Thread: I need help with an E-mail problem. | |
Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted May 18, 2009 09:51 PM |
I need help with an E-mail problem.
ok so at home we have the microsoft outlock 2003. and we wanted to save all the E-mails somewhere besides on the computer (incase it chrashes or something) so me and my dad sat down and tried to fix this. now, we found a guide on the internet (even though we didn't understand anthing about it) and finally managed to find the import/export option on the outlock program. so we clicked export files, as PTS (or PST) file and saved it at a small carryable memory.
now you ask yourself, why did I post this here? because I want to find out if this is how we should do, did we do right, if not how should we do instead.
and my other question to you is: how do wedo to get them into another computer?
Please help if you know how to fix this.
and this is in the tavern and not VW is because I don't want any spam here.
Why can't you save anybody?
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted May 18, 2009 09:56 PM |
transfer on writable discs, floppy, zip, or flashdrive.
I dont know about outlook and what format the saved files would be in so I cant help you there.. It would be nice if it was saved as text documents, but its probably saved in a format you can only use with another computer with microsoft outlook.
What are you up to
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted May 18, 2009 09:56 PM |
you can transfer the file via the internet also, send it as an attachment, upload it somewhere, or perhaps other internet ways lol
What are you up to
Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted May 18, 2009 09:59 PM |
well, we tried just copying it onto a cd or portable memory but it didn't work, a message popped up saying something about it being unable to move cause the program forbid it.
Why can't you save anybody?
Legendary Hero
From earth
posted May 18, 2009 10:10 PM |
i dunno try Google :/
If you dont get the best answers add the key word forum or something. They might actually have a forum about Microsoft outlook lol
What are you up to
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 19, 2009 08:16 AM |
Ever tried winzip or winrar?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted May 19, 2009 04:16 PM |
Quote: Ever tried winzip or winrar?
could you please explain how to copy the files via winzip?
Why can't you save anybody?
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 19, 2009 06:16 PM |
I have asked around and maybe have found a good link for you:
OE Help
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted May 19, 2009 10:07 PM |
Quote: I have asked around and maybe have found a good link for you:
OE Help
that seems like it would help, exept for the fact that I don't have outlock express, I have the normal microsoft outlock, not the express version. but thans anyway.
Why can't you save anybody?
Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 19, 2009 10:32 PM |
With normal Microsoft Outlook, you should be able to save an email as "*msg" file on your harddrive. Just open a mail through Outlook, click top left on menu bar "File", "Save as..." and then chose "*msg" as file extension.
Those files now can be copied or burned on a cd.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted May 20, 2009 07:51 AM |
ok thanks, we'll try that. but do you know if it works with a whole mapp? cause we have quite alot of mails on our pc and most of the mare very important. and copying all of them would tae a really long time.
Why can't you save anybody?
Tavern Dweller
posted March 19, 2011 02:35 PM |
Quote: ok so at home we have the microsoft outlock 2003. and we wanted to save all the E-mails somewhere besides on the computer (incase it chrashes or something) so me and my dad sat down and tried to fix this. now, we found a guide on the internet (even though we didn't understand anthing about it) and finally managed to find the import/export option on the outlock program. so we clicked export files, as PTS (or PST) file and saved it at a small carryable memory.
now you ask yourself, why did I post this here? because I want to find out if this is how we should do, did we do right, if not how should we do instead.
and my other question to you is: how do wedo to get them into another computer?
Please help if you know how to fix this.
and this is in the tavern and not VW is because I don't want any spam here.
Only such problems force me to think about some softwares. Couple days ago I remembered about the one. It is able to assist with almost all types of complicated situation associated with ms outlook emails - [url=http://www.recoverytoolbox.com/repair_outlook_2003_pst_file.html]repair pst outlook 2003[/url].
Legendary Hero
posted March 19, 2011 02:42 PM |
One time when I was trying to save a bunch of emails I mass printed them as a single .xps document. This puts them as text on one page. I don't use outlook but I bet it is possible.
Bask in the light of my glorious shining unicorn.