Thread: Week of ... / Month of ... events | |

Supreme Hero
posted December 16, 2008 07:14 AM |
Week of ... / Month of ... events
Week of ... / Month of ... events
1. Weeks
There are 15 silent and 126 +5 growth weeks in the game:
1) Silent weeks happen in 75% cases i.e. particular silent week probability is 5%;
2) +5 growth weeks happen in 25% cases i.e. particular +5 growth week probability is 0.25/126 = 0.2%;
3) There can never be a week of neutral creatures.
2. Months
There are 10 silent, 13 double growth months and a month of plague in the game:
1) Silent months happen in 50% cases i.e. particular silent month probability is 5%;
2) Double growth months happen in 40% cases (except for months of the imp with 100% chance) i.e. particular double growth month probability is 3.3%;
3) A month of plague happens in 10% cases.
Here is the full list of double growth months:
1) Month of the Serpent Fly;
2) Month of the Griffin;
3) Month of the Centaur;
4) Month of the Gremlin;
5) Month of the Hobgoblin;
6) Month of the Gog;
7) Month of the Troglodyte;
8) Month of the Harpy;
9) Month of the Lizardman;
10) Month of the Pegasus;
11) Month of the Wolf Rider;
12) Month of the Wight;
13) Month of the Imp (hidden).
Note: if you manage to build the grail structure in one of your infernos all the next weeks will be ones of the imp (imps, familiars +15). Also you will experience what the hidden Month of the Imp is.
Note: Never take probabilities seriously due to the pseudo-random nature of events in this game. If one "random" function generates 10, for example, and then another one makes 3 you will always get 3 after 10 If there is no "randomize" between them, of course. So, that is why skill tree, for example, is never changes when you load your save.

Famous Hero
Heroji su zakon
posted December 16, 2008 10:19 PM |
Nice, Ill check and include it soon.

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted October 04, 2010 11:35 AM |
wog and plauge of the month
although "the week of monsters map enhancement" is not turned on, i haven't seen a month of the plague in the wog version of heroes 3 for a really long time now, and i play often. is this a bug?
i even tried saving the game in week 4 day 7, ending turn and keep reloading many many times, still no plague.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted October 04, 2010 01:30 PM |
Quote: 13) Month of the Imp (hidden).
Does it mean it can't happen without Deity of Fire?

Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2010 09:07 AM |
I suppose so, although I'm not completely sure as I don't remember all details now. That small research had been done for Rainalcar's 'Tribute to Strategists' project by means of .exe reversing.

Supreme Hero
posted January 08, 2011 07:05 AM |
I didn't know where to post this story, so here goes.
I'm in a Rampart game and my town has an un-upgraded Dragon Cliffs. On two consecutive weeks, the game rolled +5 growth to Green Dragons. So now I have a scout running around with three Green Dragons and a town dwelling with 13 or 14 ready to be purchased! I've never had this kind of luck before, especially in the first game month.

Supreme Hero
Lord of the Swamp
posted January 08, 2011 07:14 AM |
Dear lord, I can only imagine your opponent's face.
They can take my swamp, they can take my town, but they will never take my FREEDOM!

Supreme Hero
posted January 08, 2011 10:38 AM |
Too bad you can't torture the AI psychologically.
Back in my game, I played for another week and the same thing happened (+5 Green Dragons). Of course, I had just upgraded my dwelling, so there was no further cause for celebration. But still, is this likely a bug?

Known Hero
posted January 08, 2011 11:03 AM |
Im sure Ive seen lich double growth in Restoration of Erathia, with liches all over the map.
If its +5 green dragon, doesnt it mean you also get gold dragon +5? Anyways getting 3x in a row looks like theres something wrong with random numbers.

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted January 08, 2011 11:58 AM |

Famous Hero
posted February 02, 2011 05:12 PM |
for the pic
I play Heroes 3 Online at: www.heroes-III.com

Known Hero
posted February 11, 2011 11:46 AM |
I liked the picture too
I remember that few years ago there was a month of unicorns.. I was stuck; I was not able to leave from the town, because pack of unicorns were at the castle's port