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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC 8: Free Folk
Thread: ICTC 8: Free Folk

Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2014 04:41 PM
Edited by Steyn at 12:00, 20 Jan 2015.

Disclaimer: This entry is still under construction, so comments, suggestions and criticism are welcome. However, as this is my submission, I will decide the final form of this town. If you don't agree with my decisions, I suggest you create your own entry

Free Folk

The free folk are a nomadic people that live on the steppes of Ranaar. As the name suggest the free folk are not part of any empire or nation, but rather live in small tribes. The free folk live of hunting, herding of cows, goats and horses, trade and the occasional pillaging. As the size of its herd and therefore the wealth of a tribe is dependent on the size of its territory, the tribes often wage war with each other and neighboring orc tribes. This life of warfare and survival in the wilderness makes the free folk formidable fighters. Luckily for the surrounding nations the free folk are very attached to their freedom, because one can imagine the havoc a union of these warrior tribes would wreak.



Waggon War Waggon (tank)
The free folk caravans used to travel with oxcarts or sailing wagons. One Free Man studying at the seven cities felt he could improve their situation. He used golem technology to create self propelling wagons, the Wagon Golems or in short: Waggons.
For war, the Waggons are equipped with shields and blades, turning them into dangerous War Waggons that can be used for disrupting enemy formations as well as for providing cover from ranged attacks.

- Towering: provides cover from ranged attacks
- Ram: can only attack by moving

Outlaw Mercenary (melee walker)
Wanted for one thing or another, these outlaws have fled the Holy Falcon Empire to seek their fortune in the Free Cities. Completely aground, they will grab any job handed to them. In combination with their poor equipment and lack of training outlaws make for very cheap soldiers. Therefore they are much used in the border disputes of the Free Folk.
Those outlaw veterans that manage not to drink away all their many can eventually afford decent equipment. Better equipped and more experienced these mercenaries are quite expensive. But if you pay them well they’ll fight like lions.

- Fortune Seeker: neutral Outlaw/Mercenaries are more likely to join your cause, but will always cost you gold
- Moneygrubber (upgrade only): can boost morale for the duration of the battle by paying extra (active)

Halfling Balearic (ranged)
Halflings are actually Free Folk children. Because of their great prowess with the sling they are often erroneously believed to be a different race. Free Folk children have to help with the daily chores from a very young age. Therefore, as soon as the child eats solid food the mother will train the child in the use of the slingshot, so the child can protect itself and its herd from the dangers of the steppe. The children are not allowed to have their food till they have struck it with their sling. In a battle these little buggers tend to barrage the enemy with stones from behind the safety of carts and Waggons.
The best slingers are granted the honour of joining the Balearic, an order of slingers founded by the legendary hero Dawud. These Balearic are rumoured to be able to bring down even champions with just one shot.

- Unlimited Ammo
- Giant Slayer (upgrade only): does increased damage to large creatures


Nomad Wind Rider (damage dealer)
The most reputable job for a free man or woman is to be a nomad. The job of a nomad comprises hunting, guarding the tribe’s territory from raiding parties and of course raiding the neighbouring tribes. Nomads are superb riders. Their platoons are so swift and agile that they seem to be able to charge twice as often as regular cavalry. They greatly rely on hit-and-run tactics as their light armour offers little protection in a locked battle.
The highest honour for a nomad is to tame a pegasus. These winged horses are believed to be avatars of Ylath and are regarded as a symbol of freedom. Only the most skilled horsemen can accomplish the nearly impossible feat of staying seated on a wild pegasus and many a nomad has died trying to become a Wind Rider.

- Swift: standard gets an extra turn similar to HVI good morale
- Flying (upgrade only)

Oxen Battle Bull (offensive tank)
Many free folk tribes heard yak for their milk, wool and meat. In contrast to the cows, the bulls are not very valuable. Therefore weak bulls are slaughtered for their meat, while the stronger ones are trained for battle. Nothing disrupts the enemy lines better than a charge of blood frenzied bulls.
Only the strongest bulls are allowed to breed. Precious as they are these price bulls go forth in battle armoured in plate and mail, greatly increasing their survivability.

- Herd Animal: gets extra defence for adjacent oxen
- Berserk (vanilla only): similar to HIV berserk
- Frenzied Charge: (upgrade only): berserk trample attack

Gifted Storm Born (caster)
Free folk children with an affinity for magic are trained at the air temples in the secrets of the wind. These gifted are a valuable asset for every army as they are able to conjure mighty tornados to batter the enemy.
According to legend, those gifted born during a great storm bear extraordinary powers. This is the reason the most powerful wind mages of the free folk are often called Storm Born.

- Dying Breath: a killed stack of Gifted/Wind Born summons a Rokh/Thunderbird
- Tornado (vanilla only): deals air damage on target tile and slows adjacent enemies (active)
- Hurricane (upgrade only): deals air damage in target 2x2 area and slows adjacent enemies (active)


Rokh Thunderbird (damage dealer)
Rokhs are among the mightiest of air spirits. Only a master of air magic can muster and control the enormous powers necessary to summon a rokh, with those less adept often dying in the process. The wing beat of a rokh whips up storms and creates currents of electricity running across its metallic-blue plumage, making it both a majestic and terrifying sight to behold.
The greatest of Rokhs can create so much static electricity that their attacks are accompanied by huge discharges of lighting, earning them the name of thunderbird.

- Flying
- Static: attackers are inflicted with the dazed effect
- Lightning Strike (upgrade only): attack chains to enemies adjacent to the target, halving damage dealt per jump

Chow Regal Chow (offensive tank)
Chows are large, bronze skinned, lion-like creatures roaming the steppes of Ranaar. Nobody really knows the origin of these creatures. With their metallic skin they resemble the golems and gargoyles of the Silver Cities. However, unlike the constructs, chows seem to be alive, as they reproduce and have a mind of their own. According to some myths, chows were created by the Shantiri as guardians for their temples, while others describe them as greater earth spirits. What is known for sure is that they are the apex predators of the steppe, known for hunting sandworms and oliphants. Despite their fearsomeness, the cubs are easily trained and therefore heavily sought after by the free folk.
The chow’s metal skin hardens with age. While the skin of a young chow is already comparable to heavy armour, that of an old chow is nearly impenetrable. These mighty elder chows carry manes of gold, giving them a regal appearance worthy of the king of the steppe.

- Metal Skin: greatly lowers enemy attack

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Supreme Hero
posted December 12, 2014 04:57 PM
Edited by Steyn at 09:22, 16 Dec 2014.

Thanks for moving Elvin

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 17, 2014 11:18 AM

I get why you're naming it like that but nevertheless, calling something an automobile in a fantasy universe is not a very good idea in my opinion.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Supreme Hero
posted December 17, 2014 12:01 PM

I thought it was better than Golem Cart or Golem Wagon, but I can see where you are coming from. If you have any suggestions I would be glad to take them in consideration.
Can you make a faction including these units?
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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 17, 2014 12:32 PM

Even Autowagon would sound less urban and better.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Supreme Hero
posted December 17, 2014 01:27 PM
Edited by Steyn at 13:38, 17 Dec 2014.

On that I wholly disagree. Automobile is a compound word derived from the Greek word autos, meaning self, and the Latin word mobilis, meaning moveable. Hence automobil means self-moveable or self-propelling. Autowagon on the other hand would mean self-wagon, which I hope you agree is kind-off ridiculous. The only reason autowagon sounds okayish is because we tend to use the word auto as abbreviation for automobile, so automobile wagon becomes autowagon. If the people of Ashan don't use the word automobil(e), then they will definitely not use the word autowagon. Therefore anything containing auto but automobil is not an option.

I have an alternative: how about waggon? With the extra g indicating that the wagon is golem powered.

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 17, 2014 01:42 PM

Thank you, I know what both auto and mobile mean. But the instant association would be a modern car, a word's etymological roots does not determine it's semantics. A philo-sopher doesn't have to love knowledge and the word no longer necessarily reminds us someone who does, just like an assassin isn't someone who uses hash.

I din't invent the word autowagon, btw: click. I think it would remove the unwanted effect from the title, but hey, your city, your call.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Supreme Hero
posted December 17, 2014 02:08 PM

Don't worry, I didn't try to teach you a lesson, I just like to have my argument complete

I think there is a big difference between words like autowagon and assassin. The root of assassin was indeed a bunch of hash smoking assassins, but now the word is used for all stealthy killers. Autowagon on the other hand is just an abbreviation that became popular because automobile wagon is such a mouthful. It is nowadays even further abbreviated to simply auto. So assassin has more-or-less detached itself from its roots, while autowagon in just a slightly modified version of the same thing.

I really appreciate your comment on the name, as I of course don't want people to think of a modern car. Therefore I should indeed change it. However, as I explained I don't like other words with auto in it, so I will go with waggon.

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted January 06, 2015 10:27 AM

Interesting try on a nomadic faction! I like the waggon, though I am impartial to how good it fits with nomads. They obviously need wagons of some kind, but these seem abit war machineish (though they are not really a WM, as they cannot attack walls). When can the outlaw ability be used (before or during battle) and does it only affect themselves?

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Supreme Hero
posted January 06, 2015 03:12 PM

The mercenary ability is similar too the dwarven runes in heroes V. This means the ability is activated during their turn, but won't consume said turn. This only works for the mercenaries (who are the ones that get paid extra) and not for the rest of the army. Else I think the ability would be too powerful for a core unit.

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Famous Hero
Warlord of the sea
posted January 07, 2015 10:46 AM

Nice, but I do not like the idea of the halflings being children. Who is crazy enough to send their children into war? I personally would prefer them to be a different race of sorts. Other than that it is really cool, I like the nomadic faction idea!

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