
Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 14, 2012 01:12 AM |
The Devil Inside
Pay attention.
Check the score.
Check the reviews.
Check the top box office list to the left.

The Man is watching from the marketing heaven. And he is smiling.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted January 14, 2012 01:31 AM |
Wait, what?
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 14, 2012 01:37 AM |
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted January 14, 2012 01:54 AM |
Edited by Adrius at 02:11, 14 Jan 2012.
Yeah that's marketing for ya.
Don't mind the Dynamic Duo here who don't get it, we call them that so they feel special and not just... well you know.

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted August 01, 2012 02:29 AM |
Ah I just got it, I got confused with the instructions.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted August 01, 2012 05:11 AM |
>>Check the score.
22%, its a bad movie.
>>Check the reviews.
Reviews saying its a bad movie.
>>Check the top box office list to the left.
There is no top box office list to the left, I see a top DVD rentals on the right,
Top Rentals
85% 21 Jump Street
44% American Reunion
51% The Three Stooges
49% Mirror Mirror
25% Wrath of the Titans
What the snow are you going on about?
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted August 01, 2012 07:34 AM |
from Wiki
Quote: The film topped the US box office on its opening weekend, yet dropped drastically in the second week, before disappearing completely from the box office top ten. This might have been caused by the fact that there was no preview screening for the press, which subsequently panned the movie after its premiere. Additionally, the audience reception was very negative. Despite this, the film was a huge commercial success, grossing roughly $100 million.
Bak was making a comment about how crap is successfully marketed and sold (the pic is Steve Jobs).
I nominate this thread for the wastelands.