Thread: [MMH5.5] Town/Dwelling Conversion (Optional) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted October 29, 2015 02:36 PM |
bonus applied by Galaad on 02 Aug 2017. |
[MMH5.5] Town/Dwelling Conversion (Optional)
A new version of MMH5.5 has just been released,Start Downloading...
Starting from MMH5.5 RC3 it will be possible, but not obligatory, to play any H5 map with town & dwelling conversion. In H5.5 Town Conversion will be much better balanced then it was in H6. In H6 it made the game too simple, because it was too cheap to convert towns and there were not enough restrictions. In H5.5 Town Conversion can actually make the game more difficult, instead of easier. There will be various new RMG Templates available designed specifically for expert players who want the game to be harder and more chaotic with Town Conversion enabled. Converting towns and dwellings will be expensive so there will be more pressure on resources and mines, map control will be more important and players can exchange minor economic jabs by converting dwellings in other players territory. The AI will be very challenging to play against with TC enabled as it will convert towns and dwellings very aggresively.
How to activate town/dwelling conversion
There will be a new MMH55-Settings.pak file in the data folder, inside it there is a value that activates or deactivates Conversions. (The growth rate for neutral stacks in battle sites can also be manipulated in this file). If you want the gameplay to stay exactly as RC2 without TC you can simply remove the Settings file and store it somewhere else for later use. If you want TC deactivated by default (by removing this file) it is also possible to activate TC on a single map by typing the following line in the script editor (under map properties in the map editor):
You can also invoke this function as a console command @H55_TC_On()
Rules for Town Conversion
-Conversion cost will rise with town level. All buildings will be rebuild except special buildings, dwelling populations will be reduced to one week.
-Towns with a capitol cannot be converted.
-The amount of towns that can be converted will be based on a ratio between the amount of towns and the amount of players on the map. The ratio is calculated as: towns/players+1.
So for example 8 players + 8 towns means = 8/8+1 = 2 towns of the same faction allowed max. Note that if there are already 2 towns of the same faction on the map at the start of the game, conversions are not allowed until one of the towns is converted into something else.
Another example: 3 players + 9 towns = 9/3+1 = 4 towns of the same faction allowed max. By deactivating players on RMG templates it is possible to manipulate the amount of allowed conversions.
Rules for Dwelling Conversion
Take in mind each dwelling also boosts town growth, therefore dwelling conversion is quite restricted to prevent making the game too easy.
-Costs will rise with dwelling level.
-Maximum amount for T1,T2 and T3 dwellings is 2 for each type.
-Maximum amount of Military posts is 4.
Using TC in Game
Since RC3 the town gate spell will be replaced by a town management ability that will both function as advanced town portal (requirements unchanged) as well as town conversion as well as possible future scripted extensions for town interaction. (Because of hardcoded limitations only one extra icon can be added to the spellbook currently).
In order to use TC you need to be standing in front of a town (in the gate not in the garrison). When your hero is in position use the Town Management ability and a question box will popup with a cost scheme. If it is also possible to teleport you will first be asked if you want to teleport or convert. In most cases the game can gather automatically from where you are standing what you want to do when clicking the ability.
In order to convert dwellings you only need to visit them after you have claimed them and a question box will popup with a cost scheme. You don't need to use the Town Gate spell.
New Templates
Epic and Ultima Templates can be played with TC if 'random towns only' is enabled, otherwise the towns are still forced and the player can convert one extra. The most suitable templates for TC however are the new square/triangle and stairway templates. On these templates the Towns are indicated with an ‘R’ which means those towns will always be random. Take in mind that in some cases the RMG will generate randomly so many towns of your chosen faction, it may sometimes not be possible to convert any towns at all. In some cases you may also have to wait until the AI converts a town on the other side of the map until you can convert one closer to you.
There will be 14 new templates including templates for 320x320+UG and 256x256+UG map sizes.
WARNING: Just like the old templates, all new templates are balanced for experience setting 3, take this in mind when reporting any non-satisfaction with gameplay!
-Dwarf dwellings with snow on roof tops cannot be converted (does not affect RMG maps), only some scenarios.
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Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted October 29, 2015 07:37 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted October 30, 2015 12:47 AM |
Edited by ldongder at 14:05, 30 Oct 2015.
Big thanks to. Magno for this new offer , will have more fun this weekend , feedback will follow.
Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted October 30, 2015 11:43 AM |
Is this based on Reanimation Mod. In some Campaigns it will be usuful like Inferno Campaign mission 3 and 4 and Original Academy Campaign so Zehir can use his faction not Necro or Haven.
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted October 30, 2015 12:40 PM |
I rewrote everything from scratch, i wanted it to work as simple and intuitive as possible, whenever you hit the Town management button ,the game mostly already knows what you want to do. BTW you get the mana back if no action is taken.
I also fixed bug where converting shield barracks was impossible, nonetheless it still moves one tile to the side
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Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted October 30, 2015 12:50 PM |
Is there a way this is made this way? I mean, it sounds quite overcomplicated to code.
But, why not doing like Markal did in Necro campaign? To make certain artifacts (as tokens) that allow conversion, just that it has quite high costs and upon conversion, only the Village hall remains.
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted October 30, 2015 01:10 PM |
I don't understand what you mean, you walk in the gate -> hit the button and you get the cost scheme (or the reason for refusal). How much simpler can it get?
The complexity of the code is only my problem.
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Supreme Hero
posted October 30, 2015 01:14 PM |
Great work, as always! Another QP for magnomagus please
"Occam's shuriken: when the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas." -- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)
Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted October 30, 2015 01:38 PM |
magnomagus said:
The complexity of the code is only my problem.
Yes, that. There could've been simpler coding that could also enable the restrictions revolved around town construction.
Nevertheless, you did complete the code and people like it. Just saying there could've been more practical ways.
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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 30, 2015 01:50 PM |
frostymuaddib said: Great work, as always! Another QP for magnomagus please
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted October 30, 2015 01:52 PM |
I clarified the rules with regards to reconstruction, completely destroying the towns after conversion is not an option as at will kill the flow of the game on XL maps. The important thing is that you have to pay for converting all those buildings. To simplify the cost calculation it is based on the avg cost per building of towns in general.
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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted October 30, 2015 07:44 PM |
If you played Markal 3rd Mission, he could with Staff of the Netherworld curse Academy Cities turning them into Necropolises. Also converted towns had only Town Level 1(basic Town Hall), but all town building restructions were removed.
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted October 31, 2015 11:37 PM |
I should add I have not tested those campaign missions with the TC code, generally I would advise not to play the campaign with TC enabled, since they were never made for that. TC is mainly for ARMG and multiplayer maps.
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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted November 01, 2015 06:46 PM |
Actually, Town Conversion is good for Zehir and Raelag(Inferno) in Vanilla games, where they only have 1 or 2 castles in entire campaign that belong to their native race.
Adventuring Hero
posted November 02, 2015 09:36 PM |
Is there a config file somewhere where I can edit the restrictions?
Yes, I know you are trying to shoot for game balance here, just curious how unlimited conversions would work...I suppose you playtested same, and something about that bugged you...
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted November 03, 2015 12:28 PM |
Quote: I suppose you playtested same, and something about that bugged you...
The experiment was already done, it was called Heroes 6 and it failed.
Regardless I can make this feature available the next time.
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Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted November 04, 2015 06:07 PM |
Adventuring Hero
posted November 11, 2015 02:25 PM |
You need to put a timer on town conversions (at least). Right now an enemy can raid one of your town, and instantly change it over to one of theirs. IIRC in Wake of Gods this process took a week-if the process is started by an enemy, and you retake the town, either the process is automatically stopped (preferred), or you get a message that "This town will be converted to a Necropolis in 5 days!"
Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted November 11, 2015 09:17 PM |
Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted November 12, 2015 02:28 PM |
H6 was too easy when you convert AI towns to your race. My idea is you can convert as long as you less towns than all AI players have. It will maintain a balance in Random Maps.