
Tavern Dweller
Might Mage Hero!
posted February 10, 2012 05:56 PM |
Phoenix Mod
Guys you know if the Phoenix Mod is compatible with the Advanced Levels Mod? Just That

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 10, 2012 07:35 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 19:36, 10 Feb 2012.
Although I'm not really familiar with Sagamosa's mod (I have so many confusing versions and reinstallations of H3 and WoG on my HDD that it's not even funny any more), I will have to make the assumption that since it and the Phoenix Mod use seperate .exe files, the answer is probably no.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 12, 2012 05:48 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 18:00, 12 Feb 2012.
the exe for Phoenix mod is just ERA one (and all exe changes from phoenix are done through era plugins)
ERA is still incompatible with wog3.59beta exe which is needed by sagamosa scripts.
New upgrades mod is just a mod with new resources and scripts - it doesn't need special exe (you may use Wog3.58f one Wog3.59beta one or era one it doesn't matter)
it's two solutions:
1) install phoenix mod over wog3.58f and then MANUALLY install NU mod (both phoenix and NU oryginally use script99.erm)
2) install newest ERA, install MANUALLY phoenix as ERA mod (with separate path under heroes3_ERA\mods\phoenix) - now it isn't hard you just need to unpack phoenix mod to the folder, clean all scripts but 99 and rename the latest, remove plugins already included in ERA,then install MANUALLY NU - you just need to unpack is as era mod and change the name of script 99, then PERHAPS may be needed tweak if any of your mods use same option number (it doesn't matter if you don't mind enabling two options with same number at once)
PS: oficially checked that phoenix mod is compatible with era2beta1 - you just need to disable "DL fix" plugin because it doesn't work with new phoenix dialogs, AND officially checked that phoenix NEEDS EXTRA WORK to work properly on era2beta4 if you use any of modified (non 99) scripts from phoenix, NOTE that Inspiration (from phoenix) and other fixes to SS BOOST will be lost if you skip the modified (0-77) script files from phoenix, all other features from phoenix will work with just the script99 and era plugins included in phoenix mod
EDIT: by newest ERA i mean ERA II, i don't guarantee that all ERA II betas will work, but i may say that at least one will work with not much hassle an perhaps other will work after some tweaking, BTW era used by phoenix oryginally is one dot something, which i know because of folder structure (ERA 2 has WoG as a mod under mods folder, while phoenix keep all files together as ERA 1.?)