Thread: Def Making and Special Effects Guide | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV |

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 30, 2012 05:09 PM |
What kind of picture?The animation(.def)? or portraits?


Hired Hero
posted August 15, 2012 03:36 PM |
I tried, but I don't know what to do to affect the game.

Adventuring Hero
posted August 17, 2012 09:39 AM |
Can you use parts of objects from the map as well? For unit models.

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 21, 2014 03:00 PM |
am i blind, or did lw NOT get a qp for his work in this thread? 
(found this thread while trying to find the opacity thread)

Legendary Hero
posted March 21, 2014 04:30 PM |
fred79 said: am i blind, or did lw NOT get a qp for his work in this thread? 
Yeah!!! This is a thread that definetively DESERVES a QP.

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2014 08:12 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 08:37, 02 Apr 2014.
By the way, finally found, how to totally delete transparent pixels with image magick
For example I have frames of monster made in form of PNG with transparency. When I directly save it as BMP, transparent pixels became black pixels in resulting BMP. Delete them by hands is a pain.
So I run command to each of images I have:
convert -channel matte -threshold 0.0 -channel RGB -fill red -opaque transparent -channel matte -threshold 1. source.png dest.bmp
It's something about making semi-transparent pixels fully transparent, and then make red background (you can point other color), so resulting BMP can be inputed into DEF tool then.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 01, 2014 10:50 PM |
you'll have to forgive me if i don't believe you on april fools. 
would you mind posting some pics, to give a better idea of what/how you mean?

Supreme Hero
posted April 02, 2014 08:35 AM |
Edited by Macron1 at 08:38, 02 Apr 2014.
fred79 said: you'll have to forgive me if i don't believe you on april fools. 
would you mind posting some pics, to give a better idea of what/how you mean?
Just install imagemagick and try it
You need PNGs with transparent shadows/borders and this command will clean picture from them. I tried it yesterday and finally succeded.
Altrough few of pics had transparent pixels on main drawing, so they became holes in it
PS Found receipt here:

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 03, 2014 12:26 AM |
i've tried using imagemagick before, when attempting to animate static trees.
what i wonder is, would this method have the same memory leak issues as the other transparent patch
that's something i'd need to know, before even attempting this.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 04, 2014 01:54 AM |
Edited by kswdiy at 01:59, 04 Apr 2014.
Macron1 said: By the way, finally found, how to totally delete transparent pixels with image magick
For example I have frames of monster made in form of PNG with transparency. When I directly save it as BMP, transparent pixels became black pixels in resulting BMP. Delete them by hands is a pain.
So I run command to each of images I have:
convert -channel matte -threshold 0.0 -channel RGB -fill red -opaque transparent -channel matte -threshold 1. source.png dest.bmp
It's something about making semi-transparent pixels fully transparent, and then make red background (you can point other color), so resulting BMP can be inputed into DEF tool then.
I disagree with this operation, it will lose a lot of images.
I tested and compared Photoshop, Photoshop image processed is much better than it.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 04, 2014 02:05 AM |
which version of photoshop?

Adventuring Hero
posted April 04, 2014 02:57 AM |
fred79 said: which version of photoshop?
I use the current version is cs6.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 04, 2014 03:13 AM |
thought so. can't afford that. i use an older version, that i got from a friend.
i am learning new tricks with it nearly everyday, though. today i learned, how to edit and save gifs. i no longer need the other programs that i used before.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 04, 2014 07:45 AM |
fred79 said: thought so. can't afford that. i use an older version, that i got from a friend.
i am learning new tricks with it nearly everyday, though. today i learned, how to edit and save gifs. i no longer need the other programs that i used before.
We must to leran that how to edit and save gifs.
The most important that how to learn to control 256 palettes.
Now I can conrol 256 palettes and gif files quickly separated into bmp files.

Supreme Hero
posted April 04, 2014 12:02 PM |
kswdiy said:
I disagree with this operation, it will lose a lot of images.
I tested and compared Photoshop, Photoshop image processed is much better than it.
Maybe. But i dont have licence for Photoshop, and if there is a lot of images, hand work in PS will eat a hell of free time.
My example is for quick result getting.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 04, 2014 12:40 PM |
Edited by kswdiy at 17:01, 04 Apr 2014.
Macron1 said:
kswdiy said:
I disagree with this operation, it will lose a lot of images.
I tested and compared Photoshop, Photoshop image processed is much better than it.
Maybe. But i dont have licence for Photoshop, and if there is a lot of images, hand work in PS will eat a hell of free time.
My example is for quick result getting.
Photoshop has a function of batch script.
SorryŁ¬not icons.
Your cmd script only for not multi-level transparency *.png *.tga images.

Supreme Hero
posted April 04, 2014 04:50 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 02:19, 06 Apr 2014.
kswdiy said:
Your cmd script only for icons and not multi-level transparency *.png *.tga images.
What icons? I used it for full 32-bit transparent PNGs.
My task didnt included multi-level PNGs, why i would write about them? Did you seen any of these multilevel PNGs? I think you imagining things and mistaking PS file format for PNGs.
Another command I found that can be helpful:
convert input.bmp -alpha set -channel RGBA -fill none -opaque #00FF00 output.png
Input file is a some sprite with green background in example (color #00FF00 (RGB)). In output this color is replaced by fully transparent pixels.
And last but not least recipe for today.
convert -page +0+0 input1.png -page +0+20 input2.png -background #00FF00 -flatten output.bmp
This command takes 2 transparent PNGs, first file goes to layer1, second file to layer2 (note that it slided by 20 pixels of Y axis), and then two layers are merged, transparent background replaced by green color (#00FF00) and we have result of merging them as BMP.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 06, 2014 06:31 AM |
Edited by kswdiy at 06:33, 06 Apr 2014.
But in the PhtoshopŁ¬it have these functions and simple.
They can be written in Photoshop batch scripts.
You cmd scripts only under the conditions for limiting image.
Macron1,good cmd script.
So I still prefer make images in Photoshop.