Thread: Important 2.0 tips & tricks | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 26, 2016 03:52 PM |
bonus applied by Maurice on 26 Aug 2016. |
Edited by Antalyan at 17:11, 19 Mar 2017.
Important 2.0 tips & tricks
As these changes have not been officially highlighted and the majority of people probably don't know about them, I created this thread of useful new half-official ways how to get these improvements work.
It would be nice if it could be pinned in order to get to more people to read it. I will update this original post if any other tricks appear.
How to get improved flanking, where you can choose the orientation of units?
You can select a direction to where the creature will look when issuing a movement command. To do this, you need to select a tile on the combat map, by pressing down the left mouse button, then the arrows will indicate where your creature will face after moving.
How to enable new random skilling for campaigns?
Go to the location of your game:
MMH7 > MMH7Game > Config >DefaultGame.txt (will open as notepad)
do Ctrl-F search the word 'Skill'
It will take you down to a [MMH7Game.H7RndSkillManager]
Underneath that it will say this
mNumOfferAbilites = 2
mNumOfferSkills = 3
If you turn False to True you will enable skilling in all campaign maps.
You can also try to change the numbers (mNumOfferAbilites/Skils = X) to change the amount of skills offered to your hero during leveling up. It's, however, unsure how it will work due to these numbers dynamically changing.
If the bug when you have empty list of available skills happens, open your skilwheel page and double click on a skill. You will learn that skill. After that, the next level up will work ordinary.
This change also provides you random skills in all multiplayer games.
When using random skilling, my hero is still losing skills between campaign missions; what to do?
When using classical skilling, how to change the skills my hero has access to?
You have to change the predefined class data of the hero in map editor. Fortunately, it is quite easy:
1) Download the Campaign folder from this link
2) Copy the content of downloaded folder (H7CampaignHeroes.upk and H7CampaignHeroes_2.upk) to:
gamefolderMight and Magic Heroes VIIMMH7GameCookedPCEditorTemplatesCampaign
(overwrite data: yes) - make sure to create backup
3) Open MMH7 Editor in an Unreal mod - open Content Browser
4) Find the files H7CampaignHeroes.upk and H7CampaignHeroes_2.upk and under right click, choose "Fully Load" if it is available
5) Open the properties of the hero you are playing for in the campaign
6) In properties, make sure the "Override hero class skills" is checked
7) In properties, right click each skill and you can change the skills the hero has access to and/or up to which rank. When using classical skilling, make sure you still keep 3GM/3major/4 minor ones. When using random skilling, you need only to change "Tier of this skill" to Grandmaster for each skill. Or if you are planning to learn another skill which is not among those ones, replace any one skill with the one you wish to learn. However, the game will still use the percentages for the original class.
8) Save the package, you're done
Example: Ivan in H7CampaignHeroes_2.upk is already modified for random skilling. The prime magic (9) was replaced by defense and all skills can be learnt as GM which means they won't disappear among missions and in GUI.
What are the percentages for partcicular skills for particular hero classes?
See the sheet with numbers: Skill percentages
What to do to make the game more difficult than it is?
Unless you're a talented programmer, you can't probably change the AI behaviour with AI Scripts modding tutorial.
However, you can still do several easy steps:
Creature growth/resources: Open the folder H7Config in MMH7 Editor (MMH7Game/CookedPC/Data/H7Config). Fully load, open H7AdventureConfig properties and under difficulty, you can increase the AI creature growth & resources multiplier. Don't forget to save thepackage afterwards.
Spells/skills: If you download the files mentioned above which fix skilling in campaigns, you can go to these files to change the properties of enemy heroes: you can teach them some powerful spells or skills or give them some stat bonuses. Don't forget to save thepackage afterwards.
How to call a caravan at any location at the adventure map?
To do call a caravan to any location, one should press the button in the SE corner of the adventure map: Caravans
A torch will appear at the hero's location. Click on the flag above the torch to open army recruitment window. Select a town where from you'd like to call a caravan and make a recruitment.
When the caravan arrive at the camp, you will be able to enter the camp by clicking on the torch like on any other building.
How to make any hero defend a garrison or fort?
Enter the building and drag hero's portrait to the empty slot. From now, this hero will stay INSIDE the building behind the walls in the combat.
How to choose players you want to play with in Multiplayer mod?
If you create the Multiplayer game, starting from the Patch 2.0, the game will be visible only for your Uplay friends.
If you want to give the other players an opportunity to play with you, you have to press the make map open button in thr SE corner of the launching screen. Then the map should appear in the map list for all players.
Where to find the interactive map of Ashan, the world H7 is situated in?
You can find it on this link: Ashan World Map
How to create bigger maps in the game?
Go to the location of your game:
MMH7 > MMH7Game > Config >DefaultGame.txt (will open as notepad)
do Ctrl-F search the word 'cenable'
It will take you down to a [MMH7Game.H7RandomMapWindowCntl]
It will say this: cEnableBigMaps = false
If you turn False to True you will enable enable creation of big RMG maps (200x200 and 300x300) in multiplayer.
Note: all parties must have a very good internet and uplay connection.
Where to find any fan maps or mods for H7?
Don't forget to uninstall all mods as soon as new game update comes!
Some very good mods compatible with the final version of the game (2.21):
Ready to install
New Duel Heroes by Libertad
Scaled Creatures by Mr3Lion
New Combat Maps by Romansen
Bugfix 2.21 by Syliber
Balance Mod by Romansen
Work in progress
Wryn Pendragon: Umbramancer by Lord Graa (fan expansion)
Alternative Creatures Mod by Acid Dragon
Ashan to the Trashcan Mod by Lizzard Warrior
Are there any tutorials how to use the map editor?
You can find some guides here: Hommdb
For more complex modding knowledge, see World of Heroes videos
How to make H7 starting faster without the beginning animations?
1) Open the folder "Movies" on the "MMH7 Game" folder
2) Find all files starting with "Startup_"
3) Change the suffix of these files to anything else or simply delete these files if you don't want to run them any more.
What to do if H7 doesn't work as intended?
Ubisoft has decided to abandon the game support and leave the game unfinished. However, unlike Ubisoft, the community will not disappoint you. Join the community effort to fix H7!
1) Report the bugs to the 2.21 buglist thread: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=43654
2) Download the latest bugfix version from that thread
3) Follow the instructions in thread if you want to try to fix the bugs.
Singleplayer & launching issues:
1) Verify your game files in Uplay
2) Run the app with administrators' rights
3) In the case you are using Windows 10, run the app with W7 or W8 compatibility
Multiplayer issues:
1) There is an official guide what to do if you encounter any MP problems: Ubi Guide
If any of the issues are still persisting:
contact Ubisoft support
If you have any other tips which should be mentioned, please, write them below.

Hero of Order
posted August 26, 2016 05:17 PM |
Nifty collection of nice-to-know stuff 
Antalyan said:
How to call a caravan at any location at the adventure map?
To do call a caravan to any location, one should press the button in the SE corner of the adventure map.
A torch will appear at the hero's location. Click on the flag above the torch to open army recruitment window. Select a town where from you'd like to call a caravan and make a recruitment.
When the caravan arrive at the camp, you will be able to enter the camp by clicking on the torch like on any other building.
So if I understand correctly, you are basically able to create a defenseless fort at any place on the map? And when all the creatures are moved to a hero the camp will disappear? If so, it opens up a lot of interesting possibilities.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted August 26, 2016 05:58 PM |
QP awarded for the OP.
With regards to the random skilling part, might it be a good idea to place a reminder/disclaimer there that you have to set these options again after every patch? As I understand it, swapping between random and free pick causes ... issues.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 26, 2016 06:40 PM |
Maurice said:
With regards to the random skilling part, might it be a good idea to place a reminder/disclaimer there that you have to set these options again after every patch? As I understand it, swapping between random and free pick causes ... issues.
Indeed good idea, updated 
Brukernavn said: Nifty collection of nice-to-know stuff 
Antalyan said:
How to call a caravan at any location at the adventure map?
To do call a caravan to any location, one should press the button in the SE corner of the adventure map.
A torch will appear at the hero's location. Click on the flag above the torch to open army recruitment window. Select a town where from you'd like to call a caravan and make a recruitment.
When the caravan arrive at the camp, you will be able to enter the camp by clicking on the torch like on any other building.
So if I understand correctly, you are basically able to create a defenseless fort at any place on the map? And when all the creatures are moved to a hero the camp will disappear? If so, it opens up a lot of interesting possibilities.
Exactly as you say, except for one thing: the camp, which btw. costs 2000 gold, remains on the map so you can return to it to use it again.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Known Hero
posted August 27, 2016 09:33 PM |
Edited by SoilBurn at 21:34, 27 Aug 2016.
Thanks Antalyan for the great post. I learned the changing direction trick from one of your earlier posts and it has proven to be extremely useful ever since.
I also recommend tha everyone checks out the Ashan interactive map that is linked in the first post. If you are into lore like me, you will definitely enjoy it.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 28, 2016 02:18 PM |

Known Hero
posted August 29, 2016 05:09 PM |
Antalyan said:
Then I hope you know about this thing 
You're late my friend. This book sits firmly since it was first released in my book shelf and I keep coming back to it every few months ;-)

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 29, 2016 07:59 PM |
SoilBurn said:
Antalyan said:
Then I hope you know about this thing 
You're late my friend. This book sits firmly since it was first released in my book shelf and I keep coming back to it every few months ;-)
I expected it to be so but I had to ask 
Pity no other books like this one exist.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted October 20, 2016 05:53 PM |
Edited by Antalyan at 17:54, 20 Oct 2016.
Final game version update!
- Added mod list, percentages for skills
- Improved technical support information
I think it would be useful if you could get this thread pinned.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 21, 2016 01:54 AM |
Edited by Galaad at 01:58, 21 Oct 2016.
No let it fall into oblivion!
j/k, or not.
You should add Lizard's modding tutorial so you guys get to work.


Hired Hero
posted January 20, 2017 11:49 AM |
Does anyone know how the artifact forge works?

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted January 20, 2017 05:56 PM |
Laz3456 said: Hello,
Does anyone know how the artifact forge works?
You come to that building and move 4 artefacts from one set (the supported sets are mentioned in the forge description) from your hero inventory (left) to the squares in the building (right). Afterwards, an ultimate artefact should appear in the square in the middle - move it to your inventory.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)


Hired Hero
posted January 31, 2017 02:58 PM |
Ah I see now, earlier I was not aware that artefacts where separated into specific groups.
BTW, do you know if the alternative creature’s mod out dated as I installed it last night and when I tried to recruit units it crashed my game?
I only have H7 deluxe edition without 'trial by fire' which I know would create problems.

Known Hero
posted January 31, 2017 04:14 PM |


Hired Hero
posted January 31, 2017 05:13 PM |
Edited by Laz3456 at 17:27, 31 Jan 2017.
Blast! Thanks for confirming.
If I can find time to work out the editor this will definitely be on my list to try and re-create.
Gold dragon for Haven, Manticore, Blackguard and Lizardman for Dungeon, firebird for Sylvan, Arcane Archer for Acadamy, I really do need to look into that editor!

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted January 31, 2017 06:01 PM |
Laz3456 said: Blast! Thanks for confirming.
If I can find time to work out the editor this will definitely be on my list to try and re-create.
Gold dragon for Haven, Manticore, Blackguard and Lizardman for Dungeon, firebird for Sylvan, Arcane Archer for Acadamy, I really do need to look into that editor!
Afaik AcidDragon (mod author) promised to creature a new version of the mod but we haven't received any update info about it for months, so I'm not sure about that.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)


Hired Hero
posted January 31, 2017 06:05 PM |
In that case I will try to get in touch with him/her and see if I can help!

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted February 02, 2017 02:57 PM |
Laz3456 said: In that case I will try to get in touch with him/her and see if I can help!
That will be definitely appreciated.
Or, if you have some ideas how to that, you can check if you are not able to eliminate some very annoying Bugs
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted March 19, 2017 05:14 PM |
Edited by Antalyan at 17:08, 07 Dec 2017.


Hired Hero
posted July 01, 2018 08:42 AM |
Antalyan said: Final game version update!
- Added mod list, percentages for skills
- Improved technical support information
I think it would be useful if you could get this thread pinned.
In "Unofficial Community Patch"
There is a pesky bug, Trial Of fire Crimson Dragon (Red is OK) don't fly after upgrade, yes it walks only.
Bad thing if you need to conquer castle 
Please fix this Bratan'