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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC 8 - Conflux
Thread: ICTC 8 - Conflux

Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 13, 2015 12:36 AM
Edited by Sleeping_Sun at 00:23, 04 Apr 2015.

ICTC 8 - Conflux

NOTE 1: The setting of this faction is Ashan, after the Dark Messiah released the demons. However, since I am not an expert in Ashan lore, some elements might not be canonical with the lore of Ubi's M&M franchise. But for the sake of the faction contest, let's pretend that everything is more or less canonical.
NOTE 2: The lore has been altered partially so that all the previous air, water, earth... elementals now have a name and identity such as Sylph, Salamander, etc.
NOTE 3: This is an attempt to reintroduce the Conflux faction in Ubisoft's M&M continuity.
NOTE 4: Town theme finally made and posted.
NOTE 5: There will be an attempt to merge the lore of this faction with the lore of Articun's ICTC Wanderers/Refuge. Of course, if he agrees.

Town screen:

Town theme: The Gathering of the Elemental Lords
Motto and battle theme: United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Conflux: represents the second gathering of different races (the first being Shantiri) in order to worship all elemental dragons and Asha. They celebrate all material and spiritual that has been created for the Elder and Non-Elder races. The members of this society is highly religious, although some have devoted themselves to the dragon gods up to the point of becoming fanatics. The strength of Conflux people lie in elemental diversity, being the masters of all schools of magic, and unity - they making sure they do not suffer the same fate of their predecessors, the Shantiri. The only bad side of the society is elitism. The people of Conflux are selecting the members of their society based on a criteria that up to this day wasn't revealed to the outsiders. However, some speculate that it wither has to do with the talent for elemental magic, or with being chosen or favoured by one of the dragon gods. An individual or a group of people who are rejected often became the enemy of Conflux.

Aka: Elemental Conflux, The New Shantiri, The Second Shantiri, The Shantiri Renaissance.
Associated colours: Mixture of many colours usually found in either rainbow or aurora borealis/australis.
Country/Kingdom: The Shrouded South is the main kingdom, but there are some attempts to populate the old Shantiri sites once again: Sarkomand, Temple of the Unrepentant, The Five Towers, Volos and Elemental Forge of Spring. The idea of repopulating old cities came from the increased interaction with Refuge (Ylath's faction).
Capital city: Celad, the aurora (sunrise) of Shantiri found in The Shrouded South

Faction symbol: The people of Conflux say that next to the polar lights adorning their cities and the elemental nature of their landscapes, the birth of Phoenixes is the most beautiful thing one can hope to see. The New Shantiri chose Phoenix on their cote of arms. It symbolizes their return and the rebirth of their glorious civilization.

Might: Navigator (defensive) - Planeswalker (balanced) - Tracker (offensive)
Magic: Magician (defensive) - Elementalist (balanced) - Summoner (offensive)

Erdamon: is a child of both Arkath and Sylanna, born in the Mythic age, when the energies of dragon gods raged across all Ashan. During the Shantiri era, Erdamon was usually found in the company of dwarves, to whom he shared many secrets of earth and fire. At the time, he was also the high-lord of Sarkomand. However, after many years he simply vanished without trace, but many argue that it has to do with angels and faceless coming to see him. He was found by Vaj in Sarkomand, sleeping beneath the layers of magma for many centuries. He never revealed why he slept there for so long...
Rwalla: Rwalla is a lost soul. While she was still a young air spirit, she was very cheerful and playful. She was rarely serious or sad. But then, everything changed when she fought the 9th Nethermancer, who was also an ancient lich (It must be noted that Sandro is considered to be a 54th true Nethermancer who mastered void's most terrible powers). She was victorious, but she was no longer the same. Rwalla behaved differently than she used to - she even got involved in the conflict between the faceless and angels on purpose, something she would never do. Nowadays, many wonder who really won the battle that day...
Ciele: is a survivor. Being the last of her crew (twice) she doesn't attach herself to people. She also doesn't burden herself with emotions, but the new gathering of Shantiri awakened in her some images of the past and the feelings of nostalgia. Now she serves both the Wrecker and Conflux.
Yss: is the first dwarven king, who was not worthy to become fire giant before his death. His name was Thogrim Deepflame, but now as a salamander, he adopted the name Yss, meaning 'fire spark' in dwarvish language. His strength and power were enough to conquer the fire elementals and become the king once more - the king of Salamanders. As a right hand, he has a salamander who was once a naga called Hanzo.
Marg: led his people into the desert after they fled from the Wizards. He was the one who organized them and act as a leader in the perilous times. However, even he would succumb to madness and despair if it weren't for Ao, a Kitsune, who appeared to help them and lead Marg to his destiny. Nowadays, Marg is a Shantiri Noble who longs to return to the Silver Cities and level it with desert for all the pain and suffering the Wizard caused to his people. He isn't just bluffing. Marg now has power he never imagined and he will use it to fulfil his goal. He cannot wait to reach Karthal and pay the Crimson Wizards a visit...
Vaj: is a Lampade who confronted Malassa in the dangerous game. Nowadays, she is one of few Lampades who still play the game, while other have surrendered to Malassa. Vaj is an agent for many but also for herself. She is a gifted schemer, leader and tactician. She may be mad, but she is wise and she knows secrets, many deadly secrets about mortals and gods. Nothing is really known of her whereabouts or habits. But it is known that she once said: "Thin line is 'tween the madness and genius." There's a rumour that she is the first Nethermancer...
Ao: Ao is as legendary as people it had contact with. He showed Sar-Elam how to get in contact with Asha, he led Belketh to rediscover Necromancy, he told Vaj about the chaos fire, etc. However, he also ignored many who stumbled upon his way: Eruina, Tieru, Maeve Falcon, among many others. It is said that after his meeting with Mother Namtaru, she suddenly vanished. After that, the spider cult started to collapse without her guidance. However, his most legendary contact was with Kha-Beleth. It is speculated by Biara, that Ao has seen Kha-Beleth before he started to wear his helmet. She also says that the helmet and armour that Kha-Beleth wears is Ao's gift. She wonders why...

Random info: Though the members of the Conflux are elitist they are quite adaptable to various circumstances. This is reflected in their elemental masteries - they know which element to use for which occasion. Their cities are divided in cantons. Each element/race has its own cantons(s), however, there are also cantons made for anyone (the mixed cantons) as well as for foreigners (foreign cantons). They are also often compared to the Wizards, because they frequently play God by taping into unknown mysteries of the physical and spiritual world. The landscape of Conflux towns is magical, to say the least. Travellers who secretly enter their realm find themselves in the odd, yet magical world, where nothing is as it seem. The trees composed of earth, light and fire, grass made of ice and darkness, air pervaded my too much elemental energy creating aurora borealis even though the city is not located in the polar regions. The Magicians of Conflux have mastered the ability to keep their cities in constant twilight - one part of the city is in night, while other is bathing in the sunlight. The biggest spectacle one can witness is the birth of elemental birds: Stymphalian, Phoenix, Thunderbird and Alcyo'nide. However, every visitor likes to try to approach Kitsune, in hope that it would lead him/her to their destiny.

Faction ability: Elemental Summoning (or just Summoning).

Summon Elemental (each creature has its own summon spell) spells are:
Spells level 1: Sylph - Jade Dragon - Yukihime - Korihime - Salamander
Spells level 2: Storm Sylph - Topaz Dragon - Diamond Dragon
Spells level 3: Lampade - Ophan
Spells level 4: Stymphalian - Alcyo'nide - Phoenix - Thunderbird - Kitsune
NB: only creatures with Elemental as an ability can be summoned or resurrected or their number increased by the spell.

In Mage Guild, heroes can only learn 1 elemental spell of each level, for other spells (of any level) the hero needs to conquer other towns. Spells are placed randomly in the Conflux mage guild. Heroes have a chance to learn other Summon Elemental spells by conquering other Conflux and non-Conflux towns and visiting mage guilds - the higher the level thhe higher is the chance that hero will learn new spell. Summon Elemental summons an elemental on a free field where no unit is standing or where no obstacle exists, unless it is summoned unit. Summoned units stack.

Conflux racial faction ability allows the user to cast Summon Elemental spell of appropriate level regardless if hero possesses the right spell school to cast that spell - heroes can cast summon salamander despite not having learnt high level fire spell school:
1) Basic Summoning: Summon Elemental spell is cast with greater effect (than the rest of the factions) + Allows to cast spells level 1.
2) Advance Summoning: Summon Elemental can be cast on non-summoned elemental, thus raising its numbers (resurrecting it for the duration of the combat only) + Allows to cast spells level 2.
3) Expert Summoning: Summon Elemental can be cast on non-summoned elemental, thus raising its numbers (resurrecting it, summoned units remain after combat) + Allows to cast spells level 3.
4) Ultimate Summoning: Summon Elemental can be cast on non-summoned elemental, thus raising its numbers (resurrecting it, summoned units remain after combat). In addition, the increased stack can remain after combat depending on a hero level, which act as the percentage of how much a unit's stack can be maximally increased (if a hero, level 15 = 15%, has 100 elementals, after the combat, the hero can have maximum 115 elementals after battle) + Allows to cast spells level 4.

Academy: Comparison of the elitism of Conflux with the arrogance of the Wizards of the Academy, can never be wrong. However, this arrogance and elitism do not go well with one another. The strained relationship between Conflux and Academy stems from Shantiri's (Servants and Nobles) hatred of the Wizards and Rakshasas that served them.
Haven: Between Haven and Conflux there is neutral relationship, generally. However, Ylath worshippers tend to be aggressive towards the human worshippers of Elrath. It is their history of religious persecution that put stain on their relationship.
Sylvan: Conflux and Sylvan have became allies throughout the course of the history. Both respect the harmony of each other - the harmony of land and the harmony of elements.
Inferno: Conflux and Inferno have been enemies from the time immemorial. However, the mysterious connection of Ao and Kha-Beleth has led many wonder if there are traitors and enemies within Conflux.
Dungeon: Although Dungeon has no open hostility towards Conflux, many believe that there is secret war between Faceless and Lampades. The rest is not much known.
Stronghold: Shantiri are on friendly terms with Orcs. They understand the plight that Orcs had with the Wizards.
Sanctuary: One would though that Shantiri and Naga would be friends, since Naga were once a part of the Shantiri Empire. However, the relationship suddenly got cold when Nagas refused to join the New Shantiri Empire.
Fortress Erdamon is solely responsible for the good relationship between the two factions. He is one of the favourite guests in every dwarf city.
Free Cities: Conflux and Free Cities have recently became allies. However, the only city where there is some negativity is Karthal, because of the Crimson Wizards who created beast-races.
Refuge: Although not allies, Conflux and Refuge have developed friendly relationship. A lot of their citizens feel at home whether they find themselves in one or another faction.
Necropolis: The Conflux has never tried to develop a relationship with Necromancers. However, the hatred for Wizards might unite the two factions one day.
Nethermancers: There is no official policy regarding this. It is decided on the level of individual. Some are hostile towards the Nethermancer, while other tend to ignore them. Queer matters...

The faction combines some aspects of H2, H4 and H5. Some creatures do not have an upgrade, some have one upgrade of the first level and one of the second level, while other have alternative upgrade, or alternative creatures from the start. There are 9 dwellings for the creatures (Ylath Sorceress, Jade Dragon, Yukihime or Korihime, Salamander, Shantiri Servant, Lampade, Ophanim, Roc and Kitsune), but the player cannot build all 9 dwellings, he/she must choose.

Core: Build-able 3 from 4.
Elite: Build-able 2 from 3.
Champion: Build-able 1 from 2.


Ylath Sorceress (left picture) are worshippers of Ylath. In Conflux, it is more common to meet human sorceresses than sorcerers. However, there are also elves, dwarves and several other races who worship the dragon god of air. Those who dedicate themselves to Ylath experience an unusual phenomenon - they began to grow fairy wings (hence they are wrongly assumed that they are giant fairies when seen from the distance), and their weight appears to have been halved. This is the first step in acquiring the mastery of air magic.
Ylath Sorceresses were not a part of the first Shantiri Empire, because there was no zealous worship of Ylath. They first appeared some time after 28 YSD or 48 YSD when the Holy Falcon Empire was established. Those who still worshipped Ylath went into the East and found the Free Cities, some even experienced a guilt that the majority of the human race betrayed and disappointed Ylath. In order to repent the human race, the followers of the dragon god of air dedicated their whole soul and body to him. Ylath Sorceresses first heard the call of Conflux at the time of the 1st Eclipse. They wondered Thallan before leaving for the Shrouded South, where they were promised a place they can call home and where the worship of Ylath would never be abolished.

Living: Can be resurrected, influenced by moral.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Caster: Casts Lightning Bolt. (H3)

Sylph (middle picture) is an elemental spirit of air. She is born during tempestuous storms when lightning cracks throughout the sky. After the storm, the people feel the freshness of air. They do not know that Sylphs are swarming around cleansing the air of all impurities. Ylath Sorcerer (and Sorceress) can become air elemental. After becoming closer to Ylath, their bodies dissolve leaving only the naked Breath (soul) that Asha gave them. The Sylphs, made this way, retain only the silhouettes of their former bodies made by the thin blue, white and yellow lights - that is how one knows to which race belonged this worshipper of Ylath. Regardless of their origin, Sylphs are so quick that the enemy has no time to retaliate.
Sylphs were present on Ashan during the existence of the Shantiri civilization, but were not a part of it. They mostly spent their time in the elemental plane of air. The 1st eclipse is a landmark when Sylphs began to return to the material world, when they sensed that air on Ashan had a scent of sulphur. They became even more numerous on Ashan with the growth of the zealous Ylath worshippers. They heard the call of Conflux at the same time Ylath Sorceress did. They also answered the call.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Caster: Casts Lightning Bolt and Haste. (H3)
No enemy Retaliation: Enemy does not retaliate against this creature.

Storm Sylph (right picture) is a final stage in becoming a true master of air magic, hence it is immune to hostile air magic. Sylph becomes Storm Sylph only when she experienced 100 storms. They no longer have a silhouette of their former race, they change it to whatever form they like. In the old days, Storm Sylphs were tireless pursuers who were ready to defend the Shantiri Empire at any cost. Some Angels and Faceless still remember Rwalla, a legendary Storm Sylph, who went after the group of Faceless who worshipped Urgash. The group managed to hide in the caves of a mountain. Rwalla sent many disturbing bolts at the mountain weakening its defence. After that, she summoned a lightning bolt made personally by Ylath himself that went straight through the mountain killing the Faceless. As a consequence, the mountain collapsed along with the caves. Nowadays, it is a place of the most ferocious lightning storms on the Thallan landmass.
Storm Sylphs were present since the creation of Ashan. They were the mighty servants and allies of the ancient Shantiri. With the collapse of their empire, they usually guided and served Ylath followers, but some found a new home in the Seven Cities. However, they caught the dark whispers in the wind, and went to explore it. Many left the Seven Cities, never to return.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Caster: Casts Lightning Bolt, Haste and Disturbing Ray. (H3)
No enemy Retaliation: Enemy does not retaliate against this creature.
Air magic immunity: Hostile air magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Earth magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile earth magic.

Jade Dragon (left picture) is an ancient earth elemental spirit embodied in minerals. It is a creature that is similar to Sylanna in form. Jade Dragon is born deep in the earthen womb of high pressure and various minerals. Since it draws its strength directly from Sylanna, it is able to regenerate, or to be more precise, to reconstruct its own mineral structure if it suffers any damage. Should the crystal structure be beyond repair, the Sylanna's spark (the heart of Jade Dragon located in its chest) will leave the mineral body and will venture into the ground once again to bring the life to the inanimate matter. Being the guardians of her sacred sites, Sylanna granted them immunity to earth magic. Jade Dragon is also a subject of an Elven legend. It is said that any elf who had fanatically dedicated his/her whole life to Sylanna will also serve her upon his/her death as Sylanna's spark - the mind, heart and soul of the mighty Jade Dragons.
Jade Dragons were faithful only to the Shantiri. After their fall, they returned to the elemental plane of earth (their spirits that is). Throughout the centuries, they had to unwillingly answer the call of the powerful wizards who have mastered the art of earth magic. Their long self-exile ended when they were summoned back to the material world by the mysterious master of fire and earth magic, Erdamon, the Magma Lord of Sarkomand. After hearing about the gathering of the different people from the Magma Lord, it reminded Jade Dragons of the former Shantiri civilization. They decided to join and protect this accession of the New Shantiri Empire. That is how Erdamon brought Jade Dragons into the service of Conflux.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Regeneration: Restores health to its maximum value at the beginning of this creature's turn. No "resurrection" of dead creatures.
Earth magic immunity: Hostile earth magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Air magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile air magic.

Topaz Dragon (middle picture) is the creation of the ancient Shantiri. By meddling with magic and unknown techniques, the Shantiri have managed to alter Jade Dragon, but some claim there is a document in the Silver Cities that contains an information that the Shantiri were even able to create Topaz Dragons from the scratch, without the need of Jade Dragons. However, there is a cost. It cannot reconstruct its own body any more, but its mineral structure is able to reflect enemy spells back unto the enemies themselves. It was first used against the rogue wizards and the practitioners of Urgash's magic in the Ancient Age. Topaz Dragons first served as an inspiration the Shantiri Titans, and later on for the Golems. However, the wizards (of the Seven and Silver Cities) have never seen a blueprint for alteration or creation of Topaz Dragons (if creation is even possible). All their attempts to recreate their power and apply it on Golems and Titans have ended in failure. But all was not lost, for a scroll of Sar-Elam was found by the wizards... which eventually led to the development of Magnetic Golems.
When it was evident that the Shantiri civilization is going to collapse, female Faceless (aka Lampades) advised Topaz Dragons to leave for Sahaar Desert and stay there until the new Shantiri empire comes. Throughout the ages, they remained deep beneath the sandy surface of Sahaar. Then the Orc tribe came and settled there. However, they did not know what lies buried in the sand. During Queen Isabel's War in 969 YSD, Lampades finally called Topaz Dragons to find Erdamon in Sarkomand and travel with him to the Shrouded South.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Reflection: There is 50% that this creature will reflect enemy spell back on them. This creature also protects friendly creatures located on adjacent fields.
Earth magic immunity: Hostile earth magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Air magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile air magic.

Diamond Dragon (right picture) is another ancient Shantiri creation. It was made to serve in the front line leaving destruction on its way, while enduring and resisting a large amount of damage. They were very valuable in the Ancient age, because of their ability to withstand an impact of physical strikes and come out of the battle totally unharmed. The secret to their longevity (some would say invulnerability) is that their body is composed of diamonds that are further reinforced with magic. Like Topaz Dragons, Diamond Dragons keep in themselves the Spark of Sylanna which provides the unyielding Sylanna's support that makes them immune to hostile earth magic.
Lampades masterminded the crossing of Diamond Dragons to the South when the war between Angels and Faceless reached its peak. As one of the Shantiri, Diamond Dragons were loyal to Lampades. During their travel, the dragons protected them from the attack by Angels. The dragons were then tasked with building Celad, the future capital of Shantiri. Lampades also made a small conquest of Non-Elder races in the South. It is then that they saw that Diamond Dragons (because of their diamond body) were also capable of breaching the walls of enemy castle.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Diamond body: This creature resists 35% of all physical damage that it suffers. It is also  strong enough to destroy enemy walls.
Earth magic immunity: Hostile earth magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Air magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile air magic.

Yukihime (Snow princess, left picture) is an elemental spirit of water manifested usually as ice in the form of a maiden wielding a katana. Yukihimes can also be created with a pact with the Wrecker aspect of Shalassa, during the great storms out on the open sea. The ones who are found in such conditions beg for life and mercy, but if the pact is made, the Wrecker strips their body of their flesh and send their spirit into the elemental plane of water, where the soul is bound forever to the darker side of Shalassa. A large amount of these spirits were created when the ships of Falcon Empire sank during the Orc Crusades in 504 YSD. One of the most recognizable Yukihimes is Ciele, who made a pact with the Wrecker when her ship was caught in a terrible storm near the Savage Islands in 565 YSD. Regardless of that, they are usually found wandering Thallan during the winter. It is said that they are surrounded by a cold aura that either brings or prolongs the winter up to a month in the region they pass through. According to a rumour, Yukihimes are actually the elite order of emissaries of Shalassa trained in the art of war to slay Urgash's children and worshippers on mainland. They are excellent warriors who are able to strike two times while the opponent could only have time to strike once. Being the masters of water magic, they are able to cast ice bolt. They are also immune to hostile water magic because of the bond they share with Shalassa.
After the Queen Isabel War, a large number of Yukihimes passed by Azhar bringing an unexpected winter to those lands. They were searching for Urgash's cultist when they heard the whisperings and went further south across the sea.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Caster: Casts Ice Bolt spell. (H3)
Winter aura: The enemy creatures on adjacent fields around this creature suffer a penalty to -3 attack skill, -3 defence skill and -1 speed. Stacks with Winter lord ability.
Double strike: This creature attack two times before an enemy can retaliate.
Water magic immunity: Hostile water magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Fire magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile fire magic.

Korihime (Ice princess, right picture) are not true elemental spirits, but they do have the properties of one. The people say that they are women who asked Yuki-Onnas of Shanriya for a power in order to get their revenge, for what ever the reason may be (there is also significant number of males, as well). However, this borrowed power that is not easy to control comes with a price. When the revenge is done, this power is freezing an individual from the inside out, but it doesn't kill them. The changes on the individual are following: hair becomes white, eyes are icy-blue, the skin is as pale as snow and cold to a touch, the heart becomes encased in ice eliminating all emotions. The uncontrolled power is visible as light blue lights revolving around the person. They emit a cold aura, and their touch can freeze anything in an instant. It is worthless to attack them with hostile water spells. It is said that there are no colder and crueller people on Ashan than those who borrow power of Shanriya.
Ice princesses and princes, as they are also called, had walk the surface of Ashan without any purpose after the power change them. They were approached by Ciele (as Yukihime) who offered them a deal they couldn't refuse. Now, they serve Conflux with the terrible powers of winter.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Caster: Casts Frost Ring spell. (H3)
Winter aura: The enemy creatures on adjacent fields around this creature suffer a penalty to -3 attack skill, -3 defence skill and -1 speed. Stacks with Winter lord ability.
Freezing touch: There is a 15% that attack from this creature will freeze a target for 2 turns. The frozen creature will receive 20% more damage from the physical attack, breaking the freezing effect.
Water magic immunity: Hostile water magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Fire magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile fire magic.

Salamander is an elemental spirit of fire. It usually crosses from the fire realm to Ashan during the earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. However, Deepflame Dwarfs claim that Salamanders are actually Dwarves who underwent a sacrifice ritual to became Fire Giants but they are reshaped in the likes of lizards wreathed with flames because they are not worthy in Akrath's eyes. Other Dwarves say that they are actually baby Magma Dragons because of Arkath's blessing which makes them immune to hostile fire magic. Regardless of their origin, they are deadly at distance, since they spit Fire Bolts on the enemy, but also because they are surrounded with Fire Shield, making them formidable at close combat. When they are extremely mad they have a habit to launch Pyroclastic Ball at their enemy.
Regardless of their origin, Salamanders wandered throughout the underground caverns of Dwarves and Dark Elves. It was Erdamon and Vaj who approached Yss, the leader of Salamanders, and offered him the high position in the ranks of Conflux. When Yss agreed, they left Grimheim, passing by Ygg-Chal and them went south for Sarkomand. However, in 989 YSD they repopulated area of Grimheim and Ygg Chal, but also the underground area of the City of Stonehelm. When the Sheogh was shattered, Salamanders were ready to halt the first wave of incoming demons, which gave some Elder races a time to prepare their defences.
Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Caster: Casts Fire Wall and Bloodlust. (H3)
Pyroclastic Ball: This creature can launch a ball of pyroclastic mass on an 3x3 squares area once per combat. The creatures in that area suffer initial damage and damage overtime (lasts 3 turns) if they remain in that area. The smoke and ash in that area prevents archers from using range attacks.
Fire shield: A creature that attacks this creature (on melee) will suffer 25% of their dealt damage.
Fire magic immunity: Hostile fire magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Water magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile water magic.

Shantiri Servant (left picture) is a Beastmen descended from the first of experiment that created Rakshasa. These Beastmen were created years before the creation of Orcs and the second generation of Beastmen. The first experiments conducted were actually on small scale, and they were performed in order to gain knowledge of the world and the potential in which direction their experiments can lead them. The first experiments didn't provide good results. The merging of beasts and human criminals and beggars was flawed. The creature born from such experiments was highly unstable or full of defects. Some even died after several days of agony. The Wizards, unhappy with the results, decided to start from the scratch and remove the failed project from their eyes. However, some managed to escape, while the rest were slaughtered, although, at the last minute some Wizards decided to preserve few specimens in a special stasis - they will be the basis for the development of the second generation of Rakshasa who still serve the Wizards up to this day. Those who managed to escape found themselves in a vast hostile environment. Eventually the crowd had separated in two groups. One went north-east until they vanished in the wilderness of Thallan (they will later join Ylath's faction of Refuge), while the other group went further into desert. The second group would surely die if it weren't for mystical Kitsune who led them through the dessert. When they reached the sea, Kitsune disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared. Ever since Kitsune helped them, these Beastmen started to believe that they are favoured by the Moon. On the shore, they were greeted by Vaj, a Lampade, with whom they sailed further south. No one knows what Vaj told them that persuaded them to go with her. But from that day they never lost their spirit.
After many centuries, these Rakshasa abandoned their name and embraced the name of Shantiri. After the Sheogh was shattered, they knew their time had come to step back into the world and fight the demons.

Living: Can be resurrected, influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Brave: This creature always have positive moral. It cannot be negative.
Moon favoured: There is a 15% that enemy attacking or casting a spell on this creature will have no effect.

Shantiri Noble (right picture) is a Shantiri Servant who mastered all seven elements, thus proving that they deserve higher title than the rest of their kind. It is long and arduous training that Shantiri Servant has to endure in order to get the status of Noble in Conflux society. However, those who achieve this status are looked upon as if they were the real nobility. Their new knowledge enables them to cast formidable spells in combat. They don't get along very well with Rakshasas from the Silver Cities. They hate them for staying with the "true beasts" of Ashan despite everything they did to them. Some say they even wish to fight the Wizards and shatter their magic kingdom, but of course, this is just a rumour... or someone's nasty joke. There are still demons to fight and destroy. Especially now when Kha-Beleth is free.
Living: Can be resurrected, influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Caster: Casts Fire Ball, Clone, Earthquake, Air Shield, Regeneration, Vulnerability and Teleport. (H3 and H5)
Brave: This creature always have positive moral. It cannot be negative.
Moon favoured: There is a 15% that enemy attacking or casting a spell on this creature will have no effect.

Lampade is female Faceless and a nymph of darkness who carries a torch or staff upon which a chaos fire is placed. It is a fire of purple glow that is said to provide visions and reveal hidden knowledge to those who stare at it, eventually it draws everyone to madness and chaotic disorder, at least it does to humans... Even during the Mythic and Ancient age of Ashan they were rarely seen. They are as mysterious as Malassa herself. Long ago, they confronted Malassa in the games of mystery, secret, betrayal, whispering and plotting. However, no one knows who really won this game. Some say they still play the never-ending game because Malassa was both impressed and intrigued by them that she found how to use them for her own goals - thus giving them immunity to hostile dark magic. Whatever the truth may be, they are greater manipulators than their male counterparts - male Faceless. When the Faceless betrayed Angels and allowed demons to escape, Urgash's children left a chaos flame behind them as a gift (and a trap) for Faceless. Lampades managed to snatch the flame for themselves, but at the same time they turned their backs at the Faceless. That is why Faceless couldn't increase their population after the Elder Wars. Either all Lampades left them or 99% percent left, without any explanation. They know about Ashan more than anyone, and they are not afraid to use that power in their schemes. Even their knowledge of magic and spirit world drew the attention of Sar-Elam, the Seventh Dragon. No one knows if he is the only one who managed to find them.
Lampade masterminded various actions and sabotages throughout the history of Ashan. They are so secretive that most of the world doesn't even know they exist. Their sudden and temporarily appearances on the surface of Ashan surprised many. Some seers and mad prophets revealed to a group of adventurers that they knew when the Sheogh will be destroyed and the demons unleashed. However, how can one trust the mad people at all? Regardless of that, their activities increased as the time went by and it peaked few days before Kha-Beleth was released.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Caster: Casts Confusion. (H5)
Chaos flame: This creature's attack has 15% to apply Frenzy effect upon its target - lasts 1 turn.
Dark magic immunity: Hostile dark magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Light magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile light magic.

Ophan is a rather unique creature due to its physical appearance and abilities. Ophanim present in Conflux belong to the lower class of Ophanim. They are small and they consist of a core which radiates light only and several rings that constantly circle around the core. The other, higher class of Ophanim are still lingering in the Elrath's realm. Even Archangels fear their power. They are bigger than the lower class Ophanim but they radiate light and fire, and they have eyes all over their rings that see everything. Both classes of Ophanim do not attack and do not retaliate, due to their unique physiology. Some say they do not move or travel, but they shift and twist the world around them creating holes through which they suddenly appear at another place, whether it is spirit world or material world. When they exit the hole a flash of light leaks from their core into the surrounding area.
Ophanim never left their elemental plane of light. Only after the betrayal of Angels by Faceless did the lower class of Ophanim appeared. They appeared at various locations in Ashan, but no one knew why nor what they are looking for. After some time, they mysteriously disappeared. They did retreat to their elemental plane but somewhere around 930 YSD they appeared again. Ophanim then moved into the unknown lands of the south where they found Vaj. What did they want from her is still a mystery.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Unique physiology: This creature cannot attack, retaliate and move.
Teleport flash. This creature can move around the battlefield by teleporting on a free unoccupied field. When this creature appears teleports on a field, all enemies on adjacent fields suffer damage and there is 15% to blind damaged enemies. It cannot teleport to the same place this creature is currently occupying.
Light magic immunity: Hostile light magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Dark magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile dark magic.

Roc (upper left picture) is a mystical bird found in high and unreachable peaks of the mountains or inhospitable areas such as sand and polar deserts, volcanoes etc. Even though they appear corporal they are in fact half-spirits and half-birds. That is why during their existence in material world, Rocs fly through four elemental planes (earth, water, fire and air) at the same time. As they fly, their spiritual part comes in contact with various elements. They are known to change their corporal form for elemental one when they consume a large amount of elemental energy of a single element.
Rocs weren't a part of any conflict on Ashan for many ages. However, with the release of Kha-Beleth and other demons, they had to intervene if their world is to survive. They heard the call of Lampades and migrated south to join Conflux.

Living: Can be resurrected, influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.

Stymphalian (upper middle picture) is an elemental spirit of earth. It is born when Rocs accumulates earth essence more than other three elements. Its feather become black because they acquire metallic properties and green because they are envenomed. Some Elves in Irollan have witnessed an event where Stymphalians nourished an ancient forest back to life during the years of Dark Messiah. However, no one saw them do this, thus it is doubtful whether they can do such a feat. They are usually found upon the mountains surrounded with great forests, but during some special days one can see them resting in a garden. It is said they are afraid of thunders. When they sense that the storm is coming they all land immediately.
Their first use was against demons near the borders of Irollan, Unicorn Empire and Ygg Chal. They came from the sky and unleashed their envenomed, metallic and dart-like feathers upon the legions of demons.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Poison: The attack of this unit deals a poison damage equal to the number of Stymphalians*10 for 3 turns.
Metallic body: This creature resists 15% of all physical damage that it suffers.
Earth magic immunity: Hostile earth magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Air magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile air magic.

Alcyo'nide (upper right picture) is an elemental spirit of water. It's born when Rocs accumulates water essence more than any other element. With the appearance of these birds, people say that winters are longer and more fiercer. With just moving their wings while flying, they are able to summon terrible snow storms and cold wings that can freeze anything.
The first person who dared to summon these birds was Ciele. When demons poured out of their shattered prison in Stonehelm, Ciele summoned Alcyo'nides who flew over the battle field and froze anything that came from beneath the surface. They provided enough time for the people of Free Cities and Wolf Duchy to evacuate their citizens and organize better defence.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Frost bite: All enemies on adjacent fields suffer cold damage equal to the number of this creature*10 at the beginning of their turn.
Winter lord: The enemy creatures on adjacent fields around this creature suffer a penalty to -5 attack skill, -5 defence skill, -2 speed and flyers cannot fly - they need to walk. Stacks with Winter aura ability.
Freezing breath: There is a 35% that attack from this creature will freeze a target for 1 turns. The frozen creature will receive 20% more damage from the physical attack, breaking the freezing effect.
Water magic immunity: Hostile water magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Fire magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile fire magic.

Phoenix (lower left picture) is an elemental spirit of fire. In order for Phoenix to be born Roc, who has absorbed a lot of fire essences, has to die. When it dies, its body began to burn and turn into ashes and smoke. After few seconds the accumulated elemental energy is unleashed in a spectacle of fire pillars and twisters of various colours: gold, yellow, orange, red, violet, pink... Phoenix radiates fire that can harm anyone who dares to attack it. If angered, Phoenix will attack with such fury that it can set ablaze many enemies at the same time. Some Blind Brothers speculate that the ability of Phoenix to rebirth itself is derived from Asha. However, it remained a speculation up to this day. To the New Shantiri, Phoenix is more than an ally. It is their personal symbol of their civilization and of their Renaissance - they will never die, they will always rise anew.
When the apocalypse started, Phoenixes were sent to Grimheim, because it was there that the hammer of Urgash struck the hardest. The land of dwarfs was sundered in half by the magic unleashed by Kha-Beleth. There is a great fissure visible from the sky which divides the dwarf kingdom in half. The fissure starts from Tor-Hallr and goes through Tor-Myrdal up to the Norther Wood. The cities east of that line have fell to the demons, while the west part managed to repel the invaders. When Erdamon realized that the East Grimheim was lost, he ordered Phoenixes to melt the snow from the mountains in order to drown the demons that were still in lower caverns. That is how the East Grimheim was lost to all.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Fire shield: A creature that attacks this creature (on melee) will suffer 25% of their dealt damage.
Rebirth: This creature can raise itself from the dead.
Fire breath: The breath of this creature can hit two units in a line.
Fire magic immunity: Hostile fire magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Water magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile water magic.

Thunderbird (lower right picture) is an elemental spirit of air that carries thunderous clouds upon its wings. After absorbing large amount of air elemental essence from the elemental plane, Rocs has high chance to be struck by lightning which transform it into a Thunderbird. With every movement of the wings, Thunderbird generates thunders and lightning. While it attacks it is inevitable that the target will get hit by a lightning bolt. Those who have seen it in action say that it is a storm spirit driven by fury, madness and revenge. Even during the ancient age, Thunderbirds liked to torment armadas at the sea by creating storm winds that formed high waves that sank many ships. Nowadays, everything is still the same. People say that this spirit is sacred both to Ylath and Shalassa.
Thunderbirds were needed both in Sarkomand and in the ruins of Bel-Caliban and Al-Betyl. The three volcanoes expelled hot magma in the quantity that has never been seen before. Following that, the demons poured out as if there were infinite in numbers. They seared through the sky channelling the powers of storm against the invaders.

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Flyer: Can fly above the obstacles.
Caster: Casts Chain Lightning. (H3)
Lightning attack: This creature's attack will cast Lightning Bolt spell at the enemy it just attacked.
Air magic immunity: Hostile air magic cannot be cast upon this unit.
Earth magic vulnerability: Increased damage/effects from hostile earth magic.

Kitsune is one of the most mystical beings in Ashan - always appearing and disappearing in a matter of seconds. First of all, many cannot agree on which animal it is reminiscent. The elves and naga claim that it is a nine-tailed fox, while humans and dwarfs say it is a nine-tailed wolf. Its origin is still unknown. Wizards argue that Kitsune was created during the Mythic age by drinking from dragon-veins, however, Blind Brothers believe it is one of the avatars of Asha herself or a being that was created by Asha as a guardian, when she enclosed herself in the Moon to heal. The tails of Kitsune are also a subject of many debates and speculations. Crimson Wizards have developed a hypothesis that Kitsune is not connected to Asha but to some primordial time or force out there in the vastness of void (some would claim on the other side of the Void) and that their tails symbolize (all) individual schools of magic. But many people find this is impossible, because on Ashan, there are only 7 schools of magic, while Kitsune has 9 tails. However, some scholars claim (on the basis of some written fragments left by Sandro) that Kitsune's origin lie very far from Ashan, because it appears Sandro glimpsed at the same or similar creature on the other side of the Void being "assembled" by some Ancient power. But then again, how can one believe a mad Nethermancer? Whether any of these speculations are true or not it remains to be seen. Nonetheless, Kitsune is usually found during the night. At that time, it usually gazes at the Moon as if it waits for a sign or for something to occur... Maybe the awakening of Asha? Throughout the centuries, it lead many individuals to their destiny: Marg, Vaj, Sandro, Sar-Elam, Belketh, Eternal Empress, Tuidhana, Kreelah and Kha-Beleth; These are some of these individuals that were guided by Kitsune on their current paths for unknown reason. It appears that none could have resisted the enigmatic and playful nature of Kitsunes, but those who wished them harm were never heard or seen again.
Kitsune was one of the founding pillars of Conflux, even during the days of the old Shantiri Empire. When it began to crumble, Ao appeared in front of Vaj, a Lampade, and showed her, her true destiny. Ever since then the two have made plans for the second rise of the Shantiri. Even nowadays, when Kha-Beleth walks the surface of Ashan, Ao and Vaj are forging schemes...

Elemental: Can be summoned (Racial), not influenced by moral.
Large creature: This creature is occupying 2x2 fields on the battlefield.
Teleporter: This creature teleports to any unoccupied field instead of walking.
Trickster: Any attack or retaliation of this creature exchanges the buffs with the one who had attacked or retaliated. All positive buffs pass on this creature, while all negative buffs go to the enemy creature.
Moon favoured: This creature has unlimited retaliation.
Prime magic immunity: Hostile prime magic cannot be cast upon this unit.

Tavern rumours: a bartender whispers...

1) Many people don't know that not all Sylphs are in the service of Conflux. Some Sylphs and their greater sisters are simply too wild and childish to give up on their freedom. Many like to glide through the vast plains of the east while playing with the wanderers, nomads and bards...

2) There is a legend about an Elven bard who lost his wife years ago. Somewhere in the woodlands this Elf played his music until a Jade Dragon approached. Its spark resonated to the voice and the melody of a bard that could touch the heart of dragon gods. The bards recognized the soul of his deceased lover in the dragon. No one know what happened then. Some claim that Sylanna restored the lover in her elven from...

3) More and more Elementalist are studying magic in Conflux, rather than Academy. Some Elementalist have decided to join Conflux after realizing that they can learn much from staying there. However, some are repulsed by Conflux because of their elitism, that is why many return to the east, to Refuge, after their studies.

4) It is said that Illusionists and Tricksters of Refuge are Ylath Sorcerers of Conflux who had hidden their wings with magic. I have seen one once, but I have no idea what to believe. He didn't look like those two at all. But was it an illusion

5) Did you know that Kitsune is the most powerful unit of Conflux? No? Well, now you do.
"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone. When I look into the Mirror, I see myself as I might become..." -Freya

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 13, 2015 10:36 AM

So, your take on Shantiri Empire is a more elemental approach or a more archetypal idea of the races? Because it doesn't resemble the old Conflux

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 13, 2015 11:12 AM

Well, the (air, water, fire, earth, magic and psychic) elements are still present just under the different names and appearance. Instead of just x elemental, I wanted to give them new identity, thus I chose new names. But at the same time, there are few races present, so yeah, it is also archetypal, I guess.

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 13, 2015 11:32 AM

Hmm, interesting, but could you please give a bit more info on the system you are using? Is it tow upgrade per unit or alternative upgrades?
And also, could you enter in brackets what element or race each unit is? Just to get a better idea of it! Thanks and keep up the good work!

You are giving me ideas to create a Conflux as well

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 13, 2015 12:27 PM

I'll update it as soon as I can. Don't worry.

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 15, 2015 03:46 PM

No need to rename the elementals. It is known that there are primal manifestations, lower ones and greater ones. For example Sylphs are lower manifestations of Air element, while air elementals are more primal and Thunderbirds the highest form.

With Fire, salamanders or Cabirs are lower manifestations, Valkyries higher and Fire elemental the primal form. A possible Highest manifestation would have been the fire bird or something on that form

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 15, 2015 04:04 PM

There is maybe no need to change the names, but I think it's better for a creature have a name rather than label "X elemental". However, you are right that there are different manifestations of the elements - lower, greater, etc.
"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone. When I look into the Mirror, I see myself as I might become..." -Freya

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 19, 2015 12:20 PM

One of the most complete additions i have seen so far. Thorough and in depth of everything. The system of one, more or changeable upgrades is also interesting.

Good job and keep going. You may just win this

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 19, 2015 03:08 PM

Thank you.
It is just too bad I'll not have enough time to finish at least one more faction.

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 25, 2015 08:30 PM

Check out the lore link on i put to the wandereds. Is it to your liking?

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 25, 2015 08:46 PM

I have inserted some references in Conflux faction. Scroll own beneath the individual creatures to see tavern rumours...
"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone. When I look into the Mirror, I see myself as I might become..." -Freya

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Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted February 25, 2015 08:49 PM

If ever they decide to look to fan made content, at least our two towns will present with enough info to incorporate directly to the world of Ashan

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted February 25, 2015 08:51 PM

From your mouth into God's ears and their brains.
"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone. When I look into the Mirror, I see myself as I might become..." -Freya

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