
Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted January 01, 2011 02:53 PM |
Edited by moonlith at 14:55, 01 Jan 2011.
Quote: *Puts a bullet through your head and watched your brains spatter all over*
How old were you again?
But on topic and for the sake of argument, let's dissect the whole situation.
Fact #1. America says bad and immature things about world leaders, countries, and god knows what. This is not very nice.
Fact #2. They do it behind their backs thinking it wouldn't ever get out anyway.
These are the main two issues, the kind of behavior, that should be addressed.
Fact #3. Assange brings it out in the open.
The irony is that probably the main reason Assange brings it into the open is to confront the world with the issues of fact #1 and #2, but instead everyone is whining about wether or not the action is ethical or not.
The only logical and -proper- reaction of the US and its citizens would be "Yeah, it's true, we did those bad childish things, you're right, it's not a good thing, we're sorry." You know, have some frigging integrity - then at least I could begin to respect the nation as a whole again.
But instead the reaction is pretty predictable: "Omg Assange is a traitor a terrorist a rapist he must be put to death". Because God knows you'd rather blow up the world than ever admit YOU are ever wrong.
Integrity, zip.
Yeah I'm generalizing here, I know there are exceptions.
And of course, the fact 'American lives are in danger now' is not because of #1 and #2, but because of #3. Myep. Assange is entirely to be blamed for this! What a bad bad man!