
I'm a newbie
But so far I like Battlemania.
I'm always happy to help.. unless I'm helping myself.

Known Hero
posted January 03, 2002 07:28 PM |
For me it's Large Random on 160%. I used to like Me vs You, but not many people want to play it. BfH is not bad either.