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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Heros Of Migh and Magic 3
Thread: Heros Of Migh and Magic 3 This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT»

Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 05, 2001 09:34 PM

Oh yeah thanks Sir Dunco for coming a round for a begginer like me.  

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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 05, 2001 09:48 PM

and all the other tips here if you have anymore keep them coming so i can get experiace from other players.  Also accepting challenges so i can learn the ropes

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Known Hero
Computer Puppet
posted May 05, 2001 10:31 PM

the tourny sounds nice but i doubt ill join...Two tournys is enough for me

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Famous Hero
I am a mean person shame on me
posted May 05, 2001 10:41 PM


thats my face gold dragon go away

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted May 06, 2001 12:32 AM

You should take a look at re-animator's post on the total tactics thread, some good advice from a long time player
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Known Hero
posted May 06, 2001 12:40 AM

GD you can look at my page for some starting advice, not much there yet but maybe it'll help.

Also just keep on playing and trying new things in games. And as far as Dungeon is concerned i don't like it as a town myself, maybe because even after playing HOMM for over 2 years I still don't know how to play it well.

And why whould you say Dunco that Necro is a good town to play for begginer? Tell us how you play necro. I think it's one of harder towns to play well with just starting out but when you figure it out it becomes the easiest one.

Ahhh also h3trio.com might have some useful advice, although it's strategy articles are written for better player and not well suited to TOH maps.  

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Supreme Hero
posted May 06, 2001 01:04 AM


Necro is full of player advantages. All the life drains, curses and other undead specialities are excalent for beginners. Look you have the Necromancery amplyfier, Necromancery skill and the Cover of Darkness. These features add alot to you. I think it is perfect for beginners. Personally I don't like Necro, but on the other hand it is a town full of advantages which makes it ideal for beginers.

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Famous Hero
posted May 06, 2001 01:25 AM

It is funny how Sir Dunco always says Necro is so great.

Of course there are times when it is but those slow brittle creatures are nearly worthless in many matchups.

On one thread on Altar of Wishes when we were discussing ideas for improving necropolis for heroes4 Dunc kept popping in and saying "I hate Necro" until Mystery finally told him to shut his pie hole so we could discuss ideas.

Sounds like obsession.

I agree with Maxym (surprise surprise) about dungeon. Very overrated but sometimes just what you need to win a game.

Good luck GD and stop stealing Mad's Avatar =)


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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 06, 2001 04:06 AM

lol alirght ill change it later thanks for the tips whats everybody favorite town here?

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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 06, 2001 04:17 AM

Hey Sir Dunco I know you will beat me but want 2 play on-line

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Supreme Hero
posted May 06, 2001 04:21 AM

Maybee tommorow

I can't today and if we won't meet during you tournament hen we can play tommorow. You know what, it would be better if you would email me or send an IM to me and I will tell you the time.

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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 06, 2001 04:24 AM

I sent a e-mail to u but i guess it didnt work well play win the tourny starts if i can get players

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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 07, 2001 02:39 AM

What do you think about Rampart advantages and weakness.  Are they the best town? Somebody told me they where

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Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2001 03:02 AM

Golden Dragon - here is an excerpt of an unfinished Inferno strategy I started a long time ago.  The part I'm quoting here involves general game skills so it should help you.  I hope it's not too long.

Learn how to fight properly.  I can’t count the times I’ve won a battle with inferior forces against a human opp because he/she didn’t know how to wait in the beginning, soak up retaliations, or cast spells effectively.  You need to calculate the damage a stack is going to do and where that damage is going to be most effective.  Often times (not always) you should focus on having your troops take out the stacks with lower defense first, while your damage spells or other spells take out the high defense stacks.  Eliminating entire stacks of creatures gives you more options and your opponent less. Don’t spread your army out too far across the battlefield.  When you run out of retaliation-wasting troops or you basically have full stack armies (mainly in combat against humans), make your first attacks with your highest defense stack, as that will absorb the damage most effectively.  Something that does 100 damage against Dread Knights will do 165 against Walking Dead.  Yes, I know you’d rather lose 11 WD then hurt your DK, but in the long run it’s easier to heal the DK, and it will have done more damage (thus causing less retaliation damage) than the WD could have done.  One of the exceptions to this is when you’re trying to kill a low-level stack to ressurect as Demons.  Another exception is that it is generally better to keep your faster, flying units alive. – they can come in handier towards the end of combats.  Learn to use speed and obstacles effectively.  Making Dendroids, Golems, and Ogres lumber back and forth around an 8-hex long spinal column is both wise for you and frustrating for your opp.  There are of course other things to know/do, but they mostly involve spells and I’m not going to go into that here.

On the Adventure part of your turn there are a number of things you should do every turn.  Check your thieves’ guild daily to see if your opps have gotten more castles than you and who may be in danger of being abandoned.  If you can find a den of thieves park a hero on there for the rest of the game.  A den of thieves lets you know when your opp is bringing out the big guns and also lets you more easily determine the gold situation of your opp.  Try to roughly calculate the gold situation of your human opps.  There are common build sequences and if you see that he/she doesn’t have a city hall by day 5 or 6 he likely went the monster route (I tell myself I’m going to keep estimating my opps gold for the whole game but after about the first month I stop or become less accurate).  This lets you know how much imminent danger you may be in and how many troops you may need yourself.  Until you have the map scouted out completely, cast View Air and View Earth EVERY day if you get them (and if you have advanced skills in them).  Learn to calculate how far you and your opps can move (a hero with only a Serpent fly moves only one less tile than a hero with a Phoenix) – and don’t forget that diagonal moves count as about 1.4 regular moves (I think the actual movement formula is based on 100s in that you get say 1500 movement points with slow creatures so that one tile is 100 mps, 1 diagonal tile is 140, and town portal costs about 400).

There was a lot more but it involved Inferno specific tactics.


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Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2001 09:34 AM

Very impressive Re.

About the thieves guild;

You know also that you can pinpoint the opponents buying and building pattern sometimes by comparing your stats to his.

For example if you are behind in rare resources going into day7 then on day8 you notice your opponent drops in that department then this means most times that he built his level7.

Very rarely does someone struggle to build a level7 on a resource rich ToH map but on some maps this is good info to have.

And by watching the gold accrued you can tell the days he buys his big troops on.

Sometimes 1 arc angel found in a conservatory or something similar will mask the buy from the town so you never know when he is moving out.

By pinpointing when he is away sometimes you can do a well timed attack after his level 7's have left.

Even more subtle is sometimes you can even get a feel for where the opponent is on the map by noticing long turns vs short turns.

Like on hourglass where your opponent has a few long turns in a row and then followed by 2 short ones.

You know this means he went through his isle to the island. It is speculation but generally a pretty good guide.

I guess all these lil things are too advanced for this thread and should be on Zud's thread but your stuff was so advanced it just got me typing.


I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed psychiatrist is our "friend." - Jack Handey


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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 07, 2001 01:55 PM

Intresting Inferno tips ill try them

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Adventuring Hero
Dragon Bro #2
posted May 07, 2001 02:12 PM

I should use my defense first and keep my troops close for combat

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Famous Hero
Dungeon Defender/ Dragon Lord
posted May 15, 2001 02:06 PM

What I need to know is how to use Necros 7th level creature there so weak also is there anything I could team them up with to make them stronger

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Famous Hero
posted May 16, 2001 11:16 AM

Depends on situation

What I need to know is how to use Necros 7th level creature there so weak also is there anything I could team them up with to make them stronger

-Depends many times on the situation. I would say Ghosts are onlt weak vs other Dragons, and AA's. I like to use them in conjunction with hit&run. Load your hit&run hero with them(5-6 suffice, add 2 weak fast units for the other 2) , and attack opponents main army- you will have very good speed on the map- concentrate all your Ghosts attacks on one stack, preferably his 6th or 7th level creatures. If you are lucky- you will get at least one, often 2 HP age halving attacks. Odds are only 10%, but all the times I have tried it with multiple Ghosts it seems to work better or something. Anyway, if you are on you last creature and no halving attack, surrender- on the other hand, if you did halve HP's of some stack, that is when you use your hero's magic. It is twice as effective then.  9 AA halved twice are only  75 HP's. One lightening bolt at 5 power even will kill two of them because your Ghosts will have done some damage already. Usually your hit&run hero should have more than 5 power, you can get 5 power on a hero on locations within 1 day of your town usually. 7-8 power is average, and if you get lucky, you can maybe have more than 10. This is usually only an even trade of 7th's, but as you say since Ghosts are weak, Necro army benefits more from sacrificing them in equal numbers than the other army does from losing them. Even if you lose all 5 Ghosts and only get 2-3 of enemies 7th's you are ahead.

Only other thing I can say about Ghosts is that during your battle, I like to have my zombies turned into skeletons to increase the skeleton stack, then I divide my Ghosts evenly to round out the 7 groups. Use them to attack first, they die easily, but usually score some halving attacks first. If you have Animate Dead, you can bring them back every few turns and try to halve some more of the enemy. Concentrate on higher HP stack in general, unless sometimes it's good to kill of a mid level stack that is being used to soak up your DK's retaliation.

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Hired Hero
posted May 20, 2001 08:57 PM

Didn't know the aging effect stacks. That's brutal!!

There's a lot of HoMM3 sites listed on the TOH main page, some of which have excellent advice. As was mentioned earlier though advanced levels of TOH play have made some of this out-of-date

Still, try http://www.astralwizard.com/heroes3/splash.htm. It has a good tips section as well as walkthroughs for the campaign maps

One other thing I would like to stress: your choice of starting hero is very important. Rampart gets Kyrre (who becomes very fast) and Ryland (who will gain you a lot of bonus free creatures). If your opponent asks you to play without diplomacy and logistics then Elleshar (bonus spell points) is a good choice.

For castle Adela (diplomacy) or Orrin (bonus to your ranged attacks) are good. Also Orrin looks like me

If you are playing with the expansion pack, then the new town, Conflux is very strong. I recommend Ciele if you play that (magic arrow bonus - she is strong enough to kill some week 1 monsters without your troops getting involved at all).

As for playing online then be aware that many people playing the most popular maps know them very well. Ask if you can look at the map in the editor if you don't know it and your opponent does. If you play one of the top players then save each turn to a different slot and after the game load each day and work out what moves they've made.

Finally your opponent here seems to be very dismissive of you. If you don't mind, no problem; but if it annoys you then play someone else. Most people are extremely polite.

Do come back to us when you have tried out a few strategies and have some more specific questions. (Because I would like to know some of the more experienced players deeper strategies too

Good luck and have fun.

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