
Famous Hero
posted March 25, 2015 09:03 PM |
Edited by Minastir at 10:21, 04 Apr 2015.
ICTC 8 - Bastion

If you have any questions about the faction feel free to ask me or Articun 
This Faction uses the 5/5/3 system. That means that each time you choose a creature dwelling to be build in your town from 5 available. There is no restriction on how or what you choose. The core selection locks when you have chosen 3 dwellings. The same goes for the elite tier as well. For the champion units you can choose only one from the 3. In the end you will have 7 creatures in your lineup. In each town you conquer the selection has to be made again, meaning that the selection of units you make in town 1 will not be forced as the default in town 2 or 3 etc

Aka: The swamp Lords, The poison Masters, The Feral, The Primitive
Associated colors: Drak green, Brown, Deep Blue, some Red
Country/Kingdom: Ashan Map
Capital city: Shar'Ket'Aktul
Faction Motto: "Like Earth we endure, like water we expand"
Town Theme: Town Theme
Races: Lizardmen, Frogkin (Frogmen and Nixies), Gatormen
Faction Ability: Herbalism: will provide positive buffs to your units or negative buffs or debuffs to the enemy depending on the terrain of the battle. Heroes of all kinds are adept in the art of Herbs and concocting potions and elixirs. When the meters is filled, use it wisely. You can either buff your units or inflict ailments to your enemies.
Hero classes:
Witch Doctor (Male Frogkin Magician) - Has access to Earth, Water and Air spells but cannot cast mass spells. Also has access to unit enhancing skills. Can cast summoning spells for half the manna cost and will also be able to summon animals, spirits (including Pixies and Dryads) and elementals.
Special trait/skill: Doctors Pact: Witch doctor is able to transfer all negative effects from one enemy to another enemy.
Witch (Female Frogkin - Nixie -Magician) - Has access to all healing and cleansing spells from all schools and all unit enhancing spells. Has access to water, earth and light spells.
Special Trait/Skill: Healing Synergy: Can cast mass healing spells for half their manna cost.
Clan-Lord (Lizardmen Leaders - Male & Female) - Might heroes, can be build like any might hero. You may choose to make him defensive, Aggressive or Balanced by the skills you choose for him.
Bastion Gameplay:
In Bastion most units use debuffs, poison and damage over turns. The basic strategy is to inflict as many ailments and damage over time to as many units as you can. That damage will keep working its way as your melee units or archers manage to inflict extra damage.
Since most of Bastion units are weaker than the rest of the game, if you play with a Nixie hero, healing them or reviving them is important. If you play with a Witch doctor, be sure before you defeat an enemy stack to move all of its ongoing negative effects (including poison damage) to another stack to keep the damage going. If you play with a might hero, the best game plan is to buff your units as much as you can. War-cries that help them attack first or inflict max damage or help them to attack twice per turn, will help you attack more enemy stacks with more units faster.
In general, the longer you can keep the battle, the more damage each enemy will receive and the more weak he'll get.
Always keep in mind to attack one enemy with as many poison or ailment inducing units you can and also attack him again when the ailment is close to end to reset it.

Lizardmen and Frogkin weren't always a civilization. At the dawn of time when the elemental Gods created the first beings, Lizardmen and Frogkin were also created. Or so the legends and myths say. To this day, no one knows for certain how they came to existence but from ancient texts and deciphered glyphs dated back to the Shantiris, we know that they existed. They were primitive life forms, lizardmen more nomadic and frogkin more isolated to lakes and swamps. The Shantiris do not mention a war or them being something more than wildlife.
When Shatiri Empire fell, the different races started fighting for territory. Humans in particular being the youngest and the proudest, were fiercer than the other races to claim land. They became hostile to anything strange and different. They tolerated Elves that looked like them and Dwarves but were cautious towards nagas and hostile to what they called at the time "beast-men". They persecuted and hunted Frogkin and Lizardmen from their lands and drove them east. The Naga were the first to see intelligence and consciousness in these creatures and decided to allow them to grow on their own.
With Nagas acting as barrier to the rest of the world, frogmen and Lizardmen found new homes in the swampy east of Thalaan. In time, their existence became legend and then fairy tales to the other races. The naga, being cryptic and isolated never mentioned them to others.
At first, frogmen and Lizardmen weren't on the best of terms. Lizardmen raided frogmen and Frogmen used poisons against them. When they discovered the threats that this unknown lands hided, they started reluctantly helping each other. The first beast they tamed were the catoblepas, a being resembling a cow and a boar but venomous and scaly. Frogmen, now protected by Lizardmen started studying wildlife and plants. Nixies played with their innate magic and understood how they could affect others. In time, both races came to understand and depend on one another. These were the foundation for a new civilization.
Bash'tk'on or Bastion as it would come to be known faced many other threats though. Most beasts and even animals living in the swamps were predatory and very poisonous. In a way to adapt, the frogmen learned to communicate and resonate with nature while Lizardmen that had no magical affinity, perfected the art of camouflage, cover and hunting. To all their skill though, freat dangers still lurked in the form of Basilisks, Cipactlis and Giant Mantis.
It was with the help of a renegade group of Gatormen many years later and their brute force that Frogmen and Lizardmen managed to subdue even the greatest of Basilisks and become true Lords of the Swamps. Gatormen were among the created beast-men by the Wizards. Once Frogmen and Lizardmen both had that title but now they learnt that the humans they had forgotten played like Gods. Through Gatormen they found out about the demons, the orcs about their rebellion and how even now, some beast-men are either loyal to the wizards or still slaves. It was mainly due to their help with the previous Lords of the swamp and because of their great likeness to Lizardmen and alligators that Bastion allowed Gatormen to join their civilization. To this day, Frogkin and Lizardmen did not regret it and Gatormen do not forget the kindness of having a place to truly call home.
The first encounter with the orcs came when centaurs from the near village went too Far East on a training expedition. There were no hostilities but more curiosity about these beings they had never seen or heard of before. Soon orc parties were searching the Marshes and the swamps for those beings to understand if they had to do with foe or friend. There were some fighting before things settled down, both sides evaluating each other and measuring one another. No alliance or friendship was formed. Orcs understood that Bastion was a formidable and cunning opponent, invincible and cautious but to their eyes cowardly and without pride. They will no longer fight if they meet a lizardman or a Frogkin but they will show no kindness to them either.
It can be said that the only true friend Bastion has in the Naga of Sanctuary. Though their ways are very different and their culture nothing alike, Naga understand the need for isolation, the desire to be true to yourself and the meaning of boundaries. It is because of that respect that clan Lords will accept Naga envoys to their towns. And it is because of those envoys that Bastion learns of the outside world.
For many years they have been hiding and for many years they have endured the dangers of the wild and conquered them. They have fought to keep what is their own and they have developed a great civilization. But now something's changed. Nature trembles and emits fear. Something that's coming feels very wrong and maybe Bastion should remain hidden no more.
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Buildings (Standard)
Fort - The Fort provides your town with defensive walls, wooden palisade around the town.
Citadel - An upgrade of the Fort. The Citadel increases base creature growth by 50%. In the wooden palisade, poison Ivy grows and also creates vegetation in the ground in front of the palisade, causing units the poison damage (creatures entering or standing in the swamp suffer 40 poison damage for 2 turns and its Defence is decreased by 5 for 2 turns).
Castle -An upgrade of the Citadel. The Castle adds two wooden arrow towers with sharpshooters on the top , fortifies your town's defenses, and doubles base creature growth. Poison Mushrooms can be found in between the poison Ivy that now extends to two wooden arrow towers. These mushrooms emit paralysis spores when touched so any enemy unit stepping on them will also lose its turn.
Unique Dwellings
Monument of the Twins
For one week Water or Earth magic effectiveness is increased by 20% for the Player. Cumulative with other towns. Cooldown: 1 week
Clan Summit
Each time a combat is won in the players area of effect, the victorious hero is awarded 25% extra gold and experience. Additional buildings will increase the effectiveness by a further 10%.
All enemy creatures suffer the effect of Poisoned at the start of combat in the town`s area of control. Deals 20 damage every turn and reduces the enemy`s Initiative by 5. The effect lasts 3 turns.
Breeding Grounds
All animals in the towns area of control gain extra 20% increase production
Tear of Asha
The fountain of Creation - Sacred place for Bastion residents, it is believed by them that in this place Shalassa and Sylanna created both Lizardman and Frogkin. The Fountain is nothing extravagant, it's simply a huge rock with a big, very old tree growing on top of it. From the crack inside the rock water is pouring constantly to the pond beneath it, which is considered a true treasure in the whole swamps because of beautiful lotus flowers growing there from the ancient times. It's been said that those flowers are indication of the fact that goddess Shalassa once was there and something magical has happened. The tree comparing to other trees in Ashan, for example - humongus trees on the Irollan territory, is not that big, but the roots of this old tree are very impressive because according to the legend the roots of this tree are spread across the Bastion territory reaching even the borders. Of course those kind of trees don't grow naturally it's a side effect of the presence of Sylanna herself.
- Provides 5000 gold/day and all poison and ailment counters caused by creatures or hero are increased by 50% and their duration is doubled.
Mostly primitive, building homes on trees or in caves. Their main food source is hunting and collection of plants and mushrooms from the swamp. The Lord of each town is usually an elder Lizardman that is consulted by a respected Frogman and Nixie and guarded by Gatormen. They prefer isolation and to be away from the outside world and the other races, only rarely allowing wild Elves or Naga to spent a few days in their towns. Mostly, they just prefer to spend their time with their own.

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The worship the twin sisters of the Land, Sylanna the ground shaker and Shalassa the tide bringer. They believe that their origins go back to those two Dragon Gods and that they were created by the two of them before each of them chose to create a separate race. As such, they are faithful to the two faces of the Goddesses, believing that when Sylanna shows a gentle face, Shalassa will keep the balance by showing a harshness and vice-versa. That’s why they are as a civilization harsh and hard, but also merciful.

Alligator (melee)
Naturally found in swamps, alligators can stay still for hours until they attack their prey. Easily mistaken for moss or stagnant log, the jaws are never seen coming and neither is death. Should someone escape their grasp, the teeth of the Alligator will leave deep wounds that will hinder movement and action
Rend: Each attack made by the Alligator has a 15% chance to cause the rend effect. Rend will cause the enemy to lose 15% of his HP in damage for two turns and also to cause him to wait until the end of turn to attack.
Resistance to Earth: Earth spells damage is reduced by 15%
Ferocious Alligator (melee)
Old alligators, though slower, have hardened scales that are hard to hit. They are especially potent against ranged attacks and earth spells. Their grip and predating skills are also more polished allowing them to attack out of nowhere and cause greater damage.
Rend II: Each attack made by the Alligator has a 22% chance to cause the rend effect. Rend will cause the enemy to lose 20% of his HP in damage for three turns and also to cause him to wait until the end of turn to attack.
Predating: This unit will attack every enemy unit passing next to it.
Ranged Endurance: The hard scales of the alligator will make archers harder to hit him, making the damaged from ranged attack decreased by 20%.
Resistance to Earth: Earth spells damage is reduced by 15%

Nixie (Spellcaster)
Nixies are considered by some beastmen made from frog and female humans and by other some sort of swamp fairies. But none of the two has ever been confirmed. Nixies are intelligent beings, more so than any other fairy or spirit. And they are also magical by nature, but they have partial control of their magic. As the male counterpart of their race, the Frogmen, they can also “communicate” with beasts and plants but they prefer to cast their magic more.
Nixies can cast spells without manna cost, as if they were their attack. Each spell has a duration of 1 turn.
Nature Resonance: Nixies and Frogmen have a chance to persuade an enemy beast, spirit or plant not to attack them. That chance starts at and increases by 0.2% for every 20 units in the stack.
Healing Mucus: A remnant of their frog origins along with the innate magic they possess, Nixies are able to heal units next to her by restoring 6% of their health points each turn.
Spells: Naturalize (the target gets the Petrified skin spell effects but their health and movement status is decreased by 10%), Recuperation (the target gets the Regeneration spell effects but their defense and attack is decreased by 10%), Growth (the target's health and attack increases by 20% but they can attack last on every turn and their defense is decreased by 20%)
Nixie Witch (spellcaster)
As they grow older and more experienced, Nixies gain a little bit more control over their magic. But they never seem to get the full control in their life. They tend to seep out magical energy around them though that translates as healing and strengthening aura. They are then given the title Witch, maybe not as other races in Ashan understand it, but for the people of Bastion, it means a supporter and a healer.
Nature talk: Nixies and Frogmen have a chance to persuade an enemy beast, spirit or plant not to attack them. That chance starts at and increases by 0.2% for every 20 units in the stack.
Radiating Mucus: A remnant of their frog origins along with the innate magic they possess, Nixies are able to radiate energy that heals and strengthens units next to them by restoring 6% of their health points each turn and permanently increasing their attack status by 5%.
Spells: Naturalize (the target gets the Petrified skin spell effects but their health and movement status is decreased by 5%), Recuperation (the target gets the Regeneration spell effects but their defense and attack is decreased by 5%), Growth (the target's health and attack increases by 20% but they can attack last on every turn and their defense is decreased by 10%)

Serpent Fly (Flyer - Melee)
Although small and fragile insects, they are numerous and very fast. Serpent Flies are the first adult form of those insects and as such they have not yet developed the ability for poison. They do possess minor stingers though on their legs and razor like organs in their mouth, much like animals have teeth. In Bastion, they are "controlled" or better said, directed by the Nature talk of Nixies and Frogmen.
Agile: This unit will always act first every turn
Swarm: If two or more stacks of Serpent Flies or Dragon flies are next to an enemy stack, that stack cannot move.
Dragon Fly (Flyer - Melee)
Dragon Flies are the second adult form of serpent flies and as such they are called the Prime form. They are fully developed, with poison glands and much bigger size. Their wings are made for fast and swift flying and their poison can last for a long time.
Agile: This unit will always act first every turn
Swarm: If two or more stacks of Serpent Flies or Dragon flies are next to an enemy stack, that stack cannot move.
Poison glands: The attack of this unit will cause the enemy to be poisoned, causing 5% of his health as damage each turn for 5 turns. If an attack is made from a Dragon fly to the same unit, the poison turns will reset back to 5.
Swift Bite: Each time this stack attacks it has a 10% chance to attack twice.

Lizardman (melee - walker)
Lizardmen are the main inhabitants of Bastion. Them and Frogkin have made an alliance pact from ancient times and have learnt to live together as one race. Lizardmen have no magic and cannot use magic, whereas Frog kind have it naturally. Their society have evolved so that Lizard Kin are the melee and ranged fighters on the frontline of battle or in hunting. Lizardmen are adept at hiding and blending with their surroundings and will prefer attacking using a Spear that they have mastered with hunting.
Ranged Endurance: The hard scales of the alligator will make archers harder to hit him, making the damaged from ranged attack decreased by 20%.
Long weapon mastery: Using a long spear allows this unit to attack up to two tiles away without being retaliated.
Lizardmen Stingers (melee - walker)
Stingers are the seasoned hunters that have also learnt to use their abilities and knowledge for war as well. Usually they will wait to attack after the battle have begun, using that time to hide and attack out of nowhere. In various cases they can also throw their spear to hit up to two units at once.
Ranged Endurance: The hard scales of the alligator will make archers harder to hit him, making the damaged from ranged attack decreased by 20%.
Long weapon mastery: Using a long spear allows this unit to attack up to two tiles away without being retaliated.
Camouflage: If this unit is in "wait" (the player uses the wait option in combat) it will become invisible to the enemy until an enemy unit passes next to it.
Spear Throw (activated ability - only once per combat): The stinger can throw his spear hitting up to two adjacent units causing damage and forcing them to lose their turn (they will act the next turn).

Toads (Ranged - walker)
Toads much like alligators are natural creatures inhabiting the swamps of Ashan. They can grow to giant sizes and many species are also poisonous. The Toad prefers land over water and as alligators, they act mainly as guards of the bastion "towns" attacking every outsider that trends too close to the cities.
Mucus Spit (Activated - available every 3 turns): every toad or frog produces mucus that either covers his body or excretes it somehow. Toads trained to act as guardians are of the species that will spit out their mucus causing an enemy to slow or be immobilized.
Long Tongue: not true shooters but still able to attack from their tongue that they project with force from afar, toads are able to attack the enemy from 5 tiles away. The downside is that the sticky substance on their tongue will also cause small units to come in front of the Toad.
Poison Toad (Ranged - walker)
Poison toads are colorful and some have capsule like organs on their body that stores the poison. As such, any unit attacking the toad up close will become poisoned. To these species, the ability to bring enemies close with their tongue acts also as a guarding aspect because most of the times the poison will not cause damage but rather will weaken the enemy.
Mucus Spit (Activated - available every 3 turns): every toad or frog produces mucus that either covers his body or excretes it somehow. Toads trained to act as guardians are of the species that will spit out their mucus causing an enemy to slow or be immobilized.
Long Tongue: not true shooters but still able to attack from their tongue that they project with force from afar, toads are able to attack the enemy from 5 tiles away. The downside is that the sticky substance on their tongue will also cause small units to come in front of the Toad.
Poison Body: Any unit that attacks the Poison toad will become poisoned having his Attack status reduced by 5% and his speed by 10% for 3 turns.
Leap (Activated - only once per battle): The Poison toad is able to leap at the enemy causing damage and poisoning him. The distance it can leap is twice its movement area including buffs from positive effects.

Catoblepas (melee - walker)
Catoblepas has the body of a bull, a heavy head resembling that if a boar and its back is covered in scales. They feed on poisonous plant and fungi and also on decaying life. That has given them immunity to poison but also a poisonous breath. No living being can come too close to a catoblepas and stay unscathed. Lizardmen usually hunt these beasts for their meat but over the years they have learnt to utilize them also for war. Undead, Naturalists and other medicine men alike have taken interest on their poison that they believe can make into healing potions.
Poison Breath: The unit attacked by catoblepas will suffer poison damage equal to 20% of its health rounded down each turn for 4 turns.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 20% and melee damage by 15%.
Venomous Catoblepas (melee - walker)
Catoblepas in their prime get to the peak of their strength and also produce their most potent poison. Their breath is like acid that withers everything in their path. If you come along a decaying part of the swamp then most likely a catoblepas or a pack of them is near. Sometimes you will notice "paths" of dead plants and moss in the midst of live and thriving ones. That means that a venomous catoblepas have passed through there.
Venomous Breath: The breath of the catoblepas emits such thick poison that it spreads from the tile in front of it to the two tiles next to it, affecting every unit that stands before him. Every time it attacks an enemy unit, other units next to the one being attacked will also become poisoned loosing 20% of their health every turn for 4 turns.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 20% and melee damage by 15%.
Decaying path: The poison of the catoblepas takes time to dissipate leaving a trail of poisonous fog behind him as he moves that last until the end of turn. Every creature that passes through the fog will become poisoned loosing 10% of its health for 2 turns.

Gatorman (melee - walker)
Gatormen resemble Lizardmen in many areas and aspects. But these creatures weren't born naturally as Lizardmen are believed to have been. They were created by wizards along with Hippo-men by combining alligators and crocodiles with men. They are in truth beast men. Their focus was to battle either underground in sweet water or muddy swampy areas and also as protectors due to their thick scaly skin and powerful jaws. They came to Bastion after the rebellion of the orcs, seeking to find a home. Legend says that a giant blue alligator (believed to be a form of shalassa) with a green baby basilisk (said to a primal form of Sylanna) led them to the Bastion.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 20% and melee damage by 15%.
Resistant to Water and Earth: Being creatures that thrive both on water and land, earth and water spells do not affect them as much. Magic of Water or earth school damaging spells are reduced by 20% and if the spell has a duration, that duration is decreased by 1.
Out of the way (activated - can be used every turn but it will consume the action of the unit for the turn): The gatorman will grab the enemy with its jaws and drag it to another location around him (used to open way for bigger units in areas with many obstacles)
Veteran Gatorman (melee - walker)
Gatormen in Bastion society act as protectors, guardians and for whatever needs strength. They will handle whatever fighting needs to be done, either that being killing parties of other factions that managed to move past alligators and Toads or thus coming too near to Bastion or killing giant insects and snakes that may slither their way too close to the towns. Gatormen that have seen many battles are awarded the titled Veteran, meaning that they can command small parties if need be. They are the closest to a "captain" level army unit Bastion has.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 25% and melee damage by 20%.
Resistant to Water and Earth: Being creatures that thrive both on water and land, earth and water spells do not affect them as much. Magic of Water or earth school damaging spells are reduced by 25% and if the spell has a duration, that duration is decreased by 1.
Out of the way (activated - can be used every turn but it will consume the action of the unit for the turn): The gatorman will grab the enemy with its jaws and drag it to another location around him (used to open way for bigger units in areas with many obstacles)
No Surprise: The gatormen have endured in the swamps where danger can come from every direction, including above and below. There is no way to preemptive this warriors, as there is no way to leave them baffled. This unit has unlimited retaliation, cannot be flanked and its attack will hit enemies in front and behind it.

Naturalist (spell catser - walker)
Since Frogmen have no melee expertise, their bodies too soft and fragile to go to war, they have adapted to use other means to fight. They can use their innate magic that is strong to communicate with animals and plants even from afar, summoning them to battle and they can also use some water and earth spells. They are the main supporters of the Bastion army, able to affect the whole army with their spells.
Spells: Mass Stone skin, Insect Swarm, Cleansing
Nature Resonance: Any beast or plant coming to attack the naturalist has a 25% chance of not attacking, due to his soothing presence.
Summoning Call (activated ability - active every 3 turns): Summon Fungus Monster (elite), Summon Waspwort (elite) - The summoning will bring a number of units equal to 20% rounded down of the naturalist stack number.
Master Naturalist (spell caster - walker)
Due years of studying nature, the earth and water, the animals and plants, Naturalists can become masters of their craft, being able to do what they did before abut also enhance the strength of plants and animals around them. In Bastion society they are the teachers, law and lore keepers, they are respected as wise and citizens will seek their advice. For the other factions, they are considered an ancient kind of scientists.
Spells: Mass Stone skin, Stone spikes, Insect Swarm, Entangling roots, Cleansing
Nature Resonance: Any beast or plant coming to attack the naturalist has a 25% chance of not attacking, due to his soothing presence.
Summoning Call (activated ability – active every 2 turns): Summon Fungus Monster (elite), Summon Waspwort (elite) - The summoning will bring a number of units equal to 25% rounded down of the naturalist stack number
Enhance (activated ability - available every 2 turns): The Master Naturalist can call creatures of an existing stack increasing their number by 20%
Wild presence: The resonance with nature alters Master naturalists visage and presence in the way other creatures (plants, animals, lizards) can sense them making them consider them as their alpha and thus they fight more ferociously. The creatures around Master Naturalist'’s gain 15% more attack, speed and defense.

Swamp Hydra (melee - walker)
Hydras are ancient beings, created from the time dragon veins had swirling strong magic. They come in all shapes and sizes. They have adapted to their environment and some are stronger than others. Swamp Hydras belong to the small sized Hydras. In contrast to the Deep Hydras that dwell in the deep crevices of the earth, Swamp Hydras have developed legs that allows them to walk on muddy land and also swim. While in their hooded form they have yet to evolve their toxic glands and use their hooded heads as intimidation. As with most Hydras, when they attack they do so in all directions if there are many enemies around them, or they can attack multiple times in one enemy if only one is threatening them.
Unlimited Retaliation: Having many heads means that if you hurt one, the other will always attack.
Multi-Headed: If enemy units are present around the Hydra, it will attack all of them and retaliate on all of them. If there is only one enemy around the Hydra it will attack multiple times at that enemy (2-4 times 20% chance for each attack to happen) and also retaliate twice.
Toxic Hydra (melee - walker)
As the swamp Hydra matures and grows in size (but never becoming gigantic as other species) it loses its hooded head and develops specialized glands that produce acid. That gives them the name of Toxic Hydras. Their toxic does not create much damage though but instead it destroys weapons and armor making the attack of the Hydra more effective.
Unlimited Retaliation: Having many heads means that if you hurt one, the other will always attack.
Multi-Headed: If enemy units are present around the Hydra, it will attack all of them and retaliate on all of them. If there is only one enemy around the Hydra it will attack multiple times at that enemy (2-4 times 20% chance for each attack to happen) and also retaliate twice.
Toxic Glands: Each attack by the Hydra will cause 10% of extra damage based on the defense of the unit it hits. It will also cause the defense of the unit to be lowered by 20% and its attack power by 15%. The duration of this effect is 2 turns that can be reset if the Hydra attacks the same target again.

Sharpshooter (ranged - walker)
Not as strong as Gatormen but way more agile and speedy, Lizardmen can move effortlessly in the swamps and up on trees and this gives them the perfect position to attack with long arrows. They move constantly making it very hard for the enemy to hit them.
Hit and Run: The Sharpshooter is able to move after he has attacked the enemy
Cover Specialist: Taking cover from battle field obstacles increases the defense bonus effectiveness by an additional 40%
Expert Sharpshooter (ranged - walker)
There is a reason why Bastion has remained secret for so long and only exists in the rest of ashan as legend or second grade rumor. That reason is the existence of Expert Sharpshooters. Agile and fast, masters of cover and trained in all kinds of terrain, these shooters will hit their target unseen and unheard.
Two Attacks: This unit can attack twice in the same turn
Hit and Run: The Expert Sharpshooter is able to move after he has attacked the enemy (this means that he can attack, move and the attack again)
Cover Specialist: Taking cover from battle field obstacles increases the defense bonus effectiveness by an additional 40%

Cipactli (melee - walker)
A being unlike any other, Cipactli were created by very strong magic. They are a primal fusion of swamp creatures into one. Part crocodile, part toad, part fish and enormous in size, Cipactlis are one of the fiercest if not the strongest of the beasts one is to encounter in a forest. If one lives to tell the tale. Cipactlis have great hunger, close to insatiable, and they will eat almost anything they can fit into their mouths. Their tremendous strength is able to shake even the greatest walls.
Predate: The Cipactli will attack any unit passing next to it for any direction.
Wall Smasher: The cipactli is able to attack walls with 2 times the normal damage a catapult would cause
Frightening presence: Any unit close to the Cipactli will suffer a decrease in morale by 20%.
Rampaging Cipactli (melee - walker)
Often considered the Swamp Lords, Cipactlis at their prime are a force unlike any other. Maybe on par with Dragons or the Legendary Behemoths. They have grown bigger and massive with all their eating. They will now eat allies and foes to regain health and they will also Rampage and charge into battle.
Predate: The Cipactli will attack any unit passing next to it for any direction.
Wall Smasher: The cipactli is able to attack walls with 2 times the normal damage a catapult would cause
Frightening presence: Any unit close to this unit will suffer a decrease in morale by 20%.
Charge: The unit is able to charge causing damage to any foes or allies in its way, getting stronger the longer it moves.
Hunger (Activated ability): Once per combat the Rampaging Cipactli can eat a core unit stack reducing its numbers by 20% and restoring 40% of Rampaging Cipactlis’ health. This move consumes the Rampaging Cipactlis' turn.

Basilisk (melee - walker)
"The King of snakes", "The Terror of the Ground", "The Master of the Stone forest" are but some of the names this snake has come to possess over time. It grows larger than any other snake to exit and that is not the only thing that makes it deadly. It is fast, both above and below ground. It can dig its way to its prey and below walls. But the most deadly of its powers is its ability to petrify its enemies. Petrification in this matter, is not a true turn to stone thing. The enemy will be paralyzed like a stone but still very much alive.
Dig: This unit is able to dig underground and reappear in another location. This will leave a hole in its entry point and another in its exit point that will continue to exist on the battlefield as obstacles for 2 turns. Basilisks and Royal Basilisks can use those holes to move instantly from one location to the other. It can also move below walls and other obstacles.
Petrification: Each unit attacked by the Basilisk or Royal basilisk will be petrified for 2 turns. During Petrification it will be unable to move and if attacked, the attack will cause max damage to the unit.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 20% and melee damage by 15%
Resistance to Earth: Earth spells damage is reduced by 15%
Royal Basilisk (melee - walker)
Giant and ferocious, as the Basilisk grow in size so does it grow more terrifying. No one will approach this creature without a sense of dread, both because of its sight and also because of its petrifying poison.
Dig: This unit is able to dig underground and reappear in another location. This will leave a hole in its entry point and another in its exit point that will continue to exist on the battlefield as obstacles for 2 turns. Basilisks and Royal Basilisks can use those holes to move instantly from one location to the other. It can also move below walls and other obstacles.
Petrification II: Each unit attacked by the Basilisk or Royal basilisk will be petrified for 2 turns. During Petrification it will be unable to move and will receive 10% of its health as damage and if attacked, the attack will cause max damage to the unit.
Scaled Body: This unit is harder to be damaged by ranged attacks or melee attacks, reducing ranged damage to it by 20% and melee damage by 15%
Resistance to Earth: Earth spells damage is reduced by 15%
Frightening presence: Any unit close to this unit will suffer a decrease in morale by 20%.

Mantis (flyer - melee)
Giant insects are a rare sight in Ashan. But given time, some influence from active magic veins and adaptability and you may find yourself being the prey of one. Mantises are the best predator the insect kingdom has to offer. There is only one other insect that can match its power, the centipede. But Mantices are fast, able to fly and have razor sharp scythes as weapons. Their other natural enemy is the basilisk, but under the guidance of a Master Naturalist, the two of them can fight together.
Piercing Attack: There is 20% chance the attack will inflict damage without calculating positive buffs or the defence of the enemy.
Regeneration: This unit will restore some of its health each turn
Predate: This unit will attack any unit passing next to it from any direction.
Alpha Mantis (flyer - melee)
There are some things that must be said for the so called "Alpha Mantis". Let's begin by saying that they are female. Females eat their consorts after reproduction. So an Alpha Mantis is usualy a pregnant female. That gives it some extra "traits". They are far more ferocious, much more dangerous and hard to handle. These insects are truly a sight to be seen and a force to be reckoned with.
Piercing Attack: There is 20% chance the attack will inflict damage without calculating positive buffs or the defence of the enemy.
Ferocious Attack: This unit is able to attack all sides except behind it and damge all units present there.
Regeneration: This unit will restore some of its health each turn
Predate: This unit will attack any unit passing next to it from any direction.
Breeding: After this unit dies, there is a 50% chance its offsprings will be released yielding 200% of its stack number. Released units are a core version of the unit.


Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted March 25, 2015 09:43 PM |
Quote: If you have any questions about the faction feel free to ask me or Articun
Will information on heroes, racial skill/s (if they should be) and maybe gameplay town info follow?

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted March 25, 2015 09:45 PM |
Edited by Articun at 21:45, 25 Mar 2015.
To be honest it has been a crazy journey to make all this so far. For any other info you need/want/wish, we count on you now 
So fire away!

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted March 25, 2015 09:54 PM |
Also, i should really thank Minastir for the idea and of course for working with me (poor boy the terror he has been through ) and for the awesome pics he made! The Townscreen was like, "can you do that?" and a few minutes later my jaw would drop... 
And a big thanx to Mediczero for giving me the idea of Nixies a long time ago. Without it, maybe Frogmen wouldn't have made it to Ashan or Bastion

Famous Hero
posted March 25, 2015 10:25 PM |
Articun said: Also, i should really thank Minastir for the idea and of course for working with me (poor boy the terror he has been through ) and for the awesome pics he made! The Townscreen was like, "can you do that?" and a few minutes later my jaw would drop... 
oh please, you don't have to thank me, when i asked you if you would want to create a faction with me i knew you would write great story, creatures descriptions etc. and boy oh boy, you exceeded my expectations! thanks 
Jiriki9 said: Will information on heroes, racial skill/s (if they should be) and maybe gameplay town info follow?
Information about heroes ? there are already heroes classes, we're going to make some descriptions for them and for racial skill (there's faction skill:Herbalism) also
"gameplay town info follow" - you need to be more specific

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted March 25, 2015 11:09 PM |
Edited by Jiriki9 at 23:17, 25 Mar 2015.
Quote: "gameplay town info follow" - you need to be more specific
Not sure if I can, so short before the judging 
EDIT: as general advice, I give my criterias in the judging thread in posts 1 and 3

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted March 25, 2015 11:17 PM |
Edited by Articun at 23:18, 25 Mar 2015.
Jiriki9 said:
Quote: Not sure if I can, so short before the judging 
Jiriki, you are being mean 
I don't think we can go so deep as to name the building of the Town or give weekly production of units and stats.
We will try to give you a general direction for each of the three hero classes though.
Also This town follows the 5/5/3 unit recruitment system. That means that in each Bastion town you choose 3 out of 5 core, 3 out of 5 elite and 1 out of 3 champion units without restriction. Should you capture another town you are free to make a different choice of what dwellings you want to build
And Should a unit feel more powerful than others either due to its abilities or by its description that means that the specific unit will either have less weekly production or less stat values or will be more expensive or any or all of the before-mentioned.
An example is the Naturalist that has quite strong abilities but is a bit stronger than the strongest core of the game. That makes him a good starting elite with summoning abilities and an average supporter later in game

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted March 25, 2015 11:21 PM |
I edited my previous post a tiny bit, rehinting to my criterias^^

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted March 25, 2015 11:23 PM |
Edited by Articun at 23:24, 25 Mar 2015.
Jiriki9 said: I edited my previous post a tiny bit, rehinting to my criterias^^
I saw that and i tried to reply in conjunction with your criteria
Though honestly, apart from the competition, any direction towards perfecting the faction is welcome. Both Minastir and me believe we did a fine job with this faction

Famous Hero
Warlord of the sea
posted March 26, 2015 01:20 PM |

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2015 06:35 AM |
Just would switch gatorman and veteran gatorman- the first one is better equipped and looks more badass

Famous Hero
posted April 01, 2015 11:51 AM |
Thanks Mediczero and JotunLogi !! We're glad you like it !

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted April 01, 2015 02:14 PM |
Sidenote: I now imagine both of you merged to one. Like... Artistir or Minacun.

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted April 01, 2015 05:39 PM |
Jiriki9 said: Sidenote: I now imagine both of you merged to one. Like... Artistir or Minacun.
If we continue doing lineups like Bastion, maybe soon


Hired Hero
Thinking before doing
posted April 02, 2015 10:28 PM |
Very nice work!
But having alligators, gatormen and cipactli is little bit out of my taste.
They are too alike, in my opinion.
I appreciate effort of having 5/5/3 line-up, but personally I prefer diversity to quantity 
Keep working!

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted April 02, 2015 11:43 PM |
The main idea of having them in (alligators being my idea) is to have coherency to the faction and a more realistic idea to both the lore behind it (alligators are natural and abundant in swamps and thus the first and easier accessible animal for swamp dwellers not to mention strong). Gatormen are beastmen, they may be alike in appearance but they function very differently in mechanics. And we have created a suitable lore for them (in the story they are created but accepted to the Bastion). As for Cipactli, keep in mind that the pics are direction of the aesthetic of the unit and not the actual look.
Now as for them being alike, you may have lineups that you don;t use either of them, or one of them. That's the versatility and dynamic of the 5/5/3 idea 
I should again mention that the whole idea of the contest is to create a faction that feels complete, both lore wise, mechanic wise and visual wise (even if the visual part is described in words). At least that's how we interpreted the idea and ended up with these units.
Keep your comments and references coming though!

Supreme Hero
posted April 14, 2015 06:39 PM |
Lizardmen were made by wizards in Ashan verse, unless you "retcon" the mentioned lizardmen into gatormen. And the the serpentfly already appears in DoC and doesnt look like that, it's kinda cute in fact.
Besides those two nitpicks, i love the entire thing

Famous Hero
Grouchy curmudgeon
posted May 01, 2015 11:28 PM |
Edited by raenus at 23:54, 01 May 2015.
This is just awesome. Amazing work both of you.
The few things that I find questionable or not to my taste are so overwhelmed by the positives that pointing them out would be petty.
Creature Quest: HaltWhoGoesThere

Supreme Hero
As i dream, so shall it be!
posted May 02, 2015 12:49 PM |
Honestly, i did not remember that the wizards created the Lizardmen... I was under the impression that Lizardmen did not exit in the world of Ashan. So, i built upon that idea. But, it is important to say that this is the point of view of the faction, a faction that is isolated and will not interact with outsiders for many years. A faction that had to harmonize with difficulties and dangers (Lizardmen accepting frogkin, taming the greatest threats of their surroundings instead of vanquishing them, harnessing poisonous plants etc)
We wanted to have Gatormen join the faction even though they look kinda like the Lizardmen in visuals because it gave the story a reason for the faction to mistrust the wizards and to also have an idea of what happens outside the swamps. You will notice that we try to keep the coherency of the faction by having one Lizardkin in each tier and one frogkin in each tier. This is a very connected and "symbiotic" faction. Each unit or race has to fulfill a specific role for the good of the whole and that is reflected in the lineup. Frogkin (Nixie and Naturalists) provide magic support while lizardmen protect them from the shadows or from afar. Gatormen are the true "tanks" or damage dealers and then, the rest of the tamed beasts rely mostly on poison but we tried to make each one unique in its own way.
As for the dragonflies and Basilisks, we know that there are many variations of the animals in our world, and we also know that even in Ashan you may find the same creature in different forms. That applies to there units as well. Our dragonfly could end up being the same as the one in DoC or it could prove to be a swamp relative.
The Basilisk of the orcs is a Desert breed. As such they have altered their metabolism to the harsh environment and the lack of food sources. Our Basilisk was created in the swamps, an environment that allowed him to have easy food source in many kinds (beasts, reptiles, insects) and as such rose to become the alpha predator of the snakes. The muddy landscape and the abundance of waters, made him in time loose the feet it once had as a lizard, thus evolving into a pure snake. Don't forget that it is a creature created by Dragon Nexus, thus evolution works differently on it.
Hope i helped clarify some things

Adventuring Hero
posted July 17, 2016 05:07 PM |
Edited by Kwarc at 17:08, 17 Jul 2016.
Some time ago I've made a poll in AC to check which fraction are the most liked and. Our fellows have to give every castle grade from 1 (bad) to 5 (good). Here are the results:
4,29 - (56/58) - Necropolis
4,16 - (57/58) - Dungeon
3,98 - (57/58) - Academu
3,84 - (57/58) - Sylvan
3,72 - (57/58) - Fortress (Lizards)
3,63 - (57/58) - Stronghold
3,46 - (56/58) - Sanctuary
3,40 - (58/58) - Fortress (Bearded drunkards)
3,36 - (55/58) - Haven
3,22 - (57/58) - Inferno
3,09 - (57/58) - Conflux
So as you see, people are really missing Lizards and shame that they aren't in H7 There are some creatures that I really like to see in this town 
Core/Elite: Slaad

Elite: Cockatrice

Champion: Ketsal (Quetzalcoatl)