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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Quest for the Goblet
Thread: Quest for the Goblet This thread is 6 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 18, 2015 07:39 PM bonus applied by OmegaDestroyer on 25 May 2015.
Edited by kipshasz at 19:43, 18 May 2015.

Quest for the Goblet(OOC)

*Backstory, foundation for the game world
Centuries ago, before the Age of Heroes and the Culling of the Elves, before the birth of man and orc, when gods walked the earth as giants, many powerful items and trinkets were forged or othervise crafted. Many good things they did from healing the sick, to providing never ending supply of food and drink, amongst other things. To the young races of the realm, a golden age of peace and prosperity dawned. But a war between the gods erupted, bringing forth a great and ruthless winter which lasted for 10000 years. Many artefacts of which the gods gifted the mortal races were either destroyed during the War of the Gods or well hidden and forgotten as the years flew past. The Great Winter released it’s icy grip on this world, dawning the Age of Heroes. In it, mighty men and women, fed with legends of the Godly Relics, set out to find them. Great deeds they did along the way, but all of them failed their quest for relics eventually. This time of deeds both heroic and villainous, produced many new artefacts , weapons and armor of exceptional quality. Forgetting the quest for the Godly relics, many of the new arisen heroes clashed with each other. Armies battled armies, legions fell, but one stood out. An elven overlord united his people under a single banner and set out to conquer the world. The overlord was a man of untold sadism and cruelty, especially to the other , “lesser” races. Eventually a vast rebellion broke out in the Elven Dominion, and a united force of Humans, Orcs and Dwarves defeated the dominion legions.  To ensure that such evil would not be created again, the coalition performed one last, cruel deed. Every elf, from crone to newborn were cut down. The Culling of The Elves as it later became known, lasted several hundred years, until every last elf was dead, thus bringing the end to Age of Heroes. The coalition was disbanded, and each race went their own way. Dwarves returned to their mountain halls, Humans rebuilt their kingdoms, and Orcs went back to their peaceful, nomadic lifestyle. The world forgotten the evils of the Dominion, which was only alive in books and through the lips of bards and  storytellers.
The world has never seen an evil of this size ever again. There were many minor incursions in the passing ages, from power hungry warlords,  civil wars, to mad wizards summoning vile demons, raising the dead and much much more.
Eventually, people remembered the Godly Relics. Many years have passed, and many quests to find them has failed.
In the Kingdom of Merinanth, the first and largest of human kingdoms, rebuilt after the downfall of the Dominion, a great misfortune fell upon the royal line. At first, the youngest princes died of a strange and unknown illness.  The older siblings soon followed, until only one of 12 children remained. The young princess escaped death, but was in a deep, deep slumber, from which she could not be awoken. Many spellweavers and healers of all sort, from wisest of human mages, venerable dwarven rune priests and orcish medicine women tried to cure the ill princess, but nothing worked. Eventually, an old wizard dressed in furs of beasts unknown, told the king that only water from the Goblet of Manara can cure the maiden. The Goblet was one of the Godly Relics, and according to the legends, a drink or a sprinkle of it’s content can cure the most deadly plagues and most grievous injuries. The king has lost all hope. The day after, there was no trace of the strange wizard. Only a piece of rolled up leather remained in the chamber which the wizard was offered to spend the night. Upon examining the piece, the King saw that it was a leather scroll, and a map drawn on it. Supposedly it shown the location of the Goblet. The map showed the edge of North Shandra, and continued upwards, to the lands in the north, not yet charted in any mapsby any of the kingdoms. The king offered vast riches, wordly possesions, lordships and other forms of gratitude to whoever brings the Goblet back.  Few champions answered the call, received copies of the map and set off to their quest, but met their peril along their way or otherwise disappeared from the face of the world. Losing all hope and angry at various charlatans and opportunists, the king contacted the Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner, the last of the free companies originally hailing from the uncharted North, a mercenary group renowned of their skill and determination. The group was ravaged after their last contract, only a few dozen men strong, gladly accepted the offer made by the Merinanthian monarch. And so, they set off, for one more, and as many of them felt, their last adventure.

* Goal of the game

Another treasure hunt eh? Been a god damn while. Main objective is simple. Recover the Goblet of Manara, which a subsequent topic of epics and legends, and is said to cure the biggest baddest plagues and injuries, bring the ornate object(or is it ornate..? we'll find out) it back to the kingdom of Merinanth, cure the princess and enjoy phat lewts which you get from the king as a reward or plunder along the(danger and monster filled) merry road.
Along the way, there can be various side quests, explorations of characters, dealing with the demons of their past, and other fun filled stuff.
*  the World(races, tech etc):
A classical medieval fantasy, or in this case late medieval fantasy setting. Various mythical creatures exist, first gunpowder firearms are being made, and heavy full plate armor suits are slowly becoming as you can put it, obsolete as new forms of warfare slowly evolve.

There are three “major” races sort of speak, and all are the peak of civilisation. Some minor, non playable races live alongside with them (Gnomes live with the dwarves, and halflings alongside humans.)

There are few other human kingdoms, alongside Merinanth. They vary in size and culture. Merinanth represents a classical, familiar to the bones European kingdom, and is the largest of them all.
Kythay is an oriental culture kingdom, a mixture of mostly Chinese and Japanese. A nation of islands and peninsulas, borders Merinanth to the east.
Emerdina is based on Arabic and Hindi cultures. The landscape varies from lush oases and bits of jungle, to vast deserts and steppes. It’s people were originally nomads, uniting only after the Elven Dominion has been defeated. Borders Merinanth to the south east.
Bonswada is located deep south, bordering only Emerdina. A lush jungle and savannah region, it is inhabited by dark skinned humans, for the most part. It is said to be very rich, and rumors has it that the current king rewards people with sacks of gold for nearly every small quest or errand they’re sent on. Based on various African cultures and the medieval Mali empire.
Neburu is a small island nation to Merinanth’s west, bordering nearly the entire Merinanthian west coast. The people are based on polynesian people culture wise, but don’t use primitive weapons made from hardwood and obsidian anymore. Their islands are dotted with many elven ruins, as it was the last refuge for their race. The neburans were the ones who killed off the last elves.
While not exactly a kingdom the Duchy of North Shandra is an independent state, but the people feel sympathetic to Merinanthian throne. It is the edge of the known world. Few ventured beyond, but were never seen since.  The Duchy  does not have a large force, and are relatively peaceful. Many expensive wines and other alcohol is made here. The only military force they have is 200 knights errant and the duchess’ guard, 100 men strong. The Duchy also resembles a late medieval European kingdom.
Average human male is about 170-190cm tall.

The human kingdoms live in a relative peace, save for border guard skirmishes with the smugglers, who lately are getting out of hand. There was a separatist movement rising in one Merinanthian duchy recently, where the Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner fought on loyalist side, but it was successfully quelled. The mercenary company suffered heavy losses however. The Throne controls the Miner’s Guild

The Miner’s Guild itself is a nation within a nation(much like Dutch Ost India company was) they have their own military force and govern several mining colonies and towns around the known world, but they still answer to the throne of Merinanth. They hold the monopoly of mining and metallurgy within human kingdoms. Only healthy competition is the Dwarven clans, but the ingots made by the dwarves are reserved for the weapon making for high end users(royalty, various wealthy lords, etc) and is considered a luxury material. For everything else that needs to be made from metal in human lands, the Guild supplies the metal as well as fuel and precious stones.
The Guild employs a strong mercenary force and can defend itself from various well organised bandit groups and other threats if needed.

Dwarven clans reside in a vast mountain range within Merinanth, called the Steelwall. Some clans are scattered within the lonely mountains in Kythai, Emerdina and Bonswada, but are all connected with underground passages.  Ruled over by a council of Clan Leaders, or Thanes. Some smaller dwarven clans or certain families from a clan work within the Merinanthian Miner’s Guild.
Dwarves stand about 130-135cm on average. Tallest dwarf was Thane Magnar Thunderstone of Wheel Clan, who stood at 145cm.
Dwarven metalwork is prized all across the realm. Some dwarves driven by curiousity and who knows what else, began inventing flying machines and other strange contraptions alongside the gnomes. So far, none of the experimental craft were successful.

Orchish tribes are nomadic people roaming the steppes and plains in human lands. They only have one city, Kree, which is nestled between Merinanth and Emerdina, and serves as the gathering place for the tribal groups to settle conflicts, perform various ceremonies, burial ground, a palce were young orcs go to train in the art of shamanism and a place for the elderly who are unable to live the nomad style anymore.
Orcs are more muscular than humans, and are also a tad taller than them. Average orc male is about 2 meters tall.
Orcs are known for their Fourhorns, a breed of large bovines, which can be used either as dairy cows, grown for meat or as beasts of burden. Fourhorn meat and dairy products, leathers and horns, as well as live cattle and items crafted from their horns and leather are valued commodities by both the humans and the dwarves and is the main object of barter when trading with the Orcs. A Fourhorn herd is the main thing of value of an orcish community, and the orcs will fight ferociously to defend them. Cattle rustlers often try to steal their bovines, although succeed rarely. The horns of these bovines are unique as they resemble ivory in their structure.
Alongside Fourhorns, the orcs keep a domesticated breed of direwolves , as cattle herders, guard animals and mounts for the orcs.
Orcish people ARE NOT brutish and stupid beyond imagining. Or hideous to look upon(like LOTR orcs)

Other sentient, but non playable races are:
Ogres: A primitive race still in the edge of stone and bronze ages. Live in the mountains, and often clash with the dwarves. Sometimes kidnap human women(and that’s where baby half ogres come from) Average intelligence. Your average numbskull ogre stands about 250cm(metric ftw) tall.

Goblins: jungle vermin, rapidly making their way northwards. Short in stature, but wast in numbers and quickly reproducing, they are aggressive towards all non goblins. Often try to besiege Miner’s Guild Settlements, especially the ones where gem mining is prominent. Likes shiny objects a lot. Intelligence is average, but some bigger individuals sometimes show higher than average intellect. Less than a meter tall, but some are 120 or 130cm in height.

Gnomes: distant cousins of the dwarves, the gnomes share the mountain halls of their cousin race. Curious and very intelligent, they’re the ones who came up with the basic handgun design and various defence and siege engines the dwarves use. Due to their frail stature they are not suited for combat at all. About 80-90cm tall. Very high intelligence
Halflings do not have their own realm, instead they inhabit a small portion of South Western Merinanth, and have their own duchy. They are mostly innkeepers and farmers, some are merchants and craftsmen specialising in making musical instruments, jewelry and textile. A 120cm tall on average. Quick witted and itellingent people. Relatively staying away from conflict.

Giants: resembling humans by their looks, giants usually live in small, secluded family groups scattered around the world. Since the Age of Heroes they tend to keep to themselves mostly, but more recently they began interacting with humans more. Some of these interactions end either in trade, impregnation or conflict. Tend to from 3.50 to 4.50 meters tall. Very intelligent.

There are halfbreeds in this world and they come in three groups:
Half-Ogres(non playable)
Usually a halfbreed inherits the intelligence of his/her mother and physical attributes of the father. Since most halfbreeds are born from a human mother, they possess human level of cunning and intelligence.
There were no half-elves in any time, as elves saw interbreeding with the “lesser” races as an act most disgraceful and tainted. If such a union did happen, neither the parents nor the child(ren) survived for long.
Half orcs tend to have light olive green skin, but some other colorations are possible. Some appear more human, some more orcish. The half-orcs with the human side more prominent appearance wise look like the anime bullcrap orcs from the MMO Lineage 2.
Half Giants are very tall and muscular, towering over most other humans. About 250-280cm tall.
Half-Ogres are dimwit abominations, and many are killed in their youth. The few that reach adulthood become a rampant menace. Some lead ogre raiding bands, who are getting bolder and started invading human settlements.

There are several city-states in the world, which are governed by mages, and their Conclave. The Conclave is made up of the leaders of the Mage Clans, minor factions within the conclave, with different magic school focus, philosophy etc. These semi-independent cities also serve as academies and training ground for mages and arcanists of many kind. Some are sacked and destroyed, some are thriving and prosperous.
Necromancy and demonology is strictly forbidden to practice in any mage city, but as usual there are people who don’t give a shyte, and practice the stuff anyway. As both necromancers and demon summoners brought devastating events to the land, many of them are hunted, and practice their stuff in secret.  In short everybody in the civilised world hates them. And I do mean EVERYBODY.
All mages are trained in basic combat arts, but are more prominent in the discipline they learned at their academy. A mage of any kind lives a long time up to several hundred years, and can study at more than one mage academy. Those that do so however are not part of any mage clans. All mages use a pseudonym for a name and keep their real ones in secret, as saying a mage’s true name out loud  is the way to take away his/her magic powers. Most mages do not belong to any clan, because of their thirst to master more and more forms of magic. Only those purely devoted to one particular branch are members of their respective mage clan.
Elementalists are the main form of combat mages.
The Mage city-academies are(both existing and destroyed):
Anarythum: seated in northwestern Merinanth, near the border of North Shandra. The mages called oracles by some, here focus on divination and forseeing the future which is often very difficult to decipher so that the masses could understand it. It is home of Neshat Mage Clan.
Brek: Found on an island on the coast of Bonswada, this mage city specialises in mystics who are potent illusionists. Houses Inari Mage Clan.
Dhamann: Found in central Merinanth, this mage city slightly deviates from the rest, as it is not a independent mage state, but rather a Duchy within Merinanth. The mages here study nature magic(i.e. can raise treants, shapeshift themselves or other people into animals and such). Members of the Therium Clan which reside in Dhamann are often called druids.
Kenato: a mage academy in Kythay, it’s members are elementalists who specialise In air magic. The mage clan residing there are called Nomahi.
Manaar: An academy in Neburu, this mage city produces mages adept in healing arts. It’s mage clan is called the Maanarri.
Leqina: Another elementalist academy, this one trains water mages. They comprise the Aquaris Clan. They reside in northern Kythay.
Pyross: This mage city specialises in elementalists who wield the element of fire. These pyromancers are the Agnirri Clan. Pyross is built on one of volcano islands in Neburu.
Sequat: one of mage cities in Emerdina, this academy trains elementalists focusing on the element of earth. They are members of Vizjeq clan.
Tullah(destroyed): The second mage city of Emerdina, this one was the seat of Onshall mage clan who specialised in summoning magics, but now lies destroyed after the power hungry Clan elders summoned demons and led their clan to war. The now hidden covens of demonologists follow the doctrine of Onshall summoners.
Vendigr:  A city found near one of the peaks of Steelwall Range, the mages here are master artificiers, able to craft various magic trinkets, change one’s body’s properties and animate golems. They are known as Amat Clan
Zanaris: the place where the Samann Clan resides. The mages from Zanaris are seen as distrustful, as they have caused a demonic invasion, but the clan was spared Onshall mages fate as one splinter group of sorcerers aided in the demise of the warlocks. The Samann specialise in creating mage hunters, dealing with warlocks and necromancers. Zanaris is found near the border of Merinanth and Kythay.
Zeshett(destroyed): The birthplace of Necromancy, this was the home of the Mortis Clan. The ruins of this city are found in Emerdina, near the border with Bonswada.

Major deities are:
Alberich: Patron god of the Dwarves and gnomes, he is responsible for their creation. He is also the god of labor and invention, most often depicted working at a forge. He also shaped the mountains of the world.
Allikha Khan: while not exactly a god, the orcs worship their ancient hero as such, for bringing the beginning of the elven downfall and the salvation for the race, as orcs suffered the most under the elven rule. It’s more like a cult of personality.
Breata: creator of giants, halflings and humans She is the main deity  that  halflings worship, and is the second deity that humans pray to. She is the goddess of home, fire and fertility. Along side Manara she created the other non sentient creatures of the world, as well as gave life to the mortal races
Calista: Forgotten by the rest now, she was the deity of the elves. Scholars argue about her role in the pantheon, because most things regarding her were of elven origin, and as such many sources were destroyed during the Culling of the Elves.
Drakthan: Creator of orcs. God of warfare and hunt. Orc patron god. Deserts and steppes are his creations.
Jagnir: mainly seen as the god of evil, trickery and plotting, this deity is responsible for the creation of Ogres and Goblins. He is the one that started the Wars of the Gods, going one against all and creating discontent amongst other gods. He is responsible for the creation of various monsters in the world.
Manara: Goddess associated with healing and the land. Worshipped by many, including healers, farmers and animal herders. With Breata she created the beasts and birds of this world.
Ocenanya: Creator of the seas, rivers, lakes and all their life. Patron god of sailors and Neburans.
Parkkun: God of wisdom, truth and justice. Associated with lightning storms. Considered the human Patron god. He is the eldest of the pantheon. He gifted the mortal races with intelligence.
Vellynn: God of the underworld and the guardian of the souls of the dead. He was the only one not participating in the Wars of The Gods.

The gods are being worshipped, but mostly as we see today in real life. There are no “divine interventions” or such things, although some people believe that way. Some say that after the War of The Gods, they abandoned the world. No one knows the truth though.

The current armament most sentient races use now are smallswords and rapier type weapons, which are becoming more and more popular in some human populated areas, mostly Merinanth. Other type of bladed weapons are also widely in use, orcs and Emerdinans favour curved blades (Cossack shashkas and kindjals, and various middle eastern curved swords) Staff weapons, like pikes, spears and halberds are also in use. Dwarves favour bardiches, various battle axes and warhammers, but do not spit upon a good sword. Kythayans have their own bladed weapons(yea, you guessed it)
Firearms come in it’s first semi practical forms, the arquebuse or hook gun and hand-gonnes, which are big, heavy, loud and unreliable at the very optimal conditions. In short, they suck ass. Early cannons however are becoming the main siege engine in the world.
Various bows and crossbows are still in wide use.

A short timeline:

Some 50 billion years BTC(Before the Culling): The gods are born from Chaos. They shape the realm over the eons, changing it completely over few hundred million years, never happy with the outcome.
250 million BTC: Satisfied with their design of the world, the Gods create the first races: Elves, Giants, Gnomes and Dwarves. First Godly Relics are crafted
100 million  BTC: Humans and Orcs are created, along with Halflings, Ogres and Goblins
35000  BTC: The Godly relics are gifted to the mortal races, dawn of the Golden Age.
30000 BTC: the Wars of the Gods begin.
25000 BTC: The Wars of The Gods come to an end. Beginning of the Great Winter.
15000 BTC: The Great Winter ends. Beginning of the Age of Heroes
12000 BTC: The rise of the Elven dominion
11950 BTC: The dominion conquers the known world. The “lesser races” except for a few Giant Tribes suffer untold anguish and suffering under the leash of the Dominion
400 BTC: after many unsuccessful attempts a full scale rebellion finally challenges the might of the Elves.
380 BTC: The dominion is defeated after an orc hero Allikha Khan bests the Elven overlord Errynel in battle. Mounting Errynel’s head on a pike marks the beginning of the Culling of the Elves
0 ATCAfter the Culling. The new epoch is measured with the end of the elven genocide) Rebuilt kingdom of Neburu slaughters the last group of elves hiding in their island chain. This marks the end of Age of Heroes, and the beginning of  a new epoch, the Seasons of Turmoil.
205 ATC(or SOT) : the legends about the Godly Relics are remembered, and many bew found heroes set out to find them
600 ATC: Rogue wizards from the academy of Vendigr unleash a plague of Demons on the world
615 ATC: The demonic incursion is defeated. The demoniac cult is scattered and defeated, although small cults following their doctrine still sprung up without causing major damage.
720 ATC: The Dwarven Clans dig to deep and unleash a plague of underground dwelling monsters upon the world, they become known simply as troglodytes or trogs.
740 ATC: the troglodyte hordes were defeated and their remnants hunted down and destroyed mercilessly.
860 ATC: an undead scourge rise up in Bonswada, instigated by the mages of the Mortis clan.
900 ATC: the undead legions are defeated and the necromancers responsible are executed. Bonswadans discover vast quantities of gold being washed out by their two mighty rivers.
1100 ATC: after a failed uprising later known as the Grand Rebellion of Merinanth, the Miner’s Guild is formed. The rogue lords were using the mining profits to raise the funds for the rebellion. The Miner’s Guild had to ensure no other such thing occurred ever again.
1170 ATC: the Miner’s guild forms a complete monopoly of mined goods trade in the human kingdoms.
1320 ATC: a  Civil war broke out in Kythay, sundering the kingdom into seven warring states.
1482 ATC: the civil war in Kythay ends, reuniting the kingdom once more.
1835 ATC: the Free Companies venture from the Uncharted North into the realm. There are nine mercenary companies in total.
1976 ATC: three of the Free Companies fall during the Siege  of Ysmarkand, ending the war lasting 75 years and triggered by power hungry Onshall Mage Clan.
1994 ATC: the last members of Onshall Clan are killed. The academy city of Tullah, their last bastion is sacked and destroyed.
2158 ATC: three more of the Free Companies are ravaged during the Succession Wars of Merinanth. The royalists win the conflict, and the royal line is secured. The three mercenary companies involved, did not survived the ordeal  and remaining members merged with the remaining three groups.
2420 ATC:  Another Free Company falls during the demonic scourge unleashed by the Samann mage clan.
2450 ATC: the Samann mage clan is defeated by the combined efforts of the Merinanthian and Kythayan military and the defectors from the mage clan.
2800 ATC: Another Free Company falls during confrontation of Dwarven forces and Ogre clans in a violent clash at the battle of the Wheel Clan halls. The Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner is the only Free Company remaining.
2850 ATC: The Brotherhood swears to service for Lord Meric Andross of Amber Shore, a Merinanthian Lord. The company serves the House of Andross for 70 years.
3042 ATC: The Brotherhood fights a large Goblin menace in Bonswada. During the campaign the company reaches it’s peak strength of 50000 men.
3050 ATC: The Brotherhood sacks Anbuktu, the Bonswadan capital, after the king refused to pay their wages. Since the incident, the Brotherhood men were ALWAYS paid for their service.
3294 ATC: The Brotherhood is involved in a clash between Emerdina and Bonswada over a land dispute. The dispute is eventually settled, and the Brotherhood leaves the service of Emerdinan caliph.
3420: the Tattered Banners enter the servitude of the Merinanthian Throne, dealing with rogue lords and ogre menaces.
4501 ATC: the Wizard city-academy of Derring suffers an mage uprising. The Brotherhood is used to quell the uprisng, greatly dwindling their numbers.
5012 ATC: The Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner almost faces destruction during a war between Merinanth and Neburu. Few members survive and are able to reform the group.
5798 ATC: Another Undead legion rises threatening the human kingdoms. The Brotherhood is one amongst the many to help repel the menace.
0 ASOT(After Seasons of Turmoil): The Brotherhood clings to this world, still a few thousand men strong, working various jobs for various employers. A new epoch dawns, called by some the Second Age of Heroes.
205 ASOT: A conclave of rogue sorcerers try to summon the ancient demons and their minion hordes to the realm. They are stopped by the Brotherhood in mere moments before another demon horde plows through the land.
1200 ASOT:  A small border skirmish breaks out before Merinanth and Emerdina. It grows into a full scale war between the nations. The Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner enter the service of the throne of Merinanth again. The contract lasts during the conflict and onwards.
1205 ASOT: the Border War ends with a signing of a peace treaty.
1240 ASOT: a new wave of would be adventurers emerge, seeking to reclaim the Godly Relics.
1450 ASOT: The Duchy of Mikaya of Merinanth wishes to separate from the kingdom using aggressive measures. The Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner along with the regular Merinanthian military is sent to thwart the rebellion.
1455 ASOT: the rebellion is quelled, but the mercenary company is greatly reduced in numbers, now being a few dozen strong. At about the same time, a strange illness affects the Merinanthian princes.
1460 ASOT: The Brotherhood accepts the quest form the King of Merinanth to find the Goblet of Manara., marking the beginning of the Quest for the Goblet.

* Your characters

The PCs(Player characters) are members of the Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner, what’s left of it anyway.There are a few restrictions  when it comes to your PC in this game. Races you can play as are: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves and Halfbreeds(Half-orc, and Half-giant). They can be either veterans or just recently joined members of the company. Doesn’t matter.
Your “toon” can be of almost almost any class. The Brotherhood does not welcome necromancers, demonologists and other such nasty things. Basically everything which has to do with undead/demons is not fit to be a member of the Free Company.
You also cannot be an elf who somehow miraculously escaped The Culling. The genocide consumed 110% of elven population. So yeah. No elves.
Not the most powerful when it comes to spells/abilities. Can have weapons/armor pieces forged during Age of Heroes, but also nothing to insanely powerful.  Above average would be the closest description for that.
Your basic RP rules(no powerplay, no autoing other  PCs without permission and so on, you all know perfectly well) also apply.
Character sheet can be as given above.

My characters:

Name: Dragomir the Black, sometimes called Dragonheart, addressed by friends as Drago.
Race: Human(born in North Shandra)
Age: 35 something.
Appearance: 180cm tall, medium build. Has, thick long black hair(often tied in a tail or a braid) and a medium length, well kept(as much as living on the constant move allows) beard. His remaining eye is ice blue. Wears (All black clothing and armor with brass trimmings on the armor pieces) a linen shirt, leather pants, sabatons, a cuirass, arm and leg armor, and a long leather coat with a hood. Also wears reinforced leather gloves, and a serpent shaped brass ring. On his belt usually has few pouches with various things(various medicine, money and so on) in them. Wears an eyepatch on his left eye, and has a scar on his left side, but it is mostly covered by the eyepatch and the beard.
Personality: loyal to his friends and brothers-in-arms, ruthless to his enemies. During free time often joins his fellows in a game of cards, a drink or scribbles his memoirs and adventures of the company in his journal.
Weapons:  An old, Viking style sword which was passed down for generations. It is a pattern welded blade, with a serpent ornament on the blades fuller. The blades guard and pommel are decorated with old runes and symbols carved from amber, dating the Age of Heroes. Dragomir’s father said that the blade is enchanted and was wielded by their ancestor during the fight against the elves, but the blade never showed any magical properties for as long as Drago had it. Also has an orcish kindjal with a grip made from a horn of a Fourhorn bull, and recently purchased a sword-breaker dagger for countering the newly emerging fad of duelists with rapiers and smallswords, but it was used only a few times.
Skills: alongside swordplay, Dragomir also knows several other crafts. He is an adept herbalist, knowing many of medicinal herbs, and can prepare salves and other concoctions from them. Skilled in field medicine. An average archer, favouring a crossbow, and a decent tactician.
Background: Dragomir comes from the duchy of North Shandra, like many of his family did. His father joined the Brotherhood when Dragomir was just a lad at the age of 9, and took him along side. Dragomir practically grew up in the free company. He kept company to few of the wizards and learned some healing arts. His father passed when he was 22, and Drago inherited the sword that his father wielded. Since then Drago changed a bit. from lad of calm character, he quickly became known as a brave and relentless fighter. During the campaigns of the Brotherhood many of their adversaries last sight was a silver slash of Drago’s blade.a few years later, he earned his nickname. He still occasionally helped with the wounded of the Company, but felt more alive in the battlefield. he quickly become one of the higher ranking officers of the company. After the campaign in Mikaya, he is the highest ranking officer left alive, and was elected as the company’s new leader. He tries his best to lead the remaining men.

Name: Magnus Goldbeard of the Iron Clan
Race: Dwarf
Age: 170(Which is a middle age for a dwarf)
Appearance: Golden color hair and beard, neatly kept. About 140cm tall(Magnus is amongst the tallest dwarves) The beard is tied into two braids. Wearns a  simple cuirass over a bleached linen shirt, leather pants and metal plated leather boots. On top of his cuirass, wears a tabard with his clan’s heraldry(two crossed hammers and an anvil in a field of azure), and a brown leather cloak with a hood. Has a wineskin at him for most of the time, hanging from his belt.
Personality: likes his drink. The dwarf is notorious for drinking a month’s supply of booze overnight. And has a voracious appetite. Othervise is loyal to the company and will watch his comrade’s backs when such a need arises. Sometimes can be grumpy and complain a lot. By the outsiders can be seen as only a glutton and a drunk, but that is just  a lousy first impression he gives out.
Weapons: has a two handed dwarven Warhammer with him for doing most of his combat, also owns a rondel, a kythayan made repeating crossbow and a hunting cleaver with a set of meat trimming knives. The latter items are used for hunting. The crossbow is also used as a ranged combat weapon.
Skills: Hunting is his main skill, and not only for game beasts. Magnus can sniff out hidden caches of wealth, find hidden passages and other similar things. How does he do it, no one really knows. Magnus says that it’s his family’s trait, and of such is a well guarded secret. Magnus is also an able smith, but for the best outcome of his work he needs a decent forge and anvil on a “steady ground”, or in other words a blacksmith’s workshop. He can do field repairs for armor and weapons, however he usually  complains about work conditions  a bloody lot.
Background: Born into the Goldbeard family belonging to the one of the richest of Dwarven Clans, brought a jolly youth to Magnus, but was overshadowed by the fact that he was the youngest of the seven children of Ragnar Goldbeard, owner of several mines and smelteries, and the younger brother of the Clan’s Thane, Loghaire Goldbeard. Magnus took the most out of that. When he wasn’t learning the trade of the metalsmith or prowled the mountain passes for game, he drank. He drank more and more and eventually Magnus started drinking so much that no tavern in an around the Steelwall Range would serve him alcohol. Because he wouldn’t pay up, provoke brawls and other nasty business. After finishing his studies at one of his Clan’s best blacksmiths, Magnus packed his belongings and left to see the world. Before signing the contract with the Brotherhood of the Tattered Banner he tried out several jobs. A poacher hunter for one of duchies in Merinanth. An armorer for the mercenary forces of the Miner’s Guild. After his natural talent to find deposits of riches was discovered by one of the Guild’s higher officials, he was working as a prospector for the guild. The mining town of Mage Rock, famous for it’s emeralds was founded thanks to the dwarf. Magnus joined the Last Free Company 20 years prior the campaign in Mikaya. Despite his personality flaws he is a valuable asset to the Brotherhood, due to his smithing ability and uncovering an occasional smuggler’s cache of goods and loot or some buried treasure. Time in the company has set him straight a bit, as he isn’t the troublemaker he was in his youth. He still drinks a lot though. Magnus is a good friend of Dragomir.

"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 18, 2015 08:09 PM

Metric ftw indeed

I'm guessing this is freeform, right? No dicerolls or anything of that nature?
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 18, 2015 08:15 PM

yeah, no dicerolls or anything like that. besides I don't even know how that garbage is working anyways.

"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Legendary Hero
Highly illogical
posted May 18, 2015 08:35 PM

would water magic include Ice? if it does, i have a good idea of how i might want to get my character done.
It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the cis are at it again.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 18, 2015 08:41 PM

yes it does. elementalists are able to manipulate the elements in all three of their basic forms.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 18, 2015 09:10 PM
Edited by NoobX at 23:37, 22 Jul 2015.

Yeah, confuses the hell out of me.

Name: Zet (in honour of one of my favourite Doto heroes)

Race: As human as it can get

Age: 28

Class: Rogue/Thief/Scout/Conman


Skills: Generic sneaky character skills, ranging from lockpicking, mapping, tracking to scouting, sneaking and trap (dis)arming.

Inventory: Look at the picture below. All the equipment is of standard quality, no ancient artifactcs or magical items. Plus he's got a waterskin for, y'know, water; a set of lockpicking tools; and a flask of top-quality brandy which never seems to run out, no matter how much he drinks from it.

Temperament Phlegmatic; basically, he keeps his cool


Bio: Zet hails from a (kind of)  prosperous hamlet located near the Merinanth-Mikayan border. His parents were strict, and Zet couldn't stand this. One day, while Zet was alone in his house, left to do the chores, he packed his stuff and ran away in a trade caravan which was passing through the village at the time. Hiding in a wagon for a couple of days, he waited for the caravan to stop in another settlement. In a series of distractions, Zet managed to confuse the caravan merchants and get away unnoticed. He found himself in an unknown place, all alone with no one to help him. He spent the first three years in the streets, stealing from the taverns and sleeping in old shacks. Over the course of these three years, he has befriended a street magician who has taught him various life lessons he needed to know to survive in the town. Then the war broke out between Mikaya and Merinanth. In these unfortunate times, Zet was captured by the Mikayan army after he had stumbled upon a Mikayan vanguard, and was kept a prisoner until he was freed by The Brotherhood near the end of the war. Seeing a great opportunity to find some work, he offered his services to the Brotherhood.

Other bits of information: Relatively tall, has a REALLY DARK sense of humor, but is terrible with jokes; is open for conversation; can be lazy at times; likes the good ol' phat lewt; good with the sword (or rapier), enjoys a good drink and always gets away with not paying for it. Also, he's a rather fine cook for some odd reason.

All good here?
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 18, 2015 09:35 PM

looks good, but lacks a decent tie in to the world. C'mon man, I know that you can do better.
Beef up the background a bit, detail his skills and so on.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted May 18, 2015 10:12 PM
Edited by Neraus at 22:49, 11 Sep 2015.

It's been a while since I participated in an RPG, sign me in!

Here's my character, if you don't mind.

Name: Francis Marcus Apollonius de Calandrie.

Race: Merinanthan Human

Age: 29.

Class: Knight/Merchant

Appearance: 169 cm tall, hazel eyes with a tint of green, short black hair and a well trimmed beard with a twirly moustache, he also has bushy eyebrows. He has a slightly darker and smoother skin than usual.

Personality: Francis is the typical noble young man, he feels entitled to whatever good things happen to him and thinks that whatever bad events happen are linked to the stupidity of others or simply misfortune, there is no way he has some degree of fault...
He's also easily tempted by riches and women, rumor has it that one of the reasons his father disowned him was because Francis had the audacity of buying an expensive jewel that costed half of his family's money.
Francis is not known for being particularly modest, but he tries to fake humbleness as to prevent being thrown away from whatever group he's following, and, as he did before, likes to have fun, so he won't shy away from having a bar round or dancing at the tunes of folk music.
His most important asset is his above average cunning, because, as he puts it, he didn't have that much time to practice with a sword, making him just an average fighter, but at the same time a good pacifier, even though some times this gets hindered because of him fearing eventual repercussions from his words...

Weapons: A trusty Zweihander that he used to play with when he was younger, a shortsword to fight closer enemies, a dagger to give the last strike to his opponent and a rudimental pistol, just in case it's needed.
He also wears full plate armour in battle, the kind that is allegedly "bullet-proof" he had only few chances to test this though, so it's not a certainty whether it would really resist...
When not in combat he usually wears an hardened leather jacket under his clothes.
Skills: An average swordfighter, as he was instructed since he was a child, some competence in economy, an avid reader, and a mediocre musician.

Background: Francis comes from the minor noble family of the "Calandrines", his father had some ties with a baron in Merinanth and planned to organize a wedding between his firstborn and one of the daughters of the baron.
As luck would have it Francis was the firstborn and as such it was his duty to marry the lady, but he had no intention to do so, unluckily for him he couldn't force his other brothers to substitute him. Francis passed his youth trying to escape the wedding which eventually, when he would reach 23 years of his life, would have come.
During these years Francis tried to enjoy life as much as he could, much to the dismay of his father, as he was spending lots of money into wine, jewels, artifacts and prostitutes.
His father tried to ignore the continuous leak of money that incurred and tried to proceed with his plan.
At some point when Francis turned 22 he bought an extremely expensive jewel to gift to one of his favourite ladies, his father, when he realized what was happening, couldn't take it anymore and definetly disowned Francis, banishing from his home.
As luck would have it he managed to smuggle the jewel out of his home and sold it, letting him regain a part of his lost wealth, but at the same time he didn't have his father's protection anymore, so he decided to start anew, an endeavour that almost got him killed during a fight.
When he turned 28 years old he decided to join the brotherhood so as to have a place to call home again and with his last money he bought the necessary to fight alongside his new brothers and gave part of the remainder to the group.


Tell me if there is still something I must change to make him fit.
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.


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Legendary Hero
Highly illogical
posted May 18, 2015 10:42 PM
Edited by kiryu133 at 23:24, 19 May 2015.

Name: Elena Haraldsdottir

Race: Human, born near the Merininth-Kythay border.

Age: 28

Appearance: about 178cm tall, black hair leading down to her shoulders tied in a single braid but also sort bangs over her forehead. An ugly scar runs across her left cheek. Always keeps a viking-esque metal helmet hanging from her shoulders. Wears a light though well made scale-mail over a simple gray shirt and rather light plate-greaves over a sturdy pair of trousers. Red leather gloves reaching to her elbows protect her hands.

Personality: reserved. doesn't spend much times with others, likes to  write and sketch in her journal that details most of what she sees in her adventures, preferably wild animal behaviour. When she's not doing that she can be found either training, eating (as she has a big appetite especially for fowl) or tinkering with her firearm. Can be seen as rather rude or mean for her straight-to-the-point way of speaking and mannerisms but is very dependable. If someone's in trouble she will do her absolute best to help. She is also rather pragmatic and will use ugly tactics to win any conflict she's part of.

Weapons: Her father's master-work guan-dao which is modeled to resemble a flame sticking out of the long pole, though the edge is still smooth as can be. It is of very high quality but hardly legendary or ancient though it still holds sentimental value for having been her father's. She also has a short sword designed for armour piercing and a small firearm which she wishes to develop an auto-firing mechanism of some kind for. She also has a satchel filled with fireworks for hurting enemy morale.

Skills: A proficient (though far from great) mage in controlling ice and cold she tends to mix in some ice-magic in her fighting. She also has a good understanding of military tactics and strategy, can be very threatening when she puts her mind to it and has a very good grasp on ecology and how animals and beasts behave and think. Her greatest strength is her prowess with her Guan-dao (and to a lesser extent swords) which she has very nearly mastered.

Background: She was born shortly after her family had crossed into Cathay and her mother died shortly after that. Her father took care of her long enough to get her to Leqina, where she got enrolled and started to learn water-magic. Getting the basics and being a bit of a natural in Ice-magic, she never really liked the life of sorcery and quickly got herself to the nearby dojo where she got to learn how to use the guan dao her father had left her. Once she had learned everything she could there (as well as honing her magic as much as she could handle) she set out into the world at age 25 to study animals and their surroundings and hone her skills even further, she eventually made her way to the brotherhood where she signed up to the promise of safer adventuring.

the weapon (except not as snow):

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the cis are at it again.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 19, 2015 07:04 AM

What's the average life expectancy of a giant?

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 19, 2015 10:52 AM

@Geny: giants tend to live for about 350-400 years. Half-giants usually live 180-200 years.

@all: I appreciate that some of your characters have firearms, but stuff like flintlocks are non existant. Gunpowder small arms are only taking the first steps, and as so they are lit by a smoldering match. But matchlocks are still in their development stage and not in a wide use.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Supreme Hero
The Clever Title
posted May 19, 2015 11:21 AM

May I ask how healing arts work?

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 19, 2015 11:50 AM

What's with the late-twenties characters?
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted May 19, 2015 12:04 PM

Dibbs on the only half-giant in the Brotherhood.

I will make a proper character in a day or two.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 19, 2015 03:28 PM

@Gryphs: healing magic is just like that. you wave your hands around the patient's wounds or where it aches, they glow in a "holy" sort of way and that's it. the target wounds are slowly(but faster than it would take normally) closing and healing.

Nah, it's actually more to that. Healing magic is used to accleterate the regeneration of damaged tissue (i.e. various weapon inflicted wounds) for the most part. it does work on simple diseases and such, but it is a tedious and time consuming process. it is most effective on various wounds and broken limbs. the regeneration itself isn't split second instant like the one let's say wolverine has.
Healing magic alone won't work, so it needs to be mixed up with a more traditional down to earth medicine.
the most powerful of mage healers can regrow(or reattach if the limb is saved) lost limbs, but on the condition that the loss of a limb was recent(no scar tissue has formed)
The process is time consuming and needs the unbreaking focus of a healer to perform. small injuries can be healed quickly with a spell or two with no problems, but not on serious injuries.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted May 19, 2015 07:38 PM
Edited by Neraus at 19:38, 19 May 2015.

I've updated my character, changing the flintlock to just "rudimentary" pistol, if you know of a better name let me know.

I've also made a rough sketch of my character in armor, unfortunately my drawing skills aren't that great, but I'm pretentious enough to post it on the interwebz...
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.


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Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted May 19, 2015 09:13 PM

Sorry to be "that" guy, but husham, in the OP is stated:

The genocide consumed 110% of elven population. So yeah. No elves.

So, there can't be elves in that island...

But I'll wait what Kipshasz says about this anyway, he's the boss here after all...
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.


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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 19, 2015 09:19 PM

Get the popcorn. This will be a show, right here.
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Legendary Hero
Pain relief cream seller
posted May 19, 2015 09:24 PM

And to think we were so naive to believe this would have been a relaxed and calm game.

Oh well, there will be fireworks then...
Noli offendere Patriam Agathae quia ultrix iniuriarum est.


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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 19, 2015 09:38 PM

Why do you have to be so reckless? After all we've been telling you, you still keep on going your way.

If you wanna roleplay, I suggest you pay attention to your English as it it far from good. Thing is - even with all the fat info you put behind your character, I still don't get what you want to say.
Oh, and did you know that this doesn't have to be related to the Heroes franchise in any way? (surprise, surprise)
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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