Thread: An Idea for a Campaign | |

Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted January 02, 2012 04:41 PM |
An Idea for a Campaign
I have been playing Wog for some time and the maps that came with Heroes were preety good, but soon I've discovered that there are custom made maps just waiting for someone to play them. Then came the custom campaigns which were in small numbers.
I have an idea about a campaign, but it could be nearly impossibe to make it into reality. See, there are tons of maps about Lord of the Rings (LOTR) and I played lots and lots of them, but becouse I am a BIG FAN of the movie the idea of the campaign struck me. Still, I'm not an expert map maker (maybe not even veteran, or less) and I do not know ERM.
The idea is to create a full story campaign which could prove to be one of the best out there (still, I don't know how much do you like LOTR).
What do you think about it? Is it worth a try? I'm not going to be boring - just YES or NO.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 18, 2012 10:23 PM |
Spent countless hours over the course of a decade co-creating a Lord of the Rings map. Though Im not volunteering to make another one, I just thought that while you ponder what to do, you might as well check out the newest Middle earth map out there (I promise its worth a look).
[url=http://www.celestialheavens.com/search2.php?map_name=Middle%20Earth%201.5&sort_by=map_name&order=asc&minimaps=on&results1=20&page=1&action=search]Middle Earth 1.5[/url]

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 18, 2012 11:58 PM |
Quote: Is it worth a try?
I think it is a great idea. Good luck!
SoD maps have their own sub-forum, check Maphaven Guild.

Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted February 01, 2012 09:20 PM |
Yeah, but I said that I'm not much of a map maker and I don't know ERM. Still practicing the text writting, decorations, secrets and stuff. I have started an XL map called "The World Walk". It is mainly for practice and there is a lot to do on an XL map. I haven't done much map making, so im a NOOB , but all of my maps are based on the glorious "A Life of A-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e" by Gaidal Cain.
Back to the point: I posted this to be an inspiration, still I'm glad that you like the idea.   