Thread: Additional MMH55 - Things | |

Famous Hero
posted February 25, 2016 06:24 PM |

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted February 26, 2016 05:14 PM |
Do you have somewhere the list of changes this modification of mod include or something like that? I am not sure what it enables now.
Also, it would be great if some H5.5 problems like not working AI or strange AI bar woudl be fixed thanks to it.
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Famous Hero
posted February 26, 2016 07:56 PM |
Edited by lotihoti at 19:57, 26 Feb 2016.
Well all this mod does, is resetting the skillwheel to vanillastyle + setting al heroes to 1 class, like they were in vanilla (demonlords are all demonlords with their different skills, necromancer are all necromancer etc.)
I didnt fix any other thing, just rewerted heroes back.
Changes that were made can be found here:

Famous Hero
posted April 11, 2016 04:01 PM |
Hm, I like some things from vanilla, but these aren't the ones I'd want to keep. 
Basically I'm just looking for how to be rid of Governance + Town Management, and also a more diverse option on setting AI Cheating.

Famous Hero
posted April 11, 2016 05:41 PM |
You can deactivate governor editing mmh5_settings.pak.
Well planning some additional things but takes a while to go through it.

Famous Hero
posted April 12, 2016 05:13 PM |
Does deactivating governor by getting rid of that .pak file also eliminate Town Management and Town Gate and Town Conversion?