Long time no seen.
I simply wanted to share with you a very simple method to start game faster. What it does, it simply removes all intro movies. It doesn't speed up very much, but still saves some time.
Now the instructions are simple:
1.Go to the installed game location
2.Go into "MMH7game" folder
3.Go into "Movies" folder
4.There are 7 files which starts with "Startup..........". Rename them, delete them OR simply change the extension of the files like I did. (You never know - you might need them later).
5.That' all - enjoy.
Here's the screenshot for better understanding what I mean:
I had been thinking about that too, thanks ____________
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I suggest we sticky that thread and also include in the opening post all various tricks to avoid bugs. Like playing the game in 32 bit instead of 64 when the game crash on start up.