Thread: Looking For Necro Mod | |

Tavern Dweller
posted December 20, 2008 02:39 AM |
Looking For Necro Mod
I'm looking for some sort of mod to restore Necromancy to pre-DE. I personally don't enjoy DE in any way. Necro used to be my favorite town, but since the change I have dropped playing to to 0. I know a lot of people would disagree with me, but for the people I play with (We just hotseat) and myself we don't want DE. Does anyone out there know of a mod like that? I have all the expansions and updates and would like a better that doesn't require me to waste all the nice things that have come out since the incorperation of the (IMO dumb, regardless of how unbalanced Necromancy was) Dark Energy.

Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted December 20, 2008 08:02 AM |
I must disapoint you, it is impossible to do that unless there is someone who can edit the hard coded values in the exe file. Currently there is no one who can edit such a big thing, small things are possible though...
Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa? - 'The Wanderer'

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 20, 2008 03:19 PM |
it's probably possible to do something. someone made a mod to increase the amount of DE you can have (it was nebdar I think) and SimonaK made a mod to change all the rised creatures to skeletons.

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted December 20, 2008 03:20 PM |
But you still can't bring back the "Skeleton Archers" ability.

Supreme Hero
posted December 20, 2008 03:57 PM |
But you still can't bring back the "Skeleton Archers" ability.
Necromancer is the only faction having 4 racial abilities in Skills.xdb
"Skeleton Archers" ability works ever but it's actually desactived by Nival.
I have re-desactived too this ability in my mod « All Skills and All Abilities »
So with the mod Rise Skeleton,
it's possible to raise Skeleton Archer if this ability is re-actived.
But I disadvice that.
This ability is too old. It comes from time before original second upgrades.
Why rising archer and not warrior or legionnaire?
Moreover, Heroes can just have 3 racial abilities and one of real three will must be
desactived to get Skeleton Archer or Absolute Fear will be unaccessible.
it's probably possible to do something. someone made a mod to increase the amount of DE you can have
yes, the only thing to do to get what you want is to increase number of DE to a so big number
than never it will be empty.
Personally, that doesn't interest me because I begin to call it unbalanced something.

Tavern Dweller
posted December 20, 2008 08:55 PM |
Raising them as archers would have been nice, but not very important. Thanks for the info about the mods, I shall look into them.
As a side not I don't really care about it being balanced ^.^ I just love the feeling of raising an enormous army after a huge battle and so that I don't have to wait and only fight 1 battle per week. I am greedy and will not fight unless I have full DE which makes the game stupidly boring.

Undefeatable Hero
posted December 21, 2008 04:30 PM |
when I played necro I had about 2 additional wraiths per week.
with haven I had 13 additional zealots per week 
in the other hand, the wraiths were free.


Hired Hero
posted December 23, 2008 04:13 AM |
i dont relly like the DE too , im also greedy i guess .
Even with the mods im still forced to have more high level heroes so i can have more DE .
The guys who made the game surely wanted to put some new and cool ideas in the game ... sadly we dont like all of them and in some cases the game is unbalanced ....
Thank God for the mods and Heroes Community