
Undefeatable Hero
posted September 30, 2014 10:26 PM |
werewolves belong in the woods.

Supreme Hero
posted October 01, 2014 01:40 PM |
LizardWarrior said: Should I keep the Dacian Altar (Werewolf dwelling, the stone circle) or incorporate the lvl 5 dwelling into a forest just under the castle?
Under castle it will be not visible. And this Dacian Altar is roman thing, better keep it, but i think, it's better to move it to place, where it will be fully visible and not overlayed by other buildings. Maybe to right side mountain.

Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted October 01, 2014 02:26 PM |
Yes i agree it will be hard to see properly under castle. Nice idea though

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted October 14, 2014 09:35 PM |
Should I give the Blood Counts a fancy hat (like Vlad's one)? Or maybe even a more Romanian name? (Blood Boyars )

Supreme Hero
posted October 20, 2014 07:46 PM |
Edited by Orzie at 19:47, 20 Oct 2014.
Here is a tiny stuff for ya. I think it fits the H3 style much, much more.

I based this portrait on a photo of a painting of Vlad (thanks goes to Bes for showing me this beauty). Unfortunately, I don't know the author, but it seems that the picture is anyway old enough to not worry about copyrights 
I might polish it further when I will be in the mood.

Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:18 AM |
Edited by Khadras at 07:18, 22 Oct 2014.
LizardWarrior said: Should I give the Blood Counts a fancy hat (like Vlad's one)? Or maybe even a more Romanian name? (Blood Boyars )

I think it good to use romanian traditional names of those creatures.
(P.S. O treaba minunata! Felicitari!)


Hired Hero
posted October 31, 2014 03:08 PM |
Edited by Beks at 15:09, 31 Oct 2014.
You can add silhouettes (shadows) of Sanziene / Iele or werewolf / humans / strigoi / ghosts near the forest or near the village. You can add a little campfire near the forest or something.
(P.S.: Succes si bafta in continuare.)

Legendary Hero
posted November 10, 2014 12:20 PM |
LizardWarrior said: That would be cool. Thanks for the idea. 
Hi, did you ever tryed to do this?
I've been trying to learn about how to do recreate those special habilities (genies, enchanters, archangels, ogre magi, etc...) since forever and until now I never found any awser. Same for subtyping creatures, like the sharpshothers. What can I do if I want a new creature (new ID number and all) but I want her to inehirit another creature hability or cast a new spell (like somekind of Undead Archangel casting Animate Dead, for instance).
Since u once opened a thread about teaching to mod I had to ask you this, as well as: can you describe (maybe reviving the thread or something) how do we do to create an executable with our mod and post it so everyone can download it?

Known Hero
Rest in Peace Juvia (48-499)
posted November 10, 2014 02:26 PM |

This mode is still being?

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted November 23, 2014 09:23 PM |
Thank you for your support. I'm in a little time crisis as I wanted to release a video with the project on 1st December, so I got a week to make a lot of stuff 
@Orzie: Thanks, however most of my heroes got medieval paintings as portrait, but we may make an exception for Vlad, he's Vlad after all
Here's the Romanian magic hero, the Solomonar


Hired Hero
posted November 25, 2014 07:47 PM |
Edited by Beks at 17:05, 29 Jan 2015.
These images may be useful. (Alexandru Ioan Cuza , Avram Iancu, Iancu de Hunedoara, Stefan cel Mare, Mircea cel Batran)

Good luck !

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted November 25, 2014 10:30 PM |
Thanks for helping me, beks  I could use Mircea's portrait, but I will have to polish it a little and change his contrast.
As I said I'm pressed by time, as I got 1 week until 1st December and a lot of stuff to do, including 3 creatures defs, finishing the town screen and do the interface stuff . Maybe I could delay the demo video, but it would be nice to post on 1st December ( Romania's National Day). So here's a quick screen: I changed the positions of some buildings, so the lvl 5 dwelling (the stone altar) isn't blocked by the tavern, still I got to move the lvl 2 dwelling (the house on the far left) a bit higher. Also I may need to cut down from mage guild's height and change its position since it blocks the lvl 6 dwelling (which I didn't do yet) 

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 25, 2014 11:12 PM |
Good work LW. Looking forward to play this mod in the next 10 years.

Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2014 08:51 AM |
So 1st december is great. Will hopefully wait for it!

Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted November 26, 2014 12:37 PM |
Looking good Liz

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted November 26, 2014 10:03 PM |
Which one is better? Need a quick answer

At first I wanted to go with the first variant, however his armor is a little too similar to moroi's

Undefeatable Hero
posted November 26, 2014 10:05 PM |
Edited by Stevie at 22:07, 26 Nov 2014.
First one. Werewolf please.
Or did you mean between the two werewolves? That must've been it, the second werewolf with the more intense red armor is better.

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted November 26, 2014 10:11 PM |
Yup, both werewolf and moroi are in anyway, just needed to know which werewolf upg is better.

Supreme Hero
posted November 26, 2014 10:26 PM |
LizardWarrior said: Yup, both werewolf and moroi are in anyway, just needed to know which werewolf upg is better.
I more like 2nd variant. First one is close to original naked wolf by colors.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 26, 2014 10:35 PM |
With upgrade, want?
