Thread: [NCF Based] Ballista Upgrades | |

Supreme Hero
posted May 13, 2009 03:57 AM |
Edited by SimonaK at 04:40, 13 May 2009.
[NCF Based] Ballista Upgrades
The New Creature Framework thread by sfidanza
Updated New Creatures Framework thread
Project's web page
The NCF Wiki
Ballista Upgrades

Ballista - Tier 5 Base creature, Neutral (CREATURE_BALLISTA = CREATURE_185)
Creator: Nelgirith
Attack: 14
Defense: 10
Damage: 10-15
Speed: 0
Initiative: 7
HP: 80
Shots: 15
Mana: 0
Exp: 75
Power Rating: 1000
Flying: No
Weekly Growth: 4
Spells: None
Cost: 500 Gold, 2 Wood
First Magic Element: Earth
Second Magic Element: None
Abilities: Large Creature, Mechanical, No Range Penality, Precise Shot
Description: Ballistas are powerful warmachines, built by the best engineers
in the Griffin Empire. Their extraordinary aim and range can deal deadly ranged damage.
Iron Ballista - Tier 5 Upgrade creature, Neutral (CREATURE_BALLISTA_IRON = CREATURE_501)
SimonaK (sounds, stats & descriptions)
TSoD (entire visual & files tree, english translations)
Attack: 16
Defense: 21
Damage: 14-18
Speed: 2
Initiative: 9
HP: 100
Shots: 20
Mana: 0
Exp: 110
Power Rating: 2300
Flying: No
Weekly Growth: 4
Spells: None
Cost: 750 Gold, 2 Ore
First Magic Element: Air
Second Magic Element: None
Abilities: Large Creature, Mechanical, No Melee Penality, Dash,
Double Shot, Force Arrow, Large Shield, Shield Wall
Description: Practically indestructible, Iron Ballistae are undoubtedly
the strongest of the Griffin Empire. Although the range of their attacks is shorter
than the traditional Ballistae, Iron Ballistae have the ability of double-shooting
their enemies with their heavy projectiles which can throw out the enemy on the battle field.
Moreover they also have an ingenious mechanism allowing them to reduct the time
between two bursts of shoots.
Arcanes Ballista - Tier 5 Upgrade creature, Neutral (CREATURE_BALLISTA_MAGIC = CREATURE_500)
SimonaK (sounds, stats & descriptions)
TSoD (entire visual & files tree, english translations)
Attack: 20
Defense: 12
Damage: 20-28
Speed: 2
Initiative: 14
HP: 90
Shots: 20
Mana: 0
Exp: 120
Power Rating: 2400
Flying: No
Weekly Growth: 4
Spells: None
Cost: 750 Gold, 1 Sulfur
First Magic Element: Water
Second Magic Element: None
Abilities: Large Creature, Mechanical, No Range Penality, Ranged Retaliate,
Magic-proof 50%, Lightning Breath, Warding Arrows, Purge
Description: Some wizards who have the mechanical sense apply on
Ballistae a particularly oily substance which gives them some magic powers. Arcanes Ballistae
use extremely light projectiles carrying lightning and electrocutating their
target but also the nearby enemies.
Arcanes Ballista in action!

Iron Ballista in action!

English & French

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted May 13, 2009 04:02 AM |
wow awesome and original idea

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted May 13, 2009 04:32 AM |
Why has no one thought of this before? 
Great job simon...I love the arcane Ballista the most, but the detail on the iron ballista is very intricate.
Sithy's Stamp of Approval!
Steel Yourself for War
Next Set: Mirrodin

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted May 13, 2009 07:48 AM |
Really great work, however I think you should better center the lighting bolt, right now it's not symmetrically placed on ballista.

Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted May 13, 2009 02:23 PM |
Quote: Great job simon...
I remember you that, as mentioned by SimonaK above, I did all visual of these 2 creatures...
the complete and homogen NCF

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted May 13, 2009 04:03 PM |
Edited by Azagal at 16:35, 13 May 2009.
Don't worry TSoD I'm sure he's the only one who overlooked that. And you can hardly blame him for not reading anything when he has those two absolutely stunning models to look at . The detail on the iron ballista is amazing and the other one looks great too .
Apart from that I really like what you did with the unit. Both upgrades seem very intrigueing and the their ability distribution makes non of them an "obvious" pick .
Both of you outstanding job done there .
And lol the pictures are great xD.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted May 13, 2009 04:18 PM |
They look amazing ... but don't you think you could pile 1 or 2 more abilities on each of the upgrades, just to make sure they're not underpowered?
What will happen now?

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted May 13, 2009 04:53 PM |
This is awesome! Fantastic idea, strong balistaes makes them more fun to play with! NCF without any missings. real good job SimonaK
The visuals is perfect! Especially the iron one. Very cool.
And the the arcane one matches the lightning effect. Great work Tsod
(My tongue begins to look brown )

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 13, 2009 05:41 PM |
lol imba.
but I like the textures.

Adventuring Hero
Defender of Light
posted May 13, 2009 06:38 PM |
Wow I can see that there is a growing repertoire of elite NCF creatures with excellent artwork, innovative abilities, eye-popping animations! Great job TSoD & SimonaK 
Where there is Faith, Hope arises.

Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted May 13, 2009 07:12 PM |
Thanks to all of you 
I'm glad you appreciate our work 
Thanks SimonaK to have done this with me
the complete and homogen NCF

Supreme Hero
posted May 13, 2009 10:56 PM |
ooh, I'm returning here and already a lot of comments! 
Thanks SimonaK to have done this with me
welcome! same for me, what is the next? 

Tavern Dweller
posted September 02, 2011 07:38 PM |
The Download link
When I clicked the link to the file it said it doesn't exist...

Famous Hero
posted March 17, 2015 08:27 AM |
Sry for pushing this old thread:
But can someone give me a working link for that ballistas?